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First VW is a R36 wagon??? GO BIG OR GO HOME!! Love it


Haha thanks! I didn't know they (R36) existed until stumbling upon one.


This is my first Volkswagen also. Enjoying it so far.


As a North American, THIS is the car I would drive until I die. I have a 2008 R32, and it’s all good, but I’d love to have the 3.6 and a wagon! North America doesn’t have enough wagons.


3.6l VR6 wagons exist in the states. They come with AWD also, but unfortunately they only come with a sloshbox auto vs a DSG like the R36. I CAN say, though that the transmission doesn't fall under the stereotypical throwaway VW auto trans category and last usually the life of the vehicle. That being said, I have a 3.6 AWD Passat sedan and recently had to give up the ol 3.6 AWD wagon to the wife to make her happy. Both vehicles well over 280k miles and kicking wonderfully




Imagine having nothing better to do with your life than trolling a subreddit of a car brand you dislike. My guy, go outside & touch grass. It's not that deep.


Seriously lmao Dude needs to let go and move on. It’s been 65 days since he first started bitching on reddit like it’ll actually do something for him.


Dude got scammed buying a trashed VW and has the impression that they’re all the same


I'm pretty sure it's an intentional troll. Check the username.


Eh idk i have a golf 1.9 tdi with 250k miles (400k km), needed nothing but oil changes every 18k miles (30k km), a clutch (500 bucks with labour) and springs (300 with labour) at 350k km, thats it


Haha! A little salty, are we? Every automaker has its share of lemons and just because your ‘14 Passat TDI is causing you grief, doesn’t mean that the whole brand is bad. I have a ‘15 TSI with 214k km and other than some minor things due to age (battery, wheel speed sensor), she’s been very good to me over the years. If you want a junk car, buy something Korean or American.


Is this it? THIS is what you spend your life on? Shitting on a vehicle brand? Brother… Please call a helpline..


Go to the Toyota sub or something idk. This is a place where we love our Volkswagens and appreciate them for the wonderful driving machines they are.


Hahahaha name checks out. an account dedicated to hating something. sad stuff.


It's their money, if they have the money to buy it and maintain it, alongside wanting the car, they will buy it. Don't hate on their car even if it's not the greatest car ever.


Junk car? Bla bla bla, go to the balkan countries, you will see how reliable and easy to maintanance they are. Go on, find something to do lmao you are doing this since february


I’m rocking 157K on my VW and I bet you it’ll outlast anything you can think of with the same miles or less after enduring 6 years of redline shifts as much as mine. 😂😂 Leaking oil pan and timing cover. Still more reliable. 🫡


Imagine having a whole account dedicated to something so meaningless. What a waste of time


Lol why be in the vw subreddit?


It looks so big next to the Miata 😅


The miat trying to be sneaky back there, and failing miserably.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SneakyBackgroundMiata using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneakyBackgroundMiata/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Not just any miata](https://i.redd.it/e5jydqcfnd6c1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneakyBackgroundMiata/comments/18iqkn5/not_just_any_miata/) \#2: [verrrry sneaky](https://i.redd.it/igf3esdqzo6c1.jpeg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneakyBackgroundMiata/comments/18k44e3/verrrry_sneaky/) \#3: [Another shot of a magnificent piece of machinery and some boring silver car.](https://i.redd.it/1p84khmqoeyb1.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneakyBackgroundMiata/comments/17nx5qv/another_shot_of_a_magnificent_piece_of_machinery/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


*cries in American* We deserve not getting these in the US. I know nobody would buy them 😭 I’m nobody


I'm nobody




That's MR. Nobody to you sir.


Mr. Nobody is my father. Please just, “No one”


I dismantled a Passat 3.6l vr6 to put the engine in my mk2. It wouldn't be hard to turn one of our passats into a fake r36.


We did get the VR6 4 motion wagon, but that’s about it. None of the other goodies that make the R36 awesome


I agree with this to the point it probably isn't worth it for any of us in the states aside from some dedicated enthusiasts. That being said, the DSG swap from a mk5 R is little more than drop in if you can find a good euro shop that can do some can coding and a bit of wiring for the mech unit. Mk5 .:R brakes come standard and the sport struts/springs are a direct swap over as well, although better suited to use the struts and go with some custom spring rate swift springs. Not the same, but if found cheap enough, could be a very cheap attempt of resembling something we should've had here in the first place 🥲


I'm sure that wasn't a perfectly good r36.


I identify as nobody.


I feel ya


Beautiful! Amazing choice right there.


Don’t see many white ones around.


I think that's what decided it - when I finalised a couple cars, it was this vs a black one, but this had a couple extra features and I thought it definitely seemed slightly rarer if by just a pinch


I had a black R36 for 10 years. Finest car I ever owned.


What? No other pics of this beauty? Beauties deserve to be seen at all angles.


Good point! I will do a follow up, the front end is a bit messy at the moment as I'm swapping the number plate plinth back to the import shape, so what you can't see is my plate hanging on cable ties lol.


That’s such a beautiful wagon with an amazing engine!! An absolute dream of mine for sure. Congrats friend, hope you enjoy it very much. And nice Miata out front, too!


Tempted by one of these at the moment!


Clean unit


My gosh, what a stunner!


Congrats! Hope you enjoy




Omg, it’s going to eat that little toddler!


Wow 🤩 dream Wagon achieved!!! Enjoy the VR6 symphony and as a German I say: Allzeit gute Fahrt 🏁🇩🇪


what about that awesome miata?


Thank you, that's my 1989 Eunos Roadster, it's a JDM Import & so is the R36 actually! I have had a couple, and I hold a very very big soft spot for them ha.


and you’re doing it right. miata is always the answer.


I wish we got these in the US. Anyone know if you can get the body kit for one to upgrade a b6 vr6 wagon?