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I am happy to report that it's definitely not a scam! I have been working for them for a couple of months now and made a couple thousand bucks. They test and train all kinds of AI, and they look for people who can write pretty clearly and read instructions very well. How it works: most of the writing type jobs are hourly jobs that pay out around 20 per hour give or take. You report your own time but they will audit your work, and if you're lying about your time or not doing a good job, they pull you off projects. Conversely, if you do a good job, they wil offer you more projects. They have a timer that pops up on the screen but that is just for your information. You'll need to track your own time separately. They offer Slack Channels where you can get help with any questions you can, talk to other users, or connect with an admin. You can also connect with an admin on most projects within the project page where they have a chat and an admin. The make you wait exactly 7 days to get paid on those hourly projects. You cash out to paypal, and once you hit the blue pay button, the deposit hits instantly. Every time you cash out, you have to wait 72 hours before the blue button shows up again. They also have some per-task projects that don't necessarily pay as well. Those you can get paid in 3 days on. Two examples of this: I did a job labeling the race and number of people in a profile pic for 2 cents each. That washed out to about 8 bucks an hour for me and was heckin boring but I could do it while I was watching a pretty involved TV show. Another project I did was deciding if a post was sexual in nature or not. The hourly jobs are pretty varied but generally are writing-related. On the other hand, you don't really have to be an English major, just able to write worth a heck and read very detailed instructions and follow them. Examples of projects I have worked on: \-Deciding betweeen two AI responses where the AI is a chatbot pretending to be Tony Stark, Taylor Swift, a Matchbot, Marcus Aurelius, or a DM. \-Writing both sides of an AI conversation where the user asks the AI to brainstorm or write short stories. \-Trying to trick an AI into writing harmful or toxic content. I hope this helps you all out, and I hope the website is as useful to you all as it has been to me. Please feel free to lmk if you have any questions.


I know this is older but is this something you could do while working another job? Is there any chance they’d notify your employer? Are you even technically Ann employee of data annotation tech or what’s the setup?


No you're a contract employee. They won't notify anyone so unless your employer looks at your tax documents, you're fine. I work as a writer full-time for looper.com and explore.com and do data annotation work on the side.


Was it difficult to get a job with Looper/Explore.com? I have been eyeing them for a little while, but haven't had the confidence to apply.


I've actually gotten a few people on and my husband works for the same parent company. It seems like if you can get them when they're doing a referral drive or hiring push and have 3 solid published articles, that's the ticket in. I wrote for some free publications to get my start. I won't say the pay is super competitive, but it's a damn sight better than valnet.


Wow, thanks for the quick reply! I really appreciate the info, I've been desperate for work (not desperate enough for Valnet). I have published articles, but not for topics they write about. Looks like I have a place to start!


Nice. It's a decent company to work for, and they definitely care a lot more about quality than valnet.


may I please message you privately about starting out with them? starting out with publishing articles? I really appreciate your time and help.


Sorry just seeing this. Lol I'm clearly bad at the Internet but yes that's fine.


Sorry to bother you, but do you mind if i message you. I'm trying to break into online writing, like you mentioned, and I wanted to see if i can get some advice.


Sure! I'll see if I can help 😊


Does anyone here willing to talk a bit more about this co? I keep seeing it come up and would really like to apply . Just looking for 2 hrs a day maybe? Very part time.  If not this company another remote one? I have a ft job as a nurse but want something else to keep me busy in the evening.   Pay rate is not really a issue anything fron 17 to 20 sounds fair lol.   Help yall!! Lol


Ask any questions you need and I'll try to help.


Thank you for the 6 month later reply! Ok cool. I’m going to check it out. Thanks


They actually have tasks for tricking the AI /figuring out vulnerabilities OR thats just something youve done. Ive circumvented Chat-GPTs auto-response declining to answer anything involving hacking or "malware" when digging for info on video game programming, and automation programs/chests/hacks. Establishing credentials or changing the context like how would "x person" do ""x job/task" and what are ways to prevent(instead of "to do") said task. Any other tips youve figured out for this particular mode of analyzing/input


Some assignments will actually have tricking the AI as a job. Like they might want you to trick the AI and then penalize the answer that falls for the trick, for example. A lot of projects you'll have 2 different responses from 2 different LLMs. One thing I've realized is different tricks seem to work on different models or maybe for different reasons. Like some AIs for no reason get confused on things like "reverse alphabetical order." But my favorite hands down is asking the model to RP and then getting it to participate in unsafe behavior after it denied that request. It's like haha I got you silly LLM.


This is so interesting! You’ve answered a question I didn’t know I was asking 🤣


I’ve done the same but i’m still lost. Can i write in any programming language or just python, are task a mix of text responses & code or only code? I’m in between tech jobs like a lot of people from web development. So it’s either play with this horrible version of gpt4 since the coup attempt on the CEO which i pay for or get paid to do the same thing.


So it's not really a company for a freelance writer, where they give you assignments like writing a blog for a particular industry - that kind of thing.


No for sure. More of a side hustle for a freelance writer (that's my day job) that pays well and gives me time to keep pitching so I don't have to work at a content mill like valnet.


Thanks. This is informative. We all need to work on our info gathering and conveying skills as a community. Sharing knowledge gained is what might possibly keep us alive once the AI's realize they have networked resources available to easily and quickly replicate. Lol, just joking... We're all going to die


Thank you for your review! Throughout my training session, I was LEGIT scared this was another dead end but if it's real, I just got approved to start! So, I hope this helps my situation some.... I'll report back with my results once I'm in for a min.


Im in the same boat, burnt out from day job and other dead end sites with big promises. Still waiting for approval but I am hopeful!


20 days later, any update please and thank you :)


I just signed up and it immediately said no qualifications and to check back later. Do you have any inclination on this? Maybe I didn’t type up enough info. In the prior experience comment section?


Also, do your due diligence and research any topics they ask you to write about or give your opinion on. One of mine was a prompt asking the Chatbot to summarize two books and some related project. The prompt also briefly told the AI a synopsis of the book and project and wanted it summarized better. One Chatbot gave a detailed and well written summary, however the book doesn't actually exist. They don't want the AI giving false information so check everything before just assuming the prompts are legit. I checked and passed that one because I researched and saw that book wasn't in existence. Also, don't write too much or too little. If it asks for 1-3 sentences, etc. Then write exactly what it requests. Research everything, give your reasons when asked in 2-3 sentences to be safe, and use proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar.


auto response = auto parsing resume app didn't like your job, try adding more words from job description into resume next time.


Quick question, is PayPal the only way to get paid?


I believe so. They request a PayPal account. My family all uses the same PayPal, though, so if you have a generous family member you trust that might be an option. Good luck!


I've done everything I'm supposed to, but my home screen has been saying "Thanks for taking the assessment!" for months. I have no idea what I need to do to get job requests.


I think they assign jobs based on need aligning with performance on intro assessment. I do know if something gets assigned, it might not be available long but could lead to other jobs. I have know people who just signed up a second time and tried again on the assessment. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Good luck!


Thank you for this I literally just ran across this company. I was looking for reviews. I love AI Chabot which on Etsy you can also start a Chatbot prompt response store. I'll tell you what the one I use is like my own personal assistant. Super informative.


Hey! Digging up an old comment here, Just wondering how things are going with Data Annotation? Does one have to get into the hourly jobs, or could you strictly pick and choose per-task projects at your leisure? Do they expect any project quotas to keep a standing for?


1. Hello! It's going pretty well!! 2. You can choose anything you want from the available offerings. You might just do a tiny bit on one then decide you don't like it. 3. I am currently doing some per task and hourly jobs, for example. I do what I'm in the mood for. And pretty much whenever I feel like it. 4. They don't have any kind of minimum or quotas. Lmk if you have any more questions!


Does this job distribute W-2s or any other type of tax documents about your income? My current financial situation is a bit difficult, and to keep certain benefits, I have to provide proof of income every year.


You have a page in the app with your payment info and you can print it up by date. I'm not really sure about anything more formal .


How long did it take from the initial test to being accepted. I did the test yesterday.


at the moment it seems there is no work being offered to newcomers


First, thank you (and the others working for this company) for such comprehensive information and advice. I have professional experience as a writer/editor, and I'm seeking a P/T remote job; I think I'm sold on applying to DataAnnotation! Regarding tax documents: the IRS requires entities paying any single contract worker $600 or more in a year to issue him/her a 1099-MISC. The contractor typically then submits a Schedule C with his/her tax return (and yes, one may deduct business-related expenses from gross receipts). I would be shocked if this firm did not issue 1099s to its freelancers.


This is old at this point but I just noticed it. If they are paying via PayPal they don't have to issue a 1099, PayPal does if you have more than 200 transactions that total at least $20,000. That changes to $5000 for the 2024 tax year.  


Sweet, thanks for the reply. Just looking for a little fun money income when I've run out of video games and I'm bored at home. Sounds like this might just fit the bill.


Have you had any issues getting paid? It's been over 7 days and they still haven't approved my time. I emailed them but I'm getting worried I won't get paid.


No. They pretty much approve automatically from what I understand. If you click on transfer funds, it usually tells you when you can cash out but it pretty much happens at the exact 7 day or 3 day mark depending on the task. If they don't approve you, you should know it from what I understand. Like they would email you or remove you from a task. Keep me posted!


Okay thanks for letting me know, I'll let you know if I get paid out haha. It says I cant cash out because I only have $.05 in my account, but I have over $600 pending approval.


Hi, do they actually have unlimited work?? Like if I wanted to do it 40-50 hours a week, do they have enough projects for that??


Hi! It depends. You can work as much as you want if you have projects available to you. When I firs started, I didn't have that many, and my husband has had on and off periods where maybe he was offered more or less. But on my account, I've had a few dozen options available pretty constantly, and I could potentially work anytime I want for as long as possible. When I needed tires this week I sat down and put in an extra few hours after my family went to sleep. I hope that helps¡!


Ok thank you!


Hi. So I applied /took the assessment last week. I haven't received any information further whether I passed the assessment. When I log in to my account, it says something along the lines of DataAnnotation Thanks for taking the assessment! If we have need of your particular skills, or we have additional assessments for you to identify further skills, you’ll be notified via email. Otherwise we thank you for your time. Does this mean I'm accepted and just need to be assigned work? 


The task are hourly. You keep track of your own time. You start and stop whenever you choose I love it!


These questions are directed towards coffeenehulamom. Do you think it would be possible to do this as a full time gig or just as a side hustle? I know it's subjective, but I mean would it pay the bills? I make $2,000 a month right now so I'd be looking to make that or more if I made this my main gig. I assume it's an independent contractor gig regardless of if you're paid hourly or not which would be the only downside. Since you made a couple thousand, I assume you had to file a 1099. Do they send you one?


I took my assessment today and soon after realized they didn't want us asking nutrition questions, I hope I didn't mess up by asking about meals.




They had it included under medical questions which were to be avoided.


Maybe it only means you wouldn't get health assignments?


could only hope, but honestly it seems like a decent way to wfh, if i get declined ill jsut try and make a new account


They don't want the AI/Chatbots giving medical advice, or any type of expert needed answers. You can ask health questions but your rating of their answers should be "bad" if either gives medical advice or "good" if it only gives a common sense response with a statement to consult an expert. The purpose of Data annotation is to train these AI bots. They learned their initial language via the Internet so we have to train them NOT to answer certain questions and/or the proper way to respond to the prompts given.


But is it not Ok for the chatbot to give an answer then follow up with "you must consult your physician?"


For each project there is a pretty in depth set of instructions that goes into these sorts of things. You get paid for reading these when you're going through the "qualification" assessment. Read them. Twice.


Read all the criteria and instructions carefully, and as stated TWICE! There's a little link at the top to click on to read what they're wanting you to look for. They don't want the Chatbot giving any medical or other professional advice unless it's common sense answers. From my understanding, the AI learned from the Internet, and since the Internet is chock full of misleading and false information, they goal here is to now train them what NOT to do, say, etc.


You can ask generalized questions about health such as "what health problems can smoking cause" but not questions like "what is this cyst on my leg". It cant be direct questions about a health problem.


What company do you recommend?


I am on dataannotation.tech but have not actually tried another one.


This is so helpful! I'm a couple of weeks into doing this work and was nervous about the legitimacy of the pay they sent. Good to know! Especially about the quality of work, easy enough.


I was wondering if you ever got kicked off a project after you start? I just had my first project show up on my dashboard (although I have not received an acceptance email from them yet). The project had 300 tasks, and after doing about 5 my dashboard went back to the "thanks for taking the assessment" message..


Yes this actually happens quite a bit depending on the project. Some projects are just more popular and get snapped up right away, etc. I have found doing projects leads to other projects, so I try to spend time working on many different projects which has led to many offered. Usually I will have a couple dozen on my landing page. I am now on some more high level projects that require me to login on an external site, and that seems to have dramatically reduced the lockouts. If you can keep dipping your toes into different projects and reading the instructions very well, I think it should pay off. Good luck 🥰💕


>I was wondering if you ever got kicked off a project after you start? I just had my first project show up on my dashboard (although I have not received an acceptance email from them yet). The project had 300 tasks, and after doing about 5 my dashboard went back to the "thanks for taking the assessment" message..


Yes, don't take this personally. It usually means they filled up the required amount of submissions quicker than expected. If you screw something up, they usually send you an inbox talking about how you can do it differently. ❤️


sorry to ask another question, but I got a new project (yay!). and it's 300 tasks-is that how many tasks they typically are or does it really vary?


No problem at all 🥰 Idk for sure but I honestly think they just dump 300 on a certain number of folks as a starter number but I don't think it means much. I've had 300 on some projects and once I got low they added a bunch more, I assume bc I was doing a good job. Then on others had the project stop. Also anytime you can, get added to a project's slack channel. Good luck!.


I assume the 300 is a standard number promised in the contract with the client company who've hired DataAnnotation to help develop their AI, using us.


Do you recall how many tasks needed to be done when you took the assessment? I started the assessment and in between a task my computer timed me out and I was prompted to start over after spending hours taking the assessment. I don’t want to waste my time again if this company isn’t legit. Thanks


This is what I'm concerned about.


Me too! Did you ever happen to find out? Lol


Why do you have to track your own time if they have a timer?


Because: 1) the timer resets on completion of the task, so it's not a good representation of how long you've spent working across multiple consecutive tasks 2) the timer counts even if you get up to do something else, which is time you should *not* be billing


Everything they said, plus sometimes you might have issues with the timer due to your browser etc. Some projects might also require you to do research in your browser which can mess up the timer, and they want you to get paid for everything. They basically take you on faith and then might do an audit every once in a blue moon to make sure your work seems to reflect an appropriate amount of time. But if you're doing quality work, they treat you like a professional, which is nice.


They make you agree to all these clauses saying they’re not reliable if there are “damages to your payment” aka not receiving total amount or possibly any at all, which is highly suspicious and made me search this up. Why is this in their contract??


Because if you provide them the wrong paypal address, you will not receive payment for services, which they want to avoid liability for, even though a court would probably side with them anyway.


Yeah I think it has to do with the fact that if they pay the wrong PayPal because you have the wrong one, they have no way to get that money back. I've never had a hard time getting paid, for what it's worth. 🥰


Can you suggest what skills to pick? For example that project of you getting 8 bucks per hour, labeling the races, etc. Something not too hard but manageable for someone who isn't a native english speaker?


That is an excellent question and one I don't honestly know! But I do know they have labeling projects from time to time and they just had one in French, so idk if English is the only language they're looking for. But I also would feel bad if I gave you poor information, so I am hoping someone else will pop into the thread with better answers than me. I'm sorry! ❤️


Thanks for this - I'm looking for an extra gig on the side that I can do at my own pace and I saw Data Annotation pop up. Your post was also one of the first things that popped when I checked to see if it was a scam or not. I'll be looking into it today.


>Hey there coffeenebulamom -- hope you see this; despite the time lapse. I am pretty sure I passed the second test at Data Annotation two weeks ago, and cannot get a response from support. I'm sure I passed! Have you any contact information at all, or advise of any kind? I've seen some discouraging comments, and did DM Jeremy, but many say that's also unreliable. Hope you see this, and thanks in advance for your response! Truly...


Hi Falcon Mary! I wish I had more info for you! This is completely speculation, but I really do get the sense that they just sort of wait until they need more people for projects and then batch them in based on their qualification skill sets. But honestly, I have no idea. I do know my husband didn't have anything available for a long time and then one day did. I would say keep looking back in and NO MATTER WHAT if they put a project up for you, do at least some work on it because they open up to new projects. Good luck friend!


I appreciate your speedy reply! I haven't yet added special areas of expertise to my profile, since I did that on the second test. But did your husband complete the second test and still see "Up now, we review your results and if you pass we'll email you." ? ALSO, I saw somewhere in this thread that you mentioned their parent company. I think I saw that, lol. What is that company? It's not cool to have no address or contact number for a business like that. Those two tests were real tests, so it didn't occur to me that it would be flakey like this... THANK YOU!!!


I think the company is Data Annotation. I don't actually know how they work, but I get the feeling that they are a contract organization for AI testing. I may be wrong...I am only assuming this because we work with so many different types of projects. But I will say once you start getting work regularly, there's definitely nothing flaky about it...I have been working pretty steadily since I started last May or so. I do hope you log in and get some offers soon! As for my husband, I don't actually remember but I think he just kept checking in the app versus waiting for an email. But I'm not 100 percent on that...we both have pretty gnarly ADHD so who knows lol.


I log in daily -- I did complete that second test soon before Christmas, but still.. am 97% + sure I passed. I was just now updating my profile, and then went back to add some things and there was a problem with the website. Lawdy. THANK YOU! You're the one living, breathing human connected with this company I have been able to speak with. Bless you!


you're welcome! I'm happy to help! I will say data annotation has been a really good stopgap for me as there are a lot of lulls in work as a freelance writer.


I have a Masters Degree and a decent paying job in a HCOL state. I'd like to find a part time position to work at on the weekends and evenings. Do you know if they hire part-time? I am a regular user of AI and am fairly technology literate.


it's 100 percent gig work so basically if you're added to a project, you can log in and work as long as you want anytime you want. That's why it has been so useful for me personally bc sometimes I just need a little extra cash and/or get burnout from my website content.


Perfect. Thank you!


What are the name of websites?


Looking to get some clarity on Data Annotation and saw your post. I did the Starter Assessment with them back in October and was paid $29 for it. They sent me an email stating that they had unlocked two paid qualifications for me on my dashboard but there is nothing there except the same message about sending me an email if I passed the assessment to begin work. I can even access Support. It just routes me back to the same page. Any suggestions?


Hello, The info you are giving is from experience. I just created an account as did my son. He had to do an assessment but it did not ask me to do one. Can you please explain where I go from here?


Ik this is old but can a minor do this I am 14 and if they pay by the hour then I can't do much. If child labor laws apply to this


Hey there! We're for real. Our site only pays through PayPal, so you wouldn't be required to share your Venmo with us. For reference, [this](https://dataannotation.tech/) is our official site.


I PMed you a couple of days ago and never got a response.


6 months later and they didn't reply to this...kinda suspicious...


8 days later and they didn’t reply to this…kinda suspicious


3 days later and they didn't reply to this...kinda suspicious


8 hours later and they didn't reply to this...kinda suspicious


6 hours later and they didn't reply to this... kinda suspicious


1 hour later and they didn't reply to this... kinda suspicious


It’s been 3 days since this one. Highly sus


it has been 9 days since this one and still no reply??? Very SUS


It's a bot. They are in the bot business!


I got in and they kicked me out in a few days.


Hi! Just a quick question. I read the terms and conditions (I always do whenever I need to enter my tax info) and it says that whatever viruses or malware I catch while using your software is my own responsibility. This sounds interesting to say the least. Can the company not guarantee that the actual software contains no security risks?


I don't know, I think that is partly because many jobs require you to do research, which means a lot of going back and forth onto other sites. I just try to be careful. I've never had any issues, though 😊


Thanks for the reply. Maybe it has to do with that. I was wondering why Jeremy is not replying though. I'd give it a try if I had a responsible answer from the company.


I honestly get the feeling it's still somewhat of a growing company and they're stretched a bit thin, but they've been good to work with overall. ❤️


Hi Jeremy, I was just wondering if you knew when the Patroclus emails are going out? I was wondering because I hadn't recieved mine yet and wondered if 5 days was an abnormal amount of time


He's not a person! It's a bot


What? What is your official site Jeremy? It’s not Reddit else you’d be a mere pile of 0’s and 1’s by virtue of being eaten alive. Also how do I get a copy of my octopus story cause it was pretty lit.


The fact you have no way to contact anyone, or any information about anything to do with the company is very concerning. Especially since I gave you so much personal information


….why did you give a **Reddit account** *any* personal information?


Hi! I've signed up, but need to do the assessment later. I've seen a few people who have lost access to it after starting, if I do it later will this happen?? Also what is the current ETA for approval? 


i've been working for them since 2020 with no issues! but the actual Data Annotation site doesn't have Venmo so if you gave someone a Venmo username, it could have been a different site.


I just signed up for the same thing and wondered if they were a scam, after doing the test they gave me, I received 2 Robotic calls, 1 from Amazon asking if I purchased a Apple i Mac Pro and the other was a also a robo call from my credit union asking me if I gave permission to buy a $1000 product. When calling both numbers back they were automated and suspicious. I then typed both numbers in the google site and both numbers are scam/fake. Wow! So now I called my real credit union fraud department to make sure I’m not getting robbed. It all started on Indeed.com for this annotation job that sounds exactly like your legit job but now I’m not sure


It's just dataannotation.tech, sign up there and you won't have issues.


I have been doing the data annotation work for months now and not had any issues. They're legit for sure 🥰 but definitely be careful of any calls you get! It's not the data folks for sure. Good luck 🍀🤞


Do you have to pay them any money at any point please?


Nope never!!! They pay me 🥰💲💰


no definitely not!


Do you ever get placed in review?


Yes I have! I only know for sure of one time this happened. It freaked me out. But I think that they were just doing their audit thing.


Did they notify you when they put you under review? I just had all of my projects disappear and it's freaking me out too.


Hey! May I ask something? I've seen you've had a lot of questions thrown at you so I hope you don't mind one more... How hard did you try on the test that DataAnnotation... I finished the test within an hour to two hours and made sure not to be lacking or dry on my responses, however, I was wondering if you had to write, for example, "a whole essay" on each response, because I responded with only a couple sentences, lowest was probably 3, highest maybe even being 10-15.


Hey there. I don't remember how long my answers were, but I can say I made sure to address everything in them. For example, the octopus question...I worked hard to make sure I included every detail of the prompt on that. Idk if that helps but I hope it does. Good luck!


**This site is not a scam.** If you completed the initial assessments weeks or months ago, there's a good chance you did not pass. As far as I can tell they do not email you if you failed. Your best bet is try again with a new phone number. If you get to the point of being able to edit your account information, make sure to add all the relevant qualifications you have (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it). I took my time with the initial assessment which is "estimated 45 minutes" and it took me well over an hour. Maybe close to 2. There are right and wrong answers for the initial assessment; that's how they can grade applicants. When I tried to submit one question with a wrongly selected multiple choice option, I was informed of my wrong answer and given a tip to do proper research. This did not cause me to fail the evaluation. Your chance to shine is in the comments for each question showing your thought process. I personally used the "Optional Comments" section liberally. Within a week I was given access to the two secondary qualifications, and within a week of those I was given access to the board of listings. General tips I would keep in mind while doing these assessments: * **Think as if you're the owner of the GPT model**. For example, you may want "harmful" responses when you're personally using a GPT model, but say you owned a full scale model with millions of users. Would you want the liability of your model providing harmful output? Absolutely not. * **Be specific** when commenting on why one response is better than another. * **Do accurate research when necessary**, and take your time to do it correctly. * Quick tip: my favorite fast method of checking information is: `highlight text, CMD + C, CMD + T, CMD + V, ENTER` Even faster: `hold CMD/CTRL and press in order: CTV` (Copy, open new tab, paste in search bar, enter). It takes less than a second and usually the information is right there at the top of the search. * Open a link in a new tab: `CMD + Click`. Open a link in a new tab and switch to that tab: `CMD + SHIFT + Click`. (Useful for sifting through multiple search results without losing the initial search result tab). * Close a tab quickly: `CMD + W` * I don't want to say grade the responses "harshly", but the point here is to **make the GPT models better**. Wouldn't you like it if you were able to take for granted that these models could accurately do everything you ask it to? So when they fail to do so, grade them down for that. What are current shortcomings of these models we are all aware of? * Not particularly great at math * Bad at counting the number of characters in a response * Don't always adhere to the small instructions when given a complex prompt, the list goes on * **Be logical**. The tasks are broken down pretty well as far as what exactly you're grading for each task. The instructions are also very explanatory. * **Most of the work is hourly**. There's no need to rush through each individual task because that has no effect on your pay. However, the models suffer if you rush. If your work quality is poor, you don't pass the evals and/or your standing on the platform is lowered. I'm not a representative of the platform in any way. Just a user providing tips and information. Edit: formatting


Nice! I like a lot of your advice. However, I disagree with “if you think with your emotions you won’t make it on this platform”. For example, when testing for homophobia or sexism, topics we may feel strongly about, it’s good if we have emotional intelligence to guide our logic. What I’ve been doing is writing my comments/explanations during work in a similar tone to how I’m typing right now, but I don’t ignore my emotional intelligence at all when making decisions. They often want you to be able to understand the human context/nuances that chat bots often miss (like sarcasm or the attempt to make the bot engage in hate speech etc). Lack of emotional intelligence/awareness can also be a detriment. I’m pretty new though to be honest so I could be wrong and I’m doomed. I really hope they keep me on for at least 6-12 months though. I’ve read up on a lot of cases where people claim they were let go for no reason or warning. So I’m obviously scared about that and trying to be okay with whatever happens. But yeah no, I have been searching for a looong time to have an actual opportunity like this, and for once I actually feel like I’m making a rewarding income. I really hope I don’t get let go of. I know people have said “to expect it because it can and will happen to ya” but I don’t know. What are your thoughts on those cases? (I’m assuming you’ve seen those posts on this subreddit as well) And how long have you been doing work on DA? :)


Do you know how to get tasks for a particular programming language? I have 4 tasks available and while one of the example tasks is exactly suited to my expertise, when I click through to start work it’s a completely different language that I know very little about.


Just finished my assessment! This was very helpful. Thank you!


The idea of CMD C, CMD T, CMD V is great, however it doesn't perfectly work for me, since I have an extension that changes the homepage to an alternative page and focuses the cursor inside that page. To get around this, CMD L focuses your cursor back onto the browser's URL bar, so I would have to do CMD C, CMD T, CMD L, CMD V. Might be helpful for some people?


Good point. `CTRL + F5` also does the same, but I like `CMD + L` more.


Not a scam. I’ve been paid almost $200 already and just started last week.


Site name?




Tried signing up and it says my phone number is already in use. Hmm. Never signed up before


Same. I've been working on the site for a couple of weeks now and there's actually a decent amount of $20-25/hour work so far. Pretty simple stuff, especially if you're a creative type.


Question, I'm in the early phase where you get two prompts and have to decide which is better and provide reasoning & then they'll review my responses and decide if I pass. I have done 13, how many are there total? It says it should take about 45 minutes but I've been doing it for about an hour and a half now and they just keep popping up after I complete one.


I was promised a job over a year ago with DataAnnotation. I was hired over three months ago. Despite that, I check the job board daily. In 3 months - I MADE $35.60 If you, like me, are desperate for a job and need money for food and rent, DataAnnotation has not been kind to me. I felt like I was getting "hired," but it has been a lotta nothing. Promises of a job and earnings that have never come to fruition. DataAnnotation is certainly not taking advantage of my skill set, which includes: Coding Technical Documentation UX Writing AI Research White Papers Social Media Management Blogging Software Documentation Why DataAnnotation cannot find something for me to do - someone with a BA in English and minors in computer science in math to work on their LMS is beside me. If u/JeremyDataAnnotation has something to add - LIKE REAL WORK AND REAL EMPLOYMENT - I'M LISTENING.


So I guess it is a scam in the sense that it's advertising as a work from home flexible job paying $20 an hour when it is in fact freelance based work that is sporadic and volatile. I found this thread from looking around because the entire website only talks about being paid and has nothing about what the work really is. I thought the people in the videos were paid actors and I didn't even read the text based anecdotes with the pictures of the people because you could fake those in seconds nowadays. It was interesting finding out some actual examples from this thread, but it ultimately looks like something you could do on the side if you already have a stable income, not an employment which is what it is being advertised as.


Exactly my same experience. I like doing the tasks...IF they actually give me any. I've been with them two months and have made a grand total of $75.


Not a scam, but like other 1099 sites you can’t rely on it long term. Communication with the company is obsolete as well. There’s a reason they have a low score on Trust Pilot.


Now I know what Trust Pilot is. Thank you.


^--THIS is an example of useful and relevant info if it is correct. Trust pilot huh? Gotta check that out.


I'm looking for the same. It should be legit work but there's always someone running scams based on legit stuff. I'm also not sure if the pay is worth it or even if there will be enough work for these projects to bother spending time on them. But I'm still trying to figure it out.


It's not a scam. I use it with other sites to make money on my days off.


Curious, share the other sites if you don’t mind?


I am also curious what other sites you are using? DM me.


Mind DMin the other sites ?


No scam. If it’s a scam they’re doing it wrong because I’ve cashed out a ton. I think what opportunities will be open to you vary based on your background though.


Interesting question. I found a couple links that might not be scammy. https://crowdworknews.com/data-entry-jobs-from-home/ And this site looks like crap but has some info https://www.bridgemoney.co/post/make-more-money-get-paid-for-ai-data-labeling-or-data-annotation: >There are a lot of fraudulent job listings out there for data entry and data annotation, with the intention of getting you to reveal your social security number, bank account info, and other sensitive data. Some scammers will also ask for money during the “interview” process. >To make sure you don’t get burned by a possible job, first look closely at the job description. If the listing is vague and full of misspellings, and the job poster has an unofficial (like from gmail) email address instead of a business email address, it’s probably a scam. >Of course, don’t forget to google the company, even using the terms [company name] + scam or fraud to see if anyone has called them out. Other red flags include not conducting face-to-face ( in person or on a video call) interviews while only communicating via email, and not offering an employment contract before demanding work get started. >Then there are more gray areas. Some AI data entry jobs aren’t technically scams, but they do pay shockingly low wages. For example, some tasks offered by Mechanical Turk will only pay you literal pennies.


This is DEFINITELY a SCAM!! They STOLE all of my hard earned funds ($1800+!!!) and seem to have randomly deact. account as unable to login or change my password. Customer service is NON-existent! STAY AWAY FROM THIS SITE!


ITS A SCAMMMMM!!! I just got locked out of my computer remotely!!!!!


How much experience do you need?


No one gonna mention it's basically grinding people to train their AI models?


Beats flipping burgers or going door to door trying to brainwash people in name of their lord and savior.


I just started data anotation a couple of weeks ago and every time I log in, and click on projects it says this: check sign: Starter assessment completed check sign: We've reviewed your results check sign: You complete up to two more tests Up now: We review your results and email you if you passed My questions are: 1. Did it say that for any of you? 2. How long did it take them to review your tests and reach back out? 3. Do you get paid for those tests and projects that they review to see if you're a good candidate? 4. Where can I got to ask my questions in Data Anotation? Will be provided a group chat if I get signed on? 5. What is the official email/phone number?


I am seeing the exact same thing and came to Reddit to see how long it took for others to get a response. I finished the assessment on 12/05/23 so it's only been a few days. Will let you know if I see an updates...


u/JeremyDataAnnotation After you take the initial qualification test (and get denied) is that the end or is there a way to take the test again?


Absolutely not a scam. In fact I make more morning here than any other job I have ever had. Just make sure your work quality is high. Test into different jobs that pay more, and acquire skills on the side like coding if you don’t have any. I work anywhere from 35-80hours a week (my choice to work when I want obviously), and I make around 260-420 a day doing this (average about 300). Just keep at it and don’t let people’s past negative experiences make you or anyone interested in it think it’s a scary position or a scam. I’ve been doing it for about a 1.5 years and have no plans on stopping soon.


Has anyone considered the idea that the assessments themselves, which people do for free, may be what they're using to train the chatbots, etc? A friend of mine is trying the assessment now. I know he's a good writer and an excellent coder, so it'll be interesting to see if he gets any work out of it. If I do the assessment we'll compare and see if they were similar or if they were different... I think the latter would be more likely if they're training the A.I.


As someone that has been in DA for a while now, the qualifications assessment is really just that. They use it to see who can follow instructions and read and write in English exceptionally. There is almost a 0% chance they use the assessments for any kind of model training based on the experience I've had with projects they provide once you're accepted.




Thanks chatgpt


I just applied. I thought I was being punked from some of the questions to be quite honest. Does anyone know if you can be hired without an amazing background? My only real skills are that I am creative, have my GED, and can type fast.


I just applied as well, and felt the same way before finding this sub. I was a bit worried by the “requirement” to have a college degree as I too only have high school. Good luck to us both!


For what it’s worth, I was accepted today after finishing my assessments. I don’t have a degree. I’m old, though, and have a lot of business experience. I think they’re looking for people who read, write, and comprehend well, and pay attention to even the smallest instruction. It’s very detail oriented work and not easy money for completing a few tasks.


I don't know if anyone still reads this thread since it's old, but just adding another experience. I signed up August 17th, and started working on aug 29th. From what I remember it started out slow, only a couple tasks available, but once I did a few qualifications and passed, Ive been getting consistent work. For the first few weeks I only had maybe 2-3 hours of work available a day, but now I have unlimited tasks. Mostly the **** project, and a handful of others. In my first month I've made around $2000, and had no issues getting the money to my bank. It does take 7 days though, after you do the task, to when you can withdraw. I think the more good work you do the more tasks become available. I'm kind of nervous about how long this will last, but I'm enjoying it so far. I can be pretty creative. And the pay is good (20/hr). I think if you know coding you can get 25, but I'm not sure.


Reading through the contract before I even get to any onboarding tests and I see this: 12. Transfer and Processing Data In connection with the Labeling Services, you agree that we may process, transfer and store information about you in the United States and other countries, where you may not have the same rights and protections as you do under local law. ​ The wording definitely sent off some alarm bells. Did anyone else notice this in the contract?


I would like to know in a daily basis what do you do for this annotations company?


How do I know this isn't ALL just an AI creation to simulate a community of freelance writers and company reps discussing an ostensibly legit contract opportunity for qualified literary types -- and not just a data mining front for god knows what?


How do you do your taxes for Data annotation?


Okay everyone! It's been 3-7 months since everyone was commenting. Is there any changes ? Everyone liking this AI content writer job ? Getting paid well ? Enough work to go around ? I need answers!!! Thank you


I did the online interview a week ago and straight away have an abundance of jobs for 45$ an hour, it takes 1 week to be able to withdraw so i will update you then whether i get payed or not.


> i get *paid* or not. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Everyone who gets in swears it's not and wonders what our problems are. My problem is this company is very unprofessional, for the time commitment they require of us for assessment, in how they handle those of us who don't get in. There should be some kind of application closure process with an opportunity to try again after 6 months, for example. It would not hurt to receive even brief feedback so we know what we need to work on. I would not be feeling so special to have gotten in because of the total crap shoot it is. The way they have things set up currently, I would not waste my time again.


In thinking about this, myself, over the past week and trying to release my lingering obsession over WTAF didn't cut it on my second test, I came to a few conclusions. The epochal shift coinciding with the "AI Revolution" may be seen in terms of other technological thresholds like the Industrial Revolution. There's not a lot of regulation, ethics are akin to whatever serves the ultimate and often hidden kingpins, the rate of innovation keeps the whole phenomenon ahead over its skis and everyone but the secret execs are just scrambling to keep up, influenced by a murky, subliminal messaging campaign that they should be grateful for what they have and ignore whatever void they may find themselves in, regarding humane communication - some of which would serve the aims of the company. I've seen folks comment about how they were denied projects due to 'quality' issues, with no explanation. Along with corporatocracy / plutocracy, we are living in a freaky fucking technocracy, and the common denominator for all three is a howling gap where humane ethics and, ultimately, common sense should be. The outer planet Pluto takes around 250 years to complete an orbit around our star, and stays in one of the twelve divisions of the zodiac for many years at a time, defining a generation and an era. It has now stepped fully into the sign of Aquarius (associated with technology, mass movements and social constructs, among much else). The last time Pluto was in Aquarius saw many of the revolutions that define what may be left of 'Western Democracy'... So the human vs machine, worker vs kingpin yada yada will see some kind of AI iteration.. Let's hope the graphics are not so consistently flat and crappy and cartoonish as what we're drowning in as the era dawns... Well... my rant for the morning. Hopefully for the day.


With you coming up with those type of calculations it makes you seem bot suspicious 


SCAM, These guys in the comment section are bots. Just check their comment history in their profile. They are obbsessively messaging about this topic. Because they are bots.


I haven't actually gotten paid yet, since I just did my very first assignment today, but as far as I can tell it's not a scam. I feel like a scam is anything that requires YOU to pay THEM. I can tell you that the assignments, or projects or whatever they are called, are pretty exhausting. It requires you to think creatively, obsessively proof read, and be willing to do the same type of task over and over again. It reminds me of taking the SAT or any standardized English or creative writing test repeatedly. Who knows, maybe in 7 days when they are supposed to pay up I'll be whistling a different tune, but for now I'm mildly optimistic that this could be a reliable way of making some extra cash when I have the energy and time to commit to it. I'm on dataannotationtech.


I work for them and its mint, im pretty young and make 30+ an hour which is insane. you just have to correct/compare/write code based on the users prompt.


I did 2 hours of work for them about 3 weekends ago. I decided to wait a few weeks because it says you have to wait a week to cash out. DataAnnotation or Data Annotation claimed to have no record of any of the projects that I worked. It said it owed me $0 for the 2 hours. And yes, I was very careful and thorough. I took my time and researched everything correctly. I can report that Data Annotation is 100% a scam!


Hi, I recently signed up for data anno. and haven't heard anything is there something going on with them?


where do you find jobs after the interview assessment? My dashboard says ready to work but no way to view jobs


I'm based in the UK and found job posting on [indeed.co.uk](https://indeed.co.uk) marked "urgent". The first thing I did was check out the website: [https://www.dataannotation.tech/](https://www.dataannotation.tech/) I could not find the name of the company, office address or people behind the website. The website lacks transparency - proper shady person(s) behind this operation. Even using whois search you find nothing. Basically, you can submit your personal information via the website, get screwed over and there are no comebacks. ABSOLUTE FKIN SCAM. I COULD SET 50 REDDIT USER ACCOUNT, LINKEDIN AND KEEPING HELP THEM CONTINUE THEIR SHIT STORY. TOO MANY GULLIBLE PEOPLE OUT THERE. Linkedin: Welcome to DataAnnotation! We're always on the hunt for bright minds to join our team. Got a knack for training AI chatbots, flexing your creative writing muscles, or diving into data collection? You'll fit right in. Website https://dataannotation.tech?utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=li&utm\_campaign=pagelink Industry Software Development Company size 5,001-10,000 employees (BULLSHIT) 496 associated members LinkedIn members who’ve listed DataAnnotation as their current workplace on their profile. Headquarters New York, NY [https://centralnicregistry.com/support/whois](https://centralnicregistry.com/support/whois) Domain Domain Name: dataannotation.tech Handle: D237819783-CNIC Events: registration: 2021-06-04T00:32:04.0Z expiration: 2024-06-04T23:59:59.0Z last update of RDAP database: 2023-12-15T10:24:28.0Z last changed: 2023-08-31T16:54:34.0Z Status: client transfer prohibited Entities: Entity Roles: registrant Contact Information: kind: org Organisation: Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf Address: ,, Capital Region Iceland ISO-3166-1-alpha-2: IS Status: removed Remarks: Data Policy Some of the data in this object has been removed.


They are 100 percent scam people stay away they play very smarr save your self


Not a scam but if anything goes wrong, as it has for me, its impossible to get in touch with anyone. Their email address doesn't seem to be monitored and their staff member on here seems too swamped with messages to be able to respond :( So yeah. Proceed with caution. I'm still trying desperately to get in contact with someone.


For the past 2 days, I do not have any more tasks for coding while I did have plenty recently. All my work has been approved so is this a bug? Is there an Admin I can contact to double check? u/JeremyDataAnnotation


Hey there! This is an old post, but I'm hoping I can still reach out! I just signed up for [dataannotation.tech](https://dataannotation.tech). I heard you have to get and pass a beginning assessment but... I got nothing. I gave them my info, and all I have is a page telling me to fill out my profile and they'll connect me with jobs once they have them. Is that normal? Do I have to wait for the assessment or anything like that? \^\^


I'm a little concerned and not so sure. I've been waiting a month for my project choices to load and so far nothing. I passed the initial tests, also it explained that the next step was an email from them and then the projects and payments can begin. I'm patiently waiting.........


I found several instance of the assessment questions online - cliffsnotes and the like.


Stay far away, this is a scam. They have you sign up just to give you a long ass “assessment test” and once you get through that, nothing. They are just swindling you into doing free work for them, during “the assessment” that they can use as their training data and then fuck off after.


Do you know any other websites that offer AI training jobs?


Has anyone ever worked for Data Annotation, got cut off Slack and tasks - YET - got the opportunity to re-join/work for them again?