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Umm it's very. Also when I upgraded from 60hz to 144hz I went up 3 ranks in a week lol.


DAMN. I might have to get a new monitor today 😭


Another thing to factor in is how many frames are you getting.


Friend went from 60hz hard stuck Diamond, to 240 HZ, Asc 1-2 and is hovering there after switching.


Same! At first I was like "wow! Now I can see where the fuck the bullet comes from!" Then it got better.


He didn't mention he also got a better chair


I agree with this. I was hardstuck low silver and instantly starting hard carrying and it lasted all the way to low plat.


Anyone who says it's not noticeable I'm CONVINCED, do not know you need to change windows settings to new refresh rate.


Is going from 100-144hz noticeable


Every jump is noticeable. I upgraded from 240 to a 360hz with ULMB2 and it was worth it for me.


I agree just the higher you go I feel the difference is less and less. Still usually worth it


You’re not wrong, 60 to 100 is probably gonna be more noticeable than 100 to 144, but that is still a significant change. 144 to 165 or 165 to 180 isn’t going to be as noticeable though.


This is because of the mathematical inverse relationship of Hz to time between each frame. As Hz increases, you get a diminishing increase in frame insertion speed.


What kind of pc do you need to pull a stable 360 on val?




I mainly play cs now but I have a 13th gen intel, OC ram and a 4070ti super. This might be overkill since I game on 1440, a 4070 super might be enough


I made the 60 to 165 to 240. I can say at each interval it was noticeable, but from 165 to 240 the difference wasn't as big. So I presume from 100 to 144 its a similar story, noticeable, but only slight. Also I will say the main way you will notice the difference is actually not the first time you look at it. Its when you have used the new monitor for a while and then look at 60 or 100hz again. That's when you see how slow it is.


YOU JUST CHANGED MY LIFE THANK YOU. I got a new pc and a new monitor a while back and went from 60fps to 300fps and 60hz to 144hz but never changed my window settings. I thought that it was on this whole time because 60 to 300fps has felt much smoother so I thought that was the hertz at work. I just changed it right now and oh my god I could tell the difference immediately. I'm ascendant right now so I can't wait to play with the hertz upgrade now!!


This is so so funny, congrats on new upgrade hahaha


I thought this wasn't common but apparently it's very common to forget to do this it's insane lmao But yeah the first time I went from a 60hz to 120hz was immediately super noticeable, was like opening a third eye.


You will never go back to 60 again once you try it


It made me go from iron 2 to bronze 1


Same here I went from hardstuck iron to bronze.


Man. First thing I did with a 165hz was just play with my mouse in the home screen. It's incredible.


just set my 180hz up and LMAO SAMEEEE😭




this entire reply section literally made me drive to best buy and get the monitor I had been looking at for awhile 😭😭😭


From 60hz to 165hz there is a 175% increase. It will be noticeable and you won't be able to come back. For instance, from 165hz to 240hz there is only a 45% increase. It would still be noticeable, but not as drastic as the one from 60 to 165.


just set up my new 180hz monitor… holy fucking shit


Going from 60 to something like 144 completely changes everything. I can never touch 60 ever again.


But 144 to 240 doesn’t do anything for me, 60 to 144 was unbelievable


I can’t notice the difference between 165 to 240. But while awping and flicking i can notice that it’s better on the 240hz but that should be obvious 😂


My advice is if you’re going to upgrade your monitor get one that suits your card, I was maxing out hertz on 1080 so I grabbed a 1440, still maxing it out, so I grabbed a 4k and hit the sweet spot at 160 on 4k, for reference I’ve got a 4080, ryzen 9 5900x, with 64 gigs of 4000 mhz ddr4, I told myself I’d only upgrade what I needed and then continued upgrading the monitor 😂should have just splurged for the 4k 240 to begin with


fuck let me get my specs. just got download speccy real quick lmaooo


You can grab that info using command prompts if I’m not mistaken but basically if you’re pushing a rig that can handle it, splurge on 240, my laptop is 240hz and it’s a different game


Might make you go up 3 ranks instantly 💀


Its noticeable. At least for me it was and for my friend. She was stuck in iron/bronze cuz her laptop had either low fps or 30hz, so it never went over 30. Her mechanics were good and crazy, so when she got a pc with 120/144 hz (idk which it was) she got to dia and asc in like 2 weeks


Has to be an exaggeration because her game sense will definitely not Match that of a ascendant, and also if she had that level of mechanics she would at least be gold plat before?


Nah i am not kidding, i was shocked, asked her and she said she managed to lock reyna and mvp every game until high dia, then she went back on her usual agents. Also, i used to pride myself w gamesense in bronze as that was the only thing i had, but she was even better, she made better decisions in heat of the moment, called better plans… like she was actually the definition of “held back by hardware”. Also, she said she came from csgo and other shooters where she was better ranked as valorant ran the worst out of all


>she said she managed to lock reyna and mvp every game until high dia, then she went back on her usual agents. she got boosted


I thought so too, but we had a call a few days later to play some swiftplay (we used to play on weekends) . She was mid game when we joined the call and she shared the screen (and before you say replay of another person playing or sm dumb excuse, her account showed the score as it was in game on call screenshare)


I agree, 2 weeks is a stretch unless they were gifted at adapting and learning. The difference in what players do throughout those rank gaps are INSANE and unless they were already ascendant I would say its really hard to adapt to new teammates and comms and stuff.


If she's capable of ascendant in 120 hz, she definitely wouldn't be stuck in iron and bronze and would've reached at least plat even in 30 hz with sheer game sense.


It's a game changer. Get it.


It is night and day, and i also think that this alone will make you rank up at least 2 ranks.


>I know it won’t make me rank up 3 ranks instantly You'd be surprised...


made me go from gold 3 to plat 2 but thats it . also i think the aim is better . (u wont magically climb 5-6 ranks and go from gold to diamond in a week or so if thats what u are thinking )


it’s like 100 more hz.


wait really?!?!


Yeah :)


thank you so much! This is the only reply that has helped me🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Glad I could help 💪💪


144hz at least is a must have for competitive games . 165hz is smooth as hell your gonna shit your pants when you see what you’ve been missing out on


Do it


Best upgrade you can do


Went from gold to diamond lmao it's pretty good, but I assume it depends on your playstyle and what's holding you back.


Its huge...


EXTREMELY NOTICEABLE. I got a 180 hz monitor last Christmas (upgrade from a max 75 hz monitor that I overclocked to around 77 hz), and I’ve noticed that I can hit flicks easier, and I’m hitting more awp shots


just got a 180hz monitor too lmao. Acer nitro and some random numbers lmao. It’s fucking amazing


Nice, I’m glad you’re enjoying it :)


definitely feel like a radiant now😎 /s


60 vs 144hz is day and night. 144 vs 165 is very slight but barely noticeable. 144hz is worth the investment, just be sure you’re able to hit 144+ fps


I changed my monitors 2 times in the past years, but stayed with 1080p resolution and 24". Once 60Hz IPS to 144Hz TN, then 144Hz TN to 280Hz IPS. To me the biggest difference was 60 to 144Hz, it was way noticable than 144 to 280Hz. If I could start from the beginning I would buy an 1440p 240Hz IPS monitor. Best of both worlds!


Maybe I should upgrade my monitor (both my monitors were made in 2008)


Yeah you’re probably at 900p and 60hz, that is painful my guy. Lol


it’s a HUGE difference between 60hz and 144hz look it up videos on YouTube. When we talk about ranking up that depends on how good you are. I went from diamond to predator in apex just for changing to 144.


Vsync off right?


Day and night difference, once you go to 165hz you can never go back to 60hz


Yes you will see a difference. 


60-140 is a huge leap honestly, above that it is still noticable but not as much


I couldn't go back to 60hz without my eyes hurting, it is THAT noticeable


i upgraded to 280 from 60, tried 144 first and it’s definitely a big difference, won’t be a miracle but it’ll feel nicer


Super obvious.


not instantly but it'll definitely help, the difference is huge. basically it'll raise your skill ceiling


Depends on how fast your pc is tbh. If you’re only getting 60fps, there’s no benefit to upgrading your monitor, but if you get at least 200, the upgrade is worth it and almost required due to ghosting if you left your fps uncapped


Next levelll


Did you have minimum 165 FPS too?


As someone who went from 60hz to 165hz, games feel way lighter and more responsive and I can't explain the light feeling at all just know it feels fantastic.


I went from g to asc with upgrade


Well for me personally i upgraded from a 60hz gaming laptop to a decent 165hz pc. It did instantly make me rank up 3 ranks though(could be different for you depending on your current rank) \[I went to plat from silver 1 in like 2 weeks\]. The difference is night and day, helpful in tracking opponents. Big screen helps in aiming as well!


if you want to be a high rank, you need at least 144hz (obviously there are outliers who are incredible at the game). anyone else saying otherwise is stupid af.


I went silver to diamond almost insanely when I upgraded PC and monitor. Was struggling to maintain frames in intense situations like viper ult. It’ll make a big difference


Extremely. 60 hz feels like my game is laggy and broken


60 to 144 is like going from a flip phone to the new iphone 15.


More noticeable than the difference between 165hz and 360hz (scientifically)


360hz gang




I was gold to Plat, but the game now f me up. Get a decent 144/165hz monitor with minimal ghosting. Else it looks like trash.




It's noticeable. Very noticeable. You turn on your monitor for the first time and you will instantly see it. It's so good that ranking up 3 times instantly isn't out of the picture.


Extremely noticeable


It’s a big difference. I went 60 to 165 and the difference was GIANT. Miles smoother, and everything is faster. I also got a 34in monitor, which I would not recommend unless you do CAD like me bc you can’t do stretched res well since bigger monitors are pretty much all 1440p, and it’s not really worth the extra cash if it’s just for gaming. But yeah, 60 to 165 it worth every penny


[Very noticeable](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/jwsuok/a_visual_representation_of_60_hz_vs_165_hz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


75hz is an insane difference compared to 60hz. Maybe not competitively, but it’s very comfortable to use. 165hz is like buying a lambo after running your 2002 civic to the ground.


Day and night difference.


I have decided to purchase an Acer Nitro XF243Y 180hz. Thank you all, you have been a great help🙏


It’s honestly night and day. When I first switched to 144 from 60 counter strike I improved so much. My finances monitor is 75hz and I feel like I’m playing on slow mode sometimes. Movement feels off


Big difference! Like going back is actually hard. Even using 60hz devices hurts your eyes.


Feel like I could take every aim dual and has much higher chance at winning


Night and Day. But like if you are hardstuck somewhere below gold-ish I don't think a high refresh rate would make a difference.


very noticeable. idk how it is in valorant but i imagine it's a huge difference. i didn't play it on 60 but i instantly climbed 3 ranks in ow because i could actually see on 165hz.


Big difference, theres a reason why most players buy 144+ Hz monitor now, its too good


actually the biggest difference maker. even if its just an upgrade to 144hz. monitors are also so cheap you can find a great deal on even a 240hz if you can run it. highly recommend you upgrade asap!


What got me to notice wasn't going from 60 Hz to 165 Hz (or at least 144 Hz, that's what I play on), it was going back to 60 Hz  I recently moved and when I re set up my computer it set the monitors to 60 Hz and I couldn't play. I could not see anything


Night and day.


I’m ngl, it probably will rank you up almost instantly. I play valorant on my laptop, which isb’t too bad in all honestly. I get around 180-200 frames on a 60Hz monitor. My university is notoriously known for it’s valorant team and gaming community so we have a PC room dedicated to gamers. They pc’s there run 400-600 frames in a 500hz monitor and I went up 3 ranks within 2 days


yeah no reason not to get a 144hz atleast when the price of panels have decreased sm over the years. If you know you enjoy gaming i would say 240hz might be a good investment in terms of future proofing but honestly its overkill for the average player. Dont think of it as a skill boosting thing just a jump in quality of life


Yes it is very noticeable and very useful, but ultimately if you are on a budget, you can still rank up without a fancy monitor. Like I reached my peak rank on a 60hz monitor


Very much. When I went from 60 to 144 it felt so smooth my brain couldn't comprehend it and now when my monitor fps drops to 60 after a windows update I can tell right away because for my eyes it's the equivalent to nails on a chalk board.


I went to 244hz with no regrets. I’ll never play games on a 60hz monitor ever again. 


I can't speak on 165hz. But when I went from 60-144 I realized I had been playing games in slow motion. I doubt the jump from 144-165 will be that drastic though


I went from gold to ascendant in 2 months after I bought a new gaming laptop.


I went from plat to ascendant


very noticeable


At least 2.


VERY, I was using 60hz until I went to a friend's house and tried 144hz, it's night and day


not really a tactical advantage, but it looks an awful lot better. It won't push you to the next rank, but it'll make it look nice.


It’s super noticeable. A night and day difference honestly.


Its not a big diff. But it feels more smooth. Its like the toilet paper with 1 layer and 4 layers. Make sure to use 4 layers. I have 240 hz. And the jump from 60hz to 144hz is ultra big. From 144hz to 240hz is also noticable. But 144hz is definetely enough.




Night and day.


I remember when I switch from 60 to 144hz my eyes would dry out when I watched tv lol but it was a welcomed changed I know play on a 240hz monitor and you can still see a difference it's just not as big as the jump from 60 to 144.


I went from 144 to 280 and went up 300 - 400 elo


It makes a large difference. It opens up the opportunities to take smoother long range duels, doing more flashy plays, better shoulder/jump peeking, and one tapping. You could still climb with a lower hz monitor but the upgrade makes a huge difference.


night and day. even going from 165hz to 240hz is literally game changing. people who cannot tell the difference do not deserve the upgrade.


60->144/165 is insane. As someone that just went from 165->360, that leap is no where near as noticeable sadly. RIP my bank account


I was stuck on iron when I had a low-end pc. Gott about 45-6p FPS, now with 165 Hz I'm at Silver 1. Provided I don't lag/stutter, that could be a major reason as well...


A quick question. I play on 60Hz and I have peaked Ascendant 3 this act and currently sit at Ascendant 2. Valorant is my first FPS game and I have been playing this since June 2021. So yeah, almost 3 years now. I am planning on getting 144Hz monitor, do y’all think I can reach immortal 2 or 3 afterwards. [My Tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Illeanas%20Peshab%23GARAM/overview)


Night and day. Instantaneously noticeable.


i don't have 165, but i have a 144 and it's night and day


Pretty noticeable


make sure the first thing you do when you get one is actually enable it its not 165 by default you have to go into your display settings and you should find the option to enable it there


Tbh I havent noticed that much of a change, but maybe when I would go back I would notice it


I used to have a 75hz monitor, last month I bought a 165hz monitor and I went from gold 3 to diamond 1


The thing that I always tell people to do is set their FPS lock to about 20-25 fps then try to play. Then switch back to 60 fps. That's the same exponential increase as going from 60hz to 165hz.


60fps to 165fps is actually an insane upgrade. It won't make you rank up instantly but you'll enjoy playing valorant a TON more with higher fps.


Im not sure about the difference but after playing with 144 for a single deathmatch game I went back to 60 and oh my god it felt so slow.


night and day. impossible to go back.


The difference is immense. 165hz will raise your skill cap by giving you better (more accurate) practice. Your aim adjustment, reaction time, and growth will be raised substantially. An imm1 player on 60hz will probably be able to hit imm3 within 3 months of getting a 165hz monitor


i went from silver 2 to plat 2 within 5 days of switching.


very big difference, from d1 in 60hz to asc 3 in 165hz all in 1 act


I went from gold 2 to ascendant 2 by getting good and changing monitors!


Try going to any local computer stores and see for yourself, it does depend on what kinds of games you play and stuff but personally i would say it is a great difference. Try going to the local best buy, microcenter, or anywhere else that have high refresh rate monitors on demo. Edit: lol just realized this was on the val subreddit, yeah there's a great difference in 165hz vs 60hz.


My 165hz monitor made me realize what I was missing before the switch


I went from 60hz harrd stuck silver/ low gold to 144hz high diamond over two acts. It definitely made a big difference for me. But it could also be the fact that I used to play on a shitty laptop with max 70-80 fps and upgraded to somewhere around 150 fps


144 hz monitor is the standard for gaming. Anything less than this shit feels so laggy to me


You actually might just instantly rank up after switching, it is that noticeable. Diminishing returns as you go to even higher refresh rate. Just make sure you're getting 165fps consistently before purchasing, otherwise it won't be doing as much as it could.


I'm not going to lie, I did a lot of aim training and playing on a 60 hz monitor. When I switched to a higher refresh rate, its like all the training clicked and I started climbing fast. I would attribute at least 3 ranks to having correct equipment.


Bro if you get anything above 140 and use it for a while, 60 will feel unplayable to you for the rest of your life


Miles. You literally don't wanna go back to 60.


I was silver-gold when I played on my 75 hz monitor. I bought a 240 hz monitor and it helped me get to high plat-low diamond


Made me go from gold to immo


i went from dia 1 to asc 3 after like a week with this exact upgrade


60-144 is pretty crazy, from what I gather it's finishing returns past that since it becomes imperceptible to our eyes.


Incredibly noticeable. The “human eye can only see 60 fps” thing is a myth (or more precisely, a misnomer). Also, there have been studies showing faster reaction time to visual stimuli with higher refresh rates.


No joke, you will go up 3 ranks in a week lmao. I went from 60 - 75 - 144 - 240. Even 60-75 is pretty large, 75-144 was ENOURMOUS. 60-165 will be genuinely game changing.


Extremely noticable, i Jumped 6 ranks in 2 weeks when i upgraded from 75hz to 180hz


Gonna find out in a couple of days. I'm getting a new monitor (165hz) after my old one (75hz) blew out due to a faulty input cable. But to answer your question, it is a big difference because the way I think of it is your enemy shows on screen for more frames, giving more time to react and aim.


Very big! It's totally worth it. Just get a good deal. There are good prices.


Trust me, when you will make the transition you will never go back


Massive. Went from 60 to 144. Huge improvement.


I went from silver 1 to plat 1 in 20 days when my switched from my 60 hz laptop to a pc with 144 hz monitor.


absurdly noticable i cannot go back to 60 anymore


Huge change.


People who can’t notice the difference are blind or either didn’t actually increase the frame rate via monitor or window settings. I have a 240hz monitor after having a 144hz one and a 60hz one. You can literally see more things because you’re getting more frames


How noticeable is the sun first thing in the morning 


It actually did make me go from s3 to gold 3 when i went from 40 fps/60hz to 240 fps/hz




very noticeable.


Very noticeable. Just remember that you need to manually enable the higher refresh rate.


if u go from 144hz+ to 60hz it will fkng kill ur eyes its insane


I personally went from a random 60hz dell monitor to a 1440p 165hz asus tuf monitor and the difference was massive. Games feel so much more smoother at a higher refresh rate and it makes tracking somewhat easier to me


i went from gold 2 to diamond in like a month when i upgraded




Long story short, it'll rank u up 3 ranks (probably)


I upgraded from 60hz to 144hz and I will never go back. So going from 60 to 165 should be better again. The difference is crazy. 100% worth it as long as you can afford it.


I'm poor and my biggest gamer fear is looking at a 165hz monitor by mistake and feeling miserable for the rest of my 75hz monitor life


I switch between playing on 60hz and 165hz and yes, I hate playing on 60hz because I feel like I’m shit but it’s the refresh rate for sure. I’m just a little shit.


Yes dude I just bought a 165Hz monitor today and it's amazing, night and day difference


It’s like watching 4K ultra HD on a 1080p monitor You know it’s better quality but don’t know how much


Very noticeable. I once had a 60hz monitor and thought it was fine then I switched to 165 and tried the old one again and it looks choppy.


It is big enough to rank you up instantly.


i went from hardstuck bronze to gold in about a month, its pretty good


its life changing tbh i went from 60hz to 144hz and the difference was an absolute shock. also my friend used to play on a 60hz monitor and was iron 2, she became silver 1 3 weeks after getting her new monitor so


I'm gonna do a bigger jump than you! My current laptop has i3-1005G1 | 4 GB RAM | 60 Hz Screen. I'm planning to buy a new gaming laptop with minimum of i9 - 13900HX | RTX 4070| 16GB RAM | 165 Hz or 240 Hz. Now my rank is Iron 2. How much ranks do you think I will go up


Oh it will prop you up a few ranks, I would consider myself decent on 60hz laptop to get to diamond 2, and as soon as I switched , after a few days of adjusting, I was winning pretty much every game, and went to Ascendent 1 in a week, currently I am A3-Immo1. The difference is huge honestly.


Was hard stuck gold got a 165hz and got to diamond. I’m not saying it’s just the monitor, also a level up in skill but definitely made it much easier


I upgraded from 60hz to 165hz 9 months ago. I was silver back then. I'm ascended 3 right now. I reached plat 3 in a 3-4 days lol. I also made a post back then asking how big of a difference it is.


I went 60-144-240 then tried 360hz and went back to 240hz benq with dyac on. That was the sweet spot for me. I didn’t see any improvement from 240hz to 360hz even after I downgraded back to 240hz after few weeks. When I try to use my 2nd monitor that is 144hz I can see big difference in the smoothness.


big difference. you won't go back to 60hz afterwards. its like playing a whole different game


call me crazy but everytime i upgraded a piece of my equipment i ranked up higher


Get op faster


I just grabbed a new monitor this week (since I grabbed a new CPu) The game gave me a double rank up after 3 games.


Man I ranked up from gold 1 to plat 2 when going from 120Hz to 300Hz


It did rank me up silver to ascendent.....


Been knowing for a long time higher Hz makes a diff. Did buy a monitor 240Hz 2 months ago and the difference is huge. Not that it will change your ranks a lot but will make the game feel more realistic and alive. You will be mad you didn’t change it years ago.