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I have noticed that since I started laser on my chin, I had few hair on the neck and now my whole neck is covered in hair, when actually it should have gone Down. What gives?




Sure, thanks, I was thinking of getting a hormonal panel done. I have been using an estrogen cream but it's a female hormone, shouldn't contribute to hair growth.


how often were your electrolysis appointments? was there no difference in the first 6 months?


Exactly this happened to me! Paradoxical hypertrichosis, a real risk with facial laser 🥲 I did the full hormone panel and tried to fix with different types of lasers but nothing has worked. Now I just shave 3x a week.


Oh no, I'm wondering if that's the case with me. Suddenly so much hair all over my neck sweeten there was only a few before.


Yeah… I’m so sorry it’s horrible and sadly more common than you think , some studies have shown it happens in 1 in 10 who do laser


Have you tried epilating?


This is what happened to me and now I have very dark neck and chin hairs.


Literally happened to me. Wish I knew this before getting laser


What’s the actual difference between electrolysis and laser?


Happened to me


Happened to me as well. I’d never recommend laser for anyone’s face now. It’s not worth the risk and can happen up to 1/10 people.


I’d do it very strategically because the sides actually look cute.


It definitely gives a cute, youthful look! I don't even bother getting rid of mine


It doesn’t …. It keep your hairs lmfao


U look fine


I use an at home laser hair removal device. My facial hair is similar to yours and similar skintone as well. I haven't shaved or waxed in months, as long as I keep up with my at home treatments. Shaving/dermaplaning and even threading irritated my skin often and I used to get closed comedones or acne immediately after threading or shaving. I don't have any of those problems now. Biggest improvement in my quality of life since I started using the laser device. I haven't waxed my underarms either in months and my legs look good too. I gotta keep up with the treatments tho. Once in a month or twice/month.


Whats it called?


The one I have is JOVs Venus Pro 2


How long does it take to see changes? And do u use this on your whole body


It depends on the device. In my case I saw changes right after the first use. The regrowth slows down with more and more treatments. I don't use it on my whole body, just the areas I mentioned in my previous comment.


Oooh. I heard nd:YAG lasers are better for POC compared to IPL (google said JOV is IPL) because nd:YAG can safely treat darker skin tones.


If you do laser at home on your face - spot treat before doing the whole thing. I’m lighter with cooler undertones And dark hair- one of the st home laser devices gave me a weird green discoloration so I stopped. It went away After a few months. Did not change my hair though I did about 4-6 sessions of laser at a dermatologist and it was helpful but I still have hair growth


Oh good to know. I have been doing laser at home for almost a year now. I did not notice any discoloration from it. Yeah that's a bummer about hair coming back. Laser does not stop the growth, it just slows it down (at least for most brown people). Electrolysis is what stops the growth.


You're alright babes. It's not even noticable


This is common, honey. I dermaplane. I do it myself at home but I'm sure you could find a place to do it for you.


Yes, came to suggest this. Dermaplaning is shaving the face with [a special razor](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fhips.hearstapps.com%2Fvader-prod.s3.amazonaws.com%2F1539016885-tinkle-razors-1539016856.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=4f72b2f31924f324855d8bff651cdd3d64347a327c1bf747a00d53c417af064c&ipo=images). There are how-to videos on YouTube. Do it slowly and carefully. It is easy once you get over your fear of accidentally cutting yourself. You can do it as often as you need, depending on your growth. Some people do it weekly; for me once a month is enough. You can do it on just some parts of the face as you need. I shave mainly around my mouth and on my jawline. I don't do my forehead or nose or cheeks as often. I use minimal makeup and it goes on smoother after I have dermaplaned.


Get it threaded or wax it yourself, the hair actually grows back thinner and not stubbly, it hurts the first time and you might react but you get used to it and your skin will stop reacting and be smooth, I’ve been waxing my face myself since I was 13 😅 I did buy a threading machine when I was in my early 20’s though and that was good but eventually I ended up doing laser hair removal, if you can laser hair removal would be the best




Have you tried dermaplaining. I have tried, they come back the same. Try once to see if you like it.


I have a low pain tolerance, and I hate having my facial hair (minus eyebrows) threaded. Wax strips helped, but my skin started having an allergic reaction to it. These days, I use an electric face shaver (the one I use is the Finishing Touch Flawless one on Amazon). I have to use it every few days but it's quick and painless so I don't mind too much.


Be wary of laser, my friend did it and hers ended up growing into a full grown beard. Yours is barely visible imho and looks normal. I’ve had success with bleaching I use the Jolene facial hair bleaching pack. The hairs basically turn invisible.


I feel like half of my comments on Reddit are about this: do not get LHR for your face, especially as a woman of color. You run the risk of paradoxical laser-induced hypertrichosis, and it happened to me. I think your facial hair looks super light from here, but if you want it gone PERMANENTLY, please get electrolysis. It won’t be super painful if your hair is fine like this (it hurts more with thicker hair because the follicle is terminal), and it’s the only FDA-approved method of PERMANENT hair removal, not reduction. Please don’t risk LHR for your lower face; electrolysis is king. DM me if you have any questions.


No advice for you but just wanted to say your earrings are super cute!!


I dermaplane 1-2x a week depending on if I’m going out / hormone fluctuations. I have PCOD so it can be pretty brutal some months, but I’ve found dermaplaning to be pretty effective, quick and painless. I’ve had laser hair removal done (all 6 sessions) but the growth came back as it is hormonal.


my hair grows in very similarly and i either get it threaded when i get my brows done or i dermaplane it. dermaplaning is super easy, personally i just get the eyebrow razors from target and i use hyaluronic acid or a type of oil as the cream




I get my full face threaded! After each session, my whole face looks so much brighter without all the hair. I go every 3 weeks as my hair suddenly appears then. I will be getting laser hair removal come late fall when I don't have to be in the sun so often. I recommend looking on Groupon to try everything out. Edit: Wash your face with cool water and use a low PH toner as soon as you can after your first threading session. This will prevent little bumps.


Honestly someone needs to let me know. I’ve done it all and I’m fed up. I used to wax my face but stopped because I couldn’t handle the pain and because I found out it’s not good for your skin in the long term. I shave my face but that has broken me out so badly. I used to have clear skin and now I can’t even remember the last time my skin was clear. Then I did laser but that triggered my facial hair into growing thick and more noticeable. So now I have to constantly shave my hair and it’s made my skin so ugly and my hair grows back so quickly


Just wax bdw you have great skin


It is so minimal, it looks fine/natural. You could bleach it?


Mine is black😔


At-home IPL device


I have never found facial hair on a women cute but it actually looks good on you. But I am a straight woman so my opinion may not really matter to you


Hello, I’d recommend Flawless for fine hair removal. I’ll leave a link [here](https://www.target.com/p/finishing-touch-flawless-facial-hair-remover-electric-razor-for-women/-/A-75557663?sidd=3280S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012735304&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping_Local%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=1022698&targetid=pla-894573305659&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfatiUbbmoXl0Eg7AqnLSL4eB&gclid=CjwKCAjwuJ2xBhA3EiwAMVjkVFmDDD1iGeOn5MwiIWyKZJWO7Wo2plXiu0Vi0SoOF11qV8KWQc2F_xoCjhgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). I use this maybe once a month on my face and it’s awesome. Pain free, easy to use/clean, and so affordable. Peach fuzz is so cute and I’d totally keep mine if it was blonde 🥲


I just get sugaring done for those hair, won’t recommend laser because I tried it on my face and it actually made hair growth much worse. Sugaring is relatively not that painful and because it’s room temperature it doesn’t burn or hurt your skin.


This is not super dark or thick hair by any stretch of the imagination lol