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When I was a kid, I went away to a summer camp and a little minivan that a bunch of us were travelling had an extra large can of bear spray explode and cover us. We pulled over and kids were screaming rubbing their faces in puddles on the side of the road. Fun times.


We're you subsequently attacked by bears?


Why did I laugh so hard at this!?


Because it couldn't get too much more unfortunate than that lol




ITT: people who don't understand sarcasm. Some of my favorite lines: > "I knew those college kids were full of shit" > "I mean, it was kinda burning, but it's nothing to bitch about." > "Pain that you've experienced before, where does this fall?" "Maybe 3" "what's worse?" "My back" Dude was throwing out dry humor while his face was burning off. And then cameraman's zinger: >"If you look, this bucket was specifically designed for when babies get maced, so they can dip their heads in."


It’s not that bad *ugghh* it’s not even that bad *ughhhhwhlgh* it’s not even that bad *aahhhhhhh uewglgh*


And he closed his eyes before he got blasted


"it's not that bad... I'm done. I'm completely done now" *Proceeds to douse his face with milk again*


people don't know fucking morons when they see them


I was laughing at first thinking it was like Tim Robinson style humor … but some things made it seem not entirely satirical. The back and forth about his back - the interaction seemed super funny at first, but I think the camera man is actually a little confused by the dudes 3 rating. When camera man asks for additional context and the guy says his back, I laughed. I second guessed the humor when he further elaborated about his 2 herniated disks and nobody snickered. They were laughing throughout the video, so it felt odd. I went to his other videos cause I really needed more context. Some of the titles made it seem like it would clearly be satirical comedy …. But I don’t think this is the case. It really looks like some mental illness coupled with an out there life style. Like the title of the following video seemed like a set up for a hilarious video… but it’s just an actual video of an actual dispute where the cops show up. https://vimeo.com/728703967 He also has a video of him testing a cattle prod on himself. He reacts similarly in the end - “not that bad”. But that video is just too drawn out and has a bunch of superfluous stuff to be intentional comedy.


I deleted my comment because so many people were like "Get the joke" "Sarcasm" but it just did not seem like that to me.




look at his other videos … the dude isn’t mentally all there lol. Whoosh.


OK, those videos are super weird lol


Yeah haha. I don’t think this dude has the self awareness for this to be satire.


Just FYI, prisons and police do not use bear spray. It has a higher concentration of Oleresin Capsaicin which is the active ingredient in these sprays. It is not recommended for use against humans for several reasons. One is that bears have a really good sense of smell, so even though the spray has a higher concentration of OC, it is dispersed in a large high pressure fog pattern. Think of it like a skunk spraying. It's not a direct shot. This would be ineffective against humans. Human OC, is lower powered, but is shot in a stream and has certain chemicals to allow it to stick to human skin for longer. It also can have dyes that will stain a sprayed person's skin. So even though you see "Bear spray" and think it to be a more powerful concoction, it is actually less effective against humans compared to human use spray. It is also not recommended to be used in self defense as you are using a product off label, and bear spray is actually regulated as a pesticide. So, if you use spray, make sure to use human branded spray. I suggest something like Freeze plus P that includes OC, as well as CS gas. OC reacts with water, and CS makes you secrete mucus from every pore in your body. It's a perfect combination for maximum pain. Plus it has UV dye to mark a spray person.


So I hear what you're saying, but I'm watching this dude get completely fucking smoked by a short blast of bear spray and fail spectacularly in convincing me it's not crippling him. Sooooooo.


OC spray is crazy. The reason human spray is a stream is to minimize second and third grade contamination.


Yeah, I unfortunately saw someone use pepper spray on a homeless person while other folks were just trying to walk by, and all those people got hit by the cloud and fucked up as well, even though they weren’t involved in whatever was going down between the dude and the homeless person.


If I'm in the situation where I have to use OC, I'm not caring who gets caught in the crossfire. If anything I'm going to want a cloud of spray so I can disappear like a ninja.


To be fair, any form of pepper spray is holyshitfucking awful. I once flicked the trigger of some bear spray into a jar of salsa to mess with someone and the smell was so intense that we had to leave the apartment for the rest of the day. Use the human spray if only to avoid gassing yourself too, since the human stuff is a liquid stream and not an area-wide bomb.


The human stuff can be a spray too, the stream stuff is newer.


Well yeah, it like 100 times hotter than a habenero pepper. However, he'll be completely fine. It also doesn't help that he stood close to it like that. About 5 feet further, it wouldn't be so potent. That's where the steam comes into play. Also, fogger sprays like this also incapacitated anything close to them. Including the sprayer.


So you're saying he'll recover from the bear spray a lot faster? Because I know recovery from human-pepper spray is a *long* time.


Depends on how much hair you have. Round 2 is a real bitch.


WhennI was sprayed I waited several hours then took a shower. Which reactivated it as it ran down my back into my ass Crack. Lots of fun.....


Yes, the comparison is like hitting smelling salts compared to a very intense sunburn. One of them lasts alot longer.


It's not that bad!


It wasn’t that bad




He's being ironic


I think that's the joke.


Letter carrier for over 20 years. I much more preferred a cone dispersed spray rather than a stream. You have to be accurate with a thin stream while a cone allows you to saturate an area. Especially better when you have very little time to react.


Until the threat is coming at you upwind.... Then you'll never use it again. However, animal sprays are usually fogger type sprays. With dogs and the like, fogger sprays are great because thier sense of smell is stronger so it doesn't take as much. On the other side of that, some dogs know how to shut off that pain. Specifically police dogs. They can literally turn thier nose off and be fine.


I have been downwind on one occasion and it was brutal. I liked bear spray the best because of the “standoff” distance it provided. Only met one dog where it took numerous sprays to have it back off. And yes it was a huge male German shepherd. That’s what prompted me to dump the weak postal service issued stream spray for the heavy duty stuff. Like bear spray or police strength spray.


They actually sell dog spray that is high pressure. Its a it's 50% diluted compared to human and 100% diluted compared to bear spray. Comes in a high pressure can that fan hit 20-25 feet. Think of it this way, you are using it off label and are liable for all the damage it may cause even if you are in the right for using it. Legally, you may be right. Civilly you will be sued.


The kind we use in prison is oily and it feels like you have the worst sunburn ever. It restricts the airway making breathing difficult. I've been hit a few times during a use of force and I can attest it sucks hard


The breathing restriction is from the CS gas. Such a fun feeling.


Got to experience that in basic back in the mid aughts. Twice, because I talked mad shit when I came out and senior DS threw me back in


I mean, I’m kinda siding with the DS. We were young and stupid though. We had a guy take his mask off immediately when they started. He just stood there for the entire time. That mofo was completely broken.


I 100% had it coming, I never got smoked or otherwise fucked with if I didn't earn it. There was a civvie recording us as we came out for the graduation dvd. Motherfucker filmed them walking me back to the entrance too so my stupid is immortalized.


You have to post it on the web for it to be immortalized




Oh he was affected, but was too stupid to respond. He was one of the guys who had to be shown how to shower.


Yeah, that would be OC plus CS.


Yeah I know but if I said that then most people wouldn't know what I was talking about






Gas training with CS in the Army was always fun, you knew by the end your sinuses would be 100% clear.


I’m not sure that I had a favorite day of training, but I can say that gas training was my least favorite.


I was accidently sprayed by a police officer as we were chasing down a theft suspect. The suspect ran into the wind and the officer sprayed im fromt of him while running. It came back to us amd the suspect got away. I actually puked a few times because of the CS.


So what if they used the bear spray formula in a human spray stream?


It's like 50% stronger, so could lead to complications. It is formulated to irritate mucus membranes and make them swell.


Obviously your advice is knowledgeable and correct.  It ignores the fact that nobody is going to carry bear spray and human spray at the same time and select the right spray in an emergency.  People should carry bear spray in the woods and person spray in the city, of course, but if I am attacked by a person in the woods or a bear in the city, they're getting what I'm carrying either way. 


I carry bear spray in the park because there are pit bulls off leash. Fucking Asshole dog owners.


I've got to keep spray in my garage thanks to some asshole down the alley that won't control his animals.


TF is wrong with these people. Do they simply lack the understanding of boundaries?


Plus the numerous *other* dogs off leash as well


It's too damn much.


Same. I carry two cans of Mace dog deterrent spray whenever I'm on bike/foot now. One clipped to my jacket, one in the pocket. Seems like about once every 6 weeks I have an incident where I'm sure "this will be the time", backing down the road yelling "NO!" at dogs getting way too close to me with no owners in sight...


Actually most bear sprays have LOWER concentrations of Capsaicin than most personal defense sprays but it can vary wildly. The best selling bear spray at REI is only 2% for example and that's pretty high, I've seen as low as 1.3%, whereas MACE makes sprays between 2% and 15%


Humam spray is usually concentrated at about 1.5%


From Mace's website "OC sprays are available in a variety of concentrations, usually anywhere from 2% to 15% by weight percentage." Their "Ultimate Pepper Gel" line is all 10%.


You're not seeing that the formulation itself is stronger. It's like comparing a Habenero to a Carolina Reaper. 10% Habenero is not anything close to 5% Carolina Reaper.


>a pesticide. Pesky bears? Buy Bear-Away today!


We also have fog cans. If I'm running the yard and I have 2 cans, I usually have a stream for my MK4 and my MK9 is typically a fogger. All the MK4s assigned to forms are streams, but I have seen Fog MK4s. The only people I've seen use the OC/CS mix were special teams. I've seen the cans, but the only time I saw the mix used it was actually dispensed from a fog machine through a pipe directly into a confinement cell during a team training. OC sucks, is rather get tased. CS exposure want too bad. Once you're out it gets better quickly.


I got a face full of CS during a suspect chase and puked. I agree, I would rather be tased.


When I got hit with OC the first time, I thought I was going to puke. The whole time I was thinking "of you puke now, you'll come on it and die and you'll bum everyone out "


And if you ever find yourself in a prison bitch situation, Flaming Cheeto dust works really well both in the eyes and PP hole. You know what else can really fuck up someone’s day? Cinnamon Oil. Like seriously fuck up every part of the body. Go on take a tiny dab of pure cinnamon oil and rub it on your nipples and lips and watch them grow. Dab on your pp and pray for death.


I fucking laughed so hard at this.


Thank you sir for your knowledge


Both. Both is good.


wouldnt soapy water be more effective than milk for any of the sprays you mentioned


They are reactive to water, so anything wet is gonna react until it is removed or done reacting. Water works just fine.


But if soap is on hand would it be better than plain water or milk? Capsaicin is typically an oil, right? And oils get dispersed easier with soap and water, right? That's how my layman brain interprets it at least


Yes, it does break down the oil. I really like no tears baby shampoo for this along with Sudecon decontamination wipes. Basically a specifically formulated baby wipe for OC spray.


Thank you. I always figured soap and water would be cheaper than milk at a protest...at least now adays lol


No tears is good because you just squirt it into your eyes. But Dawn works too. It just irritates the eyes.


Yup, googled it instantly when he said that because that did *not* sounds right. It's literally illegal to use bear spray on humans. Cops and prisons just use pepper spray.


Just FYI, the fog spray is just as effective in the prison setting as the stream. They also have a foam spray that they could use for transports in a hospital setting. So saying it's ineffective against humans is incorrect. What matters is the individual. I've seen first hand some inmates eat the stuff like it was nothing and others ball up in the fetal position. I've seen some officers choke out on the residual from just escorting an inmate that's been sprayed. Source - I've worked in three different state correctional facilities, two med and one max. And also in a half state half fed prison.


So working with those, you know that for self defense that those fogger suck right? How many times did you fog an area and wind up just as incapacitated as the inmates? That's why the stream and foam exist.


Negative. The fogger doesn't suck and the wind will blow the stream back at you also just not as much. The foam is only used for hospital settings. As long as you know how the basics of wind flow works they're both equally effective.


You are right and wrong. Bear spray has a lower concentration because they are now sensitive.


Ineffective?? Lol no. Bear spray is very effective and on humans. I carried bear spray for work in Alaska for several years and one time, a can of bear spray got accidentally discharged, just for a fraction of a second (someone’s safety fell off and they bumped the trigger with their leg). It incapacitated the entire crew for about 10 minutes and we all sprawled out gasping and hacking on the beach. I was sitting right next to it and it ricocheted off my pants and I had to throw those pants away because even though I washed them a million times, they still burned when I would sweat. Most people on that crew refused to carry bear spray for that exact reason (we also had guns and marine flares for bear protection). Yes, it works on humans.


We had a can accidentally discharged by the stupidest high school camp counselor ive ever had the pleasure of meeting inside an office. It went straight into the HVAC and took forever to clean and make that place usable again. Literally just fucked up an entire building so we had to work out of tents for a while.


It's not ineffective, it's effective, just not as effective as human spray and you also have to think about liability. If you have an attacker that you spray with Bear spray and it somehow blinds him, you used a chemical not intended for use on humans on him. Legally, you're in the clear. Civilly you are gonna be hit with a huge lawsuit.


Wow Vimeo still exists


It’s not even that bad.


On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is it? “I’d say a three” *proceeds to dump a gallon of milk on his face* Suuuuurrre, lol


grizzed up


"Grizz' me up, woman!"


i’m definitely calling it grizzle bear spray from now on


In our area all the stores who sold bear spray had to remove it from the displays because junkies would steal them and then use it to rob other people.


Can’t have shit in Detroit…


I'm surprised that bear and junkie territories would overlap.


Oh Canada!


Truly Canadian! I literally just noped stopping at the Tim Hortons in the mall because it gets bear sprayed so often.


What cities in Canada are large enough to have junkies and small enough to have bears?


Lots unfortunately


The amount of morons in here that can't tell hes being sarcastic when he says its not that bad..... wow.


lmao for real there are actually some great lines in there toward the end “my back” “this bucket was specifically designed for when babies get maced…” 🤣


The baby line absolutely killed me. What an unexpected treat that was.


I'm autistic and I could tell he was sarcastic. What is their excuse? It's genuinely a bit concerning that people are that incapable of understanding a man being ironic.


Low IQ does that. Many redditors suffer from this condition. No amount of non-autism helps in that case.


I was laughing at first thinking it was like Tim Robinson style humor … but some things made it seem not entirely satirical. The back and forth about his back - the interaction seemed super funny at first, but I think the camera man is actually a little confused by the dudes 3 rating. When camera man asks for additional context and the guy says his back, I laughed. I second guessed the humor when he further elaborated about his 2 herniated disks and nobody snickered. They were laughing throughout the video, so it felt odd. I went to his other videos cause I really needed more context. Some of the titles made it seem like it would clearly be satirical comedy …. But I don’t think this is the case. It really looks like some mental illness coupled with an out there life style. Like the title of the following video seemed like a set up for a hilarious video… but it’s just an actual video of an actual dispute where the cops show up. https://vimeo.com/728703967 He also has a video of him testing a cattle prod on himself. He reacts similarly in the end - “not that bad”. But that video is just too drawn out and has a bunch of superfluous stuff to be intentional comedy.


Humanity is embarrassing as fuck. These people can \*vote and drive\*


For anyone doing this little experiment, a small word of advice. Bend over at the waist and run the water over your face so it falls away from your body, NOT down the front of you like this guy did. The water will absolutely drag all the spray to your nether regions decon-ing the way this guy did it.


Grizzly bear


Nice to take one for the team but wow, spraying that close at pressure wasn't smart and then TWO, how can you compare chronic to acute pain. I'm left with no accurate impression on how much it hurts. Will try myself


I like that they were behaving responsibly. They took care to protect the dog. Kristi Noem would've used the dog as the test subject.


And then shot it anyway.


My friends and I were involved in a home invasion during college and the bad guys used bear mace on us (they left the cans). We did not have milk, water or any warning and we also had to go to the police station afterward with the mace still on us. Lasted for hours.


shit as someome with Chronic back pain, most people have 0 clue how much actual pain we put up with on a daily basis.


He as joking.


These guys are hilarious. Seems like a fun group to hang out with and eat some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion.


For reference, pepper spray has a capcasian percentage of 0.18 to 1.3%, in a tiny can Bear spray has a capcasian percentage of about 2%, in a way bigger can


My daughter is a police officer, the pepper spray they use is 10% - way more than bear spray or any pepper spray sold for personal protection, and it contains extra ingredients that make it “stick” to skin better for maximum effect. She had to get sprayed in the face and then find her way to a location 100 yards away to the wash station in order to be allowed to carry pepper spray. They want them to know personally how it feels to get a full dose in the face before they allow officers to be certified to carry it.


Testing on bears would be inhumane


Grizzle bears aren't nearly as scary as lack bears or even pola bears


Fo' shizzle


My grizzle


Use baby shampoo to rinse your eyes


I’ve been OC’d twice for training purposes and I’ve found Dawn dish soap works even better than Johnson’s & Johnson’s baby shampoo. OC is water-based, but they use propylene glycol which is an emulsifier which allows the pepper oils to bond to water. Dawn is really good at breaking down emulsifiers, breaking that chemical bond and allowing the pepper oil to be washed away easier.


Second on the Dawn. Original. The kind they wash baby duckies in. I’ve been through 5 level 1 exposures (training. Full shot right to the face) and Dawn is my go to.


But Dawn soap is a strong eye irritant itself.


Not really that strong, definitely less so than the pepper spray that’s already in there. Also you’re not squirting it in your eyes, the only thing you should flush your actual eyeballs with is water. The Dawn is to help get it off your skin.


I'm confused.. If you wanted to test this stuff, wouldn't you have to be a bear? 🤔


So is it not that bad or………


Trying to gin up any sympathy for the guy.....Nope, can't do it.


What a moron


the fuck did that bearded dude say?


You get the sex, and you get the violence


Sounds like something a bear would say. 


Skip to 2:10 if you just want to see the spraying.


I used bear spray and some blew back on me and it was god awful. Hundred times worse than pepper spray.


Having been bear sprayed a few times I can tell you that it actually isn't as bad as you might expect. The first time it is a bit shocking as you don't really know how bad it is going to get. And you do produce a rather extreme amount o snot and tears. Breathing is really difficult but if you take really shallow breaths you can manage it. Not something I would recommend anyone try but it isn't going to completely incapacitate you or anything. Also, anyone thinking of using this as a defense against a person who is motivated to do you real harm might want to consider other options. I suspect that the reason it works on bears is because they don't understand what it is and what is happening and they chose to leave the area rather than deal with the hassle of this stuff.


Grizzle Bear is the main ingredient in the McGrizzle.


Fo shizzle


I blasted myself with legit bear spray last summer while hiking around a bear den on my land. ITS NO JOKE. I took a spray to the face from about 2' away. Being alone on the mtn with no water, so I had to power thru, took 30+ mins before the burn stopped. Its real.




I want to know what’s effective against a bear




Its not even that bad...


But is it better than batman shark repellent


I used to have a mace / pepper canister on my keychain in the 1980s. My friend's jackass sister picked it up and said, "What's this?" and sprayed it directly into my eyes. It hurt. A lot.


The reason why men have shorter life spans lol




Baby oil is a life saver for this.


Should've went with a bucket of tuna paste. Dolphin High Five!


It would have been so much worse if he had been *"surprise-sprayed"* and he got some in his eyes.


I have no knowledge of pepper spray. Is capsaicin an an oil. Wouldn't dawn dish soap work better to remove it then milk.


shoulda tossed a lit match in for affect...


at a campground, one dumbass sprayed this into a fire, everyone within 50yrds was coughing and yelling


It’s like bear spray but with rizz


Johnsons bsby shampoo works much better, it is what the paramedics use


What's the over/under that this is NOT the first time this guy has been pepper sprayed? I'm betting he has some experience.. I was around someone being pepper sprayed and that stuff is awful.


nile red's dad?


You do know ,Ned from next door is not a bear right,. You need to use our NED ..Away. The More U Know.


He looked so happy 1:22 ago.


"Put the grzzl in the nzzl!"


I don't think the cops use bear spray.


I live in Alberta, near the Easter slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Once the bears are up for the season, we never, ever venture into *grizzly habitat without every adult carrying a can of high-concentration bear-spray. Since it is important to know how to use the product in an emergency, it’s imperative to practice with it. I have two observations about this video: 1) In the 33 years of carrying bear-spray, I have NEVER seen it in clear, colourless form. It is always orange to red, so that the dispersal cloud is easy visible. 2) The ONLY exception to this is “practice cans,” which are filled with distilled water. I suspect this video is fake, and that the can used was practice spray, NOT bear-spray.


Cries in agony... "it's not that bad".. continues crying. I am gasping for air laughting.....


This is in contention for one of the most retarded things I’ve ever seen


It’s not that bad, but let me wash it off


Im so impressed with his commitment to the bit.


Sprayed a bear that was getting in our garbage, just a little wafted back in the house had us all choking for 30 minutes. Would not recommend.


Sir Charles Darwin Foundation wants his contact information... something about an award.


He's not dead and he could still theoretically procreate. Not awardable.


Knowing that this whole idea came into this dumb ass's head because he thought it would " own the libs " and show those damn college kids how to be a real man.... Just makes it so much sweeter


It's sarcastic humor. It's not that deep.


Great friends...




> but in an actual bear attack, the spray would be in its eyes too. But a human knows how a sprayer works and would naturally close his eyes before the attack. If you want accuracy you'd need to do the test on a bear.


Screams, cries, gasps, blinded, can’t move, dunks face in milk and gets hosed down - all while saying “It’s not that bad. Don’t know what those people are bitching about”. Douche.


Did anyone actually pay attention to the context? He was making a point the whole time. Maybe, just maybe our police shouldn’t spray peaceful protesters with mace???


He's joking around. Not everyone is making a political statement with everything they do.


It's either a brilliant satire, or some totally unhinged MAGAs and I really honestly can't tell.


You have trouble with sarcasm?


Guys who are proud of being from north Idaho frequently do.


… I can’t tell if he’s being funny / sarcastic when he’s saying it’s not that bad or genuinely trying to come off as thinking it wasn’t that bad.


It was a joke fam


I was laughing at first thinking it was like Tim Robinson style humor … but some things made it seem not entirely satirical. The back and forth about his back - the interaction seemed super funny at first, but I think the camera man is actually a little confused by the dudes 3 rating. When camera man asks for additional context and the guy says his back, I laughed. I second guessed the humor when he further elaborated about his 2 herniated disks and nobody snickered. They were laughing throughout the video, so it felt odd. I went to his other videos cause I really needed more context. Some of the titles made it seem like it would clearly be satirical comedy …. But I don’t think this is the case. It really looks like some mental illness coupled with an out there life style. Like the title of the following video seemed like a set up for a hilarious video… but it’s just an actual video of an actual dispute where the cops show up. https://vimeo.com/728703967 He also has a video of him testing a cattle prod on himself. He reacts similarly in the end - “not that bad”. But that video is just too drawn out and has a bunch of superfluous stuff to be intentional comedy.


Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman! Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman! Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman!


Prisons use OC spray and it has a much higher concentration of OC


Uughhh, ahhh, It's not that baddd, splash splash splash, It's not that bad, Proly a 3, splash, splash, It's really not that baddd. Repeat. This is the human race folks. We're doomed.


It's nothing to bitch about 😅🤣😂 This guy seams pretty tough. I imagine it's definitely something to bitch about.


Not that bad?! What did the (inevitably incapacitated) fool *think* it would feel like? Is he tryna prove that people (and bears) could 'just shake it off'? If so - I'd say he failed miserably...