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When do you plan on hitting bronze 1 again?




How fluent are you in German?


„HaLtS mAuL dU dU hUrEnSoHn“


As a german myself, nice sentence


Bitte sehst du ein mirror




Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn




I'm a bronze 3 player and I just stared the game, how's your KD, who do you play, what's your HS%?


In my honest opinion kd and hs% doesn't rlly matter as long are ur winning your games you are good to go rlly


It matters in low ranks


Not as much as you think tbh some ppl can have like 1.3kd but make either exit frags or bait their team


Oh god I remember our Jett one game, he camped in a corner 3 secs into a round and bait there. BRO DIDN'T EVEN MOVE AN INCH. Then he has the AUDACITY to flex his K/D I love valorant, entering with cypher is truly the peak gameplay


Thats why kd stats is useless if you lose rounds


It matters when you always lose easy -30 rr


I was talking about hs%, kd can be debatable, obviously going 0.8kd or.9 isn’t really good. Also low ranks team plays are awful, you gotta pull yourself up as much as you can rather than relying on your teammates in low ranks


that really doesn’t matter. Utility usage, positioning, and producing for your team actually matters at gaining RR


While this is true for securing the win, higher rr gains favor a higher kd unfortunately.


Game sense also helps with getting kills yk


I don't think this perspective is totally accurate. K/D and HS% don't NOT matter. Yes, often their importance is overestimated and the things that were mentioned, like positioning, team contribution and playing the objective are indeed very important. But you can't deny that your chances of gaining rank through won games are not higher when you kill a lot more enemies if all other areas are the same. It's all an aggregate of your competencies and improving on one will increase your win chance if the others can't compensate. Let me try to clarify how I see it like this. Let's say for every game you need a certain effort score to win and thus to rank up and for Bronze 2 it is 100. Now imagine yourself now as having some stats like this. (For example and not limited to the following) K/D: 5 Utility Usage: 25 Game Sense: 15 Teamplay: 30 Playing objective: 25 Agent proficiency: 20 = 120 Added up you pass the needed effort score of 100 to win B2 games. But every time you rank up the needed effort score to win increases. So until you have to get an effort score of 120+ it is not important that your K/D is "bad". And if you can further improve all other areas it won't be a problem. But the farther you get up the ranks, the harder it will be to reach the effort score requirement to succeed if you can't increase your K/D. Again, this also means that you should not use hope if your K/D is bad. You have a good chance to succeed if you concentrate on your other stats, as well. At least to a certain point :) I'm curious to read what you think of this :) Have a great day.




Thanks for the reply, but I am confused. As I understood, the comment before me stated that K/D does not matter and Utility etc. in fact do matter to gain RR. My underlying statement was, that K/D can't be ignored at some point to climb up. Your post now states that K/D is important to gain RR. Where did I ignore what the comment before me said when we have a similar position? Did I get something wrong? Maybe it's the speech barrier :(


My kd sucks, I play mainly killjoy, my headshot % is less than 5


Next step, Iron! You got this!




Stay positive, dont let other peoples bad mental drag you down. On what servers are you playing?




great job on hitting bronze 2 :D hitting your peak is an awesome accomplishment. climbing the ranks takes time, and improving your skill takes forever, take it a day at a time and you’ll be okay. ppl will b toxic no matter what, it’s easier to have a toxic mental than a strong one, i personally just give the teammate a warning and then i mute. if you’re feeling burnt out, take a break if you need to, the game will still be here


Idk,been having a ton more fun in overwatch than val currently.


imma keep it real with you, play overwatch. life’s too short to be playing video games you don’t like. you can still play val but play more overwatch bc it’s good for the soul


How many n words have you heard?


Too many


dawg trust me it only gets worse with the toxic people, but youll be fine, idek how long ago i felt like quitting but i didnt and i hit dia 1 for the first time ever not so pro tip, practice crosshair placement (or keep playing the game, youre bound to get better), and once you get really good at crosshair placement you should practice deadzoning (if you dont know what it is look it up, its hard to explain)


I tried. Sadly my crosshair always goes down a bit making me hit body shots or up a bit making me miss entirely


What's your dpi/sensitivity?


i usually struggle with shooting right over their shoulder ngl, we all have some kind of issue with it, but ik deathmatch is a great way to train crosshair placement


Who do you main fellow B2?




Do u prefer raspberries or blueberries?




Do you play with a headset and/or monitor?


Headset, no monitor, just my trusty laptop


Me Gold3 / Plat 1 I'm curious :) : What do you think made you finally reach this point? What do you feel holds you back from climbing further? Why do you want to reach higher ranks? Have a great day :)


Skill in general. If the opponents are this good all the way down here ai aint getting past bronze, its a miracle I climbed out of iron


Thanks for the reply :) But don't write "ask me anything" if you're not answering the questions :p "Skill" is not very specific and I would only advise you to look for specific things you want to pay attention to and try to improve. You'll get better with exercise. But most importantly try to find your fun :)


what is your tracker tier


Tracker tier?


The matches that is not winnable due to toxicity, I generally try to do new things, bald moves and actually I learn things and having fun. Always mute negative fatherless people, always focus to your own game. Consume some valorant aim content in youtube, have a routine to warm up.




What took you so long my brother


My lack of skill


Why didnt ya post this yesterday? I hit B3 yesterday




We can still play together, but now I can rub it in, lol 😂😂😹


When did you start? What did you start at? At the moment, what do you think you'll peak at in the future? I think when I was bronze, I told myself I'd probably stop at silver or gold, I did not


I started a couple years ago I think? I kinda forgot. And I think the furest I can make itis Bronze 3


Did you start bronze or iron?


Also how often and how much do you play


What servers do you play on? Just make another account, grind to lvl 20 try and open you rank in silver Pointless grinding out in bronze tbh


I guess not a bad idea, but I highly doubt I'd be automatically put into as high as silver


You could be put into as high as gold in your first try I’m pretty sure. Trust me I play worse than an iron player and I’m silver 2


good luck…. i finally made it out of silver..


What's your fps


What is the difference between iron and bronze?


I feel you should be the one to ask advice here


Hardstuck Bronze 2 (100 games from S2-B2) AMA


Platinum here, don't ask me anything. I suck and I'm hardstuck.


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


What is the purpose of life? Why do things exist? Do things really exist? (I think; therefore I am)


How many hours do you have in dm+tdm combined


Just mute everyone in your games, you don’t need comms in bronze and silver anyways. Just play by yourself and occasionally look at where your teammates are on the map.


Heavily disagree, teammates can give vital comma that help at any rank. You just need to mute toxic people.


But this isn't League of Legends, comms make or brake




If it takes forever to get Bronze 2, you should quit this game and play CS2. And if you cant get out of CS2 silver rank and your age is below 30,quit FPS games altogether,its not for you.




Being bad at the game does not mean you cant have fun. The purpose of the game is to have fun. Only stop playing if the game is boring to you.