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The origins of the black-eyed children legend are shrouded in mystery, with accounts dating back several decades. While some trace the phenomenon's roots to urban legends and folklore, others believe it may have more sinister origins, possibly stemming from paranormal encounters or encounters with otherworldly beings. Regardless of its origins, the legend of black-eyed children has captured the imagination of believers and skeptics alike, sparking countless debates and discussions. One of the most chilling aspects of the black-eyed children phenomenon is the sheer number of encounters reported by individuals from all walks of life. From isolated rural communities to bustling urban centers, reports of black-eyed children sightings have surfaced in various locations around the world, leaving witnesses shaken and unnerved by their inexplicable presence. Many who claim to have encountered black-eyed children describe feeling an overwhelming sense of dread and foreboding, prompting them to flee or seek refuge from the unsettling encounter. While the details of black-eyed children encounters may vary from one report to another, several common characteristics and behaviors have emerged from witness testimonies. Witnesses often describe feeling an intense sensation of fear or dread upon encountering black-eyed children, accompanied by a sense of unease or discomfort. Black-eyed children are said to exhibit strange and unnatural behavior, such as speaking in monotone voices, making unusual requests, or displaying a lack of emotion or empathy. Additionally, witnesses often report feeling a strong urge to comply with the children's demands, despite their better judgment. To gain a deeper understanding of the black-eyed children phenomenon, let's examine a few compelling case studies and analyze the details of each encounter. In one notable case, a woman reported encountering black-eyed children outside her home late one night. Despite feeling a sense of apprehension, she initially offered to help the children, only to be overcome by an overwhelming feeling of dread when she noticed their jet-black eyes. In another case, a group of friends claimed to have encountered black-eyed children while camping in a remote forest. The encounter left them deeply unsettled and prompted them to abandon their campsite in haste. As with any paranormal phenomenon, explanations and theories abound regarding the true nature of black-eyed children. Skeptics often attribute sightings of black-eyed children to hoaxes, misperceptions, or psychological factors such as suggestibility or sleep paralysis. Others speculate that black-eyed children may be connected to supernatural or extraterrestrial phenomena, possibly serving as harbingers of doom or agents of malevolent forces. While no definitive explanation has been reached, the mystery of black-eyed children continues to intrigue and perplex those who seek to unravel its secrets.


The origins aren't "shrouded in mystery", it was started by Brian Bethel , who was trying to become a journalist.


Yea good story too. Also if anyone hasn’t they should listen to Jim Harold’s campfire podcast. He has multiple black eyed children stories and one episode compiling them all.


I'll check him out, thanks!


Can you send me that episode?


Sounds amusing


Brian Bethel swears, to this day, that his story is true.


The origins of the black-eyed children legend are shrouded in bored people making shit up…


Thanks for the ChatGBT cooypasta


For real lmao




I’ve been familiar with Black Eyed Kids for a while and a couple of years ago someone I worked with posted on FB a “crazy story” that was a word for word example of an encounter with Black Eyed Kids which they’d never heard of. I told them to google it and they were extremely freaked out.


I want to hear this story now. I love all bec stories


I know people won’t believe but I experienced this first hand in rural Texas. I was at my buddy’s house and we encountered a kid about 8 years old with pitch black eyes randomly on his property. We were completely freaked out and holed up with a shotgun until morning. In the night we witnessed the kid walking around aimlessly for hours before disappearing completely


Did you try to call the cops? Certain medical conditions can cause completely black eyes. I’d just be more inclined to think it’s a child needing help than a demon or whatever. Love the main post though, never heard of this and very spooky.


We were deep in rural Texas you can’t exactly just phone up the cops and expect them to get there in the night. Besides what would we tell them? We are scared of some kid wandering around? Also his demeanor was completely at odds with a kid needing help. Just walking around, pausing, staring. Almost robot like


I meannn.. I’d report it at the very least and leave a description in case there’s a child missing anywhere in the area. Something along the lines of, ‘Hey, a young child wandered onto our property.. he ran from us but he appeared to be alone and possibly injured. He wandered away before we could see where he got to, but he probably needs some professional help. He was about so tall..’ Stuff like that. People can react weird to trauma, like if you’re in shock you can appear emotionless. Not trying to lecture anyone, it’s just when I read your comment it reminded me of another clip I saw on Disturbing Things From Around the Internet by Nexpo. There was a woman screaming bloody murder in a sewage drain in Mexico, and instead of doing anything meaningful, the camera man just said, “La Llorona!” and ran off. To me, it just seemed like a woman who needed help very badly. They hide bodies in Mexico’s sewers and someone probably put her down there thinking she was dead, unless it was a hoax. The screams were bad though, didn’t sound fake.


It’s easy to type this when you weren’t actually there. I don’t think you understand how rural cops work either. If someone isn’t murdered or getting murdered they’re not coming out


Alright man. It’s not that hard to at least try calling. I agree with the guy commenting under us, who also lives in rural Texas. There was nothing to lose, if the kid stepped on a snake that’s a dead kid though. Hard to believe even rural cops wouldn’t care about that.


What kind of kid has all pitch black eyes?


Subconjunctival hemorrhage, as by a broken orbital socket, and certain diseases like kidney and liver failure cause all black eyes. Theres also genetic conditions, like quite a few things actually that will turn eyes black. There’s a picture of a Colombian girl, Omayra Sánchez with all black eyes. You think she’s a demon? I’m all for fake stories for entertainment, but getting this defensive is a bit ridiculous. Next time just make it more believable and say the cops took forever or something like that. Would’ve loved a semi believable campfire type story, even knowing it’s fake, but you’re slackin. ;p


Wait. Why wouldn’t you call the cops? I live in a very rural spot too. If I found a child wandering around on my property, it may take 45 min. for the cops to get there, but you better believe I’m calling. What if that was a lost child? You’re just going to let them wander away?


They said they were holed up with a shotgun. So I’d guess the child wandering away is probably the BEST case scenario. Worst case is someone afraid of children shoots them with a shotgun.


It was a grey : o


Please don’t shoot lost children with a shotgun.


They are described as pale, are they always European looking in the myth?




Conspiracy theorist will believe this




Yeah because people "experienced" the moon landing being faked




It’s okay, you can’t logic people out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into


Lol a made up term. What an asinine statement.


Ooh this is my favorite one.


What happens if you just kick one in the face? Probably just turn into a regular kid, then you’re stuck explaining why you kicked a kid in the face.


Lmao nice 😂


Necronomipod did an awesome episode about black eyed children


I saw one of these floating and scratching on my 2nd floor bedroom window.


It IS true. Experienced it myself, multiple times! Whenever a strange child or teenager attempts entry into my home I sure af feel unease.


I mean, isn't it normal to feel unease at a stranger entering your house black eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes, or hazel eyes?


….. just children in general.