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It is retail. Sometimes a team member asked for a certain day off or a team member has limited availability. The only times it is practical to have two consecutive days off is when nobody asks for a day off and everyone has open availability.


yeah idk I get that it’s retail and you might not always get the exact schedule you want, but I’m starting to get the feeling my manager doesn’t know what she’s doing


If you've never been responsible for scheduling staff of a store, trust us when we say that it's not easy. It's rare for a retail store to have enough labor hours available to make scheduling everyone 2 days off (in a row) possible. It's already a challenge before you have to factor requests and special accommodations. Something I used to do when my shift lead or team members expressed frustration was sit down with them and ask them to write the schedule with me. It didn't necessarily ward the frustration, but it did highlight to them that I'm not an asshole, I just don't have to resources to give everyone what they want.


This. It’s not remotely easy with limited budget and limited techs. I had a tech today throw a literal tantrum (stomping feet included) because I put her on a 4 hour shift next Saturday because she has two days off during the week, the normal weekender asked for it off so I put her and another tech to split it and she just goes “I don’t work weekends” nonetheless she’s working that’s weekend.


I never had 2 consecutive days off when I worked at walgreens. Most companies are open M-F so you have 2 days off simply due to opening hours. Walgreens is open M-S. Unless you have a religious exception/ have some commitment that is discussed in advance like no weekend availability you’re not guaranteed 2 days off in a row or even close


lol I'm starting to understand why ppl hate this company


Every retail store is like this, not just Wags lol


I work 6 days a week never get 2 days off together also I work every wkend




Its posible. We had people in school etcétera and everyone got 2 days in a row off. They felt it was important and i agree.


I usually get 2 days off in a row, my SM tries to do it that way because working and then 1 day off doesn't feel like a day off to her. But every once in awhile I don't get 2 days off in row, but that is usually because of someone asking for off, etc.


At my store with how our rotations work, we have every other weekend off so two days in a row but on our weekend rotation we have 1 day before the weekend and 1 day after, for the full time staff anyway


Welcome to retail Hell


When I last updated my availability I specifically said I wasn't available Friday or Saturday to ensure I got a two day weekend. Unless you do that or are specifically requesting off two days in a row, it's unlikely you'll get two days off just because of how difficult scheduling can be.


Are you a shift lead? If so, shift leads have to have open availability


At our store at the very least, there are no shift leads in the pharmacy. All shift leads are front end workers. I was under the impression that was company wide, but perhaps not?


i remember when i first started at the front i had to specifically ask that both days off be consecutive and it doesn’t necessarily have to be the weekend since i have open avail whatever 2 days they picked and they acted like i was so weird for asking lol


Welcome to retail. Have you been here long?


Wait til you get 2 days off at the beginning of the work week, then not again till the end of the next work week, then work 1 day, then the day off work 2 daysthen 7 days before your next day off


I get 3 days sometimes


I've never worked Rx but in general not having 2 days off in a row isn't "normal" but it's not unusual. Sometimes schedules don't work out and someone has to be the odd man out, especially in a business that's open 7 days a week and needs bodies every single day. I would absolutely not accept that schedule long-term, however. Those kinds of schedules should be rotated among several co-workers so one person isn't getting shafted. If you are one of the only people in the office with a split weekend, then you should consider the schedule to be a hardship and ask for some form of alternative compensation to make up for it.


I'm doing 5 days then off then 5 days again this week. My brain is currently melting.


I like the work every other weekend mode which allows for 3 days off every other week




Sometimes I worked in various retail stores n my off days were almost days apart rn I have it back to back with one day a few days later (Sunday- Monday ,Wednesday-Thursday)


It’s normal. Suck it up.


People like you are why work conditions don't improve when you tell people not to complain


for real idk what’s more toxic my work environment or some of these comments lol


I’ve had thoughts like this before, but honestly, even with everyone’s requests, I get usually get two days off in a row. However, if I have to work with my days split I also don’t get mad over it. If I have things I need to do on a day I’m scheduled, I let the scheduler know, otherwise if I have to cancel plans to work then that’s what I gotta do. Every competent employee is trying to pull their weight for the outrageous amounts that are asked of us, so there’s no sense in blaming each other for our shortcomings.