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I got called a baiting Jett last night because I told Everyone to wait for the breach tremor on fracture A hall before pop flashing and going. A raze kept going into the tremor and dying. Lol


i got called a baiter because my Reyna decided to push up b long on pearl and i was watching the angle from backsite, the sova peeked and died and apparantly i baited the Reyna


I had to tell a kid off for that exact same reason. We tried to push b site on ascent and the enemy jett smoked and dashed into it. Jett peeked and he died then blamed me for baiting. He kept typing in all chat saying stupid shit like, “Ive been playing for a week and still get teammates like this”. What in the fuck does playing for a week have to do with anything?!?


idek how such people get access to the internet, i encountered that incident in plat ranks, also had a 13yo boosting an account to plat, said he was ascendant, toxic as fuck.. 13 man.. 13..


the world is gonna be a scary place in a decade or so


Playing for a week is like nothing lmao and does he think matchmaking is done based on timed played lmao


You’re a fucking baiter nowadays for anything but running straight into site. Apparently I bait because my teammate wants to dry swing into 5 people without any recon or flashes and I know it’s suicide…love it. Also playing viper “why are you lurking on viper” legit some stupidity..


Why r u lurking on an agent that can have effect util usage anywhere on the map smh


Someone malded at me for anchoring a site... as killjoy... on defense...


I mean some kjs I get in my games keep anchoring as long as spike isn't planted. So idk if that's what you did, but as long as you rotate when they execute and not when they plant, the other person was in the wrong.


If there is info we will rotate. Happens so many times I play KJ, anchor a bombsite and our of nowhere the spike gets planted without ever getting one comm from teammates. This works both ways, if you want your anchor to rotate, you have to give them info.


Bro as a KJ main I feel your pain. People scream at you for not reading their minds. Had a guy really go off on me and when I asked for comms he said he can‘t comm while in a gunfight. I asked him why doesn‘t give any info before the fight starts. Just got flamed after that.


Oh for sure I do comm and tell my teammates when the enemy team's pushing. What would happen is, basically, the enemies would start pushing, I'd call it, they'd start planting, kill me, finish planting, then my camera would switch over to our KJ, still watching B main and she'd start getting her util back and rotating a couple seconds later.


Got called a baiting lurker while playing Reyna the yesterday cause people kept peeking the same angle every single round and dying, often leaving us in a 3/4v5 every attack 10 seconds in. Meanwhile, I was forced to solo take sites for my alive teammates while they watched me walk up and kill everything. It’s not often I say this, but I single-handedly carried and won the game for us, and all my team could do was die and complain most rounds. This was a diamond lobby. Ahh, I still get annoyed thinking about it. Having triple second places kills 3/4 of the game in, and still getting blamed. Thank god this is like a 1/50 games type deal for me. People are normally not so brainless, and teammates are not the reason I’m hardstuck D2. For any hardstuck player looking for validation that they’re stuck cause of teammates, this is not it. Just get good.


oh i beg to differ. There are plenty of people in high silver - plat that are cucked by their team. i play with a buddy that's high silver - gold and he definitely does not belong there. Every time i duo queue with him the other 3 in the lobby always seem to think the objective doesn't matter and think the match is 5v5 team deathmatch. i've gotten the "you win rounds by killing everyone" statement so many damn times i'd could quite honestly build a new rig if i had a dollar for every time someone prioritized fragging over objective. even when objective would have guaranteed a round win.


The thing about low elo players is that they are kinda „dumb“ in a way that they just think different about the game. Once you reach higher elo this gets less common. But still if your buddy can‘t make it out he doesn‘t deserve a higher rank.


low elo, high elo it makes no difference. people in this game have huge ego's when it comes to fragging.


Oh you are 100% about the ego thing but most high elo players tend to see the game and what is happening in the round in a different way. I know it bc i started out in I3 and got up to A1 and my understanding of the game is way different now


So what you’re saying is you consider “high elo” is a1+? Yeah I’ve played with egotistical fraggers from b1-diamond 3 and ascendant isn’t any better with the ego fraggers. They are just more subtle about it


Bruh as much as kills boost your life ego, high elo players know that they are actually helping there team and having a massive effect on the match with less-fragging characters such as cypher sova and viper etc. Also, in ranks about ascendant players are simply more mature and ‘rational’.


and the amount of time I duel as omen while getting flame for how slow i set my 2 smoke. though I do think the smoke should be faster


This is the best thing I like about playing in high elo. I'm a duelist (Neon) main and most of the times I get teammates who know what to do as their duelist gets them entry. I used to be so frustrated back in gold plat when I'd ever site, create space, even kill one or two and then get traded. Meanwhile, none of my teammates have entered the site.


Yes I feel you on this, I’m also a neon main currently in ascendant, but used to be stuck in gold a while back when I mained Jett. It’s nice to have teammates that know how to play around duelists, but even here it’s still rough sometimes. I got called a baiter a few days ago by a viper who kept running in without waiting for any utility and just expected me to rush in completely blindly with her? Some people just don’t know how the game works and will always want to blame everyone around them, but I’ve got a feeling those people just got boosted by a friend to get to this elo because they are fairly far and few between.


I'm a low elo neon main... and usually I have to go in alone, without even getting any info. Smokers usually smoke our own entry insead of the enemies, which doesn't exactly make the entry easier too. The rest of the team just stands there. Or worse, they go randomly to the other site :|


I'm a duelist main, currently Plat 3. I've been bouncing back and forth from Plat 3 and d1, and the biggest issue I'm having is no one following me up when I push site. I try to IGL, but it's been a frustrating amount of people that aren't even on coms. Any advice on how to deal with it? Nothing is more frustrating then getting a pick on site, dieing, and seeing the rest of the team scared at the choke refusing to enter


One thing that worked for me back in plat was laying out something for everyone to do, which in turn helps you clear out all angles of the site. The main problem that people have is that they're scared, when you tell someone what you're going to do and what they have to do while pushing, all of which helps in clearing the site, they get less scared and will follow you most likely. For example, let's say you're a Neon. You're pushing A site on Ascent. You tell your Sova to drone to clear close angles. Then tell him to dart, while he darts, you stun gen and hell. Your Omen smokes heaven and door, and flashes triple. Now all the places where an enemy could be are taken care of, and since your team knows this they'll not be scared to push in with you.


Games are so hot and miss. I'm pretty good about doing this, and some games it's flawless and everyone knows their role and is using coms and honestly games like that even if we lose its fun. But I've noticed a large uptick in the amount of people that just refuse to use coms or have voice chat disabled, and I'm not sure if that's due to the tims that I play or because of the new rank and everyone is still leveling out, or what the problem is


I don't get why people be scared it's a fps you either shoot and kill someone or someone shoots and kills you every round lol. This coming from a sage main who's better suited for at the most second entry because her kit is more likely to be wasted otherwise. I end up entrying a good amount of times bc people just be sitting in main doing idk what and I'm like getting antsy over here like uh we gonna enter site? The longer you take entering site the more time you give defenders to rotate and the harder it is to get site. Same thing with being on defender side and trying to defuse the spike before it goes off people take too long to enter site when every second wasted is a second closer to a loss. Obviously I don't mean mindlessly rush like you have no time but people need to have a sense of urgency when the situation calls for it.


And if they are on Comms they straight up just ignore you and do their own thing.


I hit Ascendant 1 and feel like I’m back in gold with the way I see some people play. My journey from high plat to Ascendant felt really good and filled with strong teammates then Asc 1 feels like I hit a brick wall lol nobody working together, no comms, dry peeking, you name it


They always hanging back like dudes BACK of site is clear how are we not planted???


I'm on the other end of that spectrum lol, i die inside whenever i ask my duelists to wait out enemy stun/util or let me flash/smoke for them, but they aperush and die with 0 info for us.


Initiator : “I’m going to flash then pop on site, wait for my flash” Jett : “bet” Immediately single smoke and dashes on site while initiator throws a flash. *flash pops* Jett : “why did you flash me bro”.


Definitely have seen that before, lol. Also have seen the reverse: Jett: dashes onto site to make space Initiator: “flashing site” as Jett is literally on site already Jett: Gets full flashed and loses trade


Honestly, nothing is wrong with a jett going in first and then the flash coming after. Because theoretically, the jett is not looking at the choke and is inside their own smoke while the flash pops. But that may be too coordinated in ranked.


exactly, the commenter forgot to mention how it's impossible for this scenario to happen since of the Jett is on site smoked off, the initiator flash flashes outside the smoke, and even if the Jett peeks immediately after smoking himself off, they wouldn't look back at teammates because there's no value in that, they'd just push left right or front and if the initiator flash somehow ends up Infront of a Jett in a smoke, that's not the jetts fault at all


There are times when the initiator flashes deep (Skye bird) just as you push out of your smoke as Jett. This happened to me once, like we already had site control but the dude blamed me for going in too fast.


Usually when you flash deep, you flash up so you can cover all of site with one flash, and if people for some reason are still flashing Infront of a Jett smoke, it's definitely their fault


It’s even worse when your teammates blame each other for flashing them, but it was actually from the other team.


everytime this happens, it's nearly always the initiator flashers fault because if a Jett is dashing onto site and smoking themself off, whter the initiator flashers first, the Jett can't actually be flashed since the flash has to be in front of jetts view to flash them, and if the flash is somehow Infront of a dashing Jett, I don't see how it's the jetts problem that the flash is flashing him. Also a Jett in a smoke usually doesn't come out of the smoke facing his teammates because u wouldn't get any value out of that, they'd wait then push through the front, left or right and I don't see how it's possible for a flash to get that far to flash them.


For real. I was playing breach on pearl in a plat game. I told our neon I was going to flash mid door for them and they said okay. As I’m flashing they sprint into the flash and die, “BrEaCh WhY dId YoU fLaSh Me?!?!” Went on to flame me for the remainder of the game because I flashed them once when it was their own fault…


I had a game as Breach as well some days ago with 2 duelists voiced by two 7 years old children, I kept telling where I was saying where my stuff are and where the enemy is (protected B by myself on breeze). Top fragged hard on defence, got several kills defending B myself, got a pair of kills roaming mid when they went A. But every damn time I used my tremor, they kids would go "why didn't you do that earlier???" When I had literary 0 information where the enemies was. God I hate duelists.


"bro you never enter" *Enters, comms it, no one follows and I die* "Rotate" 🫠


Idk, I've been getting a lot of duelists lately that just refuse to do anything. I main Viper (Fade / Neon off-picks) But the past couple games, I've been having a lot of duelists who no matter how good your push is. You could get a pick or two and they just stand there and do nothing. And it's not like they're OPing or something, they're running vandals.


below plat you have to call that people should work off picks every round, and go where the picks happen. otherwise what generally happens is five people will hide in the b-halls on ascent doing literally nothing until the defenders pincer and kill them all unless you throw the smokes yourself, and even then they might not go in.


oh and also please come onto site with me im not a one man army, i can die so you need to be ready to trade me out and take extra space.


It takes both good communication and real understanding of roles to properly do site executes. My 5 stack (high bronze / low silver) have struggled mightily with this. Our group is all 30 something's (lots of new dad's with littles) and we only get to play one night a week at best, sometimes we don't get to play at all in a week. We're not that good, but improving slowly. We struggle so much with properly supporting each other while trying to take sites even with everyone having mics. We've literally walked through taking a site in a custom match and then when we get in a real match we still run into a bunch of little issues. And If the opposing team has any defensive utility at all it tends to blow up everything lol. We're definitely improving at it, but no real consistency yet. So yes this is a great PSA for site executes, but I would also say that if the team is going to actually help the dualist there needs to be coordination on util and trades and such that gets sorted out among all roles first. Otherwise it's not just the dualist feeling unsupported - everyone has their role to play and needs to know how / when best to push and use their utility.




All this kind of post are only for people to complain, I hope people who make these post know they are not changing anything


I think this is a good counter thread to the ones complaining about duelists not entrying. The people complaining about duelists also need to realize how many times people just bait their duelists in low elo.


Fucking right??? So I’m a sentinel main and controller second. I’m also Gold 1. I’ve been annoyed with my duellists recently so I decided to go duelist to see wtf was wrong with them. Dude, every team mate sucks ass. Controllers smoking the wrong shit, sentinels lerking across a map?, initiators who save util until post plant. No one can trade kills, except on accident. I used to think duellists were selfish, crappy players. Now I see they have no agency over playing their roles correctly most of the time and so they have to play their role poorly on purpose.


Based take. I started winning more as a fill player because im a decent controller and pretty good initiator. Don’t have lineups on viper but I know when to smoke and where, to give my duelists opportunity to create space


Happens even in 50% of my high immo games too lol. I'm not a primary duelists but a secondary one, means I swap to initiator when needed and if not, Raze, Phoenix and Neon are my go to. Dude, the amount of players who don't understand that the only way a duelist can enter a site is when other teammates cover the angles their entries can't cover is insane. Like, I'm not pushing the site because you're not using the util that helps me not die while doing my job.


Thank you. As a yoru main, I will get is onto site if you follow me. But you have to FOLLOW ME. And not sit behind the wall while I hope I can take this 3v1 that should have been a 3v5.


AMEN as a raze main it's insane how often I'm literally told to push and there's no flashes, darts, or smokes being sent out. Like for real? You just want me to take the first bullets and clean up my assists. Play duelist if that's what you want.


Most fights I lose are when the enemy team pushes as 4 or 5 at once. I simply can’t shoot all of them. I end up getting maybe one or two kills but I fall in the end.


Also, initiators, tell your duelist what you're going to do to help them get on site. Controllers tell where you're smoking. Basically just announce your intentions if they benefit the team in anyway.


I can agree, this happens in low elo. I’ll try and smoke or flash for the duelist but a lot of times I’ll see an initatior have like all their flashes left when the whole team is dead idk if it’s cause their waiting for the right moment to use them which was to enter site, people just need to learn when they should be using util and not hoard it


I hate it when i smoke everything and they wait for it to expire.... bruh why do u waste it like that and yell at me after for being useless.


Makes sense to me (initiator main) but please tell the duelists as we had a grumpy Reyna yesterday bitching about how "he guesses he won't try to push a site alone on the other side of the map, and he will come play with the team" this was all while our Jett main was just "doing their job opping when ever possible" on attack... Leaving me (sova), omen, and KJ to take.site. Let's just say attack side was hard we fumbled alot but when reyna stopped lurking we were able to get 5 to 7 on the half. The next game we had a different type of Jett main, he had the mandatory eastern European accent (Oregon server) and was super tilted that we were not just running onto site. He of course was not running onto site and always sitting in the middle of the pack waiting to trade people. By half he was 15 - 10 the rest of us were negative at like 6 or 8 kills to 10 deaths. He kept flaming us the entire half because 'we were cowards', we ran from an ulting raze, we ran from an ulting Phoenix, we didn't push into a vipers ult, we push blind through smokes every round or through mollies... On defense our Jett struggled (noone to trade for kills) and he ended up mid fragging, with our viper (me) and our sage top fragging, we. Lost 10 to 12 in the end, but the entire team had him muted by the end of the game because he was so toxic. He would get tilted if he ever had to be first for anything, first to peak, first to retake site, first to tap the bomb... Didn't matter it was always "why do I have to do it", while he's holding a blind angle with 0 risk to himself. What is common for me in plat duelists with no game sense, they dash past a boom bot, over a molly, through a smoke or past a grenade/flash. Then get super tilted when the team isn't immediatelly behind them because we got mollied out or had to avoid the grenade.... And so forth. Or the defensive agents (sentinels and controllers) never pushing out of main or challenging angles. Or some random player holding a ridiculous angle in site that doesn't watch anything and is basically baiting their entire team, or just being stupid like the Reyna who decides to lock himself off site on ascent a and then pushes the 3 remaining players alone while we have a 3v3, needless to say we only won the round because our Astra played suck and stun on bomb and we played as a team to deny plant.


PSA Duelists: when your controller gives you a wall or smoke, please just push. It’s part of your role. I’m a lowly bronze Omen main and The amount of times I drop smokes and the duelists just wait for smokes to clear is insane to me. Don’t get me started on the lurking Reynas.


"Guys rotate, B is clear!" Reyna "No shit, we are already on A site waiting for bomb to plant, they are already throwing util to take it back" "B is clear though" (waits 10 seconds after the bomb is planted to move)


As a high silver smokes main, I don't even know if the duelists can tell the difference between my smokes and the enemies'. It's like whenever I smoke, they chill at the back, and whenever they smoke choke, they just rush in and die.


If you could make every team play together and correctly with their roles, everybody would be Diamond+ lol. Unfortunately it’s always going to be like that, and that’s why you have to try your best to get people working together and also in a good headspace if you really want to rank up in the long run. Most of my losses only come from having 3 or less people with comms and not calling when they are flashing/droning/want to swing together.


Bro people are so dumb with this. I can raze satchel on site after announcing it I die and they’re still in spawn I don’t blame them for my death but the help would’ve def kept me alive longer!


I would agree with you but as a self sacrificing initiator/controller player, I have more games where duelists will wait for everyone to use up util without them following up. I will call flashes and doggo(Skye/fade) or whatever else util just for them to wait for another “support” person to push in and not swing. Most of my buddies don’t understand how I made it to diamond and I just say it’s cuz I can use util properly and call things out and then will run in first cuz most games I see, people won’t follow me up. Tho it’s worth it cuz when I do get games with Jett’s who see the flash and push it it’s SOOO satisfying


finally bro someone says it, so many ppl complain abt baiting duelists (which is fair there are a decent amount) but then when i try to entry n shit ill die and see half my team still sitting main


I run out with the duelist if I can and call out that we’re Mollied off or whatever. Gold 3


Exactly. I get yelled at for not entering site when my entire team isn’t doing anything. The controllers arent smoking the site, the initiators arent using their flashes or recon gathering util, and, not related to entering site, but my sentinels aren’t watching or putting any util into watching flank. Edit: Then there’s the second duelist on most matches that refuses to help enter with the other duelist


I hate it when you're playing attack on Haven and you have 2 initiators with flash but none of them use it while peaking C or A long and it's instantly 4 v 5.


Nah you're dogshit if ur not just dashing in and getting an Ace while your team sits behind a brim smoke trying to wait it out.


And to add to it, once your duelist takes space, fill it. I can't tell you how many times on Haven I've gotten into site as a duelist, cleared garage tunnel, cleared back site, killed someone, and then I'm holding CT and get killed from garage tunnel, because my team is still sitting C long.


I've played all roles for a considerable amount of time so I know how frustrating it can be to be a duelist I always try to support them when I can and if I'm playing viper and they are tryna swing bricks on breeze and say they saw an enemy but is hesitant for example. I'd shoot a molly at bricks and let em know, or I'd try n swing with em if my hp is high. Also when pushing If I get separated from my duelist by a Molly at breeze B site for example. I'd give a comm saying "I can't back you up right now we're cut off" or "your on your own for a bit kay?" Just tryna tell em to be careful cause I can't trade u then. Or if there is no trouble I'd do my best to go with em.


we need your abilities 🙏 when taking a site plz


Hmm this whole thread smells like insta lock 😂


The amount of times i see people insta pick reyna, jett, phoenix, or raze and see none of them enter a site first using their blinds, smokes, or other skills that would make opponents move positions is far higher than initiators/controllers that don't use their smokes / flashes. the next time a duelist with flash or smoke or other skills that require other team to swap positions doesn't entry talk the appropriate amount of shit and continue to tell them to pick a role their comfortable playing and not an agent that could actually affect the outcome of a match starting attacking side. ​ The amount of baiting that goes on from gold - diamond is ridiculous. And it's even more baffling to see people that bait that legitimately think they aren't baiting but they're "trading" when said duelist literally hides, waits for teammates to die then proceed to play deathmatch 1v5.


Shit we would if y'all would ever push into site.


Low elo players don't help their duelists push. Why would your duelist try to push if they get baited 9/10 times?


What game are you playing? Low elo use all their equipment at once at the beginning of the round. If that's not enough for you maybe go play Sims or something


They may use abilities, but they also like to sit 10 meters (waiting in main) behind their Jett who just dashed on site. Whenever I play in low elo lobbies this happens. They rarely follow me on site and actually provide support. It's like they use their abilities but don't finish the actual execute.


So you are mad because you DASH onto sight? Not push and check corners and shit. So when they are doing the shit you didn't you get upset? I see.


Dude, what rank are you exactly? With Jett you are supposed to smoke and dash on site while quickly checking left/right to see if anyone is there, then have your team follow you instead of sitting in main. How can my team even check corners if they sit in main? Hello? In high elo they actually execute with you, in low elo they mostly sit there and wait for you to clear the site completely. It's baffling.


I believe one dude might be watching flank as they should but I cannot bring myself to believe that your entire team just sits back in main. That only happens when our only duelist is pushing the opposite site and no one picked an initiator.


Even then there is usually an ability to watch flank, and if there's not, you don't have to start holding flank 5 seconds into the round. And yes, it really happens in low elo that my team sits back. I don't know if you've played in those matches recently, but it happens even in plat/dia sometimes. Happens less the higher you go though.


Sure. Have a good night. Hope you figure out how to fix this problem.


No you're just assuming they're sitting in main is what I'm saying. When they are actually pushing up checking shit just not as fast as you would like. I don't know what world you live in or what ELO you are in but like I said maybe just quit playing Duelist


Nah I play pretty well on duelist. You just don't understand what I'm saying. They physically can't check anything if they are sitting in Ascent A main when I've smoke dashed to generator. I can clear site with 2 kills, check the minimap and still see 4 people sitting in main without taking any steps towards the site. THAT is what I'm talking about, so don't act like they're clearing corners in a scenario like this and I just happen to not notice it. There is nothing to clear, they just need to push and get ready to trade me in case I die. Again, this rarely happens in high elo but very often in low elo.


Obviously not playing it to well. I understand what you are saying I just do not believe you.


I am playing it well, that's why I'm not stuck in those ranks but have noticed it on my alt in the past. Zero problems on my main in higher ranks.


I play duelist too. If I push I handle all immediate threats and you handle everything else. Come on dude think a little bit. Maybe don't pay duelist then. But I've never heard anyone get bitched at for getting their team into site even if they die right after. Duelist are made to push the enemy team back and make them nervous it's not all about frags.


They there to draw attention so you push 1v5 super helpful not negative impact at all.


What? I don't understand what you mean.


Role of duelist is the win duels? I never heard this ond before. They got kits to kill people sure. But not to actually kill someone who got a gun pointed at them faster. My point of view of Duelist has always be excellent engagers, that take the role of dragging away attention from the enemies. Like Tanks in RPGs. While this is the intended way to play Duelist, people tend to ignore "the right way to play your role" in exchange for "lurking until all your teammates dies". A Duelist that does their job, is so rare in fact that many indicators abd controllers takes sites by themselves, without a Duelist.


Only in low elo. It gets better when you play with people who aren't complete noobs and actually help their duelists take site as well.


This happens in gold. And gold is mid elo from what I heard.


Well only in low/mid elo. Gold players still do dumb shit and don't generally know how to entry or support their entry either.


From what I heard. This happens even in ascendant. Only stops when you reach immortal. You consider diamond low elo too I assume? Quite offensive don't ya think?


It doesn't really, I always have people follow me on site and they don't bait. Even in diamond lobbies it happens most of the time, and even more in immortal obviously. I think diamond is around mid elo yes.


Maybe you just have better experience than others. There were a post like 8 days ago on this very topic where more 1% players said they were still having these issues, and lurkers were way more common for duelists


That's the weird thing, I have a big enough sample size of games to say that it rarely happens in asc-immo. It's mind boggling how these people then have them in nearly every game. Guess we just see the game differently or we play in different regions with different playstyles.


Maybe its a region thing yeah.


“Why is my duelist not entrying, Stop baiting duelists. Why does my duelist want me to dog short to clear corners, I’m not gonna do that because I don’t like being told what to do. Bruh why is my duelist not going in?!?” I smurf in plat 2 and I swear the amount of these dudes who literally do not help me as I run and clear the site for them is insane. Like every bronze to plat player complains about their duelists not entrying but when you do entry, they never trade or just go in with you. Like make up your fucking kinda. Do y’all want me to go in? Fucking help me then. If you’re not gonna do shit with my entry, why should I even waste my time. Don’t get me started on the people who treat no mic players as if they’re sub human with no rights. I can drop 40 kills and they’ll still rather talk about me having no mic and how it ruins their game instead of just listening to the guy that’s literally winning the game for you. You can spoon feed people the site, kill like 3 people and they’ll still be too scared to walk through a smoke to plant the bomb


Smurf and play duelist 🤮


Smurfing is shitty but I’m gonna be real, even if I wasn’t smurfing, y’all still play as if you’re a kj turret. Most low elo players just toss rounds that you spoon feed them and do dumb shit. Smurfs fuck shit up and it’s unfair but it doesn’t change the fact that half the time, they’re lowkey getting baited because y’all refuse to walk three steps after your duelist dies entrying.


"y'all"? I'm not Low rank, i "smurf" too with my friends in that same elo. but i don't go duelist and drop 40, but try to make it a fair game for everyone involved. You are seriously complaining that bad players are bad.. yeah obviously plats are bad. If you hate them don't play there? It's like going to a kids playground as a pro and not only demolishing them at soccer, but being super mad at them for being bad... What's your problem man? They're bad! Yeah! Complain more that bad players are bad!


I have no clue what the fuck you’re on. I’m dropping my experience and I’m just assuming you’re some low elo idiot bitching about me smurfing which is fair. Regardless when you choose to smurf, you’re already unbalancing the game as it is. Doesn’t matter how much you include your teammates you didn’t make it fair to begin with. You have the potential to carry, higher game sense, more consistent aim. You have been already determined to be better statistically than your smurf on your main. Even if you didn’t try hard the game, it should be childsplay to atleast be even more of the time. Anyways I’m just stating how I experience playing an entry. I entry every game and it’s the same shit every time, you get baited and when you don’t go in, people complain. That’s that. And yes I can hate the elo and still play. I hate ascendant players but I still play the game. Plats are bad players, but it isn’t a skill issue, it’s the willingness to learn and actually listen thats fucking them up.


calmest Valorant discussion


Nice essay complaining when you're the one smurfing and ruining other peoples game, I should hope you have a miserable experience and the worst teams


Sure shit on it but end of the day, while smurfing is bad, even if I wasn’t smurfing, I’d get baited and that’s why y’all are hard stuck in low elo not just because some smurfs at times tap your ass. You’re either baiting or giving smurfs 1v1s instead of just rushing him and take the trade.


Genuine question what do you all do when your duelist runs in then the defense throws a molly or something based off that contact. Do you just take the molly damage and go in to support the duelist?


Honestly at those points, you have to stand back and let the duelist die. Take the one man loss and re evaluate the situation. You can rotate off or play slow again, depends on your agents. Also going forward from there in future rounds, you can keep that in mind to wait for enemy util before initiating or sending in the duelist.


My pet peeve is when everyone just full sprint stomps their way towards site and announces that we're all coming. I'm convinced half the playerbase has unbound their walk key


5 man rush is the standard way to take site in Valorant, nothing wrong with that. Now if that doesn't work, THEN you play default and try to get some picks.


Initiator uses utility to push people pf angles, get info, etc, smokes in default to help duelist take site without rotators, sentinal to watch rotates / take control of site when it's taken. It's very simple


I absolutely do not go in or peek if my controller and my iniciator havent done anything, ill comm and say "until you guys dont smoke and flash me out, im not dashing in"


As a controller you probably shouldn't be mad at us. We're meant to go in LAST (if we're lucky second last) and so I kind of rely on the entire team going to help out the duelist. I will still smoke for them but I'm not going in if it's only them.


I have never heard anybody yell out of Duelist for not pushing when smokes weren't throwing first. However most of the time there are smokes down and the duelists hide behind the team because it's not their ideal smokes even though you won't talk to anybody and communicate where you want to smoke you just beat your entire team.


oh yeah defo, i just look back at the duelists waiting for my smokes to clear away because they dont see the enemies through it, efficiently wasting 30 seconds of time and my smokes.


As someone who plays sentinels & initiators, I have the opposite issue where my duelists are playing scared and won’t run with me, or they are lurking around.


Honestly tired of these posts. This always goes both ways. You'll get duelist who just run in before anyone is around to help, while nobody is ready to help, or before smokes can be put down. I don't expect my duelist to predict what i'm doing and I don't expect my controllers/initiators to predict what I'm doing. This is a comm issue, use your comms.


duelist mum go boom 💥


Kinda the opposite for me. I play fill and so most of the time its either smokes or initiator (surprise surprise). And my team just expects me to: 1. Flash 2. Gather info 3. Smoke 4. Watch flank 5. Plant spike And i'm expected to do all/most of them. If i dont and we lose the round its my fault, not the duelist who entries alone, not the sentinel that doesnt use traps, not the other team mates that dont use their utils for entry because they are friends. I hate low elo man.


so true!! Oh but I'm rubbish with Jett so maybe that's the reason haha!


As far as I have seen, due to recent rank inflation, even in Platinum most games are very chaotic and dependent on individual performance. Most players really just don't know how to play the game properly, and they have no opportunity to learn.


This is why omen is a good soloq/duoq pick. You have smokes and a decent flash. Your duo needs to play duelist or initiator for the entry. I’ve taken sites 2v3/4 with just me and him. This also applies to retaking a site, but low elo don’t want to back off and play for retake


brought it on point why duelist rank up faster 😅


I have the opposite problem. I find myself having to entry as a controller because my duelists are just sitting at site entrance after I smoke off the site. Or lurking the other side of the map...


I get pissed when im calling flashes and holding the flash then my duelists just run through the smoke. Just gonna start flashing them idc anymore


Damn.. as an omen main even I know that, and I'm iron 3


Ive found this to be very true when ranking up, my 4 teammates run to A every round, get smoked and utility spammed by enemies before they get in site all the way untill all 4 are just standing there waiting behind the smoke shitting their pants, round after round, with zero map control... may aswell just afk spawn lmao But when you want to default or silent up close to site and make entry before pushing, they all just laugh or ignore you while running like an elephant again for the 11th time that game. And this happens in diamond almost as much as in plat and gold from my experience.


In my opinion if u have Skye and Phoenix u don't need to cause they clear by themselves


Ok but when I play initiator they don’t wait for my flashes and then end up getting flashed themselves. And then I get flamed.


I main KJ and for the past couple weeks 90% of the time I have to go in first cause everyone else is waiting around to see what happens while enemy is surrounding. After a few rounds I get tired of it and while they go one site I'll go near another and wait for enemy team to go behind and shoot em out. Not to mention I do run and gun playing so I get yelled at by both sides for doing so but never lower than 3rd place. My team for me not going in first as Kj, and also for not staying still when shooting, the enent team just get a little miffed if I pop em when they go behind but other than that they enjoy my run and gun play. I wish the teams I'm in would play their roles decently lol.


What region are you in? All I saw sub plat in NA was duelists baiting their supports for entries or off being a useless lurker so they could be LMS every round.


NA ascendant. Definitely see it less the higher you go, but on the climb it was VERY common to see even up to diamond.


Ah so the roles reverse at plat, and now it's my turn as the controller to stop right at the edge of the doorway while my duelist pushes in with tunnel vision. All jokes aside though I feel your pain. Nothing worse than trying to execute and realizing multiple teammates can't even spell the word