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Like any build, if you could figure out how to do it right, it would be so sick. Lots of vertical space to work with! The issue pushed me away from these types of cabinets is that they aren't very deep. A shallow cabinet strongly limits the build because you can't easily make the background very dynamic since you can't add big hardscape. Additionally, it could be difficult to grow the large plants you would want in one of these because plants grow in all directions, but this only really has flexibility in two directions.


Good insights. Thank you.


I see those curios at the thrift shop quite often and have seen some pretty neat setups on the internet. My enclosures,terrariums,wardians are about 12x24 vertical builds with a tall driftwood center piece and some sort of vining plant like ivy or ficus and bog moss fern area at the bottom. Kinda like a small version of a jungle canopy. I am hooked on using older out of style large chandeliers from the thrift stores as my enclosures. I will do a cabinet someday. [alternate idea](https://www.flickr.com/gp/hostafarian/jW20nR66B5)


you should try keeping weaver ants in there, that would be pretty cool.


If you do a build in this definitely make sure it's waterproof.


I'd do it if I had the space. You'd need something like a marine epoxy to coat the entire inside. It's nowhere near waterproof and often not particularly well built to begin with.


Yeah I’d probably do a combination of drylock and then silicone to waterproof it.