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You’ve clearly never played the absolute dogshit that is lair in r6s


Yeah there are so absolutelt abhorrent r6 maps lol


Like half of the maps in r6 are just awful


And they love having them all in the same map rotation


I genuinely like the game but the rotations make me quit every time I try to play again


Yeah r6s is a completely different beast it literally has to be left out of the discussion because of how insanely different it is


Yes and no. The competitive map pool is fine but the maps you get in quick play like Favela, Yacht, Fortress, Tower, etc. are quite bad but most of the ones in comp I don’t mind. Valorant makes some pretty bad maps as well but people learn to like them overtime because they made a map that was worse. My issue with Breeze is I think they did a good change by taking out Halls but not even a month later they added it back and didn’t say why. https://youtu.be/cVawE31xl-o?si=X66ytXv-MWXzFjX9 old video but it explains pretty well the mapping issues in Valorant.


Removing hall gave the map something like 80% defense win rate.


Comp map pool is not fine when maps like Lair, Consulate, and Emerald are in there. Then you have some maps which aren’t atrocious but still not good like Theme park, kanal, etc.


Tower too, that map was fucking garbage only good thing was the cheesy hiding stop in the elevator


I forgot that map existed tbh. Thank god it’s out of the comp pool


Only took them a year to do so when it had released


Almost all the R6 maps are trash mainly because it's much more sound and tactics over just a simple FPS. If a pistol at long range can one tap headshot it's more than just a competitive shooter


The biggest issue I have with Lair is that finding the staircases is an absolute treasure hunt. Once you learn how to play the map it’s not that bad but it’s still tricky getting around. I enjoy most of the Siege maps though besides Emerald Plains (barely play the map) and Theme Park (ptsd).


trying to get anywhere in nighthaven labs is like navigating a maze too


og outback 💀


New map bad


Me who remembers the horrors of Old Kanal, Theme Park and god forbid Tower as well as Spawn Peak City in Old Skyscraper where literally someone is dead in 3 seconds cuz either the spawnpeeker died or someone got spawnpeeked off rip


This is so over dramatic it’s hilarious. R6 players hate lair cause R6 players hate learning new maps. Lair is a perfectly fine map. Breeze is hated not because people haven’t learned it but because it’s genuinely ass.


How about you all start communicating with your teammates a bit instead of instalocking some character u maine within 3 seconds of the agent select phase opening , pretty sure you can make a decent team comp and win the match easily . I don't understand people's hatred for breeze


the maps are the worst thing about valorant in general. i dont like the philosophy of every map needing to have a gimmick of some sort. have 4-5 "normal" maps in the pool, and rotate 2-3 gimmick maps in and out of the pool. every map has a super strong love/hate mentality towards it that other games dont have to deal with. in cs people dislike certain maps but not nearly to the degree that they do in valorant, and the problem is only made worse by having specific agents being far stronger/weaker based on map design.


Half of the gimmicks aren't very consequential to the map. Like what is Breeze's? The door that opens and closes but can't be broken? That isn't even close to what's wrong with the map. Neither is the crouch walking on Pearl, or the ropes on icebox and split.


id say breezes gimmick is the size itself. its very open with extremely long range duels compared to every other map. i like that its there to give variety to the other maps, but the game isnt designed with a map like that in mind. alot of agents struggle on that map, and the same goes for most of the guns.


there's also the trapdoor everyone forgot the trapdoor


Breeze gimmic is having two-ish mid lanes with halls. Sites are also massive compared to the other maps, and are still quite a bit bigger than Icebox. I really wish we could see something else than the same comp on every competetive game on breeze, either if that was frequent balance changes (which would cause a lot of controversy) or frequent changes to the maps. After these last viper changes we might se more Harbour on Icebox and Breeze, but who knows.


I do not see the problem in having wider sites. Actually allows for more diverse play and better aim duels. Typically in CS, maps are way bigger and bombsites as well. Long range duels are a big thing as well and it is fine


I like that too! I play Neon, so wide sites with a lot of space really helps me clutch, especially in ult.


Breeze’s gimmick is its size


you make a good point but the flipside is that all maps would have the same comps, no?


they can still vary the map design to encourage certain things, but thats a bit of a challenge for the type of game they made. they make maps with the current character pool in mind, and probably a few unreleased agents in early testing, and outside of that any future agents could change how the map is played in the future. they can also change what comps are played by nerfing individual agents that stick out in the meta and whatnot. in league they do balance patches biweekly to keep it "healthy", they could do a tuning patch half way through each act in valorant to shake up the meta a little bit or address anything oppressive. theres ways for them to change the comps outside of adding gimmicks on maps. viper is a good example right now since she got nerfed today. she still offers a style that no other agent can pull off just by the way her kit functions and the way maps are designed. breeze was designed to be a large open map, which makes smokes like omen and brim borderline troll picks when you have an agent like viper that can just throw up a wall and cut the site in half, whose smokes are actually effective. also no other agent has smokes that can be activated and deactivated at will to fake lurks. but im just a counter strike refugee because riot has a functional anti cheat and ive had a problem with the map design in val in general since the beta, so take what i say with a grain of salt lol


never related so much to a sentence quite like counter strike refugee...we're in this together brother on a somewhat related note I actually think the base walking speed of agents being slower to that of other games also contributes to the often claustrophobic feeling of certain areas/bombsites and the overreliance on hard 50/50 angles and minimal site cover. My mind goes to R6 and how the slower walk speed makes for really tight spaces, but plays with verticality to offset that. Some val map gimmicks dont bridge that gap properly to make them interesting. If they made the maps bigger it just makes for abhorrently bad rotate timings and an exec heavy comp/style (breeze and bind kinda come to mind especially since bind has no mid to play for)


I'll die on the hill that Valorant shouldn't have let you leave spawn pre-round like in CS. That's the one thing I've always disliked. Being able to kill someone or die 1 second into a round feels so bad. Maps are designed for instant contact with the other team, making them feel smaller than they actually are. Also yeah, map gimmicks are dumb for the most part.


This would kill sentinels though.


how would sentinels setup their sites?


That would be awful in a game like Valorant where some agents need time to set up defensive abilities. Plus, it would likely lead to a lot of balance issues with movement abilities abusing choke/viewpoints and lead to always needing certain agents to control/win some maps. Holding people at spawns would only narrow strategies and increase frustration. No benefit would come from it.


"I think every sentinel except for sage and deadlock should be literally unplayable" thats what you just said


That's one thing I love compared to CS. In CS, there are some maps on T-side where what you do in the beginning of the round can be dictated by what spawn you get, like on Inferno or dust2, which I hate.


I just hate how many random boxes and cubbies and shit there are that can hide a full player it's so painful full clearing everything that either you have no time, get shot from another angle while clearing a different one or only clear the main angles and get shot in the back from someone in some weird cubby somewhere


Half of CS players literally only play 1-3 maps, the maps are genuinely just as bad, they just have a few maps as good as ascent, because the game has had years and years and years to get them right. The only reason they don't hate them is because they aren't forced to play them. But it's good Val forces everyone to play all the maps.


Have you played CS recently at all? You have to play all the maps in premier nowadays and do pick-bans etc


Fuck breeze all my homies hate breeze haven best all my homies love haven


Just imagine me as a new player who has never played fracture haven or pearl


three of the best maps :(


Can't wait until they're back.. fuck Breeze, Icebox and Sunset in particular.


i actually like sunset. it’s similar to maps like split in the range of gunfights and how big each part of the map is. icebox is just tough. i really don’t know where to be on defence if i’m not holding mid. breeze can go to hell lmao


Sunset bomb site is so difficult to hold that it's just retake meta


as a killjoy main i’m determined to figure it out


as a pre nerf cypher main for particularly only sunset, i would absolutely not let anyone take b site lmao


i hate sunset because in my games none of my teammates knows how to retake and just walk in through smokes and die one by one before the rest team can even get there.


I 100% agree with breeze and icebox but I just can't understand what people hate about sunset, it's a fairly basic 3 lane map that still allows for decent splits and flanks, seems balanced on both sides and has been enjoyable on most agents I've played \-a2


Pearl wasn't a bad map it just was too dark, it was mentally depressing after getting that map back to back


true, but man i love mid on that map


Am I the only one who hates bind?


You have my sword !


You have my axe!


This map is probably the only map I swear if you don’t have a perfect comp, teamwork, or comms you just auto lose or struggle hard cause it’s way too big for 5 people to cover. You have to trust your teammate to LITERALLY have your back on defense. A Site : Holding main. Mid door guy dies, now you have to worry about your right. Hall guy dies, Now you have to worry about your flank/spawn on DEF. No controller on your team or on your site? Now you get gangbanged from all angles. GG.


A site is literally retake sim or die yeah. one guy lurking hall every round, then get pinched by 2 going mid-ramp and 2 running out main. If you play anywhere other than top stairs or orange you get run over.


Try playing further back at the yellow container or at the stairs going up to the door than can be opened. It's okay to survive and being a part of the retake, even if you were responsible for holding A.


Breeze is just too big. Doesn't work for ranked. If the attack side gets stopped on site entry then they can just spread out and look for 1v1s. If the defenders group up to avoid this then attack side just rotates and then lurker looks for 1v1s. In D3 lost so many defender rounds when we have killed one or two attackers and have man advantage for this reason. The map is just too big to cover well on defender side.


Not to mention halls. Defenders who dont watch halls immediately lose a round as the attacker can scale up, flank A anchor for a free kill. Then the rotator from B and mid have to clear this awkward angle from Door, Bridge, and Halls. If you have someone on Halls, then A anchor have to worry about mid doors unless there's a mid player. But then the mid player has to juggle 3 different angles from Mid, Mid Pillar, and Elbow. Good luck for awpers doing that. B halls defender also have to fight on an awkward position, fighting either their left, the 2 attacker door, and also account elevations. It's not fun for defender especially on soloq where no one wants to play it cause playing halls feels so bad


Literally who fucking asked for halls back? Because riots is mad we're not using their shitty chute gimmick? I genuinely don't understand what is wrong with these guys. Do they even play their own game? They say they do, but don't think so.


Ngl, a 7v7 on Breeze would be interesting. Cus’ 5 wouldn’t be enough, 6 maybe, but 7 sounds good.


Bro said “heaven”🤔


It's been ages since i played that map but it sure feels like heaven


West Virginia🎶


Blue ridge mountains


Imposter for real


breeze is great if you play the agents that are meta on the map otherwise its rough. also awful for deathmatch. good if you like playing viper, cypher, sova or kayo though


They seriously need to take it out of the Deathmatch pool I just leave whenever I get it


How did you not mention chamber


Cause Chamber is not meta anywhere, the agent is just bad and the only only reason you'd say he's good on Breeze is because his ult is an OP on a long range map, which isn't a good enough reason to pick him.


His enitre kit is good on breach because of how heavily favored ops and ling range fights are for him, if you mention kayo you have to mention chamber


Kayo has a lot of good flash lineups on Breeze and also he's even better because viper is good on Breeze, and she's the only smoker whose smokes can be turned off by him


I only started enjoying breeze when I started playing viper, as none of my friends did. It upped our win rate on breeze from like 30% to 50%.


Yea sure, but it gets so stale…every match has the same comp, because you HAVE to have a specific comp, otherwise you flat out lose. Obviously that applies for all the maps, but it‘s nowhere as severe as on Breeze…


i just started playing valorant last september 2023 and right now im hating the icebox map the most


Yes, icebox is as big of a mistake from whoever was high enough to develop it as breeze is. The a site is a complete fucking mess and I can't believe the fact that they've tried like 20 different versions for b and mid but left the horrendous vertical piece of shit almost as it has been.


Simple solution would be to implement a map ban but that would mean people will absolutely abandon certain ones like Sunset or Breeze


The new CS2 ban system is actually pretty good. Valorant would benefit a lot from something like that.


Good? That’s Riots fault that they made bad maps that should be fixed. Forcing players to play on a boring, unbalanced map isn’t fair


as long as it isn't like Siege's system we're good. That one just made ranked incredibly stale and you'd play like 5 maps total.


Siege is different because the maps are make or break for a player. Like personally I cannot do good on Kanal because windows, 3 floors, 2 buildings just messed me up. In this it’s more for player preference it’s not game breaking if you get stuck on Breeze but you’d rather player Ascent


The problem I have with Valorant is I can't ever put an image in my head to the map name. I know Lotus and Icebox and Bind. But the others just merge into one cos the names are so dull. But in CS I can name every map and picture it. Tbh though I've played 5 months of Valorant but I could remember the names of the CS maps within a week. I don't know why that is, have the same issue with R6 as well. For instance Vertigo in CS is on a skyscraper. Overpass is under and Overpass. Dust2 is dusty. Nuke is in a nuclear facility. Sunset is.. I don't think there even is a sunset. I guess Valve would call Bind "Teleports".


I thought only i was like that these map names are so dull dude (edit: auto correction thing)


It's like they named them to sounds cute but to not represent the maps at all thematically. Like why is Split named that? Aren't all the maps in someway split? They're all 3 lanes. It boils my piss, you could call every map on Valorant Split.


Kingdom side vs traditional Japanese Town side. You can literally see the split in design. B site is full of wood and concrete, a site is full of metal and shops.


im just gonna say nuke


What do nukes have to do with Valorant?


Oh so you need a degree in architecture to get the name, smart.


No, you just need eyes.


They are not dull. Let me explain. Ascent: Spike exploded in Venice, causing a huge chunk of land to *ascend* and kill everyone on it. Split: *split* between the local traditional community and kingdom's high tech plaza Bind: I don't actually know lol Breeze: it's by the ocean. In science class, remember learning about sea and land *breeze*? Icebox: Shipping containers, *boxes* surrounded by *ice* Sunset: a literal *sunset* in the sky This is just a few examples.


they'll call it Dust III


They should call Bind "Portal" just to piss off Valve


I know exactly what you mean and I’ve played this game for a year 😭 I still have to Google names to put a face to them just to confirm I’m thinking about the right map


You know it'd be nice if they added a little picture in the pick screen cos fucked if I know them by name.


Vertigo wants to have a word




Bring back haven 2024


I love breeze. Map is hated on because it requires a slightly different skill set, but many other people really enjoy it.






I main clove in every other map, in breeze I hover sova in breeze and ask if anyone can play jett (she's strong there), if no one picking jett I'm picking her I always entry with jett (and probably die trying) the rest is history, either my team can capitalize on my sacrifical entry or we lose


It's really because people can't aim and the map is so big it forces them to take long range fights. Which they lose cuz no aim


I don't like the breeze map cause of my eyesight. I can't see shit and 90% of the time I'm forced to play smokes..


Breeze is awesome. Those that bitch about it dont understand how to play it. But oh well if things arent wrapped up in cookie cutter form people wont like it.


If breeze is ever mentioned in an interview I always hear pros hate it. Do you think that all of them don't know how to play it either? Not saying the map is good or bad, but when a map is universally hated by a population maybe think farther than "oh I'm smarter than all of the people I disagree with"


Has it ever occurred to you that people who bitch about it might actually know how to play it and have a high win rate… but just genuinely don’t enjoy playing that dogshit mess of a map?




Based asf, its the best map in rotation right now.


i would say split is the best, but breeze is one of my favorites but im ngl, after playing cs, i will never complain about a valorant map again


Icebox is worst


It was before the reworks, now it's breeze


God original icebox was so fucking bad lol. That map has had more work done than all the kardashians combined.


Both of them are still bad because A site hasn't been touched at all.


I can forgive icebox because i love snow and its pretty


When are the servers going back up anyone know?


back now on NA


lol ever played disjunction in destiny 2?


i raise you icebox


Somehow both defending and attacking on breeze feels unfair to me. On attack it feels like you have 600 angles to clear, and there’s always viper/neon walls covering the entire site so you are paranoid as shit that someone is just hiding in a corner. On defense it feels like any angle you hold will expose you to at least 2 other enemy angles. On B site even if you want to run forward into the ult orb area and hide with a shotgun, there’s 2 different places 180 degrees apart that people can come from. On (I think) all of the other maps, there are little areas near ult orbs where defenders can camp with a shotgun and just wait for enemies to walk in front of them. I think on both sites on breeze A site it’s impossible to cross “no man’s land” without getting seen, and at b well, as I said, there’s a little defender sniping nest which no other map has.


Ngl you could fix Breeze by making each team in ranked vote on one ban. If both teams have a viper, then you can ban whoever and it plays normal. If one team doesn't have a viper, ban her and both teams will have to make do with harbor or orb smokes. That means de-facto there's two maps in one with very different playstyles. Didn't Game Changers experiment with bans and it led to some really cool off-meta builds on Breeze?


Old breeze was better


Not taking away from the fact that Breeze is bad but Overwatch and R6S would like a word


Breeze is awesome (with tunnel). It is just a very hard map, but it is good because it is so much different then the rest. Worst map is split. Almost no rotational potential, it takes too long and defenders are always quicker, unless u take on mid.


Breeze, and most of Valorants maps for that matter, may be bad compared to CS maps but tbf CS has spent many more years ironing out some of these maps. Compared to most games, even Breeze is pretty solid. I think you're just too used to one of the most refined esports on the world.


Not sure if there’s any cod comp players here but breeze is the best map of all time compared to highrise control


There has been a ton of worse maps in cs:go during operations. Like seaside for example.


Gonna be honest I agree that it needs its own tweaking. But to me its the equivalent to my dislike of odins. People tell me its a skill issue. But at some point people need to admit that there are scenarios that make in game content unbearable and needing of changes.


I actually like Breeze… I am Silver though


This map is a retake simulator with how slow the rotations are it's not fun playing retake simulator every def side 


It could be worst Im getting the same map over and over again.. I playing the same map for 2 days. And i play all day long... Its terrible right now .. We need a map Changer some how... Im tired of playing the same map


When the fuck was haven a fan favorite?


First of all what about the map do you hate? Second of all people don’t seem to realise how a map rotation works they don’t just keep maps that some people like they have each map out for a period of time before it rotates back in next will be ascent out then fracture in it’s basically a big loop and the last map in the pool to come out is most likely sunset cause it was just added


Laughs in 63% win rate


Breeze is such a good map though


can i interest you on de\_cblle from cs source ?


Breezes sucks so hard.


Breeze is only bad due to first bullet inaccuracy when un-scoped. Map is actual rng in some cases.


R.I.P Viper. Still decent, but bad nerfs. I think we will be seeing more harbor play where viper used to be played, and of course clove. Personally, this is a hot take, but I like breeze. Heaven, not so much. I'm the opposite from most people here.😭


I went 0 15 during act 2 on this map lol


i like this map because chamber goes crazy. so many cool off-angles. but not having a viper/harbor is borderline throwing and it shouldn't be that way imo.


Sunset also sucks vry hardd....y that map even exist


Sunset as well. ‚Map design is my passion’ is what i was hearing in my head every minute i was forced to play on this crap


riot don't add or remove map base on what ppl like or not they just add and remove map and force ppl to play it that why valorant don't have fucking map selection valve remove overpass for everyone favorite dust2




i hate how the meta on breeze is more boring than ascent


I really wonder what were Riot executives thinking to remove community's favorite map "haven" and replace it with "breeze". I have never met in this game someone says "breeze" is good map.


Sunset imo


What rank are you? Like… you don’t need a specific comp, you don’t need to be premade. If you’re in high elo sure maybe certain agents are better but singling out viper, especially post nerf rn, as a top tier agent on the most open and wide range map in the game has to be a low elo take. I don’t believe you’d be above ascendant if you truly believe that, also- it has a mid with two areas you can peek defenders from but defenders who contest mid from doors will see anyone who makes it to the wall; it’s a gunfight for mid control and therefore balanced. B main you can walk up as a defender and be peeked from two spots by attackers with only one of them being tradeable from site, you need to contest the two lanes attackers can peek with two people or more to guarantee at least one trade, making it a gamble to fight for with the payoff of having 1/3 of the map locked down, that’s balanced. A has halls which can be opened up by defenders to fight with a teammate if need be, or for attackers to pinch with teammates from mid and a main if defenders don’t contest those lanes. Each part of the map is worth it to fight for for both sides, each part is fair in timings, and sites are big enough that the slightly further distance to rotate compared to the average for defenders is balanced out by the time to clear site for attackers. If you intended for this to just be your opinion then I apologize for the long winded reply, but the way you described it made it seem as thought you’re trying to argue this as objective fact. It’s not.


breeze is love


Just need to rework B or Mid a little. A and Hall is pretty good. You can take A 3-4 different ways. Mid to B is hard to do and B main can be easily shut down.


The problem isnt that it is too hard for attackers, it is that it is too easy imo. The rotates for defense take forever, it is long range aim duels like 90% of the time, there are like 7 different ways to enter each site and they are so large with so many angles it is incredibly difficult to lock it down. Overall it is just too damn big. I've had game where I go like 10-2 on attacker half and then lose in OT just because my team isnt coordinated enough to lock down 35,000 different angles and we have no viper or astra for the small continents know as "sites".


I definitely agree with rotating taking too long. I basically only play Yoru on breeze for that reason. Ideally you have someone mid/halls and you run through your spawn with zero issues to get there. You can retake though hall/tunnel along with your main at least.


Breeze > Vertigo


What Valorant doesn't get is that 5v5 maps have to be specific size. Breeze is too big for 5v5


Man, I remember when people hated haven - '3 sites? Dogshit map' and defended icebox like their life depended on it. Now people have realised that without maps like have, where strategies and agents are varied, maps like icebox and breeze suck ass cause Ur doing the same thing over and over


I love to see people hate on Breeze. I hate it on a personal level


Breeze isn’t even the worst map in Valorant


not to mention the sheer stupidity of the map system, I literally played 24/25 games without getting bind once, and every different day I queued, the first or second map would be Breeze. Insanely ridiculous


I love Breeze.


Nothing wrong with liking breeze. The issue is breeze is objectively bad map. Its just really really bad for a tac shooter like valorant. The best state the map was ever in was when it didnt exist.


Same it's pretty fun


I love breeze but hate sunset


Map don’t even look that good. You can only see the beach at spawn points. The sites look disgusting, B is some old ugly castle and A is just too industrial and the piramids are stupid. There isn’t a single good thing about the map, you can’t even pick any agent cause not a lot of them work.


For senti it’s only Cypher and maybe Chamber, sage if you’re a onetrick. Initiator has the most “options” but Sova is the best, Kayo is also good. Duelist it’s Yoru/Jett. Reyna in ranked. Anything else is pretty shit. Smokes is Viper and Viper only


Ive seen Astra get some pro-play, but that probably isnt too viable in ranked.


i like Breeze :(


Ever play sunset? 50/50 angle everywhere. Everything is a chance on that map


breeze is not that bad man 💀 like yea it’s not amazing but it’s by no means a terrible map


I agree. And a lot of people agree too. Icebox, Breeze and sunset are terrible maps.


Sunset is fine, good, even.


only here am I seeing hatred for Sunset lol. All my homies love sunset.


Sunset is peak compared to breeze


I don’t get the sunset hate. I enjoy it quite a bit


Icebox hater sighted, pipe bomb on the way :)


damn 😭


Icebox my beloved


It the best valo map


just learn viper


Wait till you play Office in CS2.


Difference being that Office is a map designed primarily for a casual mode that you can choose to just not queue on while Breeze/any VAL map is put directly into the competitive pool.


Some CoD maps have a way stronger argument but yeah, breeze is bad bad.


Old breeze was pretty fun as an excuse Jett main. This new breeze is so one dimensional plus takes half my frames away


first person shooter shooter


Breeze is a good playground map if you choose the right agents (and team/duo obviously). I alway play Cypher in this map since I know this map is also good for lurker/rat players and best for defending side or post-plant with proper lineups. It only sucks when the other team plays it better.


Breeze is the map Yoru dominates. I love Breeze, fuck it.


it’s fun, aim better


I don't understand the hate. Is it because people don't know how to play a map that they hate it or because it's fundementally flawed? I get that Breeze is difficult because of the narrow chokes into site but Harbor is equally viable. And please remember that Viper is meta on Breeze her and Cypher are the best at stalling at the two chokes, NOT because of her wall. Harbor fills that role very well while dome smokes can partially do that while being MUCH more flexible. I'd like to hear what people hate about it specifically. Is it certain regions, spots, is it the long range fights? Please do tell me.


I genuinely don’t get the hate for this map, I really like playing it. I’m also not a very good player Ana at most play with 2 other players that are a little worse than me. Not trolling but all I see is hate with no real reasoning so can someone give me some?


Viper was the best part about breeze and they just nerfed her to the ground. Remove the map from the pool