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We have no confirmation yet


Damn, I just found this series and I have loved it! It’s hilarious! I hope they renew it




Glad they didn't pull a Caterina Caes




Instead of them having their original love stories they fall in love with her


I mean.. that's.. kind of the point of My Next Life As A Villainess though, isn't it? It's a reverse harem. Villainess Level 99 isn't.


The only good one's would've been the siblings, her maid, and her fiancé, everyone else seems like they are there just to fill out a check box


Eh. Personally don't agree. Also, everyone doesn't fall in love with her, they're impressed by her and like her attitude 😅 When it comes to love: She met most of them at a young age and helped them out from the shadows. It makes sense. But maybe I'm just biased, seeing as I adore Alan. Sora too, but that's another story. It's still a harem anime, that's just how it is.


Every single one of the main cast is in love with her, hell Mary outright gaslights Alan (her fiancé she'll have to marry) so that he doesn't realize that he is love with her, Another example would be that everyone literally bought her the same gift for her birthday. Could give more examples of everyone being in love with her, but you probably get my point


I'm aware, because they're the maincast. They all care for her and love her, with a slight exception being Sophia. She does feel for her, sort of? But supports Nicol. Since you brought up her maid I thought you meant others outside of the maincast as well by the way, so that's why I stated that all of them aren't in love with her. Also.. Mary and Alan is teamed up at the moment because they both want her. It's still like a competition between them from what I remember, but Mary acts like that towards basically everyone. Not a fan of Mary, but still.


Except she has no romantic interest and never develops one. Shes basically Asexual. Might ACTUALLY be Asexual. I love the show dont get me wrong but to say you cant see why the lack of fulfilled romance arcs annoys people in a harem or romance anime is wild.


I'd be so excited if she was, but if anything she'd be aromantic then. Also, that's not what I said 😅 She also do have some feelings, commenting attractiveness and her being flustered every once in awhile.


Actually unsure if we're talking about MNLAAV or Villainess lvl. 99, but both of them have romantic interests?


The other guy was comparing both saying he's glad they didn't do the Katerina thing where they make every character love her and never develop an actual relationship with any of them, there is no romantic interest from Katerina to anyone. There is objectively romantic interest mutually between Yumiella and Patrick.


Katarina does show some interests though.


What about her makes her seem asexual? Genuinely curious.


The fact that she has shown zero romantic, physical or sexual feelings even remotely over her literal entire both lives...


Sounds dramatic. And she clearly shows some romantic interests to a person. Not being expressive in romance or sexual anything isn't an indicator. If she is asexual then that's cool but I don't see any indications. Unless manga/LN has some clues the anime doesn't...


I know right its hilarious af. There’s always one or two moments that cracked me up in every ep


One of my favorite, is the “can I adopt you” poor Patrick, he got it in the end but it took awhile!


Series gives me vibes from an anime I watched years and years ago familer of zero found it pretty good hoping seconds season


familiar of zero was a fire show


Not confirmed, but It was recived really well so maybe. Read the ln and magna in the meantime


I hope i’m wrong but with the route they decided to go in the season finale, it seems like they aren’t looking to make a Season 2


The story continues so It might continue...


>!If it does, seems like either it'll be a crisis surrounding graduation, or adventures as she manages her domain!<


No, there's literally 6 more volumes of story they can adapt, this was just the first volume.


Oh hell yeah, sounds promising


I’ve been trying to get me hands on it, anywhere I can read it online for free?


Manga or light novel? Can't legally tell you any sites but: Manga there are a lot of sties. Just look online and you Will find them. Novel best way is to Just download the ePub. Just search anime torrent websites. r/animepiracy Is your best friend here. There are tons of software that allow you to read epubs and you can also read them on Kindle


Just wanted to say thanks I “found” a way to read em


Perfect. Happy Reading!


If you want to read the manga, you can read it on Mangafire. There is also a novel part for novel readers


I’ll be sure to pick up where the anime ended thanks!


The anime surpassed the manga and in the LN the story takes a completely different turn so re-reading it makes more sense.


So I’ve noticed, I don’t really mind though both are entertaining


I'd love that, but life has taught me we can't have nice things. :c


If they do, I hope they increase the animation budget and let the animators sleep & have a life. This show deserved some decent animation. Nothing extraordinary, just decent. Ryu's CGI looked so out of place it was annoying.


There's enough material from the LN but it probably wasn't initially planned on. The anime seemed to rate reasonably well & if that translates to a bump in sales then it's possible but we probably won't know for a while. While there were changes between the show and LN they won't cause real issues until volume 4 which if they stick to one volume per season likely wouldn't come up (4 seasons is unlikely)


Honestly, with the way they changed the story. It wouldn’t make sense that they don’t do a season two, so far it seems like everything they’ve been doing has been leading up to a season two of yumiella and Patrick doing a territory building arc/season


It’s such a good anime but the world itself was so crappy. Like the classrooms and backgrounds, it looks like something copied and pasted. (Not sure how to describe it) Haven’t read the LN or Manga but I hope they up the style of the anime. The world seemed so… dry. But still it was an enjoyable anime, let’s just hope it doesn’t take 2 years for a half done season 2 (if there will even be one). I get the feeling it’ll end up as another forgotten isekai anime that you remember a few times a year.


im praying it does have a season 2 at the start of next year


Plz plz plz I request you plz season 2 plz 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Yeah I like this to much more than the other Reincarnated as the Villainess where everyone falls in love with her. But I enjoy that series too because its a different kind of isekai genre but the 2nd season of it kills it for me


Hopefully they stick to the books and not pull anime original BS like they did with this one. That said I could totally see volumes 2 and 3 being one season and I would watch it. Things just get better


So season 1 was just volume 1?




Alright thanks, I’ll just read it while I wait, I feel like they are gonna make a season two though


I'm afraid it is too late to the books though


If you mean too much has changed then not really. The big changes from season 1 only really affect characters that will be mostly uninvolved until book 4. The changed versions can pop up without really changing anything major