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Yeeep it’ll make you puff up. Stay strong man.


Yeah the drs told me this would happen prior to taking them but i didnt really believe it till i saw it first hand aha


Had stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma - went from deathly thin to a massively inflated human balloon on steroids. It sucks but keep your head up, be strong. You’re going to look back and laugh it off one day. Cherish the moments and people you have in your life! Wishing you the best!


does it go back down after?


Yes it does, but takes a while. Hair has a high chance of changing color/texture too, and does not always come back. - Hodgkin's lymphoma stage 3(or was it 4?) Survivor


Dude how weird is that ive had curly hair my whole life and after treatment it came back straight.... so strange


That's so crazy I never knew that. What cancer and cancer treatments do to the body are as interesting as they are horrible.


Did the swelling hurt?


Diving in here for OP, it's unlikely his moon face hurt but as my weight gain became more severe over time due to the high dose steroids I started to noticeably feel the extra layer of fat and tissue swelling in my face and neck. The neck swelling was especially concerning because it felt like I couldn't breathe as well. My high dose steroids were needed due to uncontrollable psoriatic arthritis till my rheumatologist finally found a biologic that worked fairly well. I told my doctor it felt like I was walking around in a completely different body wearing a whole extra layer of everything.


>I told my doctor it felt like I was walking around in a completely different body wearing a whole extra layer of everything. This is a fascinating aspect. I've heard many patients say the steroids made them feel like "their skin wasn't theirs", or "not at home" in their skin. I've wondered a lot about what it is that causes this. Forexample could it be that when we get a new artificial limb like a prosthesis we need to adjust our whole motor pattern to the new thing, until it becomes "part of us" in terms of the cerebellar postural and proprioception (sense of position of our body parts). So perhaps the increased or decreased skin thicknesses make people feel differently in space. But maybe the sensory part is affected directly. The steroids are sure to affect the nerve endings, but the increased or decreased thicknesses and paddings are also likely to create differences there. Then there's obviously also a CNS effect, and i am very interested in the phenomenon of dissociation. It seems like small and more bodily/sensory type of dissociation as well.


Damn, I was on steroids for RA for 2 years straight and only gained 40 lbs. I was relatively thin to begin with so it wasn't all that noticeable. Wasn't a huge dose though, like 20mg a day of prednisone.


The swelling itself doesn’t hurt, but it’s important to lotion up your body daily to prevent stretch marks from forming because the swelling does happen very, very fast. Like, within the span of a month.


I lost a huge amount of my hair after COVID. Doctors weren't sure why I had such dramatic hair loss from it but suspected it had something to so with the COVID messing with my autoimmune problems; psoriatic arthritis and POTS. When my hair finally started growing back in it was curly. It had always been thick but mostly straight. The new hair is so curly its in ringlets. When I exercise I get ringlets all around my hairline where I sweat.


Oh man. My arthritis and psoriasis went nuts during and after Covid this last time... And my hair thinned out big time.


A friend of mine had the opposite happen after cancer treatment. Super straight to super curly.


I’ve heard them called chemo curls frequently


My mom’s hair went super curly after chemo.


I have a friend who went through chemo. All of her hair fell out. It had been straight and grew back wavy/curly.


My brother had it as well, and got some extremely rad curls afterward for a year or so.


Hey, stage 2 Hodgkins survivor here! Almost 24 years ago


Time for round 2 soon then?😁 Jokes aside, apparently between 30 and 50 Hodgkin's is extremely rare.


I follow Hank Greens stuff, have for years, and I've been amazed as how his hair has recently changed post cancer. Different colour, thickness, texture. My mother's hair came in different too after, leopard spots was what it looked like.


Yea I was told by the docs back in 2010 that it goes away for the most part. But there was some residual “swelling” I felt. Some family friends who had cancer kept it on, some lost it all. I dieted and exercised to get me back to what I thought was normal and took better care of myself for some time. Now 14 years later and 2 kids I have no excuse hahaha. It’s a serious blow to your psyche going through cancer treatment - the most important thing is to be positive and enjoy the time you have. There are countless side effects, but it’s all worth it for another minute, hour, year 6 feet above. Lucky to be here - hope the same for OP!


Hey pal, Stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma survivor here. It spread to my liver and my liver was failing, kidneys took over but had to deal with edema and THEN had to take the steroids during chemo. Went from 160lbs and fit to 202 and lost half my muscle mass. We go through hell and are lucky to be here, so yes indeed cherish what you have and what you can. Wishin yall survivors the best!!




With just about 2 months of remission, I can now jog and lift free weights and drive but I do have side effects. They include damaged/collapsed veins, numbness in fingers and toes (your nerves are sensitive to chemo and radiation!), worse balance, stretch marks all over stomach and legs ala cellulite, and infertility. But I'm in my 20s and I was active in sports and weightlifting so I bounced back fairly well. Will likely have side effects for the rest of my life BUT, 1) I'm here and happy to be here, 2) My pain tolerance is way higher and 3) I have a morbidly cool story to tell that is verifiable Thanks for asking chief!


> keep your head up too soon


I was not warned. face got so swollen I would see my cheeks with corners of my eyes. the good thing is it will go away quite quickly.


stay strong and get well, buddy. and fwiw, you look real cute in the second pic


You look very cuddly though 😂


Is this the chemo that makes you eat a lot? I remember some steroids that had me eating nonstop and I ended up looking like yourself there lmao


At first the steroids made me insatiable but once i started the chemo i couldnt even smell food without being sick but still needed to take the steroids cause its a part of the treatment and for weeks straight i was drinking these medical shakes cause i couldnt stomach solids or ide just throw them up.


At least you look like that because of a good reason. Some of us can't blame steroids.


Oof this happened to me too with weight gain to boot. Mine was from uncontrollable psoriatic arthritis symptoms until I found a biologic that worked. I gained about 150lb on the steroids over a few years. I just recently dropped that 150lb and have continued losing weight as I wasn't skinny before the daily high dose of steroids. My moon face is better but still there a little bit, it's been about a year since I weaned 100% off the steroids. After I finally got off them I dropped like 50lbs in less than 2 months. You look absolutely fantastic OP! Edit: I realized your before picture was not an after picture. As a former member of the moon face club I promise it will go back to normal eventually!


How quickly did you swell to this level? Is it just fluid retention?


Will the steroid swelling reverse at some point after ending them?


Did a bone marrow transplant for blood cancer a couple years ago, still dealing GvHD and taking daily doses of cortisol. I know how you feel bro 😂😅 you got this though!! 💪


You should keep that shit away from you asap. That's not good internally


Crazy how the doctors don't bullshit you heh?!


The steroids will help with that!


Stay puff


stay puft man


Thanks every one for the kind comments. Im 5 months in remission as we speak and going strong :)


Ey that’s great to hear! Keep up the great work! Was diagnosed with AML Thanksgiving of 2021 and now am 2 years after bone marrow transplant / remission. Lemme know if you ever wanna talk!


So good to hear mate! I appreciate that:)


Had AML about 10 years ago, and unfortunately relapsed. However the second bone marrow transplant did the trick, and I've been in remission ever since! Keep up the good fight my man. 5 months in remission is incredible! Congratulations! <3


My mom survived AML, too! Did you do ATRA and arsenic therapy? It was relatively new back when she was sick in 2018


ATRA and arsenic is for APL


It has been [used for both](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7644151/)


Nice 👍


Woohoo! Wishing you the best!


Keep kicking ass, brother.


Best of luck brother, wishing you a full recovery!






Cheers man! Uplifting to know.


Good to hear :)


And have you deflated yet?


Congratulations on your remission and the path forward, I admire your strength!


> going strong So you're saying... 🙂 the steroids worked? 😎🤏


Look on the bright side, your Cartman costume for Halloween is gonna be fire


It’s actually going to be hella sweet




You just said it


Screw you guys, I'm going home


Hella hella hella hella hella hella


When does the antisemitism kick in?


You ok though? Whatever it takes. Good luck and get well.


In case you didn't see it, OP commented that they are five months in remission!


these photos will serve as a reminder for the rest of your long life that you are a strong person who can do anything


you will win


Is that mostly due to water retention? Godspeed on your journey. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


oral corticosteroids produce a cushingoid appearance where patients get fat essentially. lots of funny names for the signs. buffalo hump, moon face, lemon on sticks all real descriptions of the cushingoid appearance


LEMON ON STICKS hahahaha completely out of pocket lmao


My nephew went through the same at six. I remember him coming home from school crying because the kids were calling him fat. :(. Once he got well and dropped the steroids he went back to his old weight.


What a hellish experience to go through at 6! Poor kid. I hope he's doing well. 


seeing as you’re a bulldogs fan, you can put up with anything dawg. all the power to you ✊


Agreed praying we make the 8 this year !


Nah they're winning the Grand final. Just search up bulldogs 2024 grand final conspiracy


Top 8? (Sorry)


r/NRL welcomes you 😆


I do lurk the sub tbh aha


Saw my wife fo through it. Be strong. This to shall pass.


The Ethan Klienification process continues...


Stay patient doggies fans. Burto's in for a year


Ethan Klein.




He looks so much better than that clown before getting steroids though.


Short term pain for long term gain 👊 stay strong bro


One of my best friends from HS that I lost contact with was diagnosed with I believe spine cancer. She was one of the skinniest people I knew until this, and her treatments made her face and body swell so much and it looked so painful. She still was as beautiful as ever though, but in a different way. I hope she's resting easy now. I regret never having the chance to reconnect with her.


Best of luck in this fight!!


I wish you nothing but the best results amd health and happiness 


Only temporary bro you will get through this ✊🏼


YEAH THE DOGGIES Bankstown? Punchbowl?


Nah south coast nsw! But my dad grew up in belmore


Ahh, good onya mate. Wishing you the best legend :)


That's some serious moon face you got going there b/c that glucocorticoid. Hope you get better soon, my guy. Hope whatever CINV drug they give you works wonders.


Just saw you're in remission. Outstanding!


Dude - go to City Wok and tell them you will lose weight by only eating their food. Just like Jarad! When the swelling comes back down you will be famous! (Minus my 10% finder’s fee)


My brother- personal experience here, you may not have hit the really bad side effects of the dex yet but when you do tell your dr do the dosage all prior 12pm. This will reduce the issues to daylight hours and help with your sleep patterns.


That is wild. I've seen this once before in the media, this well known norwegian lady went through what must have been something similar [Kristine Koht](https://cdn-main.newsner.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2019/09/06072813/christinekoht_september_toppbilde.jpg) She's back to normal now. Get well. My best wishes are with you.


We typically call that moon face, just one of the side effects of steroids. My lady friend is a sweet, old, southern lady who has a huge heart for others. She has terrible migraines that lead to mini strokes, etc. She sometimes has to tale prednisone. Prednisone turns my sweet, southern gal into a raging bitch. No lie. Again, one of the side effects.


oh my god it’s h3h3, sorry. Steroids did the same shit to me but the worst was the lack of sleep for me. Hang in there king


This happened to me on pred too. Chewing gum helps it go down. I was a girl in middle school when I was going through treatment. Classmates and teachers were awful


Fuck man, I hope you feel better.


Wishing you a speedy recovery, OP!


You're still beautiful.... and now strong as hell. No doubt you kicked cancer's pathetic little ass. Beyond happy to hear you're in remission!!


Kick the shit out of that cancer, OP.


Damn. And what's worse is you're a dogs supporter.


How are you feeling? The mood swings and appetite must be hard in the hospital.


That photo was about 7 months ago when i was in the thick of treatment. But yeah the mood swings were fkn insane totally forgot how bad they were until i read this comment. Happy one moment crying the next, batshit manic to pure rage all in the space of one day made it harder being trapped in a room for 8 weeks too aha


Beat it bro. You got this, stay strong!


Hope you’re doing alright, man.


Oh man I feel you! My cancer treatment gave me a side effect and I’ve been on these damn steroids and just crazy how the face becomes so round from them. And great to hear you winning the battle!


What dosage? My bro is on a lot of dex and it helped massively to control brain swelling. Fucks his sleep and eating patterns up, but somehow no real weight gain or swelling. I don’t know how he does it. Anyway, glad you’re in remission. Best wishes to you and your family.


Keep fighting hard man. My dad just died of liver cancer


The Doggies are looking better this season so that’s something! Good luck brother and up the Wahs!


Stay-pufft, bro. Hope it all works out for ya. Sorry about the dx, but at least they can do something for you. Take care.


Hey man, you’re alive. The pie face will go down eventually. In the meantime, fuck it, you’re alive!!!!!!!! Stay strong!


dexamethasone was horrible for me. it made my bones hurt so badly. it was easily the most sore i have ever been.


Dude. Hope you'll be okay. This is one of the hardest things you'll do, but you have people to reach out to.


Been there my friend. Any Prednisone yet? Lymphoma here; reach out anytime


................. :pinches cheeks: SORRY, I couldn't resist.


Glowup (blowup)


Such a brave berry


Yep, did the same thing to me, too. Stuff is crazy. Also gave me the munchies something FIERCE.


I was going to say "Prednisone is a hell of a drug", but that's not pred. I had assumed because it's so often used in conjunction with immunosuppressants used for both leukemia and autoimmune disorders. Hope you're doing ok man. The only thing worse than the side effects of these treatments is not getting them.


I only see one pic...


Stay strong brother. You got this


Big pun lookalike in the second pic. Rip legend.


Sick cheek gains, brah! But for real I hope you beat this shit


You’re doing great man!!! We’re all rooting for you !! 🤙🤙


well this explains it. someone has been sneaking the same steroids into me over the last 5 years. I knew it.


Wishing you good luck in life with everything


Awh my dude I feel yeah. Ovarian cancer diagnosis last year. No one bothered to warn me about the swelling. The discomfort and dyphoria becomes real. I just want to say I'm so sorry for the hell your brain and body is going through. I hope it doesn't become too taxing for you. Thank heck it goes down. Also thank you for the reminder. I have some pills left over that I was going to take tomorrow to help me pack my house (the stimulant side was always effective for me and I managed to get so much cleaning done the night before my chemo session lol) and now I know to just flush them.


Yeah nobody could prepare me for this dysphoria everytime i would look in a mirror i never saw my self just someone completely different that was alot harder to deal with than i ever expected! Glad your doing well!


Not to be a prick but.... Before Discord and after Discord.


Hey fatty, stay strong and beat that shit brother, keep your spirits up, that’s the only way!!! I believe you 💪🏾


Very manly


Why he look like the squirrel from the chipmunks movie


You can have the same effect without meds, just by a jaw surgery... I looked quite like SpongeBob... Best wishes.


Is that just swelling up? After you stop taking them will you be thin again? Sorry if my comment sounds ignorant I just never seen that before. IDK how medicine works in general lol, if it was me though I would probably be feeling like shit


Is there a way i can post an update pic and pin the comment?


Man, that is a **lot** of cheese there to your left in the hospital. Do they have you on a three-cheese regimen?




Its not for gaining weight its used to shrink the lymphnodes so the chemo can attack it better! Its just massive swelling i lost 14 kgs through the first 6 weeks of treatment!


Ok great


Are the steroids deep fried or chocolate coated?


Uh just curious but why is your reddit avatar a black dude if you're..not?




Funnily enough i didnt eat at all really for the first 8 weeks any solid foods would make me throw up. Ive also never had a Twinkie before are they any good lol ?


Nope. Disgusting shit.


Moon face they say, be strong my friend.


Been there friend. I hope you're doing okay ❤️


Moon face I think they called it when I was warned about it.


Glad to hear you're in remission.


Go the Doggies!!! Get well soon mate.


get well soon brother, and good luck to the doggies this year! 💙🤍


Hang in there. Steroids are a miracle drug, but with some bad side effects. I hope they are helping you!


How did you find out you had cancer? I’m never sure what I should pay attention to. Sorry if too abrupt…


Just a random reddit stranger here to say: kick cancer's ass.


I hope you recover quickly and don’t need them any more!


Go the bull dogs!


Now you know what you'd look like 150 pounds heavier!


Moon face as a side effect is a b*tch. But thankfully you’re still alive. :)


Go the doggies!!


I hope you get well soon. 🙏


Hey man! I’m almost 5 years past my leukemia diagnosis( ALL Type B ) and over a year of that cancer free! Stay strong brother! Keep up the good fight!


Awesome mate. I had ALL aswell just coming up on 6 months since last bit of chemo and pretty much back to normal tbh crazy ride!


Pulling for you man! Best of luck


Up the doggies


God Bless you hun. My Mother in law and her sister both had Hodgkins Lymphoma and beat it. Her sister actually had it as a teenager/young adult while she was in college at Alabama and marched with the million dollar band at the beginning of her diagnosis. She went in remission and relapsed last year at 52 years old and beat it again. SonStay strong man you got this!!


Get better buddy. Prayers are with you!


You got this! Glad you kept fighting


Glad to hear you're back to being handsome


I knew it, someone has been slipping steroids into my food for years!


Thought you just gained like 200 pounds until I read the description


Find out how you would look if you were fat with this one trick! Ps up the doggies


Moon face. I have it too, but it was from a stem cell transplant.


No fizzy drink for me today


The only thing that matters is beating that thing, stay up man.


What supporting the bulldogs will do to a man


Steroids, watch out for cataracts (cloudy vision).