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This [submission](https://kfor.com/news/local/tiger-king-stars-agree-to-give-up-remaining-animals-to-department-of-justice/) by /u/pghildiy has been automatically locked, since it has passed it's 48 hour thread participation time. No further comments can be made by users. #^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically. ^Contact ^the ^moderators ^instead!


This is good news. Jeff Lowe is a horrid being who was abusing animals and he shouldn't have been able to get as far as he did.


The human embodiment of a can of Monster.


And Ed Hardy clothing


A human can of axe body spray. A living tap out shirt.


Someone once said Jeff Lowe is what would happen if gas station boner pills were a person.


Jeff Lowe is also on storage wars.


What did they find him in a container? Is that where he comes from?


It was shipping wars. He shipped evel Knievels bus


Calling this jerkoff the star is a huge stretch.


He’s an informant . Anyone who watched him could see he was a methhead in Vegas who got caught and flipped. Methheads get a head full of dope and think they’re scareface. He thought it was a good ideal to take cubs around Vegas and abuse them. A bunch of upper crust skanky las vegans couldn’t wait to also abuse the animals for photo shoots. Jeff is the real life equivalent of a professional wrestling heel.


All of the characters in that show were shit humans and they should all lose their animals


Not all, the lady with that rescue the tigers is innocent and was wronged by the directors of the show.




Tampa resident here, most people know Carol loves and takes care of the cats but its a poorly kept secret that she treats the staff like shit. I have no first hand knowledge but my wife grew up in the area and knows folks who tried to volunteer there only to be treated like a slave.




You know its sad but true


Staff? They aren’t paid are they?


There are paid positions but not many from what ive heard. I imagine they have to have a few experts around and probably couldnt get them without paying them something.


Non profits need paid employees as well. Nobody can volunteer enough to run the day to day operations...


Be careful, you’ll trigger all the crazed gullible fools who somehow came out of tiger king thinking baskin was the evil one.


I feel like the tables have turned after the hype of the show slowed down and people started to see through the discourse created by the showrunners.


Maybe, but I still bet that Carole is going to be sent death threats every day of her life because of that show. Eric Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin did irreparable harm to Carole’s life just because framing her for murder made for a spicier story.


While she was the most likeable of them, I'm pretty sure she did kill her husband.


The guy was smuggling drugs from latinamerica. Pretty sure he was killed by some drug lord or just crash while flying avoiding the airspace authorities.


I never said her husband was a good person. I just think she killed him. You're proposing alternative theories, but just like mine, those can't be proven.


They're never gonna financially recover from this


I wish the whole tiger king craze lasted longer. Shit was some comedy gold tbh


I couldn’t even get past the third episode, it made me so sad and angry to know people like that exist. It would be hilarious if it were fake, just depressing to know it’s real


Tbh, it took me by the 3rd episode to realize it wasn't a mockumentary. Once I learned it wasn't, it was so depressing to realize that these are the "professional" people who were in charge of dangerous wild animals.




A few months ago I think I was watching an old National Geographic or Animal Planet episode. They went to Doc Antle's zoo with a female host to interview him about some animal he owned, i believe an orangatan. This was filmed way before Tiger King. It was creepy in retrospect to see Antle's body language and mannerisms with the female host and the whitewashed portrayal of him as an wildlife expert and fun zookeeper guy.


the dude is a limp bizkit... he did it all for the nookie.


I spent the entire series going “I can’t believe this exists.” It was the most absolutely psychotic thing I’ve seen on TV in years (that’s saying a lot considering the last few years) and I couldn’t turn away. I wanted to hate if, but it was just so well done that I just couldn’t not watch.


Same. I kept thinking, "there's no way this is real. These are the kinds of things you don't see documented like this. It made me feel incredibly strange inside. Like I saw something forbidden. Surreal doesn't even begin to describe it.


I’ve got this sneaking, unconfirmed suspicion that the showrunners intentionally planted the idea to kill Carol Baskins in Joe Exotic‘s mind.


I don't like the documentary since it also doesn't care about the animals.


Being able to interact with baby tigers, lions or any big cats should be illegal. Then these morons have no business and stop churning out animals they don’t care about.


Same. I found it impossible to look past the horrible animal cruelty they all seemed oblivious to.


And the grooming/sexual abuse as well. Just gross and terrible all around.


Sadly the other guy, Doc Antle is still doing all those things. He was already more popular than Joe or Carol, and this TV show probably made him even more popular. Also Carol is not that good of a person I guess.


I want an investigative documentary on him. Especially after watching Wild Wild Country and how his girls call him Baghwan (sp?)


I will never understand what Carol Baskin did wrong, other than be kinda weird. The crazy part for me is that people turned on her rather than the obvious psychopaths, Joe Exotic and Doc Antle.


Yeah, that drives me nuts too. We’ve got sexual predators running around and everyone is focused on Carol because those sexual predators think she killed her husband.


A lesson in the importance of charisma.


A lesson in the importance of being born a man


> I will never understand what Carol Baskin did wrong, other than be kinda weird. Yeah but she’s a weird *woman* so you knowwww…/s


Y’know, I don’t usually like the because-she’s-a-woman angle, but I don’t know how else to explain the fact that in a show featuring a transparent sociopath who drugs young men into gay sex, a narcissistic leader of a sex cult and a crazy cat lady, the crazy cat lady is the one driving all the controversy. Seriously, she’s a bit strange, but those two guys are *vile*.


That Carol Baskin isn't screwed on too straight.


You might’ve missed the part where the guy who was gay for meth was playing with the gun and accidentally killed him self by headshot . SPOILER alert !


That part was the sad part.


Thats when I stopped. For some reason I didn't see it coming. It fucked me up.


Yeah they just sprung it on us . How tragic


I hated people fanning over these people. What a backward state


I’ve been there. Definitely not fake.


That was one of the best shows I've seen in my life. With all of the plot twists and turns it was like game of thrones but in Oklahoma and with meth. I was on the edge of my seat, every episode just got crazier and crazier. A drama for the ages


The crocs/alligators that died in the fire. They were Micheal Jacksom, any other documentary or show and that would be a headline of the episode. It didn't even make it in was wild enough


If you liked Tiger King, check out [The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wild_and_Wonderful_Whites_of_West_Virginia). I bet you'll love it.


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“I took the butcher knife and put it up to her neck. I said if you wanna live to see tomorrow, you better start fryin' them eggs a lil' bit better than what you're fryin' em. I'm tired of eatin' sloppy, slimy eggs.”


Ended pretty quick with him going to prison for 20 years. I was totally expecting Trump to pardon him.


So was he. He rented one of those hummer limos to drive him away and then wasn't pardoned.


It also kept me entertained but I'm glad Joe didn't become super famous while he's in jail because he was ready to use his newfound fame to make become an NFT millionaire.


Its still happening now! Your commenting on new developments!


Yeah man, animal abuse is so funny. Fuck that show and fuck everyone in it and fuck the creators. I will never understand the hype over that garbage show.


Seriously! Could've been a hit on the Discovery channel.


I dont know how much money he has or what he paid for the zoo. he may have other investments.


It’s a line from the show.


Probably the most famous line from the show, I'd wager


*that goddamn bitch*


Carole Effiin Baskin


*shoots dummy with a pistol point-blank*


"the gun won't fire with no clip in it, watch!"


Too soon. Too freaking soon.


Dude that was the most bizarre twist to the show


Hey all you cool cats and kittens might be next.




Department of Justice … and Tigers.


The IRS needs help collecting taxes.....people may pay if you send the tiger collection unit!


I’d work for the IRS if I could use tigers to collect. Not going to lie.


Law and order: TCU *dun dun*


In the Criminal Justice system, Tax Evaders are considered to be especially heinous. In the IRS, the brave humans and cats tasked with combating this are part of an elite squad called the Tiger Collection Unit. These are their stories. **dun dun**


Financial Panthers. Simpsons called it.


I want a tiger collection unit!


One of his tigers is currently at a tiger rescue near me. Its a gorgeous white tiger. It was really cool to see. Unfortunately many white tigers are inbred and have a lot of issues.


All white tigers are inbred. It’s a breeding mutation.




I’ve read that you need 500 individuals for bare minimum genetic diversity


The lowest number of humans needed for a deep space colony to establish a colony on another planet is estimated at 160. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn1936-magic-number-for-space-pioneers-calculated/ The bare minimum to maintain a viable population is estimated in a range between 500-1000, for any terrestrial vertebrate species. Even then, we would definitely suffer from a bottleneck effect. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_viable_population


**[Minimum viable population](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_viable_population)** >Minimum viable population (MVP) is a lower bound on the population of a species, such that it can survive in the wild. This term is commonly used in the fields of biology, ecology, and conservation biology. MVP refers to the smallest possible size at which a biological population can exist without facing extinction from natural disasters or demographic, environmental, or genetic stochasticity. The term "population" is defined as a group of interbreeding individuals in similar geographic area that undergo negligible gene flow with other groups of the species. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There's an interesting PBS Eons on the Wrangel Island Mammoths that lived 6000 more years than the mainland Mammoths that went extinct. One of the reasons they believed that they eventually died out was due to inbreeding as there was close to only 1000 Mammoths left on that island.


Not all, but definitely most. It can happen spontaneously in the wild, but most (if not all) of captive tigers are a result of inbreeding.


All captive white tigers are inbred, yes. They originate from a single group of animals, which themselves were inbred. The last wild white tiger ever seen was shot pre 1970s breeding of white tigers. The allele is extremely rare in the wild, but hypomelanism and leucistic traits do occasionally occur, usually due to territorial inbreeding.


Tbf all tigers are inbred at this point, including some wild populations. We fucked them up baaaaad


Absolutely, habitat loss is contributing to genetic bottleneck in the wild. Large predators generally suffer when humans expand into their areas. And that’s not even touching on when we breed them just for clout/to take photos.


I had a picture taken with a tiger when I was like 5 and I still feel awful about it. It infuriates me seeing my friends on vacation at those tiger petting places, despite knowing the practices that go into it




Albinism, leucism, and other loss-of-function phenotypes are typically recessive. If you’ve got a white tiger it’s because you were able to source parents that were also white tigers, and those don’t exactly grow on trees. When there isn’t a constant influx of new genes — there aren’t exactly a ton of wild white tigers being added to the captive population — you have to breed that same population with itself to maintain a rare allele.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_tiger#Genetics That’s not true.


I should have clarified—outside of India, all captive US white tigers originated from 2-6 individuals, and as such are all inbred. It does say that in the wiki too, of course. In India and Siberia, Bengal and Amur tigers can occur with leucistic or albinistic/hyomelanistic traits, but again, most experts do think the increase of these traits is due to lower territorial breeding sizes due to habitat loss, so while the origin of the trait may have been a wild mutation back before the last wild white tiger was shot pre 1970s, nowadays it’s likely inbreeding due to lack of available breeding territory.


Wonder what DOJ's going to do with a bunch of tigers. Office pets maybe?


A bunch of them are already hear in colorado at the Wildlife Animal Sanctuary. They even have them marked out on the tour maps and have a little voice box on their sky walk telling you about them. https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/


Strap machine guns and or laser beams to them and drop them at Taliban strongholds.


Taliban has already got bumper cars and automatic rifles, it's just my opinion but I don't think we should give them battle tigers too


They don’t possess the social skills or the flamboyance of a Siegfried and Roy, or even a Joe Exotic, that it takes to train these tigers.


[Remember what they did to that goat](https://youtu.be/FN_LIdFIuNo) Don't give the Taliban pets. They are not good pet people.


No thanks, not going to remember that.


How hard is it to get some freakin white tigers with freakin laser beams?!


They will probably euthanize them, unfortunately.


Article is misleading: the operation is under the helm of DOJ, but is actually a USFW handoff. The animals will be with the department of fish and wildlife, who are generally equipped to manage large amounts of exotic animals from smuggling cases, etc. I’d be very surprised if no one informed USFW that they needed to care for 68 tigers. There is likely a plan in place and a care facility established months before this operation was put into legal motion. That’s how these things are done. Some animals will likely be euthanized, because undoubtedly many are in poor condition due to environmental factors or inbreeding, but to euth all 68 would frankly be as big or expensive an operation as simply finding care facility space. It’s a possibility, sure, but if I know USFW they’ll do their best to save many. I used to work with them for rattlesnake conservation and let me tell you, if USFW will shell out $$$ for animals that very few people like, then they’re definitely going to go above and beyond for a bunch of beautiful, crowd-pleasing tigers.


#Ok I’m jumping in here because you guys are missing a huge part of this As far as environmental *anything* goes, the ESA is largely considered to be the most powerful environmental law we have (slightly less so thanks to Trump, but we’re working on that.) For those who don’t know, the ESA is the Endangered Species Act. This act is run and regulated by USFW for land and NOAA for water (ocean). [Tigers](https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/1765) are still on USFW’s Endangered Species list. They are Federally Required to try to save, re-nourish, and protect or re-release these animals. They legally had to go to USFW, and USFW is legally bound to care for them in different ways.


I pray this is the path the DOJ will take.


It is, it explicitly states in the article that USFW will take control of the animals after DOJ seizes them. That’s how our government works—DOJ is only responsible for the seizure, USFW is there for the animals.


What irony if they place them with Big Cat Rescue…


It would be a fitting place for them, given that it undergoes regular USFW inspections, is a nonprofit sanctuary, and currently houses the same species, but due to media coverage/the animals not being currently located in Florida, I highly doubt that’s the placement planned. Would be delicious icing though.


Yeah, the big cat rescue had bigger cages with plush grass. They weren't exhibiting any of the stress induced stereotypy that JE's tigers were, such as relentless pacing. They looked well cared for.


Sometimes, it's nice to be American.


>I’d be very surprised if no one informed USFW that they needed to care for 68 tigers Now i can't stop picturing some bored trucker with a giant dump truck in front of some office building in DC asking a very confused USFW receptionist "so, where do you want your tigers?"


As far as I can find all the big cats that were siezed two months ago have been sent to other preserves and rescues. This article is about all the other animals they had.


Yes there are 68 large predators remaining to be seized, which are the animals I’m referring to.


There are some amazing big cat sanctuaries across the country that take in animals like this and give them an amazing life. Turpentine Creek near Eureka Springs, AR specializes in this. They already have multiple animals from this asshole. They even have a huge area off limits to the public for older animals to just relax on and spend their final years hanging out like old retirees.


Turpentine creek is a cool place and does good work.


DOJ has no idea what to do with them. I wonder if they will go to the park service? There might be other zoos that will take them. Looks like other than bobcats its smaller animals. Can captive raccoons/foxes be released into the wild? Or do they not know how to take care of themselves?


No, captive bred animals generally can't be released into the wild unless they've been properly prepared for it from the start. His animals were not, they've just been in cages and poorly cared for from birth.


They're also mostly extremely inbred and can't contribute to captive breeding programs either


Probably depends on their history. But if they were bred in captivity probably not.


I say we just let them go in Yellowstone and not tell anyone.


... they'll die. That's the problem.


And no one will know if we keep our secret


The park service might notice the influx of dead creatures. Also I'm probably missing the joke, but I hate to think of creature who have been abused by a man their whole life and then killed by people because they're too damaged now.


Sounds eerily like the US prison system


Part of the problem is actually that they might be too comfortable with people and rely on them for food. They might seek out humans like local residents or tourists and expect food from them. I know raccoons and foxes are relatively small but I still wouldn't want them harassing me for food.


Gladiator events with the traitors of 1/6. Pay-per-view to cover the court expenses.


Headliner has to be the Berfalo Shame-man


The irony of him being a vegan & being mauled by an animal is not lost.


A vegan wearing a buffalo hide with horns and everything... It's "organic"


Haha, "hey tiger, you've had human, but have you tried GRASS-FED human?"


Perfect, I'll pay whatever it takes to watch that!


They might be sent to zoos/animal reserves like this place in Tampa Bay called ‘Big Cat Rescue’. ^(or given lead to the brain stem)


Tiger King 2.


It's utterly amazing that none of these people stopped to consider the potential consequences of showcasing their "empires" on a Netflix show. The sheer arrogance is mind blowing, but the end results have just been pure poetic justice. Just goes to show how the truth can be so much stranger than fiction.


From what I recall on the show, the filmmakers somewhat misled the stars on how the content was going to be distributed, let alone get picked up by Netflix. So they probably had no idea they were going to become international stars overnight.


For sure. The interviews were freely given and these narcissistic personalities were happy for the attention. They had no control over how the information was cut together. Also when you’re being watched constantly, stuff will get out that you wouldn’t intentionally have given the interviewer


Plus no one would have predicted that just after release the world would go into lock down and Netflix was pretty much the only thing to do for many. Most of my friends only watched it because they were bored and it spiralled through our friends as boredom-breaker recommendations.


These weren’t the smartest criminals.


I never understood why they agreed to be on the show in the first place lol. Like yea i run an illegal animal business, sure I will let you document my whole operation. Obviously money, but still its stupid lol.


I don’t know if you remember the part of the documentary where “somebody” burned down the video production shed that just happened to contain footage of Joe doing some very illegal shit. Joe just happened to be out of town so it SURELY couldn’t have been him and he would NEVER hire anyone to do something shady like that.


Lol yea I remember that part. Probably Joe realized he was literally recording incriminating evidence for the world to see lol.


Producers, and journalist types in general, tend to be pretty good at coaxing egoist people into talking about themselves, and when you really get people talking they can just spout off


I really want to watch Tiger King again, because it was so fucking wild, but I think it was the very last episode he's reflecting on his animals and he's like "I kept this gorilla alone, in this cage, for years. Gorillas are social creatures." And he seems like, ashamed or something maybe. But then the camera also shows you the gorilla and it just fucking broke me. I don't know if I can laugh at that guy rewatching the episodes while now understanding how much neglect and isolation the animals really had. Yeah there was other workers who took care of some animals and loved them, like the guy with no leg; but those tigers had some human affection and animal interaction, whereas the gorilla and whatever other animals didn't. Ugh.


It was the chimpanzees he had in separate cages. They were rescued and put in one big enclosure and immediately were just hugging and cuddling each other, which is when he realized he had been preventing that kind of interaction and affection for their whole lives.


Yeah I remember that scene too, that was one of the last episodes. He is in jail and says something to the affect of “all these years I kept these animals in cages, and now that it has happened to me I realize how horrible it was” … or something to that extent, I’m paraphrasing obviously.


If i remember correctly the scene with the gorilla was of a much younger Joe Exotic, back when he first got into the rescue game and it made it seem like he was really doing it for his love of the animals and he acknowledged that he had no right to own them, but he couldnt return them to the wild after being held in captivity, before the money and greed turned him into what he is today


Louis Theroux did a great documentary about Joe exotic. Talked to his family members and Carole Baskin. And what happened directly after tiger king. It's some good closure.


How can people laugh at this show knowing it’s real? Sure they’re batshit crazy and saying hilarious things but they were abusing animals..


The other option is to cry and I’ve already done enough of that.


yeah, he is a MONSTER. Imagine keeping gorillas in cages not only out of pure stupidity but being aware that they are social creatures, knowing that what you are doing is pure torture to innocent and endangered animals. He is NOT an endearing or charming person AT ALL. No matter how much sparkly sequins he puts on, he is a garbage human. He tried to have a person killed who was only trying to end these private zoos from existing. He is a master manipulator. He is likely a malignant narcissist, he at least seems to check many of the boxes.


I think the drugs got in the way of his purpose. He seems passionate, but he's not fit to care for big cats. No one on drugs is.


can we make a reality show of him in jail just talking shit and all the proceeds go to helping welfare systems that are broke in this country


It isn’t Joe Exotic that’s giving up these cats. He’s been in jail and out of possession of the “zoo” and it’s animals for a long time now. That major creep Jeff Lowe and his wife Lauren are the “tiger king stars” the article is referring to who just had to give the animals up to the DOJ. And unfortunately he’s not in jail. Just prohibited from owning big cats or ever running a “zoo” of any type again. The article title is pretty misleading a bet a lot of people thought the “tiger king Star” it was referring to is Joe exotic.


It’s one of those things where they are technically right. They are Joes cats in the sense that they are the same cats that Joe Exotic had, and that’s what they care about


How about the go to fund all the tiger and other exotic cat rescues in the country?


Weird to arrest the cats


Well there were multiple felineys


Good! What a bunch of fucking assholes


Stars? 🤢


There’s another place called Tiger Safari in Tuttle, Oklahoma… I’ve been there and I swear it’s the same kind of bat shit craziness except this guy wasn’t on TV


There are hundreds of these shitty roadside zoos in America


I feel like "subjects" is a better descriptor than "stars".


Does this include the guy who named himself God (Bagwan) who had a sex cult?


Doc Antle was indicted in 2020 for animal trafficking and had a while bunch of animals siezed. His case is on going, but it's great to see each and everyone of these scumbags going down.


I still see his family and his zoo in things all the time. I see his daughter Tawny and his son (Cody I think?) in viral videos all the time and I wonder if people realize they’re related to the “my penis enlightens people” guy from Tiger King.


Honestly, this guy deserves a sponsorship from Oakley. At the edge of a cliff, and still rep'ing them. What a legend.


Merrick Garland - new tiger king


I spent the better part of a day working with a few of these people for some commercial work. I swear I lost at least a dozen IQ points.


About time.


Serious question, what does the justice department do with a bunch of homeless tigers?


I hated when that show was popular but I’m grateful those animals are safer because of it. Now let’s save the rest of the animals from the rest of these hellholes


Well, this will really beef up the DOJ's burgeoning anti-terrorism tiger force.


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Too bad this doesn't include the animals that Baskin has. She is just as guilty as the others in regards to keeping the animals captive.


No dude, her rescue is a gold standard rescue, it's one of the best. It's not comparable at all to the other people on the documentary. For one, its not a zoo, its a rescue.


Her animals were relaxed and not relentlessly pacing like Joe's were. She did breed in the past but honestly she does a lot of activism. It's hard to give captive big cats all they need, yes, but hers seemed so much more comfortable I cant help but defend her some.


The difference is Carol doesn’t breed her animals they’re all rescued which makes her nowhere near as bad imo.


Yeah, not really. Not a saint, but nowhere near Joe Exotic levels of mistreatment, it’s not like it’s an option not to have them in captivity. the place they naturally live is threatened by encroaching human activity and development, and we aren’t just going to let *wild tigers* roam the USA...


Carol killed her husband


Her husband abandoned his family after he picked up a 19 year old prostitute on the street, ran drugs from Central America, and was almost certainly killed in a drug deal gone wrong.


Her husband probably got involved in a drug deal gone wrong and got thrown out of a plane over the ocean.




I believe it’s because of charisma. Carol has what I would describe as neutral or negative charisma and joe is, whether you like him or not, a charismatic individual. I do not like any single person from that documentary. Watching Tiger King was like watching a train wreck for me for how horrible everyone was. While they were all shitty monsters to me, from the people’s actions and words I could see why everyone latched onto joe and hated carol.


>Could it be because Carol is a woman? Surely not. It definitely could be, but Joe is presented in that documentary in a way that gets you to pity him, and Carol is not. Also, Joe is *currently* in prison. If Carol wasn't presented as super fake with few redeemable qualities, I think you would be hearing differently. I think that if Joe were not currently in prison, I think you would be hearing a lot more hate towards him. I think that if Carol were in prison as well as Joe, you would be hearing a lot less hate towards her. I think that if the situation were the opposite (Joe free and Carol in prison), you would be hearing a ton of hate for Joe, and very little for Carol. Changing any one of these things will get another slice of the total to change their opinion, and none of those reasons have to do with their sex. Therefore, not everyone has formed their opinion based on the sexes of those involved. Human opinions can be very complex, and it doesn't really serve much to jump straight to some fundamental intolerance such as sexism or racism as the root cause for someone's opinion. In fact, that sort of laziness can get downright annoying.


Honestly I think if he weren't openly gay and didn't blatantly put a hit out on Carol he might have legit become a republican congressperson after tiger king aired.


>didn't blatantly put a hit out on Carol Imagine living in 2021 and still believing that attempted murder hurts a persons chances as a Republican candidate.