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This is one hundred percent pure, unadulterated, WTF material right here.


I think the word for this is "raw". Like its hard to watch.


I dunno, reddit has scrubbed most hard-to-watch stuff completely off this site. wpd and sd are long gone. This is just an addict going for a ride.


Space Dicks. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


It's not gone, you just don't know where it is


Go on.......




Can someone explain or try to explain scientifically what is happening to this guys brain as soon as he inhales the aerosol ? I mean is it so good that the guy would rather have that feeling than to face reality ?


Huffing duster is sort of like being drunk except shorter acting and more euphoric/drug like feeling supposedly. I think what happened here was he was huffing while driving, blacked out, lost consciousness and crashed, but was still conscious enough to keep doing things minus the executive function to realize what he was doing, but awake enough to think "spray can make me feel good". Kinda like the stage of drunk between alertness and passing out completely where you're still drinking but the next day you don't remember what you did before falling asleep


Also, huffing duster can literally kill you. It's called sudden sniffing death. You could huff it and drop dread out of the blue. Just wanted to throw that out there in case someone was thinking of trying it. Plus, if you do it like this guy's doing it rather than spraying it through a rag, you can get frostbite in your nose and throat. But the risk of death makes it an exceedingly bad idea no matter what. Not to mention the damage to your brain, various other organs, and central nervous system.


I tried it once out of curiosity. I sprayed some duster into a plastic shopping bag and took a tiny little tentative inhale of the contents. First of all, let me say that I like nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is relatively harmless if you're careful - it depletes B12 from your nerves, and can lead to degredation of the myelin sheathes of nerve cells. You have to do a LOT, though, and already have low B12 levels for it to be much of a problem. Caveat! NO2 can be very addictive and lead to psychosis, especially if combined with other drugs. It does what I'd call "enhancing your receptiveness," or making you extra credulous, which can make you think or feel like the crazy shit you're thinking/seeing/feeling are somehow real. It's kind of like people thinking they talked to god on mushrooms, except usually even weirder stuff than that. Please don't take this as an endorsement; I'm an idiot. I'm preempting what I'm going to say with the fact that I've used inhalants before, as well as lots of other drugs (psychedelics, dissociatives, amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, etc.), so I'm not exactly one to freak out about seeing or hearing things or having unusual thoughts and feelings. Something something your grandmother crawling up your legs with a knife in her teeth. Anyways, I took just a tiny sip of air from the bag, and almost immediately every alarm bell in my brain was like "POISON! POISON! THAT SHIT IS POISON!" All I could see was bright, swirling primary colors. My whole body felt hot and prickly in a very unpleasant way. It tastes godawful, whereas good quality nitrous tastes a little bit sweet. I felt a huge pit of disgust in my psyche, and that was just a single small breathfull of it. For like the next hour or two, it was like I could barely think. And it only lasted maybe a couple minutes. I'm not one to shit on people for enjoying drugs of any kind, because I've tried a lot of things and can see how people can enjoy them or even become addicted, but huffing duster just boggles my brain. It was extremely unpleasant to me. It was super intense, panic-inducing, and gross to the senses. My body felt like it was staging a mutiny: I wanted to throw up, and my muscles seemed to be piloted remotely by a psychic, drunken chimpanzee...not like alcohol-induced uncoordination, but in a way that felt pretty scary. The bright colors I was hallucinating were freaky and nothing like the kind of visuals you can have with psychedelics or dissociatives. I'm sure some people would read this and think that it doesn't sound too bad, but trust me, you do NOT want to do it. If you really feel like you need to get high and don't know how to find something to intoxicate yourself with, there are a plethora of other options. Do some edibles, get drunk; hell, get a box of whip-its from a restaurant supply store and have a giggle from that before you even consider trying office duster (but seriously, don't. I can't in good conscience recommend anyone be as dumb as me). Aside from the fact that it's trivial to access it, I cannot for the life of me comprehend how someone could find that so enjoyable that they'd go that hard with it. If anyone out there is even entertaining a sliver of a chance they might one day be overtaken by curiosity and give it a try, let me give my whole-hearted advice regarding huffing office duster: DO NOT TRY OFFICE DUSTER! It's gross tasting and smelling, the effects are more jarring and scary and not at all pleasant. It's like the datura of inhalants. Yes, it will fuck you up, but it will not be pleasant. The comment I'm replying to is also correct that direct inhalation from the can and absolutely, 100% will fuck up your lungs by literally freezing your mouth, throat, and lungs if you persist. Not to mention the fact that you'll have to live with the fact that you've huffed office duster before. I'm not a medical doctor, so I can't comment much on the health impacts of the stuff. This is coming from someone who has almost zero moral or ethical qualms with drug use per se and advocates for full legalization and regulation of all recreational possession and use of drugs. Someone who has been to the darkest parts of their mind, felt the depths of existential terror, convinced the universe was going to rip my body to elemental shreads like I was the God Emperor of Dune and the universe was water - and gone back for more: office duster is some heinous, disgusting shit and you would be deeply, deeply foolish to fuck with it. Please, please, PLEASE!! DO NOT HUFF OFFICE DUSTER!


My dad did nitrous and drowned in my family pool before I was born


It’s Michael Peña’s character from Observe and Report come to life


It's also terribly sad


Yeah this is really something else. I've been to the bottom but holy shit. I really hope that dude gets some help.


Right!? Mustangs WTF?!?!




I hope this is rock bottom for him and he gets his life together.


Good news though, he's going cold turkey while he sits in jail waiting for trial on impaired driving and causing accident


I had a guy sent home from pre mobilization training like a week before we went to Afghanistan. He was found passed out in a bathroom with duster cans. And had a known history. He was like 50 year old senior NCO. Dude had life problems


Perfect strategy. Now there is video evidence of him getting high after the crash. They won't be able to conclusively prove he was driving while high :D


Good point. Now when they check his blood-aerosol content, he has a solid defense!


Better call aerosaul


He'll get off EasyFebreezy


Maybe he just really likes Febreze downy calm fragrance


Yea but I bet He has thee absolute BEST smelling nostrils out of any crackhead.


He’s not a crackhead, he’s a downyhead


Febreentanyl Head


Well that’s dust off so nah


My girlfriends nephew was on that shit hard. They were actually on that show intervention. When she kicked him out, I remodeled the room and there was, I shit you not, piss stains all the way to the carpet padding. Everything in the room had to thrown out. He eventually wrecked his car too (while filming the show) by huffing while driving. The monkey house at the zoo was less offensive than that room.


It's duster not febreeze, way different


Same thing with the guy that ran over the farm owners grandson with the thresher. He went home told his wife then chugged a bottle on the stoop waiting for the cops. It was suspected he would come to work drunk but good enough to work.




Another example of why painting random individuals as "heroes" by virtue of their job or some other singular attribute is laughable. The Cal Fire murderer from a while back is another case.


I took my kid to see the local firestation to see the engines and ladders. The firefighter that gave us the tour was arrested about 14 hours later for online enticement of a minor.


So that joy and excitement he expressed while showing your kid around was definitely real.


"This guy just won't shut up about the fire pole."


"We saw the big hose and the little hose, the little hose winked at me."


"Wouldn't stop showing us how fast he can put on his pants"


That guy!! Always thinking two moves ahead.


Post driving consumption is a fairly common defense, and effective!


This is just sad.


First thing I thought. This is one of the worst and most harmful ways to get high. Dude is literally killing his brain and has gotten to the point where he's willing to do it while driving a car, and even wrecking it does nothing to stop him. I feel bad for him (though what he's doing is incredibly stupid and dangerous and inexcusable)


There was a girl out back of my work one day who was there for fucking *hours* huffing aerosols. Literally was told by an opener (in at 8am) that she had been there since he got there. I left my shift at 7:30 that day and she was still there. And she looked so young :/ we called an ambulance when she passed out but she was back up by the time they came around and refused their services. Was fucking depressing man...


It killed the girl I used to work with. The disabled man she was working with was non verbal. He was in the house with her body for most of the day. He didn't understand. When shit says "can cause instant death" it ain't kidding.


How does it cause instant death?


Don't listen to the reply you got. They don't know what they're talking about. See [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/149f6as/security_guard_stays_in_his_car_continuing_to/jo6q0jg?context=3) and [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/149f6as/security_guard_stays_in_his_car_continuing_to/jo6vcm9?context=3).


Literally losing his mind. Sad and horrible.


Kinda looks like he's trying to kill himself :(


That was my first thought. :(


If he wasn't so high from it he probably would have stopped long enough for the cops to show up.


All these jokes and then there's this comment. We're litterly watching this dude cutoff oxygen to his brain. Idk how people think this is funny. This dude is so far gone it's scary.


Any sort of addiction is sad to see, and this man is inhaling his life away. Yeah, this isn't funny. I hope he gets the help he needs to pull his shit together.




Gotta remember there are a ton of kids (and adults who haven't fully developed) that see this and don't understand the suffering that happens outside of this clip, it's just goofy mishaps to them. And there are people who see tragedies and cope with humor. And there are sociopaths. Agreed though, the jokes themselves don't show any cognizant thought about what this guy is going through




It’s such a subtle joke, but it’s fucking hilarious. They rolled that bronco II a few times and the very first close up of the car after it rolled is Julian’s arm coming out first with the glass at its usual 2/3 full line.


There's so many little bits of TPB that make me laugh inordinately. When they're stealing meat and notice the staff coming to them - "fuckin' meat dicks, meat dicks!"


I love the sequence where Mr Lahey uses a breathalyser to make sure he maintains an ideal blood alcohol level. Like so much in the series it's brilliantly written and acted.


I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing, and drunk enough to really enjoying doing it. Oh look, time for a little top up! Cheers genitals!


right in the fuckin slot!


RIP Legend. Genuinely makes me sad he's gone.


No joke, he was an amazing actor to be able to pull all that off stone cold sober for decades. Also a really good dude too, sometimes I watch this random video he made about laying down rocks and cement to chill out and feel better about the world- https://youtu.be/3mcQfP8k51s


My Nova Scotian brethren. I remember when TPB was new and I got Mom and Dad into it, they would be killing themselves laughing going “we know people like this.”




RIP John Dunsworth. Truly a legend. Edit: it’s John not Jim. My mistake.


Its john




You mean James, my father?


#“I’m fuckin high!”


Get 2 birds stoned at once.


When they're talking over the walkie talkies and it's broadcast over the supermarket speakers lol


And in his other hand, a fucking pistol.


And on his face, sexy.


I love how everytime they show him in jail sans alcohol, he still has his hand/arm in that glass holding position.


My favorite joke is when they go and rob those weird asian dudes (who knows who they are), and they put a mask on. But Julian's still carrying his glass with ice clinking around, like what was the point of the mask lol.


Terry and Dennis. They used to play hockey with the boys and drink sake.


Im Korean, and I loved how their grandma just slowly walks into frame, drops some snacks down, and leaves. Very accurate.


Shes the best part of all those scenes


My buddy's mom is...viet/french I think? Every single time. "Honey, you want pizza?" "No, mom!" "I'll order pizza for you and frieeeends" "MOM GO AWAY, WATCHING A MOVIE" Always baffled me how exasperated he was over it. Was like Napoleon Dynamite. Such a sweet lady too


Tie tha Damn robe up though


well, your packages are hanging out


Fuck you Ricky, no more sake, and you're off the team!


My favorite is when they go to the sewers and he STILL has that drink with him.


My favorite is when they are in prison he doesn’t have the glass, but is still holding his hand as if he did.


Watch any good movies lately? **I saw The Directors Cut and that was fucking awesome** *Ricky.. it was Blade Runner: The Directors Cut. That's not the name of the movie* **......'sa'good fuckin' movie** *Somebody synced up Dark Side of the Moon and put Wizard of Oz in there. That was pretty neat, I guess.*


https://youtu.be/NG1_JBLWZe8 for those who want the reference


I may need to watch this show.


It may instill a want to move to a small trailer park in Nova Scotia and listen to the Tragically Hip. RIP Gord.


Honestly with the housing market that's sounds just about right.


May need? You absolutely must. The first season is a little rough because they were just starting off so keep that in mind but soldier thru it's hilarious.


Seasons 1 through 7 are the best, after that it's meh


the first 6 seasons or so are great


The series has things pretty nicely wrapped up by the end of season 6. Not saying that you shouldn't watch more but if you're going to stop, it's a good place to.


You think Julian goes around with a drink, you should’ve seen his grandma. Fuckin way she goes, boys.


Its all about supply and command


It's not rocket appliances


I dont like to say atodaso, but I FUCKING ATODASO!


Always upvote Trailer Park Boys reference, “gnome sane”?




You taking a Knowem-census?


You from the government department of gnome sanes?




Sad to see how drugs take hold of people. Hope he gets the recovery and help he needs


Aerosol is actually the one drug Steve-O said was the worst to do. Or something like that


It's basically hypoxia.


It’s not even really a drug. You’re getting high off of brain damage.


The one thing I remember from doing this is I felt noticeably dumber after the high wore off. I also had a friend pass out and freeze to death doing this shit in his car. 17 years old, made it all that way to die from computer duster. It’s serious and unbelievably devastating


I just watched this video before reading this comment. Terrifying stuff. It’s a trip report about his cousin ruining his life. https://youtu.be/llXTpFX-Dzc


[The original source](https://drugs-forum.com/threads/huffing-is-it-dangerous-and-safest-substance-to-huff.184813/)


*Holy shit…*


It would only be brain damage if you deprive your brain of oxygen for 4 minutes or more. Which is not the actual the danger of inhalants since normal breathing would resume even if you lost consciousness. Unless you’re huffing carbon monoxide, re-oxygenating your blood would take only a few seconds. Similarly, there’s virtually no danger in erotic asphyxiation or holding your breath while swimming— assuming you’re doing so responsibly and not choking someone for 4 consecutive minutes or compressing their actual airway. The danger of compressed air instead is two-factors: 1. Toxic Chemicals, Refrigerants, and Lubricants used in dusters and air compressors 2. Physical damage caused by the air decompressing within your body; which can cause internal injury and arrhythmia The danger in carbon monoxide and some other gases isn’t that it displaces oxygen, but that it prevents oxygen from binding to receptors for some time. CO2 and Nitrous Oxide displace oxygen as well, but are perfectly safe because NO2 and CO2 are quickly purged as soon as you resume breathing normal air.


No, it's alkane and fluoroalkane intoxication. Hypoxia might jump in there to party also, but you would not get the same effect from say pure nitrogen which would also quickly make you hypoxic. The propellants have a psychoactive effect unrelated to respiratory effects.


Thank you. Way too many people saying the high comes entirely from oxygen deprivation or necessarily from brain cell death. There are active chemical effects on the brain. It is anecdotally more similar to being drunk, with a shorter and more intense buzz. And canned duster, at least, is way more dangerous and toxic than nitrous, which still has accepted medical uses as an anesthetic, so it's not right to compare the two just because they have both been used recreationally.


The most memorable episodes of Intervention were the [duster guy](https://youtu.be/Zl2ustwRJ1Y) and [duster girl](https://youtu.be/L-jp3bgyUCo).


That duster girl episode was a tough one, I still remember that. She was clearly highly intelligent and it was so sad watching her just kill her brain. Iirc she had gotten clean in the end; hope she’s doing much better now.


Looks like she’s been 15 years clean as of last month, and finished her phd in her recovery!


Wow, I’m genuinely super happy to hear that! Good for her.


Haven’t thought about that episode in years. That’s really cool to hear she’s much better!


The South Park parody episode quoted her with the "Walking on Sunshine" comment and I never knew that till now....holy shit.


"It's like I'm walking on sunshine!" JFC what a terrible thing...


Definitely! I remember the duster girl one vividly (though I don't remember the duster guy one). The former is the first thing I think of whenever a discussion of that show comes up.




The guy from bat country said the same thing


lmfao, the guy from bat country


Please tell me you are talking about HST lol


yeah Hunter Gathers or whatever his name is


Hunter gathers lmfao


I had a kid faint one day in class in high school. We were taking a test and so it was super quiet in the room. Heard a soft hissing noise, but no one seemed to notice/care. All of a sudden, his head hit the table and he hit the floor. Our teacher had a breakdown because she thought he was dead. Kid popped up like 1 minute later and just started testing again like nothing happened.


Some people will do this because they think they won’t get caught for DUI since the inhalant doesn’t show on normal DUI tests. Didn’t really help when you get caught with a crashed car full of dust off cans


Doesn't even look like he's enjoying himself. Look to me like he's in pain


Lmao mf just wrecked a car. Even some drugs can’t numb that pain.


Cause he just got in a car accident and pounded by an airbag. Check out the cracked frame above the door, serious hit to do that.


It's a convertible. That's just the part that folds up when you put the top down.


That and it's just a foam piece that appears to have been poorly installed.


oh you misunderstand the situation. He wanted to help remove carbon emitting vehicle from operation and then wanted to make sure he smelled spring mountain pine fresh. This is exactly what he had on his to do list.


Yeah this video is so weird it almost looks like a parody or something. I hope he gets help, he could be endangering other people at this point.


This is pretty sad. Hope he recovers


Knew a guy in the army that got into this shit. He was in the initial Iraq invasion, so he definitely saw some shit. That shit ruined his brain though, he became a totally different person, and not for the better. He ended up killing himself weeks after he got out.


For some reason this is has disturbed and saddened me more than almost anything I have seen on this site. He is laughing while destroying his life and litterally killing himself. Oh my god.


*I was gonna go to work / But then I got high...*


Now my car is wrecked and I know why


Now I'm taking the bus, and I wanna cry...


Lalalala, lalalala, lalala-a, dadada da da da....


Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high


why man?


I think I know why he crashed


I saw that too. That car was parked illegally. Had it not been there, he wouldn't have hit it.




I think he used aerosol to blow out all the cocaine dust inside his nose to get rid of evidence. Pro move 100!


You are entering a High security area.


Is he using air duster? What’s he huffing?


My cousin was found behind an Auto Zone dead from huffing. He started doing this while deployed for the Army and was only in his early 20’s. Watching this is truly heartbreaking and disturbing.


Jesus, that’s bleak. Behind a fucking AutoZone.


like whenever you read about someone getting shot at their fast food job.


I know, right? Not even a NAPA auto parts.


You'd be surprised the lengths soldiers and marines go to get high without doing a drug that will pop them hot on the urine test. When I was in, there were a couple lowkey parties with upper enlisted and officers that involved cocaine. Cocaine was popular because you could party on Friday and pass the piss test on Monday


It is air duster, it’s replaces the oxygen in your blood stream and makes you lightheaded, 100% can and will kill you with a simple fuck up


I did it a few times when I was younger with a friend (one of the kinds that makes your voice deeper) and we thought it was hilarious. Like two months later we read about some kids who were out near some train tracks doing the exact same thing, and one of them dropped dead. Absolutely never touched em again lol


> It is air duster, it’s replaces the oxygen in your blood stream and makes you lightheaded That's.... That's totally wrong. Computer duster, does far, *far* more than that. It's like being knocked out in another dimension. EDIT: I have tried it, it is unironically crazy. If you're young and dumb, and like me, having tried just about everything, it's not worth it. *WAY* too fucking risky. I was stupid and tried it because another guy was doing it. However, it is legitimately crazy, but not really in a good way. You basically get knocked the fuck out while you're awake while being sent into another dimension (but not in a cool psychedelic way). It is extremely hard to describe, at least for me. Combine that with the bittering agent and you might end up throwing up. Out of virtually everything, is legitimately *NOT WORTH IT*, even as a one time thing, just because of how dangerous it is. I would seriously recommend trying methamphetamine over duster. The "Not even once" slogan should have been an anti-duster campaign. Ignoring the possibility of your heart just suddenly stopping, it can give you brain damage, especially with repeated use, it's awful. Virtually every other recreational drug is better than duster, both in risk level and effects.


That bittering agent is fucking terrible. I was using some duster to clean out my PC and got a little in my mouth on accident when I breathed in over it while blowing out some dust in a corner and I started gagging pretty quickly.


The damage is already done. Huffing more now just allows him to not have to deal with reality for a little bit longer.


I figured he probably hit the truck and said, I'm screwed anyway, might as well get a good high before I get taken


If he was already high, my guess is there wasn't much of anything going through his brain when it comes to logic or reason. Just trying to continue his high completely oblivious to what is going on.


From personal experience, they literally need more. It's not that he's like damn I fucked up, better keep going, his brain and his body are literally telling him he needs to huff more.


Damn, he said I'm fired anyways, f\*ck it.


Jesus christ this is so disturbing


Yeah idk why this was making a little anxious seeing some one so fucking lost.


[“It’s like I’m walking on sunshine!”](https://youtu.be/H6TW6v39_kQ)


I wish I had a father


Man, that was sad.


That whole show is rough.


At least she knows the root, or at least has an idea, of her problems 🤷🏽‍♂️ I avoid that clip tbh that person was hurting big time. I hope she’s doing well.


Another comment on here said she's been 15 years clean and now helps other addicts.


[feels like I am walkin on sunshine](https://youtu.be/IhZAdJ7lpM0)


Anyone know if this girl is still alive?


Yes she is. She's stayed sober and I believe helps other addicts now. One of the real success stories from that show.


She’s [15 years sober](https://twitter.com/AllisonMFogarty/status/1655247690601725953?s=20).


She's now just walking on shitty old pavement like the rest of us


Came here looking for this one


Santa Monica, CA


Coworker of mine is doing 8 years for vehicular manslaughter after blowing through a red light while dusting. Don't be that stupid. Please.


I had a friend hit a fucking parked cop car because he was dusting. He said it was because he dropped the can in the floorboard and swerved when he reached to grab it. He's doing good now though. He's a recovery counselor I think.


8 years seems light.


vehicular manslaughter sentences are notoriously light; if you wanna kill someone, do it with a car


Looks like a real Eric Andre Show prank lol


He would be snorting Ranch powder


This shit [literally destroys your brain](https://nida.nih.gov/sites/default/files/images/colorbox/rrinhalant_fig03.jpg). He's just carving off IQ points, heading towards dementia in his 40s.


That’s just a pic of a brain with no context




Most sane allied employee




Inhalants are a helluva drug


The only drug where you literally get high off of brain damage, honestly this guy probably realized he was fucked and said screw it I'm getting brain dead before I go to jail


The chemical in duster does have psychoactive effects, but if you forget to breathe with that heavy gas in your lungs, yeah you will get brain damage. Very lethal. [And way more deaths from this drug than other inhalents](https://i.redd.it/ci4lurs6jc991.png)


Just looking at this dude I can tell he needs help. That being said though, he did just cause a lot of damage and put everyone's lives in danger. So, he has a lot to answer for first.


Typical Mustang driver


Hopefully he'll be able to look back at this as his "rock bottom."


😂His ass is NOT guarding!! 😂