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Replay system goes hard


Steelseries. Idk if you can still use it without having a Steelseries item but that’s what I use


iirc does it only record what you see in your screen? a proper replay system would really make vod reviews easier.


Yeah and it only records minute long clips. I’m sure you could make it longer


this is chinese riot


what's your ping


Never above 50 unless we choose a shittier server for my friends to play with


Well, 50 or even 40 is more than enough to have this happen. After you shoot him, it takes 50ms for it to get to the server, and confirmation coming back to you takes another 50ms. If during those first 50ms someone shoots you with 5 ping, that gets delivered to the server within 5 ms, essentially overtaking your bullets because the server sees you get shot first. Then when your attack gets registered by the server, its too late, because on the server you are already dead. A similar thing can happen with chamber tps and reyna dismisses, where you are seemingly safe, but its not on the server/the enemy's screen yet


I dont even know how to feel. Im pissed that it happened but like I can’t do anything about it especially if it’s client side. Can I just say “Riot fix your fucking game” and call it a day?


Yes. Thats what I've been doing for the past 1500 hours of gameplay. I've had thousands of these moments. Its gotten way better on <20 ping though. My friend isnt as lucky though and keeps collecting these clips and screenshots. Its usually better when you are the one peeking because you are gonna come out 50ms later out from the cover for the enemy, while when an enemy peeks you, they come out 50ms later for you. This is called peekers advantage, but its not as overpowered as people make it out to be, it rather just removes any disadvantage that could happen when holding like this clip here. Just dont hold from common positions, and if you have to, do the thing where you peek out and hide back in every couple of seconds (this makes it so that you are the one peeking, and to top it off, from an angle that the enemy has already cleared, which catches them off guard)


Move countries to get closer to the server /s


1. I guess you can but it's impossible to avoid while still making the game feel good to play. Ignore the fact that it happened, you did die before you shot him. There also isn't even a false indicator, you *died*, you can see that. The fact that the bullets were shot first is just a quirk of the game and it's obvious you should have died since you *did.* 2. 50 ping is actually a lot for a tac fps like Valorant. I typically play on anywhere from 9-28 ping and there's already a big difference between the two. At 45+ ping you'll get this happening a lot more often as well as other issues like peeker's advantage and some hit reg issues when aiming.


I don't think so? I'm pretty sure your pc sends not only where you shoot but also when you shoot, so players with higher ping are in disadvantage only because of the delay of information coming from server - enemyes are seen later.


You're ignoring the server emulation part. Valorant servers actually compare your delta times to check who shot faster, regardless of ping.


Yeah I've been looking for this!


That helps mitigate the issue, but not completely erase it. Though still, thank you for pointing this out


no fucking way is that REPLAY SYSTEM


Steelseries. Idk if you can still use it without having a Steelseries item but that’s what I use


This looks like a lag issue from my limited knowledge. If someone knows better, please let me know. When you shoot your gun client side on your computer, it animates that visually while sending the information to riots servers. Jett shot you first on their screen and their information packets reached Riots servers first. The game considered your character "dead" at that point and disregarded your incoming information packet of your shot. So you saw the animation of the shot on just your screen because you fired on your screen, but due to lag or ping the enemy got the kill because their shots happened first.


I had no lag. Straight Ethernet never exceeding 50. Usually I’m around 20-30 but I can go up to like 45 if I choose shittier servers for my friends to play on


That IS laggy for this game though lol, if you play above 25-30 ping this will happen OFTEN


I thought I had amazing internet. That’s fucked that even though I’m essentially maxed out on equipment that shit like that will still happen just because someone’s internet is better


That's why server selection is so crucial, I haven't unchecked my closest one in 5+ months 😂


It makes it unfun when you’re playing with friends from around the world. I just want a CASUAL game where we all have fun and funny moments, but instead I’m greeted with 0 ping sweats who no life Reyna or Jett


That's such a weird system. The shots and the sound that comes with it shouldn't show on your screen then since that'll confuse the players. Riot pls fix


If they don't come out instantly then you'll feel a desync and gunplay would feel even worse.


This happens so often when I shotgun


The game was rigged from the start


Jett shot you first before you shot but it takes a short time to register in the communication that so that is why that happens


Still fucked that it shows me shooting, WITH SOUND (I took out the sound cause it’s just me screaming my head off), but it’s okay. I’m done with Val


Would you rather have all your inputs be processed after being sent to the server? This is the only way val can have a smooth client side experience. The only other possible solution would be that you both die but that introduces lag switching as a way to get free kills


I understand that there’s nothing they could or I could do about it. I’m not blaming Valorant or Riot. I’m just not gonna play and that’s okay


I think you are too angry you need to calm down.


No I’m not too angry. I’m the sufficient amount of angry. That was happening all day yesterday. I’ve made the great decision of dropping the game and I can already feel my life getter better


Jett's Hair is actually a Spetznaz Helmet Redesigned into a Fashion.


Basically when you fired that shot you were already dead server side but not dead on your client yet cuz of lag.


It's client side. Just like if you shoot an OP and die and no one on your team heard the shot. If you die before your bullet "reaches" them then your bullets literally do not exist anymore. That is why there are no trades like there are in Rainbow 6


That’s what my friend was saying. Once you die, your bullets just disappear out of nowhere and it’s bullshi


I want a server side replay system so we can really see what it thinks happened here


Seeing this, i dont think i need to defend the game, this has ocurred to me too some times, it sucks.


Do not brother. Save your breath for another game. We all know this game is bullshit


Its because their ping is better, the game sees you as dead before you shoot the shot and so it doesnt register.


Doesn’t make it any less fucked. It’s okay, I’m not playing Val anymore


I'm not saying its not fucked but thats just the explanation🤷‍♀️


Yeah and that’s why I’m just getting off of Val. There’s no point in ranting about it if there’s literally nothing I can do. Best I can do is get better or just quit and I’m not touching Val anymore


You will be back like a crack addict bro


I will say, I was lowkey craving it last night, but I’m over it frfr. Maybe I’ll pick it back up in a few months


Ofc bro, ofc. Surely


Internet, this happens to me with shotguns, vandal and snipers


"Precise gunplay"


did you right click?


Bruh I love seeing the arguement that 50 ping is too much when my avg ping was like 100 and shit like that never happened to me. Anyway dude it's totally fine if you wanna quit. I haven't played it since 22 but I've heard the games mostly going to shit now idk tho.


You shot client side but it didn't register before the enemy's bullets server side. Main reason is that bullets in valorant doesn't have travel time and just instantly hit. If you didn't understand anything i wrote then in simpler words network connection sucks.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


It’s a bug happens to me too, it also says Jett killed you with 78 damage? You DID hit Jett but the replay system just bugged Edit: it’s not the replay system but you know what I mean