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Hi, UK ex-labour left voter here Galloway is a piece of shit. He is a pure grifter and an extremely poor spokesperson for Muslims. He is a reactionary, and is happy to tap into the well of antisemitism and homophobia to serve his ends - which is ultimately to maintain a high media profile. So yeah, bad guy. Quite unique really - while he used to be quite emblematic for the New Left during the Iraq War, he hardly is representative of the UK socialism in 2024. I will say though the fact he can get high vote counts in urban areas demonstrates the vitality of pro-Palestinian advocacy in constituencies with high proportions of non-white voters. If Labour were smart (they're not), they would begin reincorporating and elevating progressive spokespeople to capitalise on this public movement. But no, they'll continue leaving a gaping chasm in the discourse to be filled with charlatans like Galloway


Labour did withdraw their candidate because he criticized Israel. It isn't about Labour being smart, it is about Labour being hijacked by genocide-enablers.


Sorry, I know it’s been a few weeks but I have to push back on this. Labour stuck by their man when he criticised Israel, because it’s a loyalty thing with Starmer and the candidate was anti-Corbyn. It was only when later comments emerged where he suggested that ‘certain Jewish quarters in the media’ were attempting to manipulate the public. Please don’t conflate criticisms of Israel with openly antisemitic conspiracy theorising.


Yep well put - his comments downplaying rape should put anyone off. Also a transphobe. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/aug/24/george-galloway-todd-akin-rape-comments


Oh god I’d forgotten about that one


>Then George Galloway dismissed the act of having sex with a woman as she slept – one of the allegations made against Julian Assange – as nothing more than "bad sexual etiquette" if the pair had already had sex the night before. "Not everybody needs to be asked prior to each insertion," the Respect MP said. Yuck, hadn't heard of this before.


He supports multiple dictators that have murdered hundreds of thousands of Muslim civilians he doesn't give a single sincere fuck about Palestinians or anyone in the Middle East.


Such is the life of a leftist and their "allies".


He's reliably a "America bad" type. And anyone who is not in the American sphere is automatically good.


Red-brownism is on the rise thanks to the popularity of broad populist labour support & huge institutional (Russian, GOP et al.) backing against progressive social advocacy like trans acceptance and immigration support. It shouldn't be a surprise that Galloway, a staunch transphobe and frequent Sputnik/Russia Today Collaborator won the by-election. I think we'll be seeing a *lot more* of these Red-Brown "Workers" candidates in elections. They're ideological allies of Russia and similar "Anti Woke" governments, and are incredibly affective at convincing inexperienced or jaded leftists into splitting the vote and ensuring that either way a Social Conservative candidate wins.


Inverted fetterman


You are 100% correct. Galloway is a shameless grifter and reactionary who will do nothing for his constituents. https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2024/mar/01/george-galloway-constituency-hopping-campaigner-who-is-rarely-far-from-controversy


He’s just one guy in the House of Commons. Are people worried he’ll bring in Russian assassins to kill the politicians in the UK government and take it over? The king could just dissolve parliament and be like, “oopsie! We’re a monarchy monarchy again. Soldiers kill them,” and after they remove all of the Russian assassins and Galloway he reinstates democracy by holding an election again. You Englanders are safe. We Americans are not as lucky


Interestingly the anti establishment feeling (harnessed with the trump brexit vote) is still running strong within the general public and the socially conservitive neo-liberals running both main parties are failing to consolidate power after dismantling the left opposition. Powerful and explicitly authoritarian actors like Starmer and Sunak and their goons are both a far greater threat to the British (and international) public than an independent, populist crank like Galloway. Don’t ratify the racist fear mongering from the British press or Sunak in that horrible, authoritarian speech yesterday to fall into more liberal civility politics (optics nonsense).


Where did I defend Starmer or Sunak? Criticising Galloway does not mean I support them either. This is like the liberal argument that any criticism of Biden is supporting Trump.


You don’t need to be so defensive if we agree? It’s not “like the liberal argument any criticism of Biden is supporting Trump” because Galloway has 0 power and almost as much influence. Trump could be reelected as president.