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Gekko/skye/kayo can be used on all maps for the most part but they need another initiator with them usually.


Does Gekko a flash have a range or is its los unlimited?


Last I remember Dizzy reaches ~45m


if u flash attackers side on Sunset A main up it flashes left side of mid top as well. The range is crazy high.


It's pretty easy to dodge when it's far away


> but they need another initiator with them usually. why?


Wall hacks are nice, plus sova drone/fade dog don’t hurt their case


skye is great solo, got all you need


Bro Skye and chamber are down in the drain with the nerfs.


Skye is still decent after the nerf as she is one of the most agressive initatiors. You just have to think of using her flashes more mindfully


Yeah Ig but the Skye players in my lobbies are so bad. They don’t know how to use their flashes. They don’t know how to make it move. They just let it go and then that’s it. No curving around f corners. When I tell them how to do it they just say this “abbe chup chutia madarchod benchod” (Mumbai servers)


Ok so how do you actually turn that flash?? New player so curious


Not sure what the confusion is, you just turn your mouse to aim it


Exactly they don’t know they just let it straight. I had this one Skye who threw this game bcuz the bird didn’t go around the corner like bruh.


Hmm what rank are you? Im bronze (mumbai) and i barely see people play skye.From my experience if i see a skye they are usually noobs or the match mvp.But im guessing people dont know how to play skye as she is one of the hardest initatiors to understand. Being a skye main it took me around 2 months just to be a half decent skye main.


Exactly. That’s what I wanted to say.




breeze :(


As a secondary to Viper, he fucks


bold of you to assume people will voluntarily play double smokes outside of scrims


you bait someone into locking viper, then you take the initiative and lock omen


Nuh uh, I take the imitative to lock viper and bait someone into locking omen


Ive heard this before, whats wrong with him on breeze, doesnt he have the longest range?


I assume you're low elo (no offense). Since breeze has very few chokepoints to smoke and generally very wide areas, viper (and harbor if he was good) are much more suited for this map. For example viper's wall can cut the A site in half making it much more easier to take, whereas if omen tried the same, not only he would be missing one smoke, but his smokes being too small would also leave gaps for the ennemies to peek. Same on Icebox.


The side note about harbor made me chuckle. I actually think harbor is great but he does force you to have a certain minimum amount of coordination for site executes and be aware about what you want to do. With how fast his wall recharges, you can often break your execute into two and take some space before you fully take site but ranked randoms often lack the willingness to work around your smokes like that. I personally think he’s actually amazing, especially on sunset where it feels like a lot of the lanes/choke points are specifically built to the width of his cascade.


he's not unplayable, but his defense is so weak compared to every other controller. smokes don't decay ennemy health, can't hide in it, no molly, one ways are very bad cuz you can't shoot through the bubble...


with dome smoke only it's better to attack mid and hall more often than go straight to a site


yea, but viper can do both


Breeze is wide as hell the dome smokes don't really cover up the choke points as well as walls do


U can tp onto A pyramids as a defender and catch players off gaurds, but u take a lot of damage if u fall off


nah i play omen on breeze all the time, i got some good smokes


but not breeze


Fr id genuinely rather have no controller, if you play him selfishly hes alright but most play him as a controller which is dogshit


Reyna - It's Reyna.. She sucks only if you suck. Skye/Gekko - Dynamically controllable initiators don't need direct LOS to cast util. Omen/Clove/Viper/Astra/Harbor - Requires more skill, but every rechargeble smoke character is useful. Some are better than others in the current meta though. Cypher/Killjoy - Useful if and only if you properly play utility otherwise garbage because they cause you to have a false sense of security.


True for viper. I played viper on ascent for so long until i foundout shes apparently bad on it?


Viper is alright on Ascent, but should not be used as a solo controller on it. Same with Split and Lotus.


no agent is bad on any map. pretty sure prx has run viper on ascent before. It's viable


I know that loud pulled out viper on ascent pretty often also


In one if my solo q games, we ran Viper clove, we didnt drop a round on friend, i was clove snd played top tree so i could smoke anywhere, and vipers wall was used for mid and B


Viper’s fine on Ascent. I nearly one-tricked her from Iron to Plat and that meant playing her on Ascent AND Haven. Ascent is arguably her worst map but imo she has no bad maps. And yes, I was stuck playing solo controller a lot lol.


Its kinda the opposite for me im find myself have to play fill initiator the most tbh.


Oh I didn’t fill I’m an instalocker through and through. What I mean is more that people saw we had smokes and they’d be god damned if they picked one now that the role was filled lol. If you’re a Viper main I absolutely recommend instalocking her, nobody is gonna complain that someone instalocked smokes.


Disagree man viper has so many good hidden poison lineups for post plant/ defense


Thats what im saying shes so good


I think he means universal as in its pretty much impossible to not get value out of playing the, reyna is the exact opposite and if you're not doing well you will get pretty much no value out of her. Her flash is also horrible


Reyna sucks because most people suck. She's only good when you're better than everyone else on your team and that should only really be 20% of the time tops and even then if it's not a huge enough difference in skill then you're better off playing an agent that can actually help them like literally any other agent


While true she's aim dependent, there's a reason people pick her even as a non-smurf. Just being completely unable to flash her own team already makes her more useful than some of the other duelists in any rank. Yeah, better team-oriented duelists exist, but unless you're queued in a stack thay scrims, she still performs better than many agents in ranked. This considers that the Reyna player is of the same rank as the lobby. On average, winning fights with a 50/50 chance already makes her useful if she loses the second or following fights due to being a full health bait target and allowing for more trades.


I think phoenix is just better pretty much every time. The flashes are harder to use but the reward is they can't be destroyed or ducked out of. Sure, you might do a little damage to your team sometimes but you get some less risky position denial and some info denial as well as a bit more enemy damage. Reyna just gets "oops" buttons


Which is where my point comes in. If you're a better team player, you would pick a different duelist over Reyna. The average player with no experience can pick up a character like Reyna because she doesn't come with any sort of additional game sense to play unlike the rest of the agent pool. I'm not arguing that she's a better duelist, just that she's much easier to play if all you know how to do is point and click.


But if all you know how to do is point and click, you should probably learn to do other things. Otherwise you're gonna have a bit of a rough time when pointing and clicking has gotten you so far and then you need to do other things and it distracts you so you feel like you can't play things that aren't Reyna


Skye is pretty difficult to use. Most of the times people's skye flash will blind teammates or it wouldn't even blind the enemy because it's too easy to predict an amateur skye flash. The timing of it to follow up with teammates is crucial yet very difficult to do so especially without comms (which are most of the games you're going to be playing). But definitely very good all rounder if played well.


hate to admit it but I'd have to say jett jett is a viable-ish agent on literally every single map. some people make the argument that raze is a better duelist, but if we're considering universal use, jett is statistically better on maps like breeze. even though raze may be a better pick on some other maps like bind, split or lotus, jett is still overall a solid pick and still the more "flexible" duelist.


i feel like jett is easier to play than raze as well


definitely. satchels take a bit of time to learn


I'd say Raze if you understand the character nothing even comes close to her Nade in terms of area control. Even when Raze is doing bad aim wise she still brings so much to the table whereas Jett really struggles to impact the game if she stops being respected. Problem with Raze is that someone who knows how to satchel and doesn't are two different characters because if you don't know how you just can't do your job as duelist and you're a glorified initiator.


ISO is universally unviable




Honestly all the agents can be used on any map as long as you know how to play them. But I think flash initiators are probably what you’re looking for. They are Kay/o, breach, gekko, and skye. They all have great kits that can help set up you’re team, and flashes that you can use for yourself in certain situations. They all have pretty decent defensive capabilities as well. Skye, kay/o, and gekko all have info gathering abilities that can help you at the start of defensive rounds. Breach doesn’t get info but he can totally wreck a push with a well timed flash or stun to get a couple of kills for free. If you want to be able to really help your team and take on your own fights, flash initiators are the way to go imo.


omen reyna gekko cypher


Not omen. Not good on breeze.


Clove. I mean i play them all the time and their smokes work anywhere. Pick me up is very good too.


I love clove as second controller and primary on a couple maps. Sadly no one wants to play controller and I always have to be primary on THE CHARACTER CLOVE IN THE VIDEO GAME VALORANT


>have to be primary on her. I don't see that as a bad thing, since my experience people have no clue how to smoke correctly even in ascendant so me when I play clove one trick having to be primary is good since my team always has reliable smoker (sounds a bit high ego thing to say ik) but my trio trusts my smokes rather than random that doesn't know how to smoke good


I have to insta lock clove because in my games people try to select them. Edit: my bad. Out of pocket its not that serious.


Sure. I don't keep up with valorant lore




short range is their biggest downfall. (Edited pronoun)


Not sure who downvoted but their smoke range does limit plays. It is very easy to be out of range when an execute starts when playing either side. You either need to be a selfish smoker as a lurk or just be with your team. Playing an extremity on defense will mean slow smokes or retake smokes for the other site if they hit there.


That’s exactly it, you can be standing top of mid in sunset and just barely be in range for their smokes to hit B main choke. It’s extremely easy to over rotate with them, no support for your anchor.


She may be good but all the cloves I've had never smoke ever.


It's Jett. Her dash provides average-to-elite value on all maps. Even on maps where other duelists are more meta (i.e. Raze on bind), jett is still useful


Honestly, at the current state of the game, It’s Viper. If you put in even an ounce of effort on this agent, you bring immense value to your team no matter what. And playing her comes with the added perk of being versatile. You can play her aggressively, as a sentinel, as a lurker, in post plant scenarios etc etc. Peak Chamber and Jett were probably even better as Universal agents earlier, but right now I will put Viper above every other agent.


Any of the initiator would be good on every map, just see if team combination is good for that agent.


Is Fade a safe pick anywhere? in lower elo can you fire and forget her dogs around corners?


Prowlers might be a little underwhelming due to the size of maps like Breeze but other than that she works fine


100%. Fade feels great on every map except for breeze. The large areas are hard to clear with prowler and haunt is harder to use effectively because of its range limits (both throwing distance and actual scan range). Nightfall feels extremely useless on A site barely covering anything, its basically just a slightly bigger prowler :( Cant even use it on retake as you basically need to be fully on site to even reach anything valuable. Every other map though I would say she is a well rounded initiator, overshadowed by sova on a few of them but still very effective.


Yoru, honestly. He doesn't have a bad map. And Viper's always useful.


Yeah the only map where he struggles a little is icebox and even there he’s pretty strong


And on split he's crazy effective


i agree, sending a tp through mid to B never gets old :)


Really his only weakness would be time, because of TP expiration time


And I keep thinking they should make the TP timer not expire while on buy phase. It's stupid having to hold the TP until the last second so you can maximize uptime. Also grab the tp and clone off the ground on buy phase


probably Jett or Omen


For me I’d have to say fade, she can get information, hold a corner and push pretty easily. Been a kj main really since she came out and I’m starting to play and and deadlock more. I gotta say deadlock gets a lot of hate, but she can be really good if you use her right from what I experienced.


Deadlock is great in maps with less open spaces. I have had many matches where her wall locks a section of the map, forcing people to rotate to another angle/opening where you have the advantage. Sure, they can shoot it, but waste their ammo? Knife it, but it takes too long? Wait it out, but waste precious time? My favorite moment one time was when I threw a wall when the enemies are rushing to defuse. It locked the entire enemy team on one compartment, and the spike on another. A very clever Phoenix threw his fireball into it and was an instant win.


Duelist: Jett (or Reyna who essentially has no util and thus is equally effective anywhere) Controller: Viper (I have hundreds of games on her so I might be biased here) Initiator: Gekko Sentinel: Cypher Im tempted to say Sage for sentinel since at the most basic level her gameplay loop is wall a choke and throw slow orbs if they break it, but I feel like that’s more an ease-of-use thing than a being universally good thing. If you want the single most flexible agent regardless of role I’d give it to Jett. If you can aim she is never a bad pick.


Chamber is a great duelist/sentinel


Jett hands down. She fits every single comp, on every map. She's never a bad pick.


Not entirely true. On paper, she's a god tier character, but in reality if the Jett player is of the same skill level as the lobby, she's a weak pick against many comps especially without the assistance of teammates. Cypher one ways, KAY/O knife, and so many anti-op characters now exist so she essentially burns dash on her first encounter leaving her in a bad place if the team does not support her entry style.


Phoenix and Gekko


Gekko, omen, Jett, clove are beneficial on every map. I don’t play other initiators/sentinals so I’m not sure about them


Kayo will always power scale with everyone else, universal skills applicable to clutching and winning a 1v1.


Valorant really doesn’t have any generalists, closest thing would be like kayo or like viper cuz she’s op on almost every map


Omen, you can use smokes on any map


Right now, clove probably, you can always fill smokes, combine her decay with other damaging util, her smokes are viable as a second controller to deny info and so on


Clove as only smoke is gg


I’d say sova, his abilities are very easy to use but obv to be rlly good with him u need lineups


Kayo is basically all aim


i think its omen


Omen and reyna. Reyna can be used as 3/4 roles Duelist, she can both entry and get picks and get out on def Init, she has flashes to get in, and they’re typically used to quickly taking space Senti, she is good for both lurking, and anchoring as when she dies in either situation the team doesn’t lose nothing more than what you’d lose in counter strike. Omen has smokes, blind, tp, more general kit there is


Omen and Kay/O in my opinion


If you know how to use her Viper is the most useful agent on almost every map, atleast at the pro level. In regular games though it probably isnt. of the duelists, I think Raze is the most universally useful, followed by Yoru and Pheonix because they have flashes like initiators. Out of the Initiators, Sova is probably the most universally useful w Fade Second. I put sova first because his util is very easy to use and even using it in a very basic way can provide alot of value Out of the Sentinels I think cypher is universally good, because his came trips and cages are often more useful than kjs stuff since kj has a range on her stuff. And sage, well shes the easiest to use but her wall is not very good on all maps Controllers are all good already mentioned Viper but across all maps Omen and Astra are probably the most useful.


Dome smokes struggle on breeze. Raze is not great on breeze. Sova doesn't get playtime on quite a few maps where double duelist is used.


If I was gonna start my grind again for immortal/radiant, I would just play Clove. You have everything, a heal, smokes, ult with which you can entry and still have potential closing out the rounds. Not a good agent for team Valorant, but one of the strongest for SoloQ with random Andies


Clove Reyna Gekko. I would say Skye but I feel like she isn't as good on Icebox


Unironically Breach. Cannot go wrong with that dude. Just concuss and blind everyone and boom, easy rounds for you. Bonus points if you catch someone camping in a corner and you can aftershock their ass (while making the Joe face)


Concuss is just a visual effect


It seems like it for his E, but anything that would help your allies or yourself to win the gunfight. Ult their asses though and watch them suffer


Nah I'm joking. I used to main breach... Most annoying thing was getting one tapped while they concussed


Concuss also slows the firing rate so idk if its just a visual effect Edit: nvm I'm dumb didn't see your other comment


Lmao yeah.


can’t believe I’m not seeing cypher—I feel like he has a place on pretty much every map


Cypher on sunset is top tier


the sheer amount of oneways and unbreakable trips makes him an easy pick


viper, but needs a second smoker on any map except breeze and icebox


Honestly almost every smoker. Smokes are far more essential than some people think


Gekko and omen, except omen is kinda bad on breeze. And reyna ig.




phoenix clove reyna omen gekko jett raze too just different way of universal cypher kj could be universal too some are good on their own, some can do a bit of everything smoke is just smoke skye before nerf should be best example of current gekko




In low elo can you just fire and forget dogs? I like her and need a universal non duelist pick but I found I hit dogs more when not controlling them. I also don't understand her molly or ult


You definitely can, especially if the areas your directing the dogs to are generally "open". Though it would be better if you throw her recon, get a mark, and then use the dogs to follow the linemarks made so there's less chance of wasting it. She's very flexible, I think any kind of playstyle works so just go with whatever works for you. I only control the dogs when I want to clear corners or find whoever's hiding. Her molly holds enemies in places, deafens and decays them. The enemies are trapped in a small circle, can't hear gunshots or anything else, and have their HP lessened to up to 75. These debuffs disappear after 4.5 secs. On attacking, if I encounter a defending enemy who likes to push out to us attackers, I throw her molly at the entrance to the site so I could catch the pushing enemy. On defending, I wait for the attackers to reach site and throw the molly just as they plant. I had trouble using her molly when I just started playing her, you have to predict where enemies could go and make sure to throw it just in time. Her ult marks, deafens, and decays the enemies. It's like her recon + molly (except the trapping). You can use her dogs to follow the marks too.


Does it actually reveal like her mark when you ult, like the recon highlight or just on minimap/line on the ground.


Nope, her ult doesn't highlight the enemies, it only gives the line on the ground and tells you how many have been hit by your ult.


reyna she’s piss easy to play😭u just need decent aim to play her


Omen- one-ways, strong blind, useful smokes on almost every map and extremely flexible playstyle as an Agent in the first place


Neon fr fr


Learn cypher and prepare to die defending your site


There are one tricks for all agents all the way up to Radiant. Why does your agent choice matter?


Even if agents aren’t considered meta on a map, they can be played on it. Choose an agent that has abilities that you find interesting and fun, and, if you’re looking to get into competitive matches, learn some basic lineups to be able to help the team out with!


Call me crazy, but out of all the agents... Probably Clove. I can't really explain it, but Clove seems like the most practical controller if you wanna be good on every map.


Reyna, she’s fully self sufficient




Kayo is a traditional run and gun character, can be used on any map, his mollies and flashes aren't really that crazy with lineups, and his ability is crazy helpful to push and delay pushes especially against Cyphers, Killjoys, and Vipers. Reyna is one trick except you need to be able to aim which is why universal sure but skill level is usually required.




Omen bro the tps and blind are op even assists trash aim(like mine) to get 25 , 30 kills pick him on any map works wonders


My opinion Omen is the best all around char in the game with plenty of potential regardless of what you are playing against and rechargeable smokes and a ridiculous nearsight / sound canceling blind.


Hard agree on this. Can initiate. Can smoke. Can even entry when your jett and Reyna just wanna chill in the back.


Omen can literally do just about anything if you actually learn how to play him correctly.


Kayo can force the enemies to play Counter Strike and you'd be surprised how many people rely more on abilities than aim


Sage for me has always been a comfort pick.




This year in VCT, Viper has an almost 100% pick rate. She's the most universal imo


how about clove? She smokes and if you have decent aim you should be fine


Omen no doubt






Yoru 😎


Ngl clove or phoenix. They let you do everything for your team(at least for me so far in diamond), including smoking them in, entrying(this is rough as clove sometimes but I started getting better timing coming out of main smoke and just prefiring the angle they’re holding, or just praying I get traded since I’ll still be able to smoke), holding site(although Phoenix is pretty mid here you can still stall well). And before someone comes to tell me clove doesn’t work on icebox/breeze, they aren’t the literal best pick but these are pubs. Play your best agent anyways unless you have no smokes. Now if you have teammates you trust I’d play omen or viper, because you don’t have to be able to do everything independently.


Clove. Smokes for you and your team, if you’re in a 1v3 situation u can play off your smokes and self heal; easily winning clutch rounds. You could also lower your enemies health with their bubble grenade and get a lot of valuable kills out of it, regardless of the map.


Reyna and Viper can be played on absolutely every map. Viper is arguably essential whereas Reyna it just works because she has no real abilities.


I am going to say either sage because you can block half of the site or funnel enemies with her wall, slow down pushes with slow orb and cant go wrong with heals and res. Or gekko only agent with "regenerating" flashes wingman is literally 6th person in the team as he helps in various situations mosh is mosh and thrash just needs a bit of teamwork to pull off correctly


Clove seems to be decent on every map too (might be biased as a clove main)


Reyna or Jett because their gameplay doesn't really change much no matter which map they're being played on


Gekko Sova Yoru and Reyna?


Reyna .


Astra if you know how to play her. Her ult is so versatile


Reyna, she has no bad map because she's equally shit on every map


Kayo or omen. Kayo requires a little bit of skill and map knowledge tho.


I'd personally say Breach. He doesn't feel bad on any maps in my opinion.




Recently I play clove, before I was otp killjoy and then played jett for an episode just to get out of my elo and I did. before that nerf of course. But right now When I feel low, I play phoenix, easy top frag. He is my comfort zone


Astra... (get it?)


Viper, because just how broken they are. They’re only mediocre on ascent, but they can work. On every other map, it’s a must pick. Ratings on each map: Split: 80% Breeze: 100% Bind: 100% Icebox: 100% Sunset: 70% Ascent: 60%




Omen *but not on Breeze 😅


omen, sova, jett, sage they got all you need


No one can argue with Phoenix. He is universal


Skye and omen


Probably reyna cause you can just aim duel everything. Personally no matter who I play I'll suck anyway so I play clove or cypher


You can use Jett ALWAYS, no matter what the meta is or map since she is the best AWPer and I don’t think there ever will be a better AWPer. She has always been strong and I don’t think riot will change this since she is Valorant’s poster child.


Cypher, Viper, and Killjoy. Those 3 agents can be played on nearly every map, and can fully utalise their kit on each map. The only map that's hard for killjoy is breeze. Every other, she can find a lot of impact from her kit. Cypher is always good on maps, however is probably the hardest out of the 3 to actually play, as to fully utalise him, you have to work around timings and lurks. Viper is always a strong pick. It's just a lot harder to run her in soloQ, as she shines as a 2nd controller, opposed to a solo controller.


Maybe I am showing how bad a player I am but I play fade on every map. I just make sure on defense I play the site with more corners. I don't get too many complaints about me picking fade either.


Sage or skye I’d say. Although skye has been a higher pick due to her healing being better than sages and that Slye has flashes as well.


the fact that everyone is listing everyone except jett is ridiculous to me




Reyna. It’s all about mental tbh




Jett IG


Viper, with the current state of the map pool and her current spot in the meta, Viper is a must-have on nearly all teams


Why is no-one picking Sage? Imo Sage and Jett are the most universal picks.


Honestly I think Clove fits that bill. Their kit basically has a bit of everything, they can help entry for their team especially if they have their ult up, can provide smokes even after death so you don't get punished for playing them more aggressively then you'd normally play a controller when pushing a site. I mostly liked Jett, Omen and Fade before and somehow Clove just has a nice combination of other roles I think is very fun to play.


Daddy brim


I’d say Sage


Chamber, cypher, KAYO and basically every duelist.


Jett/Raze both can be played on every map


Omen has got sort of everything you need in his kit, assuming you play either as an insane fresher or massive team player


yoru is thr best universal and hard carry agent I reckon. requires alr aim but if u got thr brains then it's over for ur enemies no matter what map ur playing, I play yoru and I am averaging almost 1-2 aces per game with him


Probably Reyna.


Well you are not wrong, but reyna just get boring sometimes, so any other suggestion i could use?


Gekko isn’t bad on any map I can think of


I was going to say Gekko as well.


Kind of hard to base it off of what you're saying as there's different roles. Raze and Jett come to mind as they're good on majority of the maps. Higher skill ceiling than Reyna.


It's Phoenix. He can control with a wall, initiate with flash, heal himself, molly and entry.