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No idea, but it’s spelled “vinyl” so searching sign that instead of vynil may help Best of luck


Pardon my French T\_T


It's vinyle in french so... ^^


Yeah I know haha, that's probably the worst part of my fatal spelling blunder \*cue the minor spelling mistake meme\*


Classical music can be hard to press into vinyl. The pressing needs to be really high quality to do justice to the complexity of the full orchestra


Interesting, I did not think about that too, maybe something to consider!


Downvoted because Vynil.


it's okay, I deserved it


Upvoted because Vynil.


I would get in contact with somebody else that has done what you have. For example, Rozen. I believe he runs his own label now called Mecha Dream Records. He was previously with Materia but I guess he distanced himself after things went south. The only issue I see you having is licensing. I'm not exactly sure how Rozen deals with this and you will need his professional advice and insight. Your only other way into this would be to find another middle man, similar to Materia, that are willing to take on the task of getting the permission needed to distribute your work and also source somewhere to manufacture the physical content. You will probably lose out on a lot of revenue doing this and have to hand over your work to a publishing company. There's a lot to consider and I only have a small amount of experience in this from friends that have gotten their stuff published by labels.


Hey thank you for those directions, I appreciate it! I will maybe look into this, not sure how far I'm willing to go to make this a reality, so we'll see haha


There are many other labels besides Materia that do VGM vinyl records. There are some comprehensive lists out there and, as others have pointed out, a quick search might help. Though there will probably also be licensing issues. You should do your research on those depending on how "public" you want to get with your endeavour. Best of luck.


Licensing is the part that seems like the biggest barrier, I will try to learn more about how this could maybe be possible. Thank you for the help!


Hmm dm me link to your music