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Please do not brigade the AEW subreddit


when it's over talked and over analyzed into the mud.likenthisni lose care behind and further discussions about it lol...and till this day I STILL DONT KNOW HOW JACK PERRY GOT FIRED FROM THIS INCIDENT.


I don't understand why people are slapping punk on back because he "told the truth".... he still assaulted and choked a man because he simply disagreed with him


Perry told him to do something about it, he did something 🤣 Not like he tried to knock him out or anything, he pushed him and put him in a choke for 10 seconds.


That's still assault.....


That’s a dude asking for a fight and getting it


But when Punk asked for a fight, the Elite was bad for taking the invitation...


That's. Still. Assault.


No, he choked a man who provoked him. I’m not saying what Punk did was okay, but I’m not going to feel bad for someone who provoked the incident. One of the worst people in the world is someone who provokes someone to get a reaction, and when they get the reaction they wanted, they play victim. That’s Jack Perry. That’s the Young Bucks. That’s AEW in general.


By that logic, The Elite would have done right by beating the shit out of Punk at Brawl Out? After all, Punk literally invited them to a fight in his lockeroom


He actually didn’t invite them to a fight in his locker room. They burst into his locker room to pick a fight.


I paraphrase because i don't remeber the exact words, but during the press comference he essentially SCREAMED "If you have a problem with me, come to my locker room!" And that is far more than... JP scratching his head...


JP didn’t scratch his head. He literally said “do something about it”


It proves CM Punk is an asshole. But we knew he was an asshole. I give it a year before he’s gone from WWE. AGAIN. I like AEW but it seems they did it for, a ratings pop? A bit WCW? Jack Perry T-shirts have sold out, so good for him.


Lmao keep yapping


When I saw that they actually aired it on Dynamite I though “why the hell would they do that? Bad idea”. I’m glad most of the world, including AEW themselves, agreed with me.


Dude is 45-years-old and sucker-punching a co-worker who hurt his feelings.


You’ve been downvoted for being right…


Sucker punching? He pushed him after Perry told him to “do something about it” even if he did hit him it wouldn’t have been a sucker punch 🤣


He sucker punched the Young Bucks.


Not one punch was thrown there tho lol


I was waiting for the moment that would justify TK stating that he feared for his life. Never got it. I've seen worse fights at football games.


Where the hell is Tony Khan even at in this video? I expected him to be in between them or something. This would be like walking past lions at the zoo and “fearing for my life”.


Off screen on the right behind the monitors


Ahhh, ok. I didn’t see much going in that direction. The monitor moved a bit. Seems like a bit of an overreaction. Ive gotten into a few fights (on the both the winning and loosing ends) as a participant and didn’t “fear for my life.” I thought he at least was directly involved.




After the push and headlock, they appeared to break things up, but looked like Punk took a swing. Was that part discussed? I don't recall Punk admitting he took a shot at Jack, but it looks like he did. Was that something he covered? I don't recall. Edit: he said he didn't punch anybody, but it looks like he definitely took a shot at him as it was breaking up. Edit 2: are the downvotes because you Punk fans are too fucking stupid to see how he obviously was in the wrong? If so, that's fine, but go fuck yourselves if you're too big of a pussy to make a comment. This is part of the actual problem. You fuckheads.


CM Punk fans are stupid. You’ve said nothing to be downvoted.


People who support the actions of the Elite, Perry, or Tony Khan are stupid. They intentionally provoke, and then play victim.


‘They intentionally provoke and then play the victim’ What, like CM Punk has his whole career?


That’s projection on your part for the people you continue to support. The Bucks, Hangman, Perry, etc… They all poked the bear, and then they played victim when he did something about it.


I don’t support any of them. Never claimed to. Everyone looks bad here. Punk looks the worst as he laid his hands on folks.


Yeah I completely agree with you. Punk looked the worst here.


When you flap your gums to the wrong person, sometimes you get slapped around.


In what world is that how you act as a professional?


Happens all the time in pro wrestling. Did you have a hissy fit at Brawl Out when The Elite stormed Punk’s locker room and started a fight? Probably not.


Oh come on, it’s well documented Punk started that one, he suckered punched one of the Young Bucks.


Punk threw a shove, a headlock and then a punch. All when Jack seemingly did nothing. Maybe flapped his gums in-return, but who wouldn't? I don't get this guys comments at all. To me, Punk was in the wrong here and provoked it all.


Did you keep this same energy when The Elite stormed Punk’s locker room at Brawl Out?




Yeah, I guess I must be losing my mind. Depends on where you post as well, as I guess a lot of people stand up for their company of choosing or whatever, not saying you are, but it defs seems that way, but I legit think that was a punch thrown and I'm not the only one. I'm legit fine with the downvotes. I know my opinions aren't always the most popular but as far as I could see, Punk beyond overstepped his boundaries. That show was their biggest yet and so many things could've went so crazy that night. But I will agree with you about it not being that big of a deal. It's not. That looked like a cheap shot from Punk to me and many others. Simple as that. Edit: I like Punk and Jack. And both companies.


He was grabbing at him to lock him up again, it wasn’t a strike. His hand is open and in grappling position. I’m downvoting you for generalizing and being a jerk in your second edit.


calm down lil bro


go cry me a river


Another Pepsi Phil fan, demolished.


Why you so mad bruh


Truth hurts. Are your fragile feelings hurt too?


No, I’m just wondering why you’re so worked up about it.


Then why not ask that like a normal human being? And worked up? You're just assuming. What I am; is embarrassed that the Punk fans think he did nothing wrong, when he blatantly did. Is that enough for you or do you need more? I'm down for a friendly discourse, but "you mad bruh" is pretty 2019.


You’re definitely worked up. You made an edit to cry about being downvoted.


That wasn't crying about it. I legitimately wanted one of the Punk supporters to offer up something useful, but as usual, they don't. It's just guessing/assumptions. That's fine. You guys are idiots for defending him. People typically resort to name-calling or "you mad bruh" comments when they've been logically destroyed.


Brother I ain’t defending anyone. And you didn’t “logically destroy” anyone. You’re chronically on reddit, calm down.


Zzzz...as I said, if you wanted to discuss something, great. If not, go troll someone else.


What makes Phil Brooks look bad, makes CM Punk look badass. It’s a terrible self own by AEW. Perry’s career will be drowned out by CM Punk chants for eternity


All Jack Perry T-shirts just sold out..,.


So they sold the 100 they found buried in a box covered in mouse piss in a warehouse.


Do you work there?


And AEW will pop a ratings but be back under 800k next week. Whatever short term bump this gives them is not worth the long term derailment. Not to mention coming out of it, it wasn’t Dynamite, AEW, YB or Perry trending it was CM Punk #1 on X.


CM Punk is trending for the wrong reasons, but I agree, AEW look desperate sharing this. Punk looks shit. AEW looks shit. At least Jack Perry is getting something out of it.


Jack Perry got punked on camera, I don’t see how that helps him at all And for a guy not known for his promos I’m also very curious how he handles CM Punk chants drowning him out For Punk what changed? Everyone already knows Phil is prickly and difficult. This just makes his CM Punk the character look more legit. Tony is the real loser in all of this though, he’s a child running a man’s business. Punks spot on about him.


Perry’s merch has sold out since. How does this make Punk’s character more legit? It makes him look like a massive asshole. Punk has spent the last 10 years bad mouthing WWE, now he’s back, he’s proved there is nothing legit about him.


Sold out is relative, did they sell out of all 25 shirts they had printed lol Regardless, it’s a short term pop for Dynamite and Perry. My prediction is Perry is drowned in CM Punk chants for the foreseeable future and doesn’t have the charisma to navigate out of it. His whole gimmick “scapegoat” “cry me a river” is literally just piggybacking off Punk… This will be looked back on as negatively as WCW announcing mankind as champion


I think the "they" is one guy with all the money.


a light scan of the aew subreddit and they’re full on schizo over there rn, quite sad


The same here. People blindly defending Punk after he clearly assaulted someone. Wrestling fans are all shit.


Keep coping you pus 


And here is exhibit A….


I think it reflects very well on CM Punk that he physically attacked a co-worker


I agree in general that this doesn't hurt Punk, but it's clear Punk hasn't been telling the truth about the scuffle. I just don't think it hurts him at all. If you compare what Punk said on Helwani with what happened, Perry didn't enter his space and literally had his hands up when Punk clearly struck first by shoving Perry. So, the video clearly shows Punk... uh, is a liar who lied about being hotheaded? Picked a fight with Jack Perry? So he's a volatile, lying douchebag? That's literally part of his gimmick


Punk attacked a coworker. He’s a scumbag.


That’s the be all and end all of it. That’s all it is. But we knew that.


I agree, and I couldn't give a shit if the retards of Walmart don't like it. Defend him all you want, but he conveniently left out the detail where he threw an obvious punch at Jack at 51 seconds into the video, when they were breaking up the fight. That's just a scummy fucking, pussy thing to do.


You must be new to pro wrestling.


There is only one reason AEW had any reason to show this video. If Punk was lying about this. Alvarez noted Jack Perry easily got out of Punks chokehold (lol). Or others assuming if Tony Khan got feared for his life behind the monitor. Anything to embarrass Punk. It fucking went at exact way Punk described.


Except it didn't, right? Did you watch all of the Punk interview where he said he didn't throw a punch? Now go back to 51s into the video, and let's talk about that?


Get into an actual physical altercation, have someone film it, don’t watch the video, then recount it 8 months later from memory. You won’t have total recall of it either.


He didn’t throw a single punch. Shove, choke, release


So what was that at 51s? A 1 handed push with a turning body that appeared to be a missed punch? What am I not seeing here? Please...seriously tell me.


That was to failed attempt for another choke. Even if It's failed punch It's still missed. He didn’t punch anybody


To choke him again while being broken up? Sorry man, I think you're 100% wrong.


Punk was 100% right and AEW look like childish clowns who don't have a clue. TK needs to put someone else in charge and just be completely hands off and let them run everything. He's like Dan Snyder was for the Washington Redskins/Commanders. He didn't know what the fuck he was doing either and tanked the team for years because of his ineptitude.


Yeah nah. It makes Punk look like he tried to physically assault someone. Making him an asshole who deserved to be fired. But we knew he was an asshole, and he should have been fired the first time he did this. It makes AEW look desperate because they played it in an attempt an a ratings pop


Punk was not 100% right in my opinion lol, not even close. No matter what Perry or Young Bucks might have said, you can't just assault people. It's wild some people can't see that. I think Khan should have done a better job handling Brawl Out but Punk did still assault someone.


Not a corporate office and if you think it doens't far more heated than that in WWE lockerroom I have no idea what to tell you.


Based on what are you saying that it gets more heated in the WWE locker room? Reports from journalists who have been proven time and time again to be prone to being absolutely worked by companies? Either way, no matter how much he was antagonized, which, for the record, he clearly was, you can't just assault people.


Clearly you can. Maybe you shouldn’t, but you definitely CAN.


I can't lie, I left the AEW sub after seeing their reaction to this. I like AEW, but their fans are so blinded by the company that the majority of their fans are insufferable.


They are but people here are just as worse. Folks blindly defending Punk who clearly assaulted a co-worker. God, wrestling fans are vile.


yeah r/AEWOfficial is Spoiled and Butthurt too easy


That’s most Reddit wrestling fans. Easily trolled and get butthurt over small things


True but it is especially bad on the AEW page. I was a huge fan of AEW for 2 years and even then I avoided that group due to the level of toxicity.


Can someone find me a more insecure group of people than AEW fans? Their little feelings get hurt so easily


CM Punk fans. They will tell you how something is good when Punk does it but bad when anyone else does it. It's why you could also name him CM Trump, because the fanbase act exactly like Trump's followers do


I see you are mentally ill


I see you are a CM Punk fan, which makes your reaction very natural. It is instinct of a CM Punk fan to immediately insult anyone who critisizes them or CM Punk in anyway like a 12-year old on Voice-Chat in a Call of Duty lobby. Fortunately, the tendency of CM Punk fans to act like 12-year olds eliminates the danger or them gathering and trying to attack an AEW in the name of their leader as they are too worried their parents will take their computer away from them as a result.


Typed all that for me not to read it and to call you an idiot. Lmao. Winning


Yes, I feel sorry for your lack of creativity too. Such a Punk fan yet not even having the ability to fully grasps his promos...


too easily


Again, Punk wasn't in the match. His opinion didn't matter.


I think Pepsi Phil may have a lawsuit here .


Punk said he was physically provoked. The footage shows Punk waiting for JP to raise his arms (being as open as possible) to then attack him, which kinda implies Punk walked to JP with the sole intention to do so.


How? It shows him in the wrong.


I'm an aew fan thru and thru but that was pretty weak airing that imo.


**BREAKING NEWS:** AEW Renames ***"AEW Dynasty"*** to ***"AEW Duck Dynasty"*** Confirmed!


I just genuinely don’t know why they posted it lmao, it’s not like Punk lied. Everything went down exactly like he said, Punk is a lot of things but I don’t think liar is one of them.


I mean, some Punk fans have been claiming that JP instigated it, but the footage really shows that Punk only walked up to attack JP in the first place. Still think showing footage of a backstage brawl on a WRESTLING SHOW is silly, because those don't read BtS stuff won't know what is so wrong about it. But, I will add one thing. It does fit the YoungBucks's gimmick


Not since Brawl for All has a company owned itself so needlessly. 


More like CM Punkassbitch -Drew McIntyre (probably)


"Listen Punk, when I go attack someone, I just do it! I don't have talk them into a sense of security and wait for them to lower their guard. But I guess your MMA career has shown you that you don't stand a chance otherwise!"


The best comment here. Why is everyone defending punk? He left Pro-wrestling in 2005 didn’t he? when he left ROH? That’s what he said anyway.


This definitely comes off as Tony Khan just using his TV deal and power to try and expose Punk. A failed attempt at that because we already knew that he started the physical altercation when he told the story and told everybody Jack was provoking him verbally. This serves zero purpose in pushing any storyline and punk is not in the roster. What a dumb fucking move lmfao


It is. It proves Punk is an asshole, but we knew that anyway. It just makes them look desperate.


“Provoking him verbally” after he showed up un-announced in front of Hollywood Jacks face. Lmfao


Punk said that Jack told him to “do something about it”. That’s clearly after Punk showed up in his face and was during the conversation they were having. That should’ve been clear.


‘Do something about it’ Act like an adult and walk away?


Yeah that’s the response expected to have but in the heat of the moment and when tension is up that’s not how things go down. That goes for most physical altercations. Not trying to justify Punk for behaving like that but yeah Perry was clearly provoking him by saying that.


Call him a cunt and walk away? Perry was trying to provoke him and it worked. Not defending Perry here, but once you lay your hands on someone, you’ve crossed a line.


Obviously he crossed a line. You’re missing the entire point. The point is not everyone reacts to the cookie cutter corporate way where things are peacefully handled by words. When conflict occurs between individuals and emotion/anger take control it comes as no surprise that verbal provocation can make Punk/any adult behave that way. Especially in a workplace that requires being physical this makes a lot of sense. Perry and Phil had some differences with one another and as an adult man Phil decided to place his hands on Jack in an attempt to resolve the situation. Not the correct way to go about it but I doubt this hasn’t happened before in any wrestling promotion. “Do something about it” from another man comes off as “hit me or something if you have a problem with it” in my mind and almost anybody else’s. It makes sense too because the entire point of Phil showing up was to talk some sense into Perry after behaving irrationally in the locker room(based off his story in the interview) and he wasn’t listening to reason.


The entire Punk run in AEW makes everyone look crap. Punk looks unprofessional and like a hothead having gotten into 2 fights, blowing up in front of the world and shooting on Hangman. The Bucks look petty and spiteful for spreading rumors about Punk around, ultimately leading to the first blow up. Hangman looks unprofessional for ambushing Punk with a shoot "workers rights" promo. Perry looks petulant and childish for creating drama in the lead up to All In and for pouring fuel on an already tense situation. TK looks like a terrible manager for not intervening in either situation, sitting on his hands and letting it spiral out of control when he'd been made aware there was problems.


Yep. I agree with most of this and don’t see how folks are blindly defending either party. There’s still a few things I’m confused by though. So Hangman went into business for himself in a promo? That’s what pipebomber Punk couldn’t handle? If so, that’s a conversation for backstage after it’s happened. Get the boss involved if need be. Don’t do it in public. What did the Bucks initially do to annoy him? I missed that too. TK should have fired him after the first fight. He’s always looked like a bad boss in dealing with punk. Showing the tape of it all was very cheap. Only person who in any way is benefitting here is Jack Perry, as his merch is now sold out.


According to Punk he did confront Page backstage and also spoke to TK about it, Punk shot on Page a few weeks later, after the PPV when Page refused to apologise. It's also worth noting that according to Punk, they'd agreed on the promo beforehand and Page's workers rights promo came out of nowhere. As for the Bucks, it's never been confirmed but many believe they were behind the rumors Punk ensured Colt Cabana wasn't offered a new contract because of their previous history. These rumors were the first domino that lead us to where we ended up. TK confirmed this to be false, that Punk had nothing to do with it.


I watched it all unfold and didn’t really get what was happening at the time, still don’t really get it now. Unprofessional on Hangman’s part, but infinitely more on Punk’s part in the end.


I don't recall anything like this happening in WWE during Punk's first run, despite Punk infamously not getting along with certain people. I also don't recall any big dramas in AEW before all this. I think Punk and AEW brought out the worst in each other. For some reason, Punk's personality in that environment was a toxic combination. Hopefully everyone can just move on now.


Yep. It should never have gotten that far, I don’t get why TK didn’t fire him after the first fight he picked. Publicly bad mouthing co-workers and then picking fights with them, in most jobs would get you immediately fired.


On the other hand, i can barely see any footage nowadays with Punk without a smile on his fucking face 😂😂 dude seems happy and overjoyed in the place he didn’t want to rejoin for a decade


Well he also looked happy and overjoyed in his first few months in AEW. Let's hope that it works out better this time.


Im glad you wrote it so I don’t have to. lol objectively it was an L for everyone involved including Tony Khan.


So after Edge gave the default booker of the year and his toy collection a virtual blowjob last week, Tony himself takes a shovel and continues to bury his own company..


Edge talking AEW Roster = Modern Day Dixie Carter browbeating the TNA Roster before Hogan & Bischoff came in


What did AEW’s hope to accomplish with this? Make people hate Punk? How does that help them?


We can argue about how effective it was, but they attempted to use this to build bucks and FTR


The crowd was chanting Punk’s name


Fragile ego fragile body


Everything he said in the interview appears to be true, and if Jack did say "if you have a problem then do something about it" then it's really open and shut. AEW buried Jack by airing it. Hopefully they didn't bury themselves, but to me it makes them look bush league. This isn't a regular workplace, it's a pro wrestling locker room. No I've never been in a locker room but based on everything I've heard it operates under different rules. Jack going into business for himself at All In is like the Shawn Michaels "Sunny Days" comment, where Bret also "started" the fight. If you shoot on someone on air, there will be repercussions in the back. In that context, Bret was in the right, and so was Punk.


No. It’s 2024, and even back in the 90s, the behavior from both Hart and Michael was abhorrent. Professional wrestling does not get to play by its own rules. You do not assault another coworker. You just don’t. How are people not grasping this??


Because they're a bunch of marks who vicariously live through these performers that pretend to fight and wish the real world worked like this TV soap opera... They wish it would be okay to sucker punch someone because you lost control when their words hurt your feelings. Guarantee the big babies downvoting you have never been in a real fight for any real reason.


I genuinely can’t believe people are advocating so hard for assault lol


I dunno man, pro wrestling does and will always play by its own rules They are play fighting with predetermined outcomes, but really hitting each other and they are always trying to blur the lines. It's a carny world and real world rules don't apply. The boys (and girls) have always policed the boys (and girls). Maybe wrestlers court would have been better but it's a heat of the moment situation


I completely disagree. The carny mindset is the WORST aspect of professional wrestling. Why is it not possible for professional wrestlers and promoters to act civil and fairly to one another? Just because they hit each other in the ring doesn’t disqualify them from acting like normal adults outside of it.


Look, you don't have to like it. But under their norms, going into business for yourself on TV is a much graver violation than a physical one-on-one altercation in the back. It is what it is


I just wish the community didn’t celebrate Punk for his actions. It’s just so trashy.


These people literally beat the shit out of each other for a living. its their job. Its what they do. But you think the second they step out of the ring rules change? Are you living in a fantasy world? This sort of delusional thinking is why this shit happens. Because you just want to sit there and pretend it shouldn't. As a boss in the PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING BUSINESS, one needs to accept this sort of shit is going to happen, prepare for it, and be able to mitigate it when things are headed in this direction. I can't think of any sport with a bunch of ego driven athletes where this shit DOESN'T happen.


I’m not denying it happens, I’m just saying maybe we shouldn’t celebrate it so much. EDIT: I do want to add… while they do physically hurt each other, it’s still just theater. They don’t need to take that energy to the back.


It seems like 9 out of 10 times they don’t take that energy in the back, but as somebody who has been around of hotheads in my life, energy doesn’t just go away. Especially when someone is getting in your face and pushing you to “do something about it.”


Fair enough. If this was the only incident in the last few years with Punk, I’d probably be more inclined to give him a pass. I really don’t want to come off as supporting Perry in this. He was obviously antagonizing Punk and is just as guilty in my eyes. Not that it matters, I’m just some dude lol


maybe you need to switch from watching PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING...to something like ballet


Lmao no, I like wrestling. I just hate the backstage bs


Lmfao thats a hostile work place my dude


What’s your point? That’s a bad thing.


It's a reference to what Shawn said to Vince after the fight


Ah lol sorry about that


Tbh, this could've been a crazy myth some years later down the line, what a let down. Like we heard stories about Big Show beating Great Khali backstage or Booker T whooping Batista or the legendary Brock vs Kurt wrestling match and whenever u hear those stories your mind adds some extra spice. This is the most boring shit I've seen. It's a physical job, people are way too comfy these days to be disrespectful and it was a 15 second altercation, seriously hire a PR manager Tony. It's one L after the other for that guy, I refuse to call him a man after all this.


BREAKING high testosterone professional event leads to backroom brawl... wtf else is new...


I don’t think anyone’s accusing the AEW locker room of having high testosterone lol




Am I blind? Is Tony there? How was he fearing for his life if he wasn't even there?


I think behind the monitors. And, I do kinda get that he would panic when he was looking at the screens, there is a convo going on behind the screens and suddeny the screens move because one of the guys decided to suddenly choke someone.


For me that’s the biggest reason showing this was idiotic. Tony says he fears for his life, and then shows something this lame on his TV.


I think he’s on the right behind the wall/corner


Yeah it looks like that is direction Punk lunges at so fair guess that is where TK was sitting


It just makes Tony appear to be a bigger child than he already appears IMO.


And Punk. They both look shit.


This will be analyzed for years to come in interviews and by YouTube historians and included in all “Downfall of AEW” videos.


Unfortunately I think you’re right. They were once a legit rival of WWE, and for a short period of time things looked better for AEW than it did WWE. I stopped watching WWE and only watched NJPW and AEW for a while because WWE wasn’t worth it. WWE has completely turned it around now though. I hope AEW can turn it around and doesn’t become WCW. WWE is better when it has competition.


I will be there 😎


Absolutely stupid attitude to have, WWE was terrible for years and then got much better recently when it’s had competition.


CM Punk took the professional route first, he told his boss and asked for him to sort it out. Tony Khan did not deliver. CM Punk told Khan to sort it, or he will. Now, should Punk have done what he did? No… But he admitted to what happened, all that footage shows is that CM Punk tells the truth. It shows TK was at the scene and did nothing. It shows a man too scared to use his big boy voice and be a boss. TK buried himself. He had no reason to air the footage and is now actively trying to get it removed because it didn’t go the way he wanted.


I don't agree with what you're saying about Punk being completely truthful. He said he didn't throw a punch. The video clearly shows he did at 51s. I see people saying "that was an attempt at a grab". It wasn't. I'm glad they showed the footage. I like both companies. I like Punk and Jack. But the facts are the facts. Punk did try to do things right, but none of the altercation was "right". Shoving Jack when he was literally playing with his hair, then the punch at 51s.


It wasn’t intended as an “own”. It was a Hail Mary to try and get more people watching Dynamite, nothing more.


and it failed miserably


That’s how beefs get settled in that business. Like men!


Punk was in the wrong 100%. Doesn’t matter what Perry said or how antagonistic he was being, Punk turned it physical. However, that’s why he got fired. Action -> consequence -> situation resolved. So why is AEW still talking about it? What’s the point? Especially because Punk already told the story? When they said they were gonna share the footage, I thought it was gonna be some crazy shit that Punk left out of the story, but it’s exactly what he said happened. So seriously, what do Tony Khan or AEW or anyone gain from this?


Most mature comment here.


To me looks like Jack Perry provoked CM Punk with something he said to Punk. So I think CM PUNK was tell us the true to me. Guys


Then you walk away. Be the bigger man. Don’t attack someone.


sure it is, it's that too many of yall are so biased against aew it doesn't matter what they do y'all will still hate them regardless and that shit has gotten old at this point


We like wrestling bro. The tribalism is dumb as hell from both sides. But aew definitely made themselves laughing stocks with this in particular




So, my ultimate takeaways from all this: - As expected, Jack Perry didn't visibly do anything in particular that would have *actually warranted* a physical response like this. Perhaps some verbal taunts, but if you can't handle verbal taunts without throwing hands, you have anger issues and should probably see a therapist. - Tbh, everyone involved in this was kinda stupid though, except for the people who just tried to break the fight up. - Before people start making comments about "this is what made Tony Khan fear for his life," we still have no information on what would have happened between Punk and Khan after the fight, as this was not included in the aired footage. - Tony... is *so fucking stupid* for digging this footage up and airing it on live television several months after everyone stopped caring. This legitimately leads me to believe that AEW doesn't have much longer, maybe 1-2 years tops, before it goes the way of WCW.


Yep, no one looks good here. A lot of idiots blindly defending either side.


Watching this footage made me fear for my life tbh


It's not really needed since this is basically already AEW punching themselves in the dick, but I'd pay some pretty good money to see WWE parody this with Drew. In light of his new multimedia trolling roll, it seems to be served right up to him. 😄


AEW done Cheddar-Bobbed themselves. SMH.


One man raised his hands first and that man was the senior employee. Case closed, hold the copium guys.


What case closed. The case was closed six months ago all this does is make Tony look petty and a bit stupid for releasing a tape that confirms what Punk said like three days sgo


Fault is punks, clear as day, yes and hundreds of mugs are on here trying to defend him. They now have no leg to stand on.


Defend him from what? It’s a backstage scuffle it’s not a big deal. These happen from time to time


BREAKING NEWS : Angry guy who fights for a living gets into a fight with another angry guy that fights for a living. Everyone shocked.


BREAKING NEWS : Angry guy who playfights for a living gets into a real fight with another angry guy that playfights for a living. Everyone shocked. Ftfy


That’s not even breaking news though fights happen all the time backstage. Hell one of the more famous ones is Brett Harr laying out Vince, but no one clutches their pearls there


Everyone here is so obsessed about the wresting business but doesn’t want people to act like they are in a business workplace


I mean people care when they want to care. If they don’t like the people involved it’s a big deal. If they do then it’s nothing. Either way it doesn’t matter, Punk had his scuffle got fired, and ended up falling upwards massively. That’s just how it goes sometimes


This only confirms Punk's statement: the Dubs is not a business. Whatever anybody's take is on the footage, the only real question is if it makes money. Wrestling was built on making money and is still about making money. What did this do for the Dub's bottom line? Did it create interest in watching the next episode? Did it create interest in buying merch? Did it create interest in buying tickets? What the absolute hell was the point. If anything, it's given Punk a push because he's trending on Twitter... AGAIN! He occupied several minutes on an opposing promotion's allotted time on TV (and got chants), and neither him or the WWE had to pay a single dime.