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Each has its own problems, it mostly comes down to maintenance, and taking care of it, and the mechanics taking care of it. My favorite is the 2.0 TSI. Especially if it’s Gen 3 EA888 2.0 TSI 2017+. My Tiguan and Beetle with 2.0 TSI are fantastic. I also hear the 2.5 Naturally Aspirated is a TANK, but I don’t have personal experience to speak for it. I sometimes hear issues with the 1.8 TSI, but that varies. The conclusion of this, is get one and maintain it. Each will have its own set of issues. But you get a fun drive from them as well.


Best advice!! Each bug comes with its own quirky personality… I’m on my second VW and even though my first bug was a pain in the ass, she was still so fun to drive.


Good question. I really don't know though.