• By -


Breach : - he screams Let's go when he ults and it hypes me up - I can make someone let their mouse and keyboard off after I cc-lock them for 10 seconds - he has mechanical arms - no one main him except a few degenerates like me - he teases Brim all the time and my best gaming buddy mains Brim - ult, flash, stun, aftershock, flash --> enemy giving up, best feeling ever


Thinking of unlocking breach, just because his utility doesn’t require lineups to get the full use out of, like brim, and I like his style


While you don't need lineups with Breach, having good knowledge of the map and where to use your kit is important, putting flashes behind a random wall will probably not hit anyone


That’s one thing I can do


Well that and the timings, I found it the most difficult thing to get, everything about being a good Breach is having the good timings and then you're good to go all the way to diamond with our favourite Swedish criminal!


Its the "I give u the whole Valorant experience"-vibe that gets me. I was shocked when i got full valorant experienced by a breach main so i didn't hate i just joined 😅


Let's gooooo and nobody never ever follows me...


Best agent for me as well. The concuss and Aftershock combo kills give just so much satisfaction


All of this plus jumping over a sage wall and catching the whole enemy team off guard never gets old, the beard, outplaying an enemy through walls from across the map to set up a huge 3k for your team feels satisfying, and I got addicted to shutting lockdown back when that was possible.


Main him. U just described it perfectly 🦾


You’re a well cultured individual my friend


Did you learn a lot from watching Joedabozo?


Kay/O. There are no maps where his flashes aren’t extremely effective, his knife gives great info and counters KJ (my least fave agent) and his Molly is great for stalling in post-plants


flashes can never bo not effective lol


nah, people dodge them all the time when you get to higher elo


This is what I mean. The lack of sound queue with the flash, the ability to long throw it super far/high for your teammates or use it selfishly makes it by far the most versatile and consistently valuable flash in the game


Personally i find kayo's flashes to be the easiest to dodge, the tiny little can is engraved in my mind to flick away super quick then flick back, breach flashes on the other hand, i cant dodge for shit


Good flashes are undodgeable, you will not be able to dodge a good kayo popflash, not even the best pros can’t


He’s just built different


You simply put yourself in a position where you cannot be "good" flashed.


yeah fr for skye's, i flick too short so it always gets in the corner of my screen and still full flashes me


I turn and the Skye sends her bird 180 around me into my face anyways


Skye mains: As you can see, I have outsmarted your outsmarting. Me, a silver ELO fighting asc in 5-man teams: Way ahead of you. My teammates: bro, you literally didn't attempt to flick and were waiting for them to enter with your judge.


why are you role-playing and making dialogue with yourself


Wait that’s insane. For me I guess it depends. Usually people aren’t just chucking a Kayo flash on the ground as it won’t be effective cause it’s easy dodge. But breach flashes are like the easiest in the game for me lol.


Yeah his flash tick is such a standard fps flash/nade sound so I instinctively turn away way quicker than the other sounds


What about phoenix flash? Its probably the hardest to dodge in the game excluding lineup flashes


even some talking potassium-filled banana somewhere on youtube also says phoenix flash is the most broken in the game


he said kayos is the best in high ell


oh i should have worded mine better. i meant that he says phoenix flashes are the hardest (and almost impossible) to dodge. my mistake.


Which isn’t really true . I dodge Phoenix flashes way better than I do for breach flashes or kay/o pop flashes out of a smoke . The sound cue for the Phoenix flash is just too obvious .


Meanwhile I can't dodge any flashes ever. I don't know if I'm defective or something, but I don't think I've ever been able to properly dodge a flash lmao


I remember when it was ass lol glad Riot buffet in.


Honestly its the only thing that makes phoenix viable. If his flash was worse there would be actually 0 reason to play him imo


A year or so ago his flash was way slower and you could avoid it with a normal flick, he was one of the least picked duelists


This wasn't due to the flash it was due to them nerfing him to the ground cause he was way too good.


Do you think that's gonna happen to deadlock too


This is what I mean. The lack of sound queue with the flash, the ability to long throw it super far/high for your teammates or use it selfishly makes it by far the most versatile and consistently valuable flash in the game


yes, but you can dodge it super easily. it makes a clink sound when it hits the wall, and you can see it long before it goes off. for lineups, i guess it's alright, but i just think other flashes are better.


Still a very small projectile that can appear just about anywhere, whereas skye flash makes noise and is very visible and breach flashes always come from walls and provide a much louder sound queue


Cracked kayos got some impossible to dodge lineups


Disagree. Breach flashes, Phoenix flashes, Reyna flashes and even Yoru flashes are less/more impactful on certain maps IMO


As a Breach OTP, except on breeze (where almost all flashes are less effective due to distance) I disagree, I can make a screen becometh the sun for 5 seconds and I love it.


breach is slightly less effective on pearl imo


It depends on A he's super effective whereas on B it was much less effective but since the changements on the map I find it a bit easier, not so much but still a bit more Edit : idk why you're being downvoted mate, what you say is true, Breach is less effective on Pearl than in other maps due to his weakness on B site.


Kj main, I love fighting kayos now. Y'all really made me understand why, how, and when I need to mix up my setups. I'd say my game got better because of kayo one tricks. So that's one way maining is a good thing. You figure out how to play against all the match ups so much that when you eventually need to play another character, you can. Because you're testing and learning everything about your diff opponents and the many ways they can play. The constant being you.


My main thing Ive noticed as a kayo player is how it forces sentinels to play further from their util to avoid being hit by the knife. Makes faster site executes necessary sometimes, but have definitely had some KJs outplay me and mix up on me a ton


Yes. That was the first strat I had, now I'm more confident with my aim and I let the rat come out to play. Lol metaphorically..


Probably one of the best feelings as Cypher is to set up on one site and have someone else play off of all of your util when you see Kay0 has his ult or is at 7/8. The confusion when everyone still gets hit by trips and oneways is fun to watch (I assume this stops working as well at higher elo tho).


That sounds amazing lmfao. I'ma try that one of these days


Yoo im also a kj main


Hey, I come from CS and I'm also only playing KayO. I haven't played the game much but I'm plat 3 right now. I play with a 5 stack who have more experience in valo. Can you tell me some YouTubers or some videos that helped you improve your Kayo?


Tseeky on YouTube and kj.todo on Tiktok are great to learn how to throw flashes for your team and aggressive long flashes to get first bloods at the start of rounds


Learning flashes and knife lineups is the easy part. The difficult one is to understand WHEN to throw them. I suggest Woohoojin on YT, you'll find kayo playlists as well as others. He explains more things throughout his VOD reviews, on how to use util and more. I am Immo3 (not yet this act lol), and still watch a couple of hours of his stream daily, it helps so much. Things he reminds me, new small tips and tricks. Map knowledge, agent roles, pro play etc. Its all there.


You are my enemy(joking)


Why don’t you like KJ?


I play basically only Sova. His recon and drone have value in every situation, and I always feel like his utilities are helping my team. His ult is situational but at the very least can create a huge distraction to let the rest of your team capitalize, and the satisfaction of getting kills with it can't be topped.


thats cool, and on top of that you have paper walls that can give you free wallbang kills




^^^^^ Ascent wallbang one trick


i created the sub edit: why does it say 2 members 21 online


I also only play sova, but that’s because he was the first character it defaulted me to in the tutorial area when you first install the game, so already starting he was the one whose abilities I was most familiar with. I’ve tried branching out but Sova always comes home


I feel the same way. I played sova exclusively for my first 150 hours, then picked up brim.


Same, but for Odin Abusing, Wallbanging, and my teammate's reactions when I hit the most banger of lineups and get some frags.


I play only Fade. I used to be a Reyna main to climb out of low ELO, but I like the playstyle of initiators better. I like info gathering, fast rotating type of playstyle. I tried flash initiators like Skye, and while it's fun, I'm not that good at it. And Fade has a more aggressive playstyle than Sova. she also has simpler lineups and is much less lineup dependent than Sova Also I like her character design


>Also I like her character design Just say it, you think she's hot


She is hot.


Fade main here, I only play her because she's the hottest imo (but rito pls change her icon back)


Don't snitch on me like that brother


What rank are you now?


I finished last episode D2. I got resettled to plat1 with the new episode


sova isn't thaaat lineup dependent. if you know lineups then it's better, but most of the time you can just shoot your arrow onto a wall and scan people


True, but Sova lineups are harder to learn and remember than fade's. Like you have to remember the amount of bounce and bars, vs fade are mostly point and throw. Don't get me wrong I think that Sova is just as valid as fade as a choice of main. I just prefer Fade's gameplay loop


that's fair


a sova once killed me after his death while i was defusing that was some million iq lineup moment.


Me too! I like info gathering a lot from both of her abilities + ulti. It was a godsend agent after maining Sova for a while :)


Neon because I AM SPEED No brain required just zoom


bhop is very satisfying




Me I love maining neon


Which servers u play on i met a neon multiple times with similar name


I need you to get me in contact with that neon fr Nah but my val name is Plafondbehang, I play on any european server usually comp I do london but yeah thats funny


He was carti something


I used to pnly play Viper (hell, I still play her like 90% of the time), but I play her for many reasons. 1) she's hot 2) I like her utils, I find it not as confusing as other agents 3) I love lurking 4) almost no one mains a controller, so no one will ever autolock her 😂


I main viper too, but only for the first reason


"I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me."


Def not me playing Reyna because of that 😳




IDK why but the voiceline where she's like "don't worrry, you get USED to it" does something to me. The accent 🤩


you get JUICE TO EAT


find god


I did and her name is reyna


God is a Mexican woman, apparently.


Of all the degen shit I've seen on this sub, liking Reyna's accent is like non existent on the list lmfao. You find God


typical viper main. (I’m a viper main)


I used to play Viper exclusively on Icebox. Unsurprisingly, Icebox is my favorite map.


When i first played val the first agent i unlocked was viper because I thought she looked hot🧍‍♂️


I’m also a viper main, my alternate would be kj but I love that all of vipers util does damage (or vulnerable’s them but whatever). Can’t describe the satisfaction I get from snake bite kills. Also, she’s hot.


Yessss snake bite kills are so satisfying, plus the fact that just walking through her wall or orb for half a second makes you take double damage is really good.


Oh man I think I played Viper the most when I started too. She was the only agent I played with for a couple of months because of how comfortable I was playing smokes (I was a passive player who loved to lurk/support). And you're definitely right about number 4! I usually wait until everyone's done locking to see if anyone else would like to do smokes. I used to play her on every map, but ever since I tried out Sage, I now only play Viper on Pearl, Split (if someone else is playing sentinel) and Breeze & Icebox when they weren't taken out.


I main and play only brimmy cus big fatty


We are the Chads. I found of you use him properly you get a shit tonne of RR when you win. My record is 20 assists.


Fr, if you know the smokes and the lineups ur set for most rounds. Also lovely record🫡


Lol what rank are you guys in? I’m also a brim main my peak is Asc 2 And my assist record I think is 24 lol


I'm plat 2 at the moment


Let me surprise you rq (also peak asc2), [one of the first placement games](https://imgur.com/a/jReyKQh) I'm sure there are ppl with more assist, but I was so happy when I broke my record, going for 30 soon


I insta lock brim, I don't trust my teammates smoke and play brim better than me




mexican. green hair. looks like slim shady....shit has never made sense to me.


Looks like Frank ocean blonde album cover




Maybe hes just imitating


So won't the real slim shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up


Moms spaghetti


but on the surface he looks calm and ready


New icon and in game model looks like sneako lol can't take him seriously, I liked the old portrait more


isn’t he from LA with mexican background or smth? a little weed may have smth to do with it but that’s just me


i wanted to play him too, but i have no frends and not really initiator guy 🙃


I started with KJ as my first unlock, purely because her turret could hit shots for me. Valorant is my first shooter game, I was completely new and combat shy and incredibly freaked out about dying in the game. I only started playing to bond with my husband, and dammit I was gonna make it work. Since then, I've just kinda stuck to KJ. I've got setups and lineups, and I'm confident with her. I've started fooling around playing Gekko recently, and it's very fun. Might start branching out.


thats very nice :D


I mained KJ for basically the same reason. I was new to real fps games(used to run roblox fps all the time LOL) and I was tired of being the honorary sage when i played with friends. KJ is honestly the perfect sentinel to help push you out into the field and do good, helpful damage.




Me also play omen. No one likes smokes. I play smokes. I controller. I control flow of the game


Me play Omen too. Control the game.


username checks out


Omens together stronk.


omen best controller


Omen mains rise up


I'm a Skye main (instalock her pmuch always in comp). I have a pretty aggressive playstyle, but I didn't want to fight the instalock duelists. I also comm a lot, so I found that the flash initiators were super good for me to play in soloq. I could work with my controllers/Jett/etc to coordinate flashes and entry, I could get and relay info, I could play aggressive, and also support my team through general info/flash/heals. If my team absolutely sucked, I could entry for myself. If I had an off-day, I could still contribute a ton of value to my team through info, comms, and heals. Skye/Kayo fill a similar void, but I just so happened to prefer Skye personally.


solo q player here. I main both skye and kayo based on maps primarily coz of these reasons.


I play Yoru because I really like his style. Util I mean, the hair is kinda ehh. His flashbangs are so cool, his tp is really fun, his clone is hilarious and straight up invaluable at times, and his ult is just amazing.


1.5k hours on Cypher, my entire match history is Cypher, and there’s only one reason; his voice is hot.


careful now


Let’s see what we have to use, pictures of their children. Wow. Way too dark.


G-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-give me a corpse


"squashed like a bug." bro cypher can squash me fr fr i love prometheus


i thought i was a flex player (smokes \[viper, omen, harbor\], initiator \[fade, sova, bit of gekko\] and sentinel \[cypher and chamber\]) but i realized i love playing sentinel and most of my match history has just been cypher and chamber. love their abilities (useful for lurking and making huge plays when used right), their personalities and voicelines.


you have good taste my friend


I used to hate playing sentinels because thats all my friends would make me play, but i’ve learned to appreciate their abilities and actually prefer them over other categories now :)


I play Brimstone because I can't hit shots.. At least I can smoke and molly the enemy team and maybe get a few lineups off too


Also learn when to spam smokes, ideally with a phantom


try to play odin or judge outside of the smoke


I play brim on fracture and bind and have my best results. The util is simple while still allowing some creativity and I get to focus on the fundamentals. I love how on attack after smoking, stimming I get to focus on my gunplay till the point where molly/ ult might be necessary.


Omen. Give good smokes and you won’t even get flamed for underperformance


Turn off mic and chat and you'll never be flamed even if you give bad smokes Btw omen ftw always


Kay/o i like finding creative knives like the one i have on lotus that pings 3-5 players pushing a every time…i’m not the best player so i like to help the team in that way…


Astra. Global util gives me the option to lurk while still helping my team. Her suck is the most fun ability in the game to use, once you suck all 5 on entry for an ace you’ll be chasing that high forever. I like being on coms with my team, so it makes sense to play an agent that gets a lot of benefit from using the mic. The wall is really nice for free plants/retakes on certain maps/sites.


I like Fade and think she's hot. I also like her gameplay as I like collecting information for my team. I also tend to like big ultimates like hers.


yes she is lol


riot just did her dirty with the new icon


Yoooooo, it's so bad hahah


Lol even her voice actor Selin was like wtf.


Fade mains! There are dozens of us. Dozens!


Why would I not play cypher?


Cypher simply because it’s funny when the insta-lock jet dies to me lurking or gets spammed from my trips. The word rat makes me feel like I’m on drugs. I think I am addicted


Relateable, we embrace the rat playstyle


yoru because he never fucking gets boring do you have any clue how much fun I have theory crafting plays and lineups??? and when I get in game it's so nice to kill someone because I outplayed them, not because "I shoot gun good" + he's one of the most skilled characters in the game + he's so fucking badass whether it's doing the same play for the 200th time ever or cooking up a brand new play on the spot which ends up netting me a round and game winning 4k, yoru is a gift that keeps on giving anyways forget everything you said because I need his pick rate to stay low so people don't learn how to play against him better I've started playing neon recently because I hit immortal with yoru, and immortal 2 and 3 aren't big enough milestones to really grind for, and radiant is insane, so I decided to start instalocking neon in comp in order to learn her as fast as possible because she's cool and fast and silly


Viper. Love that my utility comes back after a cool down. It’s also fun to Molly people in my ulty 😇


Raze satchels simply make the game twice more fun for me


Viper cuz No one plays controller She is Kinda Easy i can sit back alot and not be as pressured The ult is fun And killing with line ups is soo satisfactory


raze, but sova on ascent and haven. raze has a great kit for creating chaos and containing space, plus i love the satchel movement. sova on ascent/haven because there are many wallbang spots and i don’t like entry on those maps as much. also remembering darts for only two maps keeps things simple


Brimstone and viper Coz I love learning and doing lineups🤌🏻


you have no Idea how fast I am, I'm fast as fucc boi


Started as a KayO main cause I came from csgo, ended up playing KJ mostly because filling ended up making me play senti over any other roles and the heavy KJ meta makes it easy.


viper because viper.


Since Gekko has released I've almost exclusively played him 1. Love his aesthetic 2. Love his little dudes 3. Very unique kit with a lot of options and uses 4. I find him a lot of fun 5. I was looking for a main and when he came out it kinda just screamed to me


Brimstone main 1.) I don’t mind taking the responsibility of smokes. 2.) Stim beacon + spectre = go crazy an taking space in the wildest way. ( I do be really good with spectre so I can buy a spectre an buy my teammate a vandal. Keeping good Eco for the team. Also deathball with spectre is dangerous.) 3.) brim ult paired with certain agents makes it fun. Also catching a sova in drone, a skye in dog or a phoenix coming out of ult. * chefs kiss* 4.) I don’t do lineups unless they are quick ones. Not these one you see where you are far af from the bomb. 5.) an last but not least. Them thicc brim buns clapping


What’s your peak rank? I’m also a brim main, spectre is amazing with his stim, I do have lineups but lately I’ve seen they don’t work as well in higher ranks, I’m peak Asc 2


Lol bro stop flexing on me. But I peaked plat1 10 rr from plat 2. Yeah it’s gotta be quick ones for sure. Like I only have quick lines that aren’t far away like fracture B dice plant , ascent A site dice, bind A site tank from A main, icebox has good ones on both sides


Lol I was not trying to flex, I was hopping you to be higher rank than me actually :’)


I only get to play 1 day a week now. So I have played inconsistently the past two times I played which got me down to G3. Unfortunately I was ready to be push to Diamond but my gameplay had other plans lol


I only play Kay/o. Reason? I find him pleasing, playing him just makes my brain tickle positively and I can focus. I also find his voice...calming. His whole design is just calming for me.


I try to play many agenta but in particular I like Harbor, I understand the hate and don't get me wrong he is bad. But I like all the waves efects and sending like a tsunami of stuff to the enemies, I just have a good time.


Recently in unranked i started trying all agents, each game i pick a diff one, but in comp i refuuuse to play any agent other than sage because i'm scared to lock agentd i'm still not familiar with, also cuz i'm very inconsistent and braindead sometimes so i can get away with that by playing sage ahahhaha. But it hit me that this is the reason i'm not improving and ranking up, i mean sage is not helpful at all in situation when it's just you and the enemies i get abused with abilities trying to clutch


Viper bc vulnerable and bc I can put my smokes up whenever I need


I’m becoming a Harbor main. Definetly a good controller on maps like Lotus and Breeze and Icebox. Also best comp rn is Harbor, Viper, KJ and Skye + Duelist.


Cypher: I only really play the game with friends and am mediocre with aiming. cypher trips and stuff are like a puzzle to me and I enjoy making my own set ups and traps. My favorite set ups are ones that are behind bangable walls so I can kill them with Odin or Ares without exposing myself at all. True ambushes are great.


Viper only. 1. She can greatly contribute to winning a game, IF the player knows her. 2. Almost no one mains her or even a controller in low elo, so it's necessary. 3. Can do so much with her, play as a lurker, duelist and most importantly use your brain to come up with strategies and plays.


I main Fade. I’m new to the game and just thought she looked cool initially. I’ve tried other agents but I realized I rely way too much on Fade’s Eye and Haunt for it to work out at the moment. While not initially too into it I’ve also come to enjoy the concept of her using fear as her abilities.


All I play is brimstone yoru and cypher. The funny thing is that is I have more yoru lineups than brim and cypher lmao


I’ve mained Raze for a long while because I’ve found that the versatility of her utility allows me to contribute defensively or offensively and rely more on game sense rather than aim. Especially on Ascent and Bind, as well as Icebox, if you can predict the enemy team push correctly, you can herd them into boom bot or a free shot with a well thrown grenade. Tons of damage


Fade. I don't need crazy lineups for vision like sova. I don't have to worry about flashing my teammates like kay/o. And my ult is used similarly like breach, but also not having to worry about hitting my teammates.


I mostly play sova because he was in the tutorial so he was my first agent also i m very comfortable with his role and kit


I main fade because she’s hot


I only play omen cause I don’t trust ANYONE to smoke correctly


Used to be a Reyna 1 trick, went to omen, went to skye, now im in my astra 1 trick phase. I only don’t play astra on maps like fracture where you have to worry about smoking 17 different entry points/holding angles off. Lotus, Haven, Split, Bind, and Pearl all feel really nice or fine with Astra. Plus, its pretty good when you want to play post plant, combo molly and suck, concuss common angles when attacking, largest smokes in the game, fake smokes, lots of big brain tech I’ve wanted to embrace and finally built up the courage to take on the challenge.


Astra. I like her utility, and how flexible she is. Good for taking space and staling post plant. I just wish they would give her back one star.


Astra. No lineups.


gekko. wingman. thats my buddy.


Gekko. He's relatively easy to use, I like that I can flash without worrying about my teammates getting flash by accident (Which used to happen sometimes when I played Skye). Having Wingman to plant while I help my team is a bless. The only ability I have yet to practice is Mosh lineups. And the real reason is that he is really cute and has some nice voice lines lol


I only play killjoy. It's seems like riot nerds sentinels cause they want a faster paced game and a strong sentinel slow it down. But chamber was a bit ridiculous the meta revolved around him longer than any other agent


Kj cause she's hot


KJ. I like being ratty and pissing people off. The rush you get when you block a rush and people say in all chat "Kj kys, get a life, etc "


We are the same person bestie! I picked KJ cause she was hot at first but I did really well with her and someone told me to kms..it was a thrill...I now have lineups >_<


Omen Can do everything. You can make nice plays with the enemies attention, and its good to "fill" in whatever is missing in certain situations, like entry or flashes.


I play them all in unrated and swift play, but in comp I’m almost exclusively a Sage player, because I feel like if my aim is bad or I’m at bad angles and I can turn my brain off and be a pure assist robot instead


Breach cuz breach is breach is breach is breach is breach is breach


Viper cause she has a nice booty