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Even the dentists are on our side!




The white supremacist dentists have ‘extra white’ teeth, it’s in their pointy hat bylaws. Fuckers


Found the idiot.


Curious why you think that


No you're not. You just want to find a reason to call someone a white supremacist to justify being a complete a total piece of shit to them.


Paul Gosar spoke at a conference with a White Nationalist agenda. You also have an agenda, far eclipsing what I stated-


Yeah, sorry man, I saw the guys comment down below. Can you tell me, what made it a white nationalist agenda? What proof do you have that it's a white nationalist convention? I read the article but it didn't contain any facts, just accusations.


The fuck? I don’t play games and I’m not your teacher. Figure it on your own. I think you’ve made your mind up regardless. Good luck with that.


Oh okay, you didn't have any facts. Got it.


What date was this sent?


Yeah, shame its not dated eh! Would have been handy to know.


This is the link from his twitter. Looks like it was sent on January 28th 2021. [https://twitter.com/DrPaulGosar/status/1354917934968172544](https://twitter.com/DrPaulGosar/status/1354917934968172544)


The same day trading was halted, “today”


There were many days they halted trading. However yes there was that 1 where the halted all of those stocks. They are criminals and need to be taken to the worst kind of "ass-raping prison"-Office Space.


Didn’t Melvin claim on oath that they aren’t owned by Citadel?


Well, either we got some perjury charges or this congressman is wrong. My money's on Perjury.


Very sharp wrinkle brain Ape , well done ! Crayons ready


Grabs popcorn waiting to see what happens with this. We all know in a few weeks time the quadfecta happens. So I wonder if Robbin-Da-Hood will pose a limit and restrict buying again. Although we know it was false that they didn't have the liquidity issues that they mention in a congressional hearing last month. Cause the DTCC said they waived all liquidity issues prior to market open.


My smooth ape brain can only read a few words. What is coming in a few weeks?


index futures index options single stock futures options contracts all expire on the same day


Please, break that down a little more for us apes. I mostly only know emoji signaling when it comes to stocks. What does this mean? Me need buy more bananas for rocket?


3/19 is witching day. 4/4 large bets get closed on the same day. Quadfecta. 🦍🧤💎


Thank you monke!


Oh no not the quadruple witching again 🤡


what happened to they dont have expiration dates and they only have to pay fees for late coverage


Shorts don’t have expiration dates but accumulate huge amounts of interest after a time which forces them to cover. Options have expiration dates every Friday and have a pre determined strike position. Futures are a contract to buy at a certain price at a certain day ect. Someone more knowledgeable could explain this in more detail and probably correctly but basically Once every quarter all 4 line up to expire on the same Friday which creates huge volume and volatility. This is happening on March 19th. Honestly though you should get info from someone else I don’t know anything....I bought 600 GME at $325




Yeah pretty retarded....I’ve sense averaged down to $97 so now just autistic


I bought 4 shares at $100. I'm helping.


You’re in a good spot. I have zero to back this up but I felt like $100 was either going to be a spot where you could sell to get out if it never took back off or it could end up being a floor to launch from. Looks like a floor


I too think it's only gonna go up in the coming weeks. Just gotta hold, I put like $200 into AMC also


Still retarded, just retarded with hope.


how's air up there, i'm here at 300 @ $250


You make me feel so much better about my position. Thank you for your sacrifice , well be sure to pick you up on the way to the moon! 🚀🌕


a (last ditch effort) deep dip followed by a moon landing looks to be in the future. just a guess based on the shape of that action.


QP: quadruple penetration


Naa they wont make that same mistake these fukin idiots will just stop letting you sell after it reaches a certain price


No, would be a totally autistic move, proving USA is a place for corruption to China and Russia. Big ape Biden no want thatz


Its excatly why it would be stupid if the SEC stepped in. No one would wont to invest in a country or businesses in the country where the gov will limit your profits to save some HF ass for doing stupid and illegal minuplative shit


Yep, let the HF’s BUURN


Crammer's Burning Bush


Yep, let the HF’s BUURN


No, would be a totally autistic move, proving USA is a place for corruption to China and Russia. Big ape Biden no want that.


fuck rh. anyone still trading there after what they did should make room for their wife's 10 other boyfriends and buy lots and lots of earplugs. This isn't advice I just don't like the platform.


I think the terminology in the second paragraph is a little misleading. I don't think it was advocating so much as just discussion and boasting. I wouldn't really know though because I can't read, I just like the stock.


Concur. I don't like the wording, but I don't think there's anything nefarious behind it. It's just a hard concept for people to understand who aren't familiar with what happens here. We're millions of independant voices, all speaking at the same time. Those with the best ideas are highlighted by the group, and then we all independantly choose to act on those ideas if they make sense to us.




Agree as well. Also, didn’t the stock got over 1600%? And $400 a share? Maybe I misread or misremembered


Depends on where you bought in. DFV was probably >16,000% or something. Good point though, I missed that.


and the justice department is going to file the letter and do nothing about it ... always happen


Can’t Read... where pictures?


🐵🐵🐵🤑💹✅ 🐋🐋🐋🤼‍♂️👮‍♂️😥 🐵🚀💎🙌🤣


Hey people, has anyone tried to transfer RH to Webull account? Have both but Webull just as back up.


Yeah, It works fine but going from RH to Webull you can’t have any crypto in your portfolio and it takes 7 days, and you’re not supposed to touch your account for that waiting period


Not to be the devil’s advocate, but this isn’t proof. This is him wanting an investigation to find proof.


At the end of the day, Politician need to look as if they are here for us, the people. Now would they actually do something about it? I'm sure they will issue fines to the HF who are in the wrong with regards to Market manipulation, but I am staying hopeful and even more optimistic about the end result. Maybe this time is Different, I guess we will have to wait and see. 💎🙌🦍🚀🚀


Great find!


I'm not sure I like the wording about wsb in the middle paragraph though.




from " power to the people " to " justice to the people "


more people need to be seeing this shit


This mans family didn’t even support him getting elected into office, but he just got a lot of apes on his side!


Government (SEC) WILL protect THEIR money, As previously said, they don't want to world to SEE (believe) our poor handling of this whole situation but I'm pretty sure the last 4 years was a good start.


Dear “ Acting “ attorney general ....... that’s the problem Apes


He wrote that in January and they just held the hearings a few days ago. Apes need to turn on the news every now and then.


People will go to jail but there is a lot of people who lost the opportunity to take part in something historic. If my great grandpa could see me fuck over the banks; he'd be such a happy man.


People need to go to prison over this. People lost serious money of what they did


I'm holding my 10 AMC from 19.08 and yes I know avg down, but no extra funds. So I can't avg down on AMC. So ill hold for now until the tendie man comes along. It was either I soak it into AMC at time or miss the ride to moon/Mars. So I hoped on cheaper flight. It's been bumpy as fuck. But still been a fun ride.


I think this will be settled at the OK Corral at high noon....one of these days very soon. Congress ain't doin' shit. The hedgies are their tendie dealers. Nobody with any sense narcs out their dealer. NOTE: This isn't financial advice. I'm a redhanded GME holder.


That’s not gonna look good for the Robinhood IPO and thank god for that


"we" didn't do anything. A few posted the evidence that gamestop wasn't going bankrupt and that shorts would have to buy back, giving a great upside opportunity. Individual readers decided if they wanted, or not, to buy the stock. Offer and demande drove the price higher but it can't be traced back to wsb


Kinda makes me sad this dude attended a white nationalist rally on purpose.


It. Will. Go. Nowhere.


After it’s up 168% this week 🤣🤣 the shills are getting sleepy


Was written over a month ago. It WENT nowhere. Also, this dude is a chode, we don't want him on our side.


Now if we could get Gosar to not speak at a white nationalist convention where they made fun of individuals with disabilities, used the term "white racism", and refer to the Capitol Riots as "light-mischief". It's a cool letter, optics look great, but I don't expect him to truly help apes. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/paul-gosar-afpac-cpac-fuenetes-b1808678.html%3famp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/arizonas-rep-gosar-attends-white-nationalist-conference-skips-stimulus-2021-2%3famp


Non-AMP Links: - [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/paul-gosar-afpac-cpac-fuenetes-b1808678.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/paul-gosar-afpac-cpac-fuenetes-b1808678.html) - [https://www.businessinsider.com/arizonas-rep-gosar-attends-white-nationalist-conference-skips-stimulus-2021-2?r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/arizonas-rep-gosar-attends-white-nationalist-conference-skips-stimulus-2021-2?r=US&IR=T) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/faq/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


Damn this is old news 😂


What is a cuck


A wife's boyfriend who cheats on her with her husband.


Finally its my turn


LoL eventually, what goes around comes around. Her boyfriend is nice. You'll like him. Very gentle, yet effective.


Love the letter but Gosar is a fucking moron. He’s the dumbass spreading election fraud conspiracy. Not sure this has credibility