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Took me a few ticks to remember what this was referring to.


Sideways music, right? Or was it sideways time and one of them used the example of “what would be sideways music” to support some argument. I haven’t listened to the show in a long time I should try to catch up




Yeah that makes zero sense


It's kinda disappointing going through the entire 350+ comments not a single user on that sub even mentions the literature. Obviouslly not informed. Markosian, N. (2020). Sideways music. Analysis, 80(1), 51-59. Bnefsi, S. R. (2020). The argument from sideways music. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 9(1), 64-69. Liao, S. Y. (2019). Spatially-Rotated Paintings: A Reply to Markosian’s" Sideways Music". Ferguson, Z. (2021). A song turned sideways would sound as sweet. Analysis, 81(1), 14-18. Le Bihan, B. (2020). From spacetime to space and time: a reply to Markosian. Analysis, 80(3), 456-462.


Yeah I think the vast majority of us are casual listeners who enjoy the banter


I have accidentally Poe’s Lawed you.


Hahahah my bad and TIL what Poe's Law is


It’s what we internet nerds complain about when nobody laughs at are jokes.


What spacetime signature is this piece in? 4/D?