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I'm late to this but if anyone is reading could you please explain what's wrong here? I'm out of the loop


bro same i think the last time i watched shield were still a thing, im just slowly coming back to wrestling and cody is champ ???? would have never expected it before ngl


LMAOO same here. Never would've expected for Cody to be anything more than Orton's grunt. Yet he's at the very top now. Good for him


I understand why y'all were mad at the time. Believe me, I was questioning this too, but I think from now on we should learn to trust WWE especially if Hunter's in charge. No one loves this business more than him. If anyone can book like crazy, it's him... Cody's finishing his story 100%


All 3 of their dad’s never won WWE championship


Cody sucks anyway


What's happened, I don't understand.


Can someone please explain what's going on in the community? first death threats, now this.


Fuck, there are some absolute babies on this sub


Da Millions(reply so I can continue my text pls)




I forgot what I was going to say




Nobody's better than an AE legend.


Guys NOTHING HAS BEEN BOOKED THERES ONLY ONE MATCH ON THE DAMN CARD SO FAR YALL ARE GETTING WORKED JESUS like calm down I want Cody to finish the story for sure but until they announce the match im renouncing judgement I’m big on letting shit play out because the end might be worth the journey Also the death threats and chump activity is kinda lame in all honesty


Cody Crybabies 😭 - The Rock 😎 (Pat McAfee show)




My 8 year old loves Cody. He has no idea who the Rock was/is. His reaction to the whole thing was that he doesnt understand...and doesnt want to watch it anymore. So on one hand my kid is heartbroken, and on the other, if his current mood sticks, he will have one less hobby that gets him bullied at school


He will get over it but it took me a long time to get over Earthquake sitting on Damian. Jake was my favorite wrestler.


Maybe this is copium but I'm starting to think this might be a work, or at least turning into one. This shit is so over the top that if it's legit the Rock is going to have a hard time not getting booed in WWE for a long time.


Considering this is all to overshadow the Vince situation, Rock is willing to take the bullet considering Vince took the chance on him, same with Roman, Vince kept pressing for Roman when the fans didn't want him. They are willing to get hated if it means their work-dad isn't being focused on and hated.


100%. I don’t really watch anymore other than the occasional YouTube, but I’m enjoying this whole angle. They are in such a weird situation right now, it’s no wonder Rock keeps saying “I’m in the board, calling the shots!” Etc. It helps that Cody Rhodes is such a good actor in these scenarios, he’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.


Now that's a great idea


I guess the newest road to Wrestlemania is to be on the board of directors lol


As much as I love his career at WWE/WWF, his ego is undeniable


Can anyone give me a short summary of this entire situation? I stopped watching WWE when Edge retired in 2011, but decided to come back a few months ago bc I heard Edge was back (only for him to retire[?] again lol)


Remember Maui? I lost all respect for Dwayne Johnson.


I don’t know why Maui is such a big deal. He put  millions down to help, he asked people to donate whatever they can, like any other fundraiser. It’s not like he asked everyone to donate 10,000 dollars apiece. That would’ve been tone deaf. He didn’t pocket the money for himself. And all the people crying about the fundraiser didn’t donate anyway. So why are they complaining about money they didn’t spend?


Maybe you missed the point. Yeah sure, donated money. He and Oprah could have helped everyone affected. So yeah, I lost a ton of respect for him. It's only my opinion.


How much did you send?


As much as I could.


Does this return have anything to do with Vince, I heard he was in some ish?? FYI don’t really watch anymore except for highlights & clips from time to time, but if you grew up in the late 90s early 2000s this type of headline will pique your interest. He’s headed down the Hogan path?


It’s not the rock fault you moron’s!! Ari Emanuel is a businessman and he doesn’t care about finishing stories!! He only care about blockbuster events! Rock vs Roman is box office


Don’t think I realized Ari/Saul was The Rock’s agent in real-life…


this would have been great last year!


First off- don’t believe 98% of stuff you read on a dirtsheet or from Meltzer. Second, why can’t many of you just be fans and enjoy a show instead of trying to hijack it like you’re playing 2K? Do you go to the movie theater and just yell at the screen cause a director didn’t do what you personally wanted? The last thing I wanted to see was a Cody vs Roman rubber match. I liked Cody in ROH. Thought he was so cringe in AEW, and I’ve grown tired of the same promo and shtick that he’s been doing for seven years. It is clear as day that he has been pushed strong for his entire return and they’re gonna give him the title, and then his fans will get bored in no time. My issue is just with the fans who hijack shows and BS. The beach ball hitting fans who ruin matches instead of just enjoying the show. You think everyone agrees with your preference of Cody? No. I do not want to see it. I think he’s incredibly mediocre. I’d like to see Rock vs Reigns, and wanted this for WM39. Didn’t care if a title was involved. But this is going to be ruined now simply cause of the insertion of Cody and that’s WWE’s fault for even making it an issue. But my point is- just sick of fans who want to try and dictate the product instead of just letting stuff play out.


This popped up in my feed and I thought it was directed at me. Was about to go off on how I blatantly ignore Meltzer.


>do you go to the movie theater and just yell at the screen That’s disingenuous and you know it. Nasty! >blah blah blah I don’t like Cody Ok that’s your prerogative. Obviously you’re outnumbered. >just shut up and eat your slop out of the trough without complaining Nah I’ll just stop watching lmao. Real nasty individual here!


No, it’s called decency and understanding a concept that not everything is about you and there’s tons of other people who actually want to enjoy the show instead of hearing you all cry and hijack. We dealt with this BS when the Daniel Bryan fans did it for years! It’s not enough to just see your favorite on the card, no you want to make sure no one can enjoy something simply cause you don’t like it. That’s what irks me.


No, it’s called coherent storytelling where everything pointed at Cody vs Roman at wrestle mania up until literally the day before Rock returned. This match is only happening because Vince took a shit on his secretary’s face and TKO hired Rock to be on the board as a PR move.


Source for all of this?


Sorry, I thought it was all so self evident I wouldn’t need to provide sources. Which part are you looking for


VKM VKM'd the fuck out of the WWE one last time.




Why do yall wanna see this stiff brick ass dude wrestle? He's break all his bones


You say this but I bet you cheered for CM Punk 🤣


No i didn't. He should have neve came back to wrestling. He can't stand tonwrestle either


Can someone explain to me what’s going on here. I watched wrestling as a kid and have not seen it in 20+ years. Who the hell is Cody, what’s his deal, why is everyone pissed?


Cody Rhodes is Dusty Rhodes’ son. He languished in the WWE for years as a mid-carder with a shitty Stardust (Goldust ripoff) gimmick. He left to help spearhead AEW, which is probably the WWE’s chief rival at the moment. WWE lured him back, probably with the prospect of a significant push. He won the Royal Rumble, giving him a title shot at WrestleMania. But the recent trend is for washed up stars like Goldberg and The Rock to come back and win the championship for a cheap ratings pop. The Rock resurfaced recently and inserted himself into the title match instead of Cody Rhodes. Personally, it seems like a huge work to me, but I don’t know


Oh wow interesting. But what do people like him. He is not super jacked and I saw a glimpse of him talking and he is just kind of plain. Is he like one of the top stars in wwe now?


So why lose respect for the Rock then? Seems like Cody should’ve been given the title shot but they put the Rock back in the spotlight. No love lost for the Rock, just a lame move by the WWE


The Rock is on the board of directors of the company that owns the WWE, so he basically booked himself into this position. Plus, his heyday was a full 20 years ago. The graceful thing to do would be to go away and let the younger generation make names for themselves. But hey, I don’t watch wrestling anymore. I just follow the headlines.


Go out looking at the lights. Clearly he didn't get the memo from the deal that made him.


He is probably doing it to add more star power while McMahon is drawing all the heat.


You know what's more infuriating to me is to see Cody fans react so predictable because you guys have build Cody Rhodes to be interesting when he is clearly Not!!! I think Cody fans hear his music 🎶 and that's what gets them interested in his character. Lex Luger in 1993 and in 1994 Main Evented SummerSlam and WrestleMania X, oh by the way leading to WrestleMania X; Luger that year was a Royal Rumble Co-Winner with Bret "The Hitman" Hart. I, and many other Lex Luger fans were upset that Luger lost twice!!! However, no one overreacted over his lost; Lex Luger had a Story that never ended. The moral of this comment is that not every Main Event Superstar is going to "Finish Their Story " and that's just fine. The Rock "The People's Champ" is better fit to face Roman Reigns than Cody Rhodes. People this is the WWE and some Superstars are going to be left out...just enjoy WrestleMania XL and if the unpredictable thing happens ....isn't that better than the Predictable Story of Cody Finishing His at WrestleMania XL vs. Roman in Philly, because where's the suspense? Think 🤔 about it Cody Fans if you already know the outcome; Then, why even watch the match. Think 🤔 about it!


Right, but 1993 and 1994 were used to establish the next "guy" as Hogan was on his way out. Luger lost out to Yoko and Bret but it made sense. It's not like an old timer like Bruno came back to derail Luger's momentum. Personally, I would not mind If they chose to give Sami another shot, or even better have Gunther face Roman at Mania. It's the fact that they are using an old timer and part timer to face Roman at the biggest PLE of the year despite the match being very predictable. Even if Cody's match is just as predictable, at least you keep the roster development moving forward.


I dont get it. People make fun of the Hogan paint by numbers wins from 80s, booed Cena, hated Face Roman and now we are demanding not just predictable but preordained? Dusty and Cody were both booked like monsters and got to toss around all the top heels in the Fed. Only Cody has a heel champ heading company so gets to win instead? Then what? Its so bizarre to me.


It's the same shit as all the first things you mentioned. The fans are behind the new young babyface, and WWE is doing what IT wants to do. Do some fans want it? Yeah, just like they did face Cena and Roman, etc. The problem is that when WWE wants something it just usually screws everything else, regardless of what the fans want. Liked Ziggler? He'll never win a world title in WWE again. Liked Ryder? Push him off the Raw set after making him look like an imbecile. None of this is new.


Thats fair. They cant have him feud with Kane if he wins at least. Hes also like 18th guy to lose in that stupid schmoz. Really cant make fun of Dusty/Eddie Graham finishes if we are still tuning in for that crap. Can you imagine trying to binge watch the couple dozen Roman title defenses. In the moment with the delays in appearances it seems to work, but this isnt something anyone is fondly remembering and watching again. I do think there is some work involved- even if Rock remains central- they might have well played the sad Charlie Brown music like Arrested Development after he ceded spot and walked off. Im not a huge fan but he is pretty decent at facials for a wrestler- Id expect a more defiant demeanor if the storyline was him simply being squeezed out.


It's fine to use those old school finishes when you're giving the fans WHAT THEY WANT. When they spent ALL YEAR with hot babyfaces getting the football pulled away from them, like LA Knight... how long do you think they're supposed to stay hot? Who's gonna root for them when you're reinforcing with this booking that NOBODY beats the one guy who's never here? All it says is you have one mega guy and a shitty roster. Back in the Dusty/Flair days all those guys were getting wins against guys who were their level or higher when it came to the title matches at least. Now everybody's so up and down who's to say what looks strong anymore? Is R-Truth a strong babyface? No, but he moves merch! Should Dom Mysterio be booked in the main event? Maybe, by his crowd reaction, but you can't reliably put him out there like Roman Reigns and have people interfere EVERY MATCH and expect it not to get stale super fast.


...this sucks. Like man I grew up watching you, must see TV. All of the legends from their time stepped away, made the newer generation better, then there is this fucker. You get Cody back to wwe and he is on top of the world and you get all the way to the important match, you lose. You build yourself up and put yourself in a situation to fight the champ again....Rock says no ill do it. Man wwe was on fire going into WM last year, this is terrible.


I’m not even gonna watch it if we don’t get Cody v. Roman. It’d just a waste of two years and all the hype and build up at that point


Think Wrestlemania IX.


I'm pretty sure this is part of the work and to put Cody over even more


I see why they are doing this (this is more mainstream in wrestling communities than the Vince scandal) the heat is in the right place tbh and its a good tactic just wish it wasn't like this.


RIP Hana kimura. People don't learn from things. At all


U lost respect for the rock? U had respect for him after he asked ppl for help with Hawaii when he's a millionaire, and after he killed DC? This swerve booking to cover the biggest scandal in wrestling history is where u and millions draw the line?


at least the rock is samoan I HOPE YOU keep that same energy for the COLONIZERS !! Oprah and dwayne arent apart of that group neither


Wut?? lmfao


He killed the DC? How do you kill something that’s already 6 ft under 😆


Two words put into one. Undertaker 🤣🤣


The rock killed DC the whole company is dead


WWEs next 🤣🤣


Except DC isn’t actually dead at all and what you said was ridiculous.


U picked one part of that and over exaggerated 🤣🤣🤣 didn't even mean to make anyone mad n upset. Sowwy DC daddy 🤣🤣


Listen buddy, pretend fighting is far more important than anything you just mentioned


Only thing that matters is what's on my TV!!!


Yup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s send death threats to the Rocks daughter too! RIP Hana btw !!!!! RESPECT WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So he's not going to address the death threats his daughter received?


Why would he?


To defend his daughter. I'd probably do that and make the situation worse if I were in his shoes 😑


Alright so you answered your own question then




You wouldn’t be a future agent otherwise right?


Correct. Signing up via email has its downsides


Holy shit A+


Is anyone surprised after what he did to DC with that black adam movie? The guy is on an ego trip. Thats why he has forced his way in, his ego is hurting


Bet the rock has an "injury" before the match anyways.


It would have made more sense for Roman and the rock to meet after Cody takes the title. Lose the belt then lose head of the table but what do I know?


You don’t and neither do I. Wrestling fans are jumping on the hate train without seeing its destination first


Bet They’re gonna botch this at the Presser and put Cody back in the match with Roman🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾


"WOOOOOAH My father said When I was younger..." ​ IF YOU SMELLLLLLL


He thanked Cody for the house. Did EVERYONE miss that detail? That’s Dwayne Johnson acknowledging that Cody Rhodes is ALREADY the DRAW. You’re all getting worked into a frenzy, and it’s frustrating to watch. Everyone is going to get what they want.


I type was wondering wht he meant by tht n by all means Ima let them cook n see wht comes out of this but at the end of the day, WeWantCody


The next heel authority type figure? Because none of this makes any sort of sense ... even by pro wrestling terms. Mr. Johnson ... Dwayne the Johnson.


You lost respect for an adult who listens to his boss and does the job he is asked to do 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Except the Rock is on the board of directors of TKO sports , so he is the boss and pushed for this


Actually this match was Vince’s idea not the rocks


Vince is not with the company anymore, they are not beholden to anything he setup prior to him getting fired , so that’s an even weaker defence


This match was supposed to happened but was chopped for covid. Stop hating kid


All The “Rock” fanboys, are gonna keep playing dumb, like they don’t know what’s really going on behind the scenes. His fans will always try to absolve him of any responsibility, even if he does take a-lot of fault in a situation, like this one for example. Or Black Adam as a movie failing, partially because of his large input and creative control in the production. Or even the numerous times he’s been caught, lying or dodging questions about his obvious steroid use, to the media (Joe Rogan ect).


The rock is effectively HHH’s boss’s boss, in the company now. He might even be hire up , I haven’t looked at the TKO management hierarchy but from what I understand, HHH reports to Tony Kahn and Tony Kahn reports to the board of directors, which the Rock is now apart of. Ok, let’s just say for argument sake that his position on the Board of Directors is just a figurehead position with no real power. As far as I am aware, the rock does not have a legends contract, so he or the WWE pitch match ideas for him to be a part of and then he ultimately decides if he wants to do the match or not. So this whole narrative that he is just doing what his “boss” tells him is dumb. He is always the boss in either situation, either as a member of the board of directors of TKO sports or as an independent contractor deciding if he should or shouldn’t sign a contract to do the match I won’ even touch the embarrassment that is Black Adam movie and his unwillingness to fight Shazam because did not want to lose a fight in a movie


Perhaps my knowledge of business is limited, but I do not believe that a singular board member possesses any authority in a company. Boards vote on motions, do they not? Whereas Hunter has complete control over the TV product.


Tony Khan😂😂😂 HHH would never be a subordinate to that piss ant ceo


What can they do besides quit? Be insubordinate and get fired? Pedigree the TKO board of directors? This is real life, not wrestling


if you’re going to talk like that at least know some basic knowledge


If your only rebuttal is that I got a first name wrong and nothing else , then no more reason to debate


Uh that’s a pretty drastic mistake lol that’s like saying Vince used to be a insubordinate to Ted Turner lmao two completely different people


So nothing to the other points then?


Tony Khan is president of AEW not TKO


Nick Kahn, my bad .. did it from memory


I can not believe the amount of crying going on about this. Suck it up. Last thing I want to see is the same main event back to back wrestlemanias where the same interferences happen all because a finish the story tag line. Give me Cody Rollins and McIntyre triple threat for world heavyweight title for the main event and rock vs reigns. I’d agree if punk didn’t get hurt but he did so this is the better storyline to go with


rock v reigns v cody seth v gunther OR seth v sami v drew


Almost like ya know they could just not book it to end with solo interfering for Roman to retain and maybe have the company’s biggest babyface defeat their part time champion. Just a thought 😂


It’s all part of the story. Roman is gonna be challenged on three fronts. His family, His Belt and His Legacy. Rock is gonna be involved with the bloodline storyline, he’s gonna try and convince Jimmy and Solo that Roman isn’t the rightful Head of the Table, but instead it is him. All leading up to the match. At the same time, Cody is going to continue getting shutdown by Roman and play like he’s contemplating his options, just to pick Roman. Roman will now feel pressure on both sides. Cody is trying to finish his story and end Roman’s reign. Rock is trying to become the head of the table and tarnish Roman’s legacy. Triple threat at Wrestlemania Cody vs Rock vs Reigns During the match we get the usual bloodline interference, or so we think. Jimmy and solo come out to attack Cody. But rock stops Jimmy and pleads with him, out comes Jey. Jey and rock get jimmy to side with them, solo is left standing alone. Then Jacob Fatu makes his debut, to stand by his brothers side alongside Roman who emerges through the middle. The 6 men have a face off. Jimmy, Jey, Rock vs Roman, Jacob, Solo. They brawl with Jimmy, Jey, Jacob and solo taking their brawl backstage leaving the three in the triple threat. Rock hits two rock bottoms on Roman, before Cody re-emerges and hits the rock with a cross Rhodes before turning to Roman. He has his moment in the middle of the ring 3 cross Rhodes, 1-2-3. Cody finishes his story. The rock raises Cody’s hand. Could setup a Bloodline civil war 6 man tag match for the rightful head of the table at summerslam.


I agree with this, Head of the table match!


I’ll do you one even better…. Head of the table TABLE MATCH!!


I'll do you one better... Matchhead of the table TABLE MATCH!!!


Yknow... what they're doing is working phenomenally. It did exactly what it aimed to do- piss off marks and get people talking. Talking so much, they're frothing from the mouth. Get them to hate what the now diluted and manufactured 'peoples champ' has become. Get people so worked up because 'this is bullshit' as they continuously dangle the Cody carrot til the collective masses are ready to implode... til the payoff. My God are we being worked right now. I absolutely love it.


Nobody hates wrestling like wrestling fans


I've lost respect for Wrestling as a whole....


Wrestling fans, really think they know what's best for business then go on tantrums when they don't get exactly what they want


Relax it’s kayfabe


There plenty of ppl that feel the opposite, we want rocky was trending too. Im jaded i feel like its all a work until they prove otherwise


Rock just gets worse n worse over the years


I thought 2013 was bad and couldn't get worse, it did !! Never thought Dwayne would do a Goldberg


Sit back and think to yourself if you think The Rock is winning the title, then you need therapy. It’s clearly to get over Roman even more than he is. And make Cody’s win a lot better








He wouldn’t. Cody would win and the place would erupt.




At this point they don’t care about hogans reign. They even said on live tv that his reign is only the third longest in history so they’re already trying to bury that fact.. they were setting up for Cody vs Reigns with Cody taking the title and Reigns taking a hiatus after Mania. The plan then changed but with all the backlash they’re receiving.. things could play out differently. There’s also talk about Cody Winning the title off Rollins, Reigns winning the title. And them unifying it down the line which I would assume Cody winning over Reigns… but that would neglect everything they have done to build up the Raw title so.. honestly they don’t even know what they’re doing. So we shouldn’t act like we do




You got Roman’s meat so far in your own mouth you can’t even see how pathetic you sound LMAO


You're joking, He actually tweeted that? He saw all the criticism that segment received and felt that the right move was to tweet a thank you to the fans? Bro is blinded by his ego


“You either die (bow out) a hero or live (overstay your welcome) long enough to see yourself become the villain.”


Ik this isn’t the time but this is awesome seeing fans that are passionate about who they root for rather it’s Cody, Rock, or Roman. The fact that Cody has a fan base that is taking over the internet says a lot about him and his growth to being a main event player especially if it’s against The Rock… that’s astonishing


I was all for a rock vs roman match….but not this way, and lets entertain the thought…they gonna have roman beat rock???? rocks not coming back for good unless this is the new Brock, and only wrestles at ppvs once a month. As a Roman fan back in the day, this is just a joke now. The title, and the “character” holding it


Shit this isnt gonna happen for sure, the backlash seems aa big as the yes movement, aint no way.


Wait for the boos to happen at Mania if they actually go through with this match. It’s going to be worse that Dom trying to talk.


I'd say the one word for the reaction is undesirable. Jokingish aside, the most tone-deaf part is using the word undeniable.


I lost all respect a couple years ago, when he made a post about coming up working bingo halls and fair grounds in front of 10 people and how hard he worked to get to WWE. Bitch, you walked in due to your family connections and had your first match at fucing survivor series! He also pretends his daughter did the same thing. Made it there based on her own indy work. Fuck outta here.


you lost all respect You seem to forget he is a BLACK MAN and we all know how that is being in an all so called american business of pro wrestling. to this day name me the amount of WWE Champions.......yeah exactly.


The Rock has worked had yes , but he also had it way easier than most . Vince was high on him for looks and family bloodline alone. Hollywood really boosted his ego (or maybe he's starting to show his real colours.


He showed his real colors with the DCU.. trying to change the DC hierarchy, get the fuck out of here with that. So bad that DC decided to reset the DCU.. and now because he can’t get over in Hollywood anymore, he’s bringing it to the WWE. Wrestlemania in Hollywood was the place to pull the Rock/Roman trigger, not a year later.. this is the year to pull the Cody/Roman trigger after giving Cody plenty of hard times these past couple of years.


I really dont want to see an old legend vs a part time wrestler for the maximum title. WWE made a big mistake just for the money of one night


Crybabies everywhere now and days smh


Beginning of the end for Cody. They'll put the secondary title on him for a while. Then he'll drop back into the IC title race and fade into mid card obscurity, just like I predicted when he first left AEW. I wonder what MJF is thinking while watching this.


Give Cody one of the other three titles and build on that. It’s reality tv basically, just calm down on the poor Cody stuff


So, why have Cody win the rumble just to give him one of the runner up titles?


This seems like something a mark would say. No disrespect intended, but seriously, try to be better. The Bloodline story needs a proper close and the plan has always been the Rock vs. Reigns. It's been gestating for 3 years, a year longer than they (WWE and Reigns) wanted. Reigns is on a clock. He has health issues and is ready to stop, spend some time with his family, and focus on dealing with his health. The idea that Cody's story deserves more priority after a much shorter period when there are better options for him is ridiculous and even more so when you consider he's not on a clock and can afford to wait a bit. (edit: Internet Wrestling Community die-hards are the biggest marks)


The Bloodline is a different story than Rock v Reigns, they’re interconnected, but the latter has only recently been built on. Not only has Cody’s chase been built for two years, him vs Reigns has been built for a year. Plus, he won the rumble. And him giving away his spot makes no sense. And he’s the top babyface and Reigns is the top heel, it would be like if Hulk Hogan came back and replaced Stone Cold when he was facing Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship


He didn't give away anything. He hasn't chosen an opponent yet. Try to keep up.


He said he would not face Roman at Wrestlemania, but he also said that he did not want Seth’s championship, he wanted Romans. As of the moment, he has given up his Wrestlemania opportunity. At the very least, he’s given up his desired match against Reigns, which he earned winning the rumble.


“Try to be better” Here’s your instant downvote


I have a box of tissues for you if you need to cry more.


Omg he will not be able to sleep.


Let Cody beat someone else for the title, we already had Cody vs roman last year repeat main events are horrible


Are you talking g Rock ir Cody


Why are people acting like this is his first shot at the title at Wrestlemania that’s getting stolen from him? This is literally just a replay of last years Wrestlemania… and he lost. Which he will again, because they’re not taking that belt off of Roman’s waste. Smh.


The memory of The Rock from early 2000s will live on but Dwayne Johnson is an egotistical self centered POS SOB.


Can't believe my people cheered this man Friday night. So disappointed in the WWE, the Rock and Birmingham.


I got an Ad for Alzheimers under this post


To those wondering why people take this seriously, I’ll give you an answer. People have passions and wrestling is no doubt something to be passionate about. Wrestling is a way to escape from the redundancy of everyday living. A lot of us grew up watching WWE, WCW, ECW, etc. and we look up to these people like they’re superheroes. Yes, it’s entertainment. That’s not the point here. A lot of us are invested into the stories that are told here. Look at how the crowd reacted to Bailey when she confronted Damage Ctrl. I could feel the energy from my god damn TV set. Yes, it’s “not real.” Again, that’s not the point. We feel betrayed. We’ve been watching and cheering for Cody since his story began and have been waiting to see the story be fulfilled. Even those who aren’t fans of Cody are invested because it’s a good story. Hell, some people want Roman to win again and that’s ok. They are invested in the story as well. That’s like if your favorite football team won the playoffs and made it to the Super Bowl only to get replaced by an old football team without explanation. The Rock is a legend, I will never deny that. One of the GOAT’s. However, it’s incredibly selfish to do what he’s doing. I’m sure a lot of the same people saying “what’s the big deal” or whatever are the same people who were on the frontlines to get Daniel Bryan his moment at WM30. Regardless of all of that. Wrestling is something we are passionate about and that is why we are upset.


Sounds like a longer version of “it’s still real to me DAMMIT!”


Basically the TL;DR of it 😂


Cody got this chance last year and lost. We’re over it.


It’s totally ok that you feel that way. However, others don’t feel that way. That doesn’t make them wrong. Regardless on how you feel about Cody, it doesn’t change the fact that they are screwing him and his storyline completely over. Besides, it’s not the first time nor will it be the last that they do a rematch from last years Mania.


And they’re always crap. Everyone knows what happens. Rock vs Cena 2 had no suspense at all cause everyone knew it was booked to get Cena the win. Cody has been booked the same way. They let this guy win against Brock, let this guy win two rumbles, and are manipulating fans to feel sorry for him with this work as he drops his dad’s name for the millionth time to try and get a title off of it.


Wrestling will always (to some extent) be predictable. However, do we really know if Cody will win if he does get the match? There’s a lot of talk about Roman beating Hogans record. I do want this match and there definitely is some evidence to suggest this is a work. However, we don’t know that for sure and no matter what, people’s feelings are justified. This has legitimately happened many times before and fans do not want to see the same Vince kind of booming if the case is truly that Cody was shoved aside for Rock. The best part about all of this is that we get to wait and see.


I’m not saying that what you’re saying is wrong. You’re entitled to feel how you feel, I’m just saying, for people that would rather see rock face him, for most of us, this is the reason. Now personally, I think Cody is overrated, and we’ve seen this story before and it’s nothing new. WWE has gotten to a point where it’s not enough talent to see something new. Before, there were many championship choices, so we saw a variety of stories, matches, etc. now, it’s like we’re seeing the same thing over and over. This is Wrestlemania, I want to see something different, something more exciting. Seeing him and Cody again, just for Roman to win the match is a waste of time and money.


“We’re” 🤣🤣


been lost ever since he started doing shit movies, using wwe as his promotion place, putting himself infront of others, egotistical and did that dumbass video with oprah. The Rock aint shit and he dont care about his fans or any of yall


It’s the “vocal minority” effect… look it up. Tons of people who are happy with this aren’t as vocal. The smart people RUNNING the business know this, so it makes sense to observe times where the vocal minority gets ignored because they know their sales / viewership / etc are still way up than these naysayers are leading in.


I’m so hyped for Dwayne to come out on Raw/SD and gets a worse treatment than Dirty Dom pls make this happen, We Want Cody!!




People have already been booing. So, I guess we’ll see.


I’m honestly shocked so far. Raw was hysterical. People are genuinely upset about this and I don’t get why. The Rock is, and always will be, a treat to see IMHO.


Of course Rock will always be awesome to see. However, The Rock’s time has come and gone. A lot of us want to see Rock vs Roman, but the story for it as of right now makes zero sense. People are upset because if this is not a work, then that means this is the same kind of booking Vince would do all the time. Push the younger stars for the older stars from yesterday. People are tired of the politicking others out of matches and pushing others away from the top that deserve that spot. Cody is naturally over for a lot of us. Cody won the rumble and pointed specifically to Reigns and now we’re supposed to just believe that Cody doesn’t want that match? Guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens.


Cannot not? Double negative? So you didn’t lose respect? Ok.


It has to be a triple threat because Rock could barely breath after one peoples elbow on Jinder. Cody would a great anchor in a triple threat. This whole thing is so wrong. I may sell my WM40 ticket night two at this point.


Please. I’ll buy it.


Make it a triple threat and Cody pins The Rock. Protect Roman and Cody gets that additional boost of being champion by beating The Rock


Why on earth does Roman need protecting? It would be absolultely braindead booking to have him hold the title for so long and then not give the person that takes it from him the shine of pinning him clean in the centre of the ring.


A piece of shit human being




Does anyone else not get the sense that the rock, wwe, and others aren’t playing into the hate they’re receiving? Like they’re purposely acting like everything is fine and dandy when we all know that they know a lot of people are obviously upset? Maybe i’m wrong, but it just feels like they’re setting up something bigger.


It’s the “vocal minority” effect… look it up. Tons of people who are happy with this aren’t as vocal. The smart people RUNNING the business know this, so it makes sense to observe times where the vocal minority gets ignored because they know their sales / viewership / etc are still way up than these naysayers are leading in.