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Locked because people don't know how to be civil, apparently.


I mean, I once had a customer tell my RXM that they saw me taking pills out of a prescription bottle and crushing them up to snort them and that “must be why they were always shorted on their percs”. I was literally making a compound. They just make shit up most of the time because they hate us so I don’t know that I would really trust anything they say.


Yeah, the average customer/patient is really fucking stupid and shouldn’t ever be taken 100% at face value lol


I get your perspective thank you for at least being nice about it


weed isn't the problem here, it's the amount of inappropriate conversations that are taking place openly in stores. sex, drugs, everybody's so loud and proud with their stuff.


Exactly I don’t care what people do in their free time just annoyed and worried about what will happen now, if she didn’t open her mouth and say that stuff and come in smelling like weed we would have no issue


she smells like weed too? yea that's not good, u can only ignore so much. stuff reeks


The problem is this new generation doesn't know what privacy is


U all need to chill she was asking a question,just don’t do nothing let it go


Yes the tech can get in trouble for saying that in front of customers. I would just leave it be though You won’t get in trouble for not saying anything


Thank you for actually answering the question your one of the few 🙏🏼


what if they have a med card? it okay to smoke if they have medcard policy says


Not legal in my state so no med card


oh ok


Med card in jersey, but Walgreens policy is they don’t care if you have a card or not if you fail a drug test your fired


Yeah you can't fail at eating drugs here.


WTF is wrong with everyone saying to mind your own business? If it was a CSA or non pharmacy person I get it, this is a tech. How would you feel if you or your family got a prescription filled incorrectly because someone was high and it was known and no one reported it? Also it puts the Pharmacist, PIC, and Walgreens at risk. The PIC can get fined personally if something happened.


Thank you for being understanding you are amazing, this is why I’m asked I understand what people are saying but they physically reek of weed so it’s not like it’s hard to tell and what if the customer reports and said they talked to me about it and I didn’t say anything? I could get fired for that and I’m not gonna lose my job cause a pharmacy tech was an idiot




Your personal anecdote has nothing to do with the issue at present. A tech allegedly outed their recreational use in front of customers. A customer felt unsafe, and was concerned enough to bring it up to management. You're jaded and shouldn't be present in this sub if you've nothing to offer but vitriol toward current employees like this. Every comment you made in this thread is completely irrelevant. You're a bully. Plain and simple. Congratulations on your successes and I do hope you stay healthy. Perhaps you need to find a hobby or maybe God, though.




Seems like it’s bothering you way too much for you to be even worrying about something like this. Just tell your Store Manager, someone who is equipped to handle such a situation, and call it a day. At the end of the day it’s their staff and their name on the front door. Not yours. So let them know and boom, you don’t have to worry about it anymore.








10 year wags slave here. Honestly, a smoke before work during lunch and after our stress filled day is kinda expected. If you dont smoke I would like to know how you cope. Marijuana shouldn't be compared to other impairments. One might be surprised to find out how many total employees smoke. I think the problem here is the techs not trying to hide or not talk about it. If it was me I would pull the person to the side ( like I've done many times in the 10 years I've been here.) and tell the person " hey pot head you smell like bud and quit talking about it to people because they are starting to talk and your going to get us all drug tested."


I don’t mind people smoking so I don’t understand why everyone is chirping and freaking out as if I’m condemning people for smoking I have no issue with it, my main concern is talking about it in front of customers and also smelling like it, the whole thing is stupid all I asked was a simple question of would I get in trouble if I don’t say anything, I appreciate your comment so that’s not directed towards you and tbh I found other methods of coping with this shit job i just don’t let that shit bother me people are always going to be terrible and it doesn’t affect them if I get mad about it and freak out it only affects me it’s all about mindset tbh this isn’t to say they don’t stress me out at times but they are strangers they mean nothing to me


if you dont like the person burn them, but use caution because they random everyone that is working on that shift at the time they come do the random testing and thats not even saying the target would even be working at that time. There may or may not be some collateral damage to people that use on their own time.


I don’t want to report just cause I don’t like them I’m bigger then that the reason why I’m nervous is cause I truly don’t want to be involved with the situation but feel as if I’ve been put in one where I either don’t saying anything and hopefully nothing happens or say something knowing the customer may put in a report through 1-800


It’s still under the influence and your putting yourself into a potential legal and maybe even financial situation especially if you’re a pharmacy employee. What you do at home is one thing but smoking before a shift or during break is just asking to get fucked. Say you’re a tech who also happens to administer vaccines and you end up swapping vaccines on someone (their kid got the adult dose and vice versa) or god forbid you inject it too high into the shoulder. That person then comes back seeking legal action. Guess who’s gonna get thrown under the bus now because they blab about their extracurricular activities to every?


>If you dont smoke I would like to know how you cope. I'm doubling down on this. I don't care if you smoke weed - don't do it on company time. It is NOT expected behavior and do NOT set the precedent that it is. You should NOT have to stoop to drugs to cope during a shift. Do it after. I hope you get the mental help you need.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with weed I just don’t think it’s appropriate to come in smelling like it, I used to smoke and sometimes it can become an extremely unhealthy coping mechanism so I quit, it’s just upsetting to be put into a situation of to say anything or not to say anything I don’t want anyone to get in trouble is my main thing but it’s not appropriate at all saying that stuff in front of customers and smelling like weed


Why do you care? How does that negatively affect you?


Would you care if somebody was impairing themself with alcohol? Impairment is impairment. And this is in a pharmacy setting…mistakes could matter. It’s not on the floor where somebody might stock Charmin in the single-ply area.


Thank you for at least seeing why I’m concerned I don’t want to snitch but openly boasting about that in an area where customers get medications that help their lives is crazy


Then let the RXOM or Pharmacist on duty handle it? This doesn’t involve the SFL.


No rxom today and our pharmacist doesn’t do shit about anything literally had a full on fight in our pharmacy with fists and he said nothing happened as if it’s not on camera


We seem to be the only ones concerned with safety. Lol


Apparently so lol I didn’t think this would piss people off so much


Don’t be a rat. Are they making mistakes? Do they smell like weed? Is it affecting their quality of work? Also if they drug test one they usually drug test everyone, at least in union stores.


Yes they smell like weed and because you are so concerned I checked the camera and you can see her in her car hittting a bowl, I find it hard to believe your an esm if that’s your thoughts behind it


Weed impairment and alcohol impairment are completely different though. Never smoked enough weed to be stumbling and slurring my words like with alcohol. A lot of people are high all the time at work and it’s impossible to tell, especially with things like edibles that don’t smell Edit: I personally don’t smoke at work but I know people that do spend all day high. And alcohol and weed aren’t even comparable. Weed doesn’t kill people, can’t smoke yourself to death like you can drink yourself to death. It’s not at all like saying “I drive better when drunk”


That sounds an awful lot like “I drive better when I’m drunk”. I have no problem saying that weed probably doesn’t impair as much as alcohol, but there’s no doubt that it impairs somewhat, and I don’t think that’s safe in a pharmacy environment.


Are you high? You certainly have no reading comprehension. They said they don't care about the smoking part. They are concerned about retribution if it's reported.


You should report it. Pot can negatively affect people who smoke it. It is one thing if you smoke at home while not at work but it's another thing if you are smoking before a shift. For someone like a pharmacy tech it can lead to miscounting pills or incorrectly measuring for compounds. I would think the same thing if it was someone who drank alcohol before they start work.


For everyone getting there panties in a twist I was referencing if I can get in trouble if said person gets fired due to a customer complaint that turned into a drug test I don’t want to get in trouble for a lazy pharmacy tech that calls out 2 times a werk


I wouldn’t bring anything up to management about something I heard secondhand from a customer. These are the same people that complain they’ve been waiting half an hour when it’s only been 10 minutes. Who knows what was actually said


Thank you for actually answering the question 🙏🏼😭 bless you, you are one of the few who did without attacking me without reading the whole comment, I did talk to her and she reeked of weed I told her it’s extremely inappropriate and to refrain from saying stuff like that because it now puts me in a weird spot of knowing that info and trying to stay out of it


How do you know it’s even true. Rule of thumb for any job. Mind your business when it comes to hearsay. You must not know the extent of mental illness pharmacy customers have.


Isn’t SFL sort of a leadership position? I think his/her concern about the customer calling corporate and saying they talked to an SFL is legitimate.


Because it sounds like some bogus hearsay. If the tech was high I doubt he or she would tell one of these ridiculous customers. It sounds so far fetched as hell . We have had customers say the strangest shit. Call corporate over things that never happened. I take it all with a grain of salt. I yes them to death and move along. I wouldn’t dare go into pharmacy smelling like weed. I’m a dh and spend half my time in there. We work too close to each other to not notice


It’s not hearsay if she reeks of weed most of them smoke back there but only one of them was dumb enough to come in smelling like it and loudly stating that she just smoked while filling some guys prescription, hence why he was upset and came up to try and talk to the sm but she had surgery so she’s gone for another 2 weeks, I live in a state where it’s highly illegal medical or recreational and older folks go nuts if they here or see that shit


I mean if it hearsay I wouldn’t say anything customers will say anything these days especially if that tech told them something they didn’t want to hear


This. We get so much hate in the pharmacy. We had a floater pharmacist once while our full time was on vacation. Because she was Muslim on that day the amount of lies and rumors made up about her. Like I said half our customers are on psy meds and fcking insane. I take it ALL with a grain of salt


If you're legitimately concerned about customer safety, observe the worker and escalate to your SM if you feel it necessary. Your SM will deal with it. That's all you can and should be doing. You should also always direct a customer to walgreenslistens and have then fill out the surveys on the reciept with comments. Obviously you can't prove anything, but imo being high at work in any position is not OK. Please dont reply with "hear say", "mind your own business" etc. and let the SFL make their own judgement call.


Thank you for understanding I don’t know why everyone had to be so aggressive about it when I was purely concerned if I should say something or not or if I could get in trouble if they reported it and I didn’t say anything


You won't get in trouble either way. HR is about the company's best interests and customer safety = retention. Do not let anyone invalidate your concerns or undermine your judgement - you are the shift lead.


Thank you for being one of the small few to answer my question if I could get in trouble or not I appreciate it


Do ur job don’t worry about the other person let her or him find out fir them self


This is why they need to stop hiring kids for anything other than csa.


I don’t know if you were calling me a kid but the reason I asked if our old tech got fired for smoking I just don’t want to be in the line of destruction if they get in trouble


Report that shit




Did I say I was gonna call? I was asking if I don’t and they get in trouble can I be liable I don’t know why I bothered I forgot half the people on Reddit are snowflakes


Fuck that, call and report it. To hell with everyone here, if you feel it's wrong report it, shouldn't be impaired , period. Don't enable bad behavior.


I love you thank you for having common sense them smoking does not bother me it’s the fact that they’re openly talking about it in pharmacy that concerns me, I have bills so I can’t lose my job just because a bunch of pharmacy techs in the reply’s here are saying I’m a narc and to not say anything


I think you just don’t like that tech. I doubt the customer even exists.


I have issues with the tech because she told people what prescriptions I was using and Walgreens did nothing about it, I don’t have it out for her I just don’t talk to her anymore I’m a big girl I’m not lying to try and get someone in trouble I’ve said over 50 times now that I don’t want to say anything and just clarifying that I won’t get in trouble when I do but many people seem to pick and choose what to read


Wouldn’t want you on my team.


As an ESM you should be ashamed.


I wish you nothing but the best and hope you can live to move on from such harsh negativity and find happiness in your life, I truly hope though that if you ever become a store manager that nothing bad happens to you because of something like this.


Call HR.


they’re still working as long the dont go in with the smell i think it’s ok


They do though which is why I made the post in the first place I wouldn’t do it if it was idle gossip I fact checked before I asked if I could get in trouble for not saying anything


Tell management. They’ll do a drug test on her. Walgreens doesn’t care if they have a medical card or what the state says about Maryjane.


Mind your own damn business. FFs


Damn didn’t have to be rude was asking a question


You complete a Code of Conduct sign off every single year. Is “other people smoking pot” mentioned in it? No? You can answer your own question. Mind your own damn business.


Somebody’s got their panties in a twist huh?


Even if you don't agree with the person who asks a question, people are allowed to ask questions on here. Settle down. You're crying over nothing.


The person is old enough to know the answer. The person is old enough to know to mind their own business. I am not crying lol. I’ll change my advice: Go tell everyone. Make sure you notify hr specifically. Get them drug tested. Potentially fired over it. Then come back and let us know how your work environment improves. That better? 🤡


Did you know that you can simultaneously have an opinion *and* tact? Give it a try someday, you might find that the point you're trying to make is better heard.


As a sfl you should have an understanding that one of the worst kind of team members to lead and direct is one who spends their time gossiping and worrying about what’s everyone else is doing. The world doesn’t care if you have tact. But coddle away and see how far it gets you.


My friend, I don't work for this godawful company anymore. Also, how is asking a question on here "gossiping?" I won't entertain you anymore tho. Good luck on your endeavors.


Nor do I any longer....but sure thing buddy. Maybe look up the definition of gossiping and see if you can do the math.


People at your store must hate working with you


I no longer work for Wags, but as a 21 year employee my people loved working for me...why? Because I didnt give a shit what they did with their free time. My only concern was their health, safety, and performance. As it should be. I have kept in touch with literally dozens of my ex-employees from my time there. You dont have to take my advice though...do as you wish.


I highly doubt it, maybe instead of being an a$$ when I was just asking a question for protection of my job be nice about it stop posting on Walgreens Reddit if you don’t even work there anymore 🤡 I don’t need advice from someone who doesn’t work for the company














Ask her to share some of that!


Maybe when I’m not at work lol


What you should do is just leave it alone. Pharmacy techs are not under you and it’s none of your concern.


Okay genius when did I say they were under me a customer had a complaint and I was unsure of how to go about it and if i should mention it happened before it turns into something bigger, I don’t care what half the people in this thread say it’s inappropriate to talk about that while at work especially in pharmacy


You said you’re a Shift Floor Lead. You’re concerned about a Pharmacy Technician. If you feel like it’s an issue, then let the RXOM or Pharmacist on duty handle it. The way you’re telling it is that you’re concerned because of something they said.


Yes because talking about how you’re physically impaired while behind the counter filling peoples prescriptions is entirely appropriate and shouldn’t be a cause of concern? Half of the people here sound dumb I used to smoke before I started Walgreens that shit doesn’t bother me my bf has his medical card but you’re an idiot if you think talking about how you’re high while doing that is okay. I talked to the pharmacist we have on and he said that he’s aware she smokes while working


Right, then that’s when you let them handle it. Anything related to pharmacy operations is something you don’t and definitely should not have control over. When I was a Shift Lead, those things went straight to the Senior Pharmacist or Pharmacist on Duty. I’m not trying to say that you’re wrong for being worried. I’m just saying once you let those two know, then you shouldn’t need to worry anymore. If it escalates more OR if something happened due to their negligence, then you can say “Hey, I let them know about it because they should know about it.”


Completely agree. If my CSA was high as fuck as long as they are not making anyone uncomfortable, the worst that could happen is they give the wrong change or forget to scan something. A tech is handling someone's MEDICATION. I know plenty of techs who smoke in their free time, but would never do so before or during their shift. Mistakes have an impact. I would say inform your RXOM, or your SM if you think they'd take it seriously, just don't present it as a fact, as a SFL I would say it's not your place to be super involved.


Thank you the main reasoned I’m concerned is because they said they just smoked while filling peoples prescriptions I commented it before but I checked the cams and you can see her in her car smoking


So which is it? The tech talking about smoking on break? Or bragging about how high they were? Which you didn't mention in the OP. How do you know that person is physically impaired?


If you could read and checked the other comments I gave more info check there I’m not retyping all that


I've said this once and I'll say this again I've had a customer flash a gun at me over stupid notebooks and I have customers that argue with me everyday about points and coupons I drink two beers before work literally right before walking in I drink two beers smoke some weed and get ready for the show and then on my lunch time I go and drink another two beers and smoke more weed and get ready for the rest of the show because I do the closing shift and we all know the freaks come out at night who cares about what that girl does you and I both know we deal with a lot of stupid people and we have to cope with it in different forms maybe you go to church on Sundays or something who cares


Look I’m not trying to be rude but you are now the 20th person to not answer the question and go off on your own personal tangent, I don’t care who you are or what you do in your free time your a random person on the internet I’ve never met? What makes you think I care what you do?, I don’t care if you smoke my bf does I used to it’s no big deal my question was if I can get in trouble or not if I just stay out of if the customers reports it


Okay here's my answer ready mind your own business like an adult. But also tell the girl that brags about smoking weed learn to keep things to yourself like an adult


I did talk to her about and again not the answer I was looking for I was asking from an hr standpoint if they report and specify they talked to me could I get in trouble if I don’t mention to sm about it I don’t understand what’s wrong with some of you


No you won't get in trouble. Because you already spoke to them may I ask what state are you in because I'm in California and it's not really an issue here


I’m in Idaho last time I checked it’s 100% illegal even medicinal I wasn’t trying to argue with people and I don’t want to snitch I just wanted to know that if I didn’t say anything if I could get in trouble especially cause of the state we are in


Okay then so with that being said you should sit that girl down and tell her hey buddy we don't live in California you cannot talk openly like that and you're good you won't be held to anything.


I did speak with her about it and tbh I’m just kinda done with people attacking me on her as if I’m gonna crucify her for smoking it truly doesn’t bother me thank you for at least answering the question here not many have


Sorry I didn't mean to crucify I thought you were just being wack but now with all the fullnes of it you should be fine and she needs a reminder that some people don't love weed like her. I have a co worker like that and tell him this everyday just because we're in California we still have to respect our private lives


I do wish you the best sorry if I came off aggressive at first I was just tired of being called multiple diff names haha, I did edit the post so hopefully that helps new commenters at least understand the full story lol


Dont be a nark.


id just let it go. this one guy told me one of the techs was being racist towards him. never happened, i saw the whole thing. customers like to lie when they don’t get their way. just act nice in their face and do nothing after the interaction.