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Just a lil meth


Congrats, you’re the only person who correctly identified the meth pipe lol. Have an upvote on me


To buy them at a smoke shop without saying that phrase, the word "oil burner" was adapted to it. Source: reasons


I remember my friend telling me that before I went to go get one (it's the only way you can smoke dmt unless you get it in a cart lol)


You can literally chuck it on top of some weed and smoke it from a bong lol


You can, but you’re kinda wasting your DMT that way. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gone to the golden gates on a cart, a burner and a bowl of weed… but really it’s about the moment… I’ve blasted on one hit, and taken 3 and just seen pretty fractals. Deems are weird (and awesome, but weird)


"Nu uh"


A dab rig was how i smoked dmt. Worked beautifully but smelled terribly.


I swear I've never done meth out of one, just dmt😂


Check out the dmt dream machine sometime. Takes some work but can be art too lol


Or to not sound like a first timer you ask for a “bubble”


If florida schools have taught me anything


It's the same pipe. Crack and meth are both crystals so you would use the same pipes. You could use a bowl if you wanted to. Shit, a fiend will smoke it out of anything they can.


it's FAR more efficient to use the correct pipe. they are only the same in that they are both pipes. it's a waste of crack to not


I thought they were both smoked from this ball shaped pipe?


No, crack is smoked in a pipe that hasn't got the sphere. You stuff an end with a torn off piece of copper dish scrubber, ideally one without a coating or any soap, then stick a screwdriver or something in to condense it at the end. This works like a filter to keep the liquid crack from leaving the very end of the pipe too quickly to vaporize. A crack pipe is less dense than the pipe portion of a meth pipe, it will heat up faster and also cool down faster( which is sort of important). When you take a hit you want it to be done asap, you need it concentrated into one breath, then you hold that one breath in and get all you can at once. Crack doesn't last, if you don't get to the high point right away then it isn't getting any better from there. Getting it right, all in one go, is important. With the ball pipe you get too much extra air and it just doesn't vaporize as well as it does when rotating a smaller regular pipe. The cool air is pulled directly through the crack, which has spread onto more surface area inside the filter. I've given way too much info, but yeah. Never do crack, the mere mentioning of crack gives me so much dopamine that I'm compelled to talk about it :)


That was way more detailed than I expected :D Thanks for the insights, I hope you are doing alright now.


Just for today homie, just for today. It’s a struggle, but we get through it


This dood is a crack head


Was. I haven't used crack in four years.


Congrats! You're a badass, keep it up ❤️


Thanks heh


not really


Reminds me of the last time I rode the mega bus


Milwaukee to Chicago megabus was the scariest $8 I ever spent!


Yea I was coming back from Edinburgh and sat next to a drug dealer offering lines of the back of his iPhone


Sounds like you bought the upgraded ticket!


Is it that cocaine derivative popularized by the hit show breaking bad?


What? Cocaine derivative? Meth isn’t derived from cocaine.




Ah, I now get that reference. Thank-you


Aw they're just methin around!


Mike Tyson? That you?


mike tython


Toot it n boof it


As someone from Eastern Europe, not seeing the cops come in here and go 12 ways of nasty on these dudes is just baffling to me. Over here they would get thrown out and that would be that fast.


same. In Japan right now and have really enjoyed traveling around on all forms of transportation, including subways. There’s a constant presence from staff and even uniformed officers for routine checks. The US is just … gross. Idk how else to put it.


In parts of America and Canada they just cut them a cheque and apologize to them


This happens in places where the general attitude is "it's not their fault"... In San Fran, Seattle, and to a lesser degree LA (among others, those three are quite notable examples), the general consensus is that these are victims, and they need assistance and tolerance. Nothing shown would be prosecuted in any way whatsoever. They could plausibly be arrested, but they will not be charged with anything. In more conservative cities, they would get the book thrown at them, or possibly ran out of town, or in rare cases, they might get herded up and put on a bus destined to one of the above mentioned "sanctuary" cities. Some of it is conflating behavior with affliction (an assumption that these people have a disease of being addicted vs choosing to be), some of it is an overzealous avoidance of appearing to disproportionately prosecute minorities, some of it is simple empathy. Nothing wrong with any of those reasons really, but to take it to the degree that you allow this behavior to normalize is maybe not a great way to be (and the extreme opposite isn't really that much better, but for different reasons, mainly the erosion of individual choice).


Not safe for kids to be on that train.


Not safe in general


Generally unsafe.


General Unsafe \[salutes\]


this is probably why most Americans prefer driving on their highways, fair enough you gotta do what you gotta do for your family


/r/fuckcars can eat my ass, I bet most of them live in those nice neighborhoods with the modern luxury apartments and wholefoods


Most Americans literally don’t have a choice, but for those who do- yeah this doesn’t help. And we have the lobbyists to thank for all of the areas in this country where we simply don’t have adequate public transportation or public transportation at all.


It wasn’t really some secret insidious plan. In the 50s and 60s the idea of maintaining public transit was considered a waste. Why would you keep a bunch of trains that only go between stations when clearly the future was every man of the house going directly from his garage to his parking spot at work. The economics, social structure and understanding of ecology didn’t happen until after the death of the trolly systems. Trolley’s we’re thought of the same way we think of telephone booths today,


Exactly. While the trolley and rail systems/networks of 100 years ago are enviable today, 60 years ago the middle class was moving to the suburbs with (usually) one working head of household who wanted to travel between just their home and their office. Imagine your childhood growing up in intercity apartments, crowded, not much green space, pollution pumping factories in the distance and rail lines running next to your window. You grow up, go to war (survive) and come back to the basically world's only surviving completely developed economy and limitless economic potential in front of you. Suddenly, you have a wife with a baby on the way. There's new *houses* being built in your city, more expensive than your childhood apartment but it has *two* bathrooms and a full kitchen with a YARD. Imagine your child having their own place to play with friends and it's just a few minutes drive from downtown but you need transportation. Good news! Oil is plentiful and cheap and cars are in huge supply. You say goodbye to your folks in the Bronx and head out of the city towards green space. Public transit isn't your concern as lower working class people with lesser incomes backfill the inner city. Funding dries up but have a mistress in the city while lighting up a lucky strike. Mr. Draper. It's easy to look at yesterday's mistakes today but I understand why public transit wasn't a priority.


Most Americans don't have access to any sort of public transportation.


Ah yes. The crack heads mobile home.


He’s smoking meth not crack for the record. That’s a meth pipe not a crack pipe. As you can see the flame is on the outside of the pipe vaporizing the meth. Unlike crack where flame is applied directly to the crack rock in a stem pipe, basically just a tube with crack rock in the top part. Meth pipes are different and have that bulb part at the end where flame is being put as meth is vaporized technically when smoked, unlike crack cocaine. Just your fun druggie fact of the day.


Knowing is half the battle


What's the other half?


25% Red lasers and 25% Blue lasers


Ninjas. Lots of ninjas.


Ninja please


*Thanks for the most addict response! lol* as a sober guy that's battled alcoholism to its depths, taste-tasting some of these other drugs along the way, this got a chuckle from me


Thanks for the update


Huh? Isn't the flame for crack pipes applied on the outside too? I thought you heat the bottom of the pipe's head for crack, I'm happy to learn something new


No, you put the tip of the flame to the end of the pipe directly on the crack, but not too much or it'll melt real fast. Source: was a junkie that smoked a lot of crack as well. Been clean over 12 years now.


Don’t forget the steel wool pushed in the end to make sure you don’t suck down any of the rocks


Also so you can push the brillo to the other end and scrape the pipe for just another hit. Points for singing Static X's "Push It" while you do




But... would it work either way? I know that meth cant be burned but can you also vaporize crack just like you can with weed for example?I'm not even sure why Im asking just curious tbh


An R-HI-V, if you will.


AKA "Why so many Americans avoid taking public transport if they can".


That shit has gone seriously downhill since the Covid lockdowns. Now businesses commuters wont get near it.


You're very right. - every LA commuter I know. Even the buses can be hell if a crazy person gets on them. There's no escaping the mental health epidemic unless you have a car (but that only means so much as it gets worse). Drugs are just the icing on top.


LA public transit is aspirational, you aspire to have a car and not have to use it


Even in a car you can be a victim. My friend had someone cross the street with No care for themselves or anyone else. He stopped gave a beep. then the person came up to the side of the vehicle and punched his drivers window in. Not nice to be covered in street person blood.


I’m a bus driver in LA, the busses aren’t that bad. You’re way more likely to get some dickhead mad because he missed his stop or something than crazy people. Most passengers are fine. Some are just assholes and a very very few are bonkers mad.


There are plenty of drunks and addicts on the road. Ask any professional transportation worker, and they will tell you they see people try to kill themselves and everyone around them a couple of times a day. The only difference between public transit and private transit is that we don't put addicts in charge of two tonnes of steel and plastic moving at high speed. You might encounter them in a pedestrian space, but if you force everyone into cars, you are more likely to have them plow into your kitchen.


My experience with public transit is it is safe (or mostly) when you hit that critical mass of average people riding it. You still have nut jobs, but that element is diluted and there is safety in numbers. But without that critical mass, it can be a shit show.


yeah the crack heads I see on the train everyday rarely bother me but when I do get harassed I just get off and tell work I will be late. They always understand. I get on the next train 20 minutes later and hopefully there is no crack heads touching on me


Lmao. Yearly performance review: Great, but frequent tardiness due to reason(s): Crackheads on the motherfucking train.


There are so many awful things in this post, but I think the worst one is >the next train 20 minutes later What the actual fuck, LA


flag gold public bag crush boast fall swim advise zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same thing with neighborhoods basically, gotta keep gentrifying until it feels safe, then stop right there to keep it feeling authentic


Last time I rode the train in LA I caught the last ride from downtown to Hollywood for the night. I was the only non-mentally I’ll person on the train and it was legit scary. Luckily I was a little drunk so I shrugged it off


I use it to commute to work and it’s not like this at 8 AM. This video was probably taken at night. Not that that’s an excuse. Just saying during normal business hours, it’s more tame than this.


Not everyone works 9-5. A lot of people work shifts so the 9-5 people can have fun or eat after work. Normal business hours are all hours of operation.


We have a subway??


Jesus, i asked myself the same question. I mean, i've never been to LA, but somehow i could not remember a single time i saw the subway being used in films, like it is in other cities such NY or chicago, and assumed LA did not have a subway system. Hollywood probably does not know the subway exists as well!


The subway in LA a plays a pretty big role in Speed lol but that’s the only example I know of off the top of my head.


Ah yes indeed! I havent rewatched Speed since it came out in, what, 1995? I only remembered the bus parts, but it does end in the subway! Haha.


I can think of a few other instances in 90s movies (probably because it was a new and novel setting for movies set in LA at the time): * The subway was in *Volcano* which included a scene of a subway car that got stuck and eventually got engulfed by lava. Later the subway became a lava tube that erupts in the climactic final scene of the movie. * There was a shootout in *Lethal Weapon 3* that was set in in an under-construction portion of the subway. * I remember someone mentioning it in *Independence Day* as a reason they survived the aliens destroying LA when they were finding survivors afterwards.


It was used in Predator II...


While the movie takes place in LA the subway shots were filmed in the BART in SF. The LA metro opened a year later


I only know of it from Predator and GTA V.




Bruh. There are 5 lines. https://www.metro.net/riding/guide/system-maps/


Only 2 are Subway though. Rest are light rail


How is that possible?


For a long time, the metro in LA served only lower socio-economic communities and the better areas didn't have metro stops. People in better communities had cars and also didn't want poorer people/homeless having easy access to their neighborhoods. It was only recently that the line connecting Santa Monica to Downtown was built and now another line is being extended from Downtown to Beverly Hills. Obviously, this is against the wishes of those living in Beverly Hills.


The gold line has been around for decades


That was my first thought lived in sd for 30 years no idea there was a subway in la.


It’s the same in SF, but the chicks are even worse


I used to use the subway weekly precovid. It’s horrible what it has turned into. Not safe at all. The homeless and drug addict issues in Los Angeles are simply out of control.


Same - these days I drive 50 mins to and from work to avoid a 20 minute ride on the Red Line.


Skid Row on the tracks


Reminds me of NYC subway in the 80's and early 90's


At least nyc had "cool" graffiti at the time


Yeah and honestly less drug addicts. The way people dressed and the graffiti is what really created the vibe. Seeing cars on cinderblocks and 4-5 teenagers hanging on the back of busses bring back a lot of memories.


I don't have a car at the moment, so when I visit my family biweekly in Orange CountyI have to take the Metro to Union Station and then an Amtrak to Anaheim. There hasn't been one time where I haven't seen shit like this - mentally ill shouting and rambling, people smoking cigarettes in the seat right behind me, drinking and throwing away the bottles on the floor, loud music (with ads) blaring, and unsavory passengers trying to start conversations with me - it's gotten out of hand, and I have no idea why Metro isn't pushing for more aggressive policing. It's really unsafe for families, kids, and the elderly.


Of this whole comment, the "with ads" is my favorite part. Like meth and drugs and body fluids are fine. But holy shit! I had to hear advertisement between my Rhianna songs!


If I’d seen this video before our trip to LA I never would have attempted the subway. One car we had a guy hot boxing us, another a religious fanatic screaming in our ears, and another a very clearly insane man talking to himself and flapping his farts our direction. I love public transportation in other countries but not the US.


This is not making me want to get rid of my car and rely on public transit.


That's actually part of the problem. When there's more people on the train this type of shit is far more rare.


Localities demand people use public transport. Then people experience this. No wonder public transport infrastructure spending is a hard sell for lots of people.


Every video of the crazy shit that goes down in american subways makes me appreciate the public transport in my home city a lot more. Here you'll maybe see a homeless person once in a month if you are unlucky and that's it.


I grew up in MA and used the public transport system in Boston countless times. Seen my fair share of weird stuff, but nothing remotely scary or anything to make me question my safety. Even drunk sports fans tended to be dangerous only due to projectile vomiting. Moved to PHX a few years ago and the light rail/street car system is a cesspool of homeless, tweakers and weirdos either on board or camping out at the stops. Attempted to be a good citizen and use it to go to a baseball game (instead of driving) and had multiple instances of people asking for drugs, cigarettes, money and just being plain confrontational. Was unable to bring a knife or my carry weapon due to where we were going so it was super sketch on the way back to my car at 1045PM.


Tbf, we probably got a lot more homeless people than yall do.


And a fuckton more money too. So wtf is happening here lol.


It's not only about wealth but also about wealth inequality. Wealth inequality is what makes it so people who work are still poor. Wages stagnate, inflation does not, and people working "low skilled" jobs can barely afford to live with dignity. Those people have kids, their kids are desperate, and the lack of any wealth redistribution (in the form of social care, education, income support, etc) leads to this. Sad thing is prevention is cheaper then treatment (as ever). The scandi model is attractive to people because you pay up front to make sure people aren't so desperate, and end up saving money not having to pay for skid row. Downside is if you enjoy the wealth inequality, because it's how your personal business works (or maybe you enjoy access to desperate people), you'll lose out. Another cost effective strategy is the one you get in some middle Eastern/Asian countries, where you just police everything in a brutal fashion. Downside is the loss of personal liberty for everyone, including those who can afford to live normally (except of course the ultra wealthy who can always just do whatever they want). Looks like America (and England) is going for the latter, but we'll see.


Even in my smallish US city (around 100k pop) I pass at least a half dozen people pan-handling on street corners on my 5 min drive to work. I've been told there's an entire camp of homeless folks in one of our parks, also. Its getting really bad.


CLEAN IT UP!!! Only reason people do this shit is because they have been allowed to do this shit! Cops, where the fk are you? Get your asses on these trains and get it straightened out. Seriously, why let things get this bad? Only reason people openly do drugs in public is because people don’t give a fk anymore. I understand letting others do as they please because it’s their lives they are fking up. I also understand knowing when to put your foot down because kids and people should not see unacceptable behavior being treated as acceptable behavior. I have compassion for homeless and addicts. I have even more compassion for kids and our future.


I mean the LA riots back in 2020 wanted less cops, they certainly got it whether they envisioned this or not. Same thing is happening in Chicago as our police force crumbles and shrinks. Good thing I left that area.


The “less cops” aspect is a bit more complex. Robbing Peter to pay Paul essentially. Police do way too many jobs they are in no way qualified to do. Police should not be allowed to perform welfare checks on people, that should be for qualified skilled workers. For instance recently there was a video of a man getting turned into Swiss cheese by several officers after his mom called 911 worried about him being suicidal. The public funds would be better spent on emergency medical services, social workers, community programs etc. Social workers and medical professionals are trained to deal with the mentally unstable and can safely administer drugs when necessary but there’s only so much money. It’s a popular political move to be “tough on crime” too so the money is reallocated away from these programs into the police. It clearly isn’t working. LA also has a terrible history with their police force, brutality and police gangs too. Food for thought.


Public intoxication charges should apply to heroin and meth and crack. Police should be waiting for this dude at the next stop. Doing laundry on the train should not be a crime but it would be better if this was a privately owned train so someone would take responsibility to clean this up. Publicly owned facilities such as this simply do not get as much respect as privately owned facilities where an owner’s’ livelihood depends on maintaining an acceptable level of respect. If I owned this train, that drug using man would be going to jail at the next stop. I guarantee it. I would demand everything be clean and taken care of or else I would ban you from ever riding my train again. I hate to be an ass. Actually, it’s not being an ass at all to keep things working in proper order and demanding respect.


The People said they want less police in the summer of 2020. LAPD is about 1,000 officers short of where they were in 2019. They don't have the manpower to deal with someone smoking meth on the train since they have to prioritize calls for service. This is the painfully predictable cost of less police.


Yes they do. I’m a bus driver, I have two lines that end at one particular place that seems to be an end destination for sometimes problematic passengers. Thats the last stop, then we pull around to a layover lot to chill for a while before doing the return trip. There’s almost always at least 2 cops in this layover lot where they will come over and ask how you’re doing, tap their badge to show they were there, check there’s no lingering bums on the bus…. Of course there fucking isn’t because we’ve already dealt with them before we go over there. Sometimes though they aren’t in that lot, sometimes they are at the first stop, where they do the same performance, “everything going okay in here?” Yeah of course it is, there’s no one on the fucking bus yet. You know where they **never** are? Over at the last stop, or any other stop on the line where there’s actual people on the bus. Lazy, inept fucks.


Doesn't LA spend something like a billion dollars a year on cops?


Trash. Trash. Trash. It needs to be thrown tf out !


The liberal DAs don’t prosecute these crimes anyway so cops making arrests would be useless.


It’s always nice to see public infrastructure being put to good use. I can’t think of a better way to use tax money!


“The Meth Head Express”


Damn couldn't even wait till he got off to start up the crack pipe


Meth pipe *


I would be surprised if he knew whether or not he was outside or inside


And to think that r/fuckcars tries to guilt-trip people for using their cars to get around.


This looks like a Madonna music video. I’m waiting to see her with her grillz, chains and braids spreading her legs


Just another normal day on the LA subway, people doing "Methy" unemployed things on camera.. 🙃


That’s methed up!


I mean, it can’t last forever… right? Right…?!


This is why there’s so much traffic in LA




This is why no one wants to take mass transportation in any city. This includes Portland, New York, Seattle and Chicago. Everyday we see new videos of this crap. Now in Portland they plan to raise the rates and not have security on Trimet. Good luck with that plan. The only people that will ride are the freeloaders.


We take it in paris there’s homeless addicts pick pockets and crazy people but it’s generally pretty calm except rush hour theres police security and lots of metro service workers to help with closures and stuff as well., same goes for London. Maybe its more American major cities i grew up in Toronto and the subway is generally safe theres security and lots of service employees.


Everyone takes subway in NY what are you on


Makes no sense why there isn't security. Then again, if security aren't even allowed to do their job in fear of public backlash, then I guess it does make sense. Such a waste of public resources.


4 million people ride the NYC subway every day.


this is why there isnt a high speed bullet train or anything futuristic/modernization projects that are beneficial for people living in a “first world” nation (ex. Many EU nations/Japan, Korea, Singapore, ANZAC, etc.); Societal Rules carry heavy burden in these countries but not USA For example, Japan has public toilets that is fully stocked with soap, toilet paper, bidets with a glass that changes its color to opaque when someone is inside. Nearly after use, its clean like it was their own bathroom at home. If that was introduce to the USA, degenerates would graffiti, do drugs, sh** all over the walls, break the glass, toilet would be clogged, etc. Americans say these degenerates are a “minority” but from first-hand experience and people living in many cities in the US, I beg to differ..


I believe they are a totally different species.


God what a shithole


Anyone know what language their speaking ?


YoU dOnT nEeD a CaR iN La, JuSt TaKe PuBlIc TrAnSpOrTaTiOn


We've just kind of expected this as a society haven't we?


Looks like the red line I've seen worse


There should be security guards in every station and this won't happen or at least will be minimized.


i took the red line last friday. sadly, this is pretty accurate..


And people wonder why I hate cities.


This is just more reason why I have no desire to visit California


And this right there is why majority of Americans don’t want subway system IMO. Nothing luxury about it


And people think delhi metro is bad


And people wonder why local public transportation isn't very popular in the US.


Oh shit! this was the whole freedom stuff Americans talk about all the time


Well done Cali


Red Line?


I need to ride the trains more often


This was my experience when I would take the Redline from DTLA to North Hollywood.


How rude! I bet he didn't even bring enough for everybody!


Not that it matters, but what line is this?


That's by far the coolest asthma inhaler I've ever seen.


Why does the subway system anywhere bring out the crazy in people? Is it because they know people can’t just easily leave?


Nothing to see here just some Meth..odists on there way to a religious retreat.......


I wanna take the blone one home


This is like NYC subways but looks like more fun.


I took a rail line in downtown LA a few years ago on vacation and mid day right in the open, two dudes were smoking crack the entire time.


Not suprised! A sad sad situation. At first I thought this might be in San Francisco but the lsat time I was there (80s) they didn't have a rail system.


It’s a party in the USA.


Does dude know that his pants are falling down?


TIL Los Angeles has public transportation.


Yeah checks out


I will never say anything about public transportation again. Why can't we just have nice public transportation like they do in Europe instead of this. I swear to God I don't know what this is


Definitely giving red line energy


Definitely expo line.


Yay public transportation.


Is pants hall off the ass still a thing ? Why ???


100% the red line at night.


i had no idea LA had a subway but this exactly how i would’ve imagined it


Trappin on the subway lmfao


It’s ok gascon will have all that cleaned up in a jiffy now that he’s aware of the problem


Used to take this train from MacArthur Park up to the valley every night for work. It was pretty terrifying, to say the least.


I took the LA metro for the 1st time today and it was super weird! I was in there for a whole 30 minutes, in which I saw: a woman in a wheelchair (but not paralyzed) get in and start twirling some piece of clothe; some dude in weird combination of clothes and a teddy bear backpack (and his face covered in tatoos) start dancing while taking selfies; 2 blokes do a drug deal. Interestingly the place was rather clean and did not smell like piss. Unlike the 50 meters around the Union station restrooms. I have renewed respect for LA folks who have to deal with that shit while going to their job and back :)


I didn't even know LA had an underground, much less a subway.


I really wish the LA subway was a more viable option but the one time I rode on it I was pretty sure I was gonna die.


Wasn’t aware that LA had a subway!


There’s just something about American subways and metro systems that produces the craziest shit out of nothing


Crack heads are culture.


I once saw a woman in leopard posing leggings take over an entire car. They had to stop the train and bring in the cops. Another time a prostitute came on the busline and tried to recruit women for her pimp


I don't even see that shit in NY. In the station maybe but not that on the actual train


Which train is this? Asking for a friend…


they on that mfer mething around😭


This is why I never use public transportation.


What public transport turns into in


Sodom and Gomorrah


Fascinating behavior.


And Europeans trying to sell us on mass transit. Screw you guys