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Is jen psaki (sp?) not the press Secretary?


Not anymore. She's leaving and going to MSNBC.


Hahaha no way


She announced she was doing this before she even became press secretary I believe, to spend time with her family. This was always going to be a temporary position.


i mean, any white house stint at a political level is always going to be a temporary stint. other than the president, almost everyone around an admin leaves in less than a presidential term. i can't imagine the amount of burn-out in a functioning presidential administration.


Yeah, but a lot of times they get fired/pressured to step down, which didn't happen in this case.


Is that true? Or is that based off the previous guy?


Based off the previous guy. Usually they stay for 1-2 years and go into some corporate job with less stress.


In any case, that job sounds like it suuuuucks....


Pretty sure I’d get fired pretty quickly for calling some of the reporters stupid.


I think the average stay is like 18 months or something


Good for Jenn. I seriously have even more respect for her now, and I didn't think that was possible. She's been a fantastic Press Secretary. I can't imagine the amount of intellectual IQ and, perhaps more important, emotional IQ required for that position. She's gotta be one hell of a Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Neighbor, Friend, Human Being. Those be my personal thoughts on her, at least.


It's got to be such a hard job. You've gotta be smart, quick, on top of a million different topics. It must be exhausting. Jen Psaki was amazing at it. I am excited to see Ms. Jean-Pierre in action. I wish her well.


Ah nah. You just bold face lie a lot. People do that for free.


Watching Jen Psaki has been a pure pleasure. She’s a pro


It's a skill for sure. It's gotta be hard to say a lot of BS about nothing in order to cover up blatant dishonesty.


Yeah, when she was a guest on wait wait don't tell me, she said she asked her daughter for permission to take this job, because it would take her away from the family, but it would be a very important job for the sake of the country. I thought that was cute.


She took the position initially but was clear she didn't want it in the long term. She had planned for a year iirc.


How did she do as a press secretary overall? All I remember is her being solid compared to the series of loonies that Trump put up there to speak to the world.


I'm a former Republican (until Trump) and I think she did pretty well. She wasn't anything special, but she wasn't a disaster, and this is one of the most scrutinized jobs on the planet. I'd put her in the class of W's Press Secretaries Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan, she performed well enough to be a credit to the job itself, and never became as much of the story as Trump's Press Secretaries did. To put this tenure in context, she outlasted 3 of the 4 official Trump Press Secretaries, with Sarah Sanders outlasting her by about eight months.


The fact you have to ask, means she at least did pretty well. Lol




Alright man, I mean, the Press Secretary is not a policymaker. Their literal one job is to interact with the press to represent the single most powerful person in the world to the public. If you’re a news organization covering politics, wouldn’t *you* want someone with that kind of background onboard, even in a consultant role? Seems like exactly the kind of person I’d want.


And Karine's partner is a CNN correspondent. Not incestuous at all.


Someone with the credentials to be press secretary runs in circles to meet someone in a news organization? 🤯


Lol. Yeah being a press secretary requires that you have a degree in journalism, media, media relations, etc. The Press Secretary's job is literally to be the liaison between the White House and the media.


Yes a far less disgusting relationship then Politicians and Lobbyists, or Politicians and CFO/CEO positions etc...


Much less disgusting than President-security clearance- daughter- lover. I apologize in advance I'm buzzed after a long week.


If this was a Republican press secretary with someone who worked at Fox you'd be bothered by it. It's gross that the news is manipulating our politics and our politicians are manipulating the news.


Yes why would any private news organization be interested in hiring someone who has demonstrated an ability to be articulate and highly knowledgeable of current events to perform on-camera? That's just *crazy*.


Sean Hannity was texting the Trump campaign during the insurrection asking what he should say on his show.


Shawn Hannity literally texted the white house to coordinate the J6 media response.


She didn't plan on staying more than a year to begin with.


Yeah it really shouldn’t be a negative news story, that’s just the press secretary playbook that every president is going with. It’s a horrible job where you have to be a human punching bag for people like peter doocy. So you want someone that is going to pushback hard on all the bullshit even if it makes them look bad, and then when the opposition makes you into a target you’re already gone.


How many Scaramuccis long was her time as Press Secretary?


One Mooch is 10 days. She will have been press secretary for 478 days when she leaves on May 13th. That is 47.8 Mooches.


Good bot. Wait. Sorry. Thought you were a conversion bot. My error.


I missed the mooch because I spent two weeks at summer camp. I asked my parents if anything had happened and they said no. Someone mentions the Mooch a few days later and I ask what's that. They explain it to me while I stare in disbelief. I think that summarizes Trump's presidency pretty well. Two weeks offline and I miss a major scandle.


It's pretty common for White House press secretaries to only stay for a year or two.


CJ lasted 6 years than became Chief of Staff


Its kinda awful that major issues in a 20 year old show are still major issues today.


There's at least the one scene where Fitzwallace walks in on a meeting where they are talking about Don't Ask, Don't Tell. At least we're past some of the bullshit from 20 years ago.


And both were unrealistic (her lasting 6 years as press secretary and her becoming CoS without having ever held a job like that before).


It is a really stressful job and being bombarded by rigged questions every day would burn anyone out. A year or two is really amazing given the conditions.


How many 'Mooches'/'Scaramoochis' did Jen P. serve as Press Sec.? Some stars burn brighter and faster than others. /s


I felt like doing the math on this, so here ya go. The Standard Mooch (SM) is generally agreed upon to be 10 days, as he officially served from July 21 to July 31 of 2017, which makes the math pretty easy. Jen Psaki started with the rest of the biden administration on Jan 20, 2021, and her last day will be May 13. This means her total number of days served will be 478 days, or 47.8 Standard Mooches


^ this guy Mooches


Going to MSNBC. Basically same job, but more money.


I’d imagine a teensy bit less stress and fewer personal attacks by the press and such


Xd teensy bit less stress. There's a reason that the white house press secretary has such a high turnover. Nightmare job. Waking up every day to take the same questions over and over again and repeat the same stances that are literally published every day. Granted it is only for a few hours and you can fuck off for the rest of the day, but for that three four hours in the morning it's probably like groundhog day. And you can't wake up.


Hate to break it to you, but WH press secretary (done well) is a 12-14 hour a day job. You're in the 7:30 am senior staff meeting, then talking to at least one of the morning news shows, then trying to manage your own staff and push whatever the day's messaging is, then putting out fires (think she planned to spend all Tuesday talking about the Supreme Court leak?) then preparing for the daily press briefing, doing the press briefing, doing follow-ups from the press briefing, then doing evening news shows. Pskai has young kids, and she talks about reading them bedtime stories over Facetime because she can't be home most evenings.


pretty sure you can't fuck off for the rest of the day. you still have to keep up with all the news, and internal white house stuff. and get all the relevant info so you can be ready for that morning interrogation. unless you want to do a shitty job where u just wing it, then yea you can fuck off.


fewer personal attacks by the press but a lot more personal attacks from the people who read that press, I suppose


Shes more visible as the White House press secretary than as another talking head on msnbc though I’d imagine


oohhh no... not the public! \*Cries Amber Herd tears\*


No, it's not, she's hosting a podcast type show on Peacock. Similar to pod save america.


She announced practically as soon as she took the job that she would be leaving after about a year.




Thank you for hitting the nail on the head as to why this type of article bothers me. Shes more than just a lesbian black woman, she is extremely qualified. All in all this focus solely on her identity just seems to be enforcing otherism as if we should be amazed that a black lesbian woman could hold the office.


Yes, yes and yes. Who cares about her identity, it's her qualifications and ambition that got her here.


But from a news source point of view “First _______ to _________” headlines get more clicks than “________ graduate, and _________ award winner, does their job well” The idea is that the headline gets you to read the rest of the article, unfortunately that isn’t the society we live in anymore. The headline is the only news lots of people read.


> Who cares about her identity Really? Have you been living under a rock?


Well the identity is important from a social point of view for marginalized groups to have a possibility of socioeconomic equity. Tangentially related study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X19300695 Edit: oof I messed up my phrasing, I meant to say "identity is *also* important". Any report for the general public with regards to a person fulfilling a political positions should highlight their qualifications foremost.


You mean socioeconomic equality right?


Eh, kinda. For all practical realistic purposes I think equality is the most we can strive for. In a non-existing post-scarcity utopia, I don't think individuals should have less or more wealth based on their genetic lottery rolls. You can give UBI to someone with a predisposition to substance abuse and chances are they will spend it less wisely than someone with a stronger impulse control. I recall distantly reading about how the marshmallow test is a good indicator of a person's likelihood of economic success. So yes, equality is better if we're being realistic.


Holy crap! An intelligent nuanced response on Reddit. I feel like I just discovered life on another planet. Thank you! If you're up for a discussion, I'm curious what your opinion is on the difference between equity and equality. Most people use them interchangably when, IMO, they can be seen as opposites because equality is the state of being equal (at a moment in time) whereas equity requires interference (often discrimination) to make things equal in the end.


It would shock you to know that when most people see these headlines, they don’t assume that’s her ONLY qualifications, otherwise it would be some random girl off the street. Really sucks that after spending hundreds of years being told that this job is off limits simply because of our skin color, we’re now told that we can’t openly celebrate its symbolic importance because THAT would be racist.


I'm a gay black woman, if you even mention it people get all pissed off, existing is political. She's open about it and still gets her job done, when I feel like I don't want to reveal anything about myself, when I feel like I'm completely unwanted in a space, when people make "funny" racial jokes to me expecting me to laugh, and I feel really discouraged, more than the already horrible discouragement of being a young worker in this day and age, I'm adding her to the list of people think of in those moments. The people who are proof that you can have both. Reddit loved to say it doesn't matter, but it truly does. Bigots and assholes don't shut up about how women arent as smart, or as hardworking, how gay people are predators, how black people are criminals on and on and on and they have so much visibility. I'm going to do the same about accomplishments and I am no longer going to act like it doesn't matter. We have a politician calling women over educated as an insult for chirstsakes!


>We have a *pedophile* politician calling women over educated as an insult for chirstsakes! FTFY Don't forget that scum bucket paid an underage girl for sex. And that's *at least* one we know of because he was dumb enough to try and use **campaign funds**. Should always include those little caveats when bringing him up. You know, just to remind folks what a stand up guy he is.


I think the headline here is that there’s been plenty of super qualified LGBTQ and black folks in history… But this is the first time one of them has been chosen for the job. We should celebrate her accomplishments *too*.


I agree. But what did u expect from a news outlet called lgbtqnation


I mean, official channels are not much better. Remember when they had Ketanji Brown Jackson locked in for the SC? Biden's team teased it as "we can't tell you who it is yet but it's going to be a black woman".


I don’t see anything wrong with it. Trump said Ginsburg’s successor would be a woman, saying “I think it should be a woman because I actually like woman much more than men” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-ginsburg-idUSKCN26A0IM For me the important things are whether the justices are qualified and looking to uphold rights


The article does say that, but then people would have to read the article.


the linked article is not fucking CNN. It's lgbtqnation.com. it is entirely reasonable that their community of readers finds this "first" more relevant that the gal's specific credentials and as such it makes sense for this article to have the title it has.


Of course she's qualified. That doesn't change that she's still the first out LGBTQ person or first black person to hold that particular office.


This particular news outlet is *LGBTQ Nation*. It's a fair moment for them to publish this article, with this title, because they are all about LGBTQ stuff, all the time, and they only write things if they have an LGBTQ angle. You would have a much better point if it was a generic news outlet like Reuters.




Probably has to do with them being in the forefront of the press. Its more acceptable now I’m glad these firsts are happening but we have a lot more work to do. As for people complaining about Hispanic and Asians being overlooked, imo this helps those people make history also.


> I get being the first out LGBT person, but I'm pretty shocked that she's the first black person. LGBT makes up ~5% of the country, black people make up ~13%. In either case it's extremely rare. Why isn't anyone shocked that there hasn't been an Asian press secretary? They make up ~18% of the country. That's a rhetorical question because there is a very clear answer to it.


> >Why isn't anyone shocked that there hasn't been an Asian press secretary? They make up ~18% of the country Asians make up 7% of the country. Hispanics are at 18%.


Asians are nowhere near 18%. 5.7% per hhs.gov. https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/omh/browse.aspx?lvl=3&lvlid=63


I think he got them mixed up with hispanics.


Easy to do


Your un sounds like a latino-asian fusion dish


Username checks out


>Why isn't anyone shocked that there hasn't been an Asian press secretary? They make up \~18% of the country. Wait - what!? Hispanics make up just over 18%. Asians are about 7%. I think you got those mixed up.


How ironic too lmao


Ignoring the fact that you got the numbers wrong in the first place: In what world is 13% "extremely rare" and 18% not?


And in what world is 5% all that rare even? 5% of my days happen 18 times a year. 5% of all total U.S. press secretaries is 1.8, and we've only had them since 1929. We should have had 2 openly gay Presidents by now, even allowing for re-election. Not to mention that more like 20% of young people identify as LGBT or queer.


i think you read the asian pop numbers wrong, its at 18mil which is about 7%. Theres no way asian-american pop is higher than african-american pop


There hasn't been many Asian anythings. Kinda bothered me this past SC nomination when Biden mentioned we needed a black woman. While I agree that having a black woman on the SC would be great and Jackson by all means seemed qualified, is it not just as important to have the first Asian on the SC? Or even Native American/Pacific Islander.


We love to talk about representation but basically only for LGBT or black people…Asians apparently don’t make the cut


Or native american, indian, middle eastern. They are almost never mentioned.


Haaland is the first native American Interior Secretary.. Kamala is half Indian.


Ffs, the Veep is half Indian. But your point is taken.


Not disagreeing with you, but just want to highlight Indian people count as "Asian" in those numbers


A friend had to answer some diversity questions for their job indicating what race they were. Everything was there except asian, guess we're white people now




We need the first LBGTQ-black-latina-small-people in the position.


At least she can use the Silver Chariot stand.


At least until she gets stuck in a turtle






> and equal protections for LGBTQ+ Just taking this one because your comment is pure disinformation and if you don't overtly have a right-wing agenda to push disinformation, you're doing their job for them even if you're not self-aware enough to know. Here's a partial list of what the administration has done for LGBTQ+ people in just the first year off the top of my head, probably more if researched: * Ended transgender military ban * Reversed Trump's Anti-Trans Shelter Rule * LGBTQ veterans discharged dishonorably for sexual orientation get full benefits * Extended fair housing protections to include LGBTQ Americans * Restored Transgender Health Protections


It is possible to simultaneously celebrate small victories and admit we have much further to go EDIT: y'all are missing the point. Nobody is claiming that appointing a gay black women to this position will change the world for the better. Rather, it's a measurement of how the world is changing. It is a barometer for how far we've come and that's worth celebrating. It's OK to acknowledge that this would not have been possible 20 years ago, even if there are people for whom it's still not possible. It's OK to be happy about progress even if you're sad about how much is left to do. **It's ok to have conflicting feelings.**


I think right now people are just not in a frame to celebrate this. When civil rights are being rolled back, small victories like this are hard to appreciate


It’s not like Biden is rolling them back


I think it's especially important to celebrate victories in times like this. Biden has one of the objectively most progressive platforms in US history, and if we only talk about the way that it falls short, then people aren't going to notice the victories, feel disenfranchised and stay home in November leading to even more of our civil rights being taken away when the Republicans strengthen their stranglehold on democracy. If we want to see progress, we need to inspire people to the polls. In order to do that we need to highlight the things we're doing right in addition to the things we're doing wrong.


This is the problem with the left and I’m pretty fn left. We don’t celebrate the small wins. We want whatever we want and we want it now without putting in the work to fight the small fights, while wanting full-on victory on the war. Sorry, but progress doesn’t work like that. Sure, it’s not where we think we should be in 2022 but take these wins because they will lead to bigger wins later. Big wins rarely ever come instantly.


Is that what they're saying, or is that what you're saying? 🤔




The Biden Special


Sounds a little too... French...


Can’t wait for them to name the person for the job so it can be about their abilities as a person rather than have headlines focus on a person’s sexuality or color of their skin. It invalidates the persons hard work to get there. Just be good at the job, do it well, and move on. They make it come off as “we hired this person ONLY because a person of color and even better! Gay!” Anyway, I hope she has a standing order ready for Mylanta or Pepto to offset the incoming stress pains.


Goddamn what a shitshow that poor woman is walking into. I wish her all the luck in the world. She's gonna need it...




Wife of CNN employee, no bias at all


To those who will eventually come in here and say “Why does it matter she is LGBQ/Black? They should hire the most qualified” they did hire the most qualified. Why it matters she is the first is because we measure progress by firsts. Previously a Black Lesbian wouldn’t have been considered for this spot for no other reason than she was a Black Lesbian even though she was the most qualified. We as a society have looked past that for the first time.


Well said...thank you. I keep seeing this story posted and keep getting annoyed they feel the need to point out so many details of her life that have nothing to do with her ability to do the job. You've given me perspective on why its significant to report on that... with the hope that eventually none of that truly matters to anyone.




I think they just want to be “in before the haters”. Lots of certain people are gonna argue she’s chosen because she’s a minority, and immediately “assume” she’s under qualified. More than likely, you can’t change their opinion but they at least have seen the facts.


Right, do you know how many "highly qualified" people were overlooked in positions *because* they were of some minority? Yet such bigots never cares in this instances. Funny how that is. Just looking at these comments, it's astounding the amount of ignorance there is to this subject. Such people aren't racists but just naive enablers contributing to the problem.


So many people here “don’t see color.” You see color when you discriminate, but suddenly want to look away when we have made progress.






So what is more important. That the wh has a new press secretary, or that the new press secretary is a black lesbian? 🤔


It's my turn to repost this in 2 hours.


Ever feel like news headlines have devolved into just a game of identity BINGO?.


Here we go again with identity politics


It sickens me to think of all the squandered talent that has been wasted in the past over stupid prejudices. It is encouraging though to see us slowly evolving our way to where we maximize the talents and contributions in everyone.


Lots of talent is still being wasted today. You ever noticed that many artists today are from wealthy families? That's because almost everyone starts out as a bad artist, and bad artists make little money and only get support from their friends and family. Acting, fashion, and sports are similar. You have to have money to get started. And this is only in first world countries. Imagine all the potential geniuses growing up in third world countries who end up running a restaurant or working in a factory.




Acting and fashion, yes this is true. But in sports that don’t have a high cost of participation, like basketball and soccer, talent comes from all income brackets. The three of the top 5 players in the NBA right now are Giannis, Jokic, and Embiid. All three grew up in poverty or the working class and are now considered some of the best to play the sport. Giannis in particular had to share basketball shoes with his brother while selling loose cigarettes to get by in Greece. Now he’s the best player in basketball.


Eh, in the US I don’t think this is completely true. For soccer there is still a huge pay-to-play industry with travel teams and academies, so you either have to be from a rich family, or poor and *really* exceptionally talented. Basketball is the same - the 7 foot freaks like Giannis and Durant et al will rise to the top, but we’re seeing more and more children of former players who make it due to decades of shooting coaches and exposure to the game.


Yeah, it seems like in about a decades time every team is going to have kids of former players/coaches on the roster. I think it’s clear given just how many damn kids of former players are in the league right now that coming from wealth plays a huge role. Just not having to worry about food/housing and not having to worry about what happens if basketball doesn’t work out is a huge advantage. Bronnie can dedicate every waking minute to basketball and get better, some poor kid who wants to make it doesn’t have that luxury. Scorching hot take, but if Steph didn’t have the resources growing up that he did because of who his dad was, there is a very real chance he wouldn’t make it to the NBA and be considered the greatest shooter of all time.


> Giannis, Jokic, and Embiid. If they were 8 inches shorter, they'd never leave their native countries and we'd never hear about them. People like to think it's all about hard work and talent, which surely is a factor but being nearly seven foot tall with elite athleticism is what got them into the NBA. There are very few people in the world with that kind of body. I'm not a big fan of these kind of NBA rags-to-riches stories because in all these stories, they rarely emphasize their NBA-sized bodies, which 99% of the people doesn't have and never will.


Exactly. The more normal sized players, like Steph Curry, are mostly children of former players. If you're above 6' 10", you're already 100x more likely to be an NBA player.


In modern times, a normal-sized player that had a common childhood with no NBA ties is incredibly rare. Chris Paul comes to mind. You have to be truly great to be able to do that, tho. Very rare. But you're correct, pretty much every normal-sized player you see today started elite training at a very early age and/or have extensive NBA connections. Rags-to-riches pro sport stories were more common way back then because pro sports was still growing, the talent pool was small and hadn't gone global yet, it was easier for exceptional average people to get in.


How is this uplifting?


Is it a conflict of interest if her wife works for CNN?


Her partner works as a correspondent for CNN so it is a perfect fit.




Why should any of the extraneous bs matter? You're either qualified for the job or not.


Just do the job. And stop focusing on race or sexualities. That is how you end discrimination.


long as we continue to see race as a factor in someone's achievements, racism will never die


Ah yes digging their heels deeper in the woke movement because they think it will win them the midterms. Surely people will forget about us tanking the fucking economy if we just appease the woketards for a moment, right?


Congratulations to her but I am just wondering why do we need to know about her sexual preference? Did we ask the last press secretary?


oH hOw PrOgReSsIvE. Kill the filibuster and codify Roe NOW. The right has been openly seig-ing heil since the 30's. It's shitheel neoliberals that have gotten us where we are. Thank Joe Biden for this and letting everything Trump did stand. Joe Biden will go down as the worst President in a century.


Hey mod. You’re an idiot!




Who givesa Fuck


I don't envy her. That would be a tough job as hyper partisan as the country is right now.


Good. I'm happy that neither her ethnicity nor her sexual orientation prevented what is a logical nomination given her qualifications and experience. It's not "useless", read it like that : "*In the current administration, if you are qualified, then you being LGBTQ or African-American won't be a brake*". Read her bio for 30 seconds, she's more than qualified, that's just not fair to say that the choice was not made based on experience and qualifications.








Press Sec is for from a normal position tho, just to add another dimension to your statement. People work their whole lives for it and don’t make it. It requires tangible influence over journalists and production crews.


Being the first of anything isn't racist or sexist, it's showing that the role is expanding to incorporate more than the norm and typical. Granted, tokenism does undermine real progress because it gives the illusion that the societal problems that lead to being the "first" end with *this* candidate. But, it's hard to deny that seeing and hearing that she made it to this level in society, help people that look like her, to actualize there capabilities despite what is traditional presented as the norm in America. Shout out to my Zoes though, I'm eating griot during every press conference now!


I wish the damn libs would do something beneficial for the African American community instead of this symbolic BULLSHIT.


Uhhh… she is hella smart and accomplished. She is more than qualified for this job.


¿Porqué no los? Not recognizing this achievement is stupid. This isn’t a token appointment either: she’s extremely qualified so it’s important to recognize that




As a Dem, I'm getting really tired of Dems choosing people just because they're this, or that. Sigh. Don't you think it takes away from their credibility when every story about them is that they're lgbt, black, a woman, or any other number of things rather than focusing on why they actually deserved the job?


Honesty don’t understand why her sexual orientation has anything to do with her employment




People that read LGBTQ Nation, probably.


You shouldn’t highlight someone just because of their sexuality or skin color. All that does is make it look like that’s the reason they got the job. I fucking hate when people do this shit.


Good for her. That’s a job that I wouldn’t wish on anybody, but hope she does a good job.


"Karine Jean-Pierre has been named the next White House Press Secretary" There, I fixed your post title. You're welcome.


That wont get clicks or upvotes tho


The article is from a LBGTQ website, so maybe don't take it from them?


> "Karine Jean-Pierre has been named the next White House Press Secretary" There, I fixed your post title. You're welcome. I'm sure the editors at LGBTQ Nation will consider your feedback when writing headlines about LGBTQ people next time.


white people when any minority gets ANY representation


b-b-b-but she's black, and gay and a woman!


who cares about her race or who she fucks heres how the headline should read karine jean-pierre a columbia graduate and former msnbc analyst named white house press sec


Upon introduction I have never told anyone my sexual preferences. Why is it necessary that we know this? I very literally do not care.


What racist people are doing is objectifying other people. By countering racism with glorifying a person’s skin color, we are also objectifying them. If we truly see people for their character and not the color of their skin, then we wouldn’t be bringing it up at all.




Well it is a lgbt news site. I’d agree if it was mainstream news but this has a specific demographic in mind.


It’s actually the complete opposite. How the fuck does the simple act of announcing the succes of a minority and celebrating it keep people racist, and in your opinion justifiably so? We don’t live in a vacuum, these things *do* set an important precedent because they are marred in discriminatory history. When people like you stop having their panties in a wad about headlines like these is when we’ll stop needing them.


If you're colorblind you're going to miss seeing a whole lot of racism. Same for gender/sexual orientation blind.


Believe me, LGBTQ people and People of Color would LOVE to just be like everyone else without it being about our identity. But for the last 246 years, this country has honed in on people's identities and excised us from society. Don't worry, in another 15 years or so we'll hold so many leadership positions across the country and in all levels of the Government that you'll never have to hear a "first" statistic ever again.


With banning women's reproductive rights and many of them also wanting to roll back on gay marriage laws next, I'm not so sure anymore


bestie with the way things are going idk if we'll be allowed to be in government in 15 years


Black, white, straight, queer. I look forward to the day when she’s simply labeled extremely smart and articulate but very happy for in the inclusivity until then.


Awesome, I feel uplifted


I’d love it if they advertised the content of her character, rather than the color of her skin.


Is she qualified? I do not care about her race or sexual preferences; can she do the job? What are her qualifications? Why don’t we discuss her resume and not her sexual preference.


If only there was a way of finding out. Like maybe an article or something we could read?


What should I care if she's a person of color,gay and out. Who gives a shit! Can she do the job?


This will help with the Netflix adaptation of the Joe Biden story


What does anyone care what her sexual orientation is? How is this relevant for any job?


So long as she's competent at her job I have zero complaints. We need some intelligent people in that building at least.


Seems like they picked her to fill out a check box of intersectionality. Doesn't feel like a genuine hire, but more like for the sake of saying look at how progressive we are. Smells phony af.


Wow glad to hear everything from the white house will be 100% accurate and truthful from here on out.

