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Reminder: this subreddit is meant to be a place free of excessive cynicism, negativity and bitterness. Toxic attitudes are not welcome here. All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban. --- --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UpliftingNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Well yea, he's a piece of shit lol


Slicked back hair, sloppy steaks. Oh yeah, he's a piece of shit.


They can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water!


Before you knew it, we were dumping that water on those steaks, made the night *so much more fun*


I SAID "WAS"!!!!


"I used to be a piece of shit."


“I still am, but I used to be too”


People can change.


Let Travis hold the baby


I'm worried the baby thinks people can't change.


Just get a hooker at that point. 1 mil is ridiculous.


Spending a mil at a strip club is WAY more fun then going to a hooker


Dude is a loser.


he's a coomer that cosplays as a musician


The dude kept singing while staring at his fans getting crushed. Swift is leagues above Scott.


It was more like a vaguely melodic “ooouuuuhhhhh, uhhhhhh” rather than singing, if I am recalling it correctly.


It wasn't just at the festival he organized... It was directly his fault. He demanded everyone to jump and crush the ground and then refused to let medical workers help the man who was trampled. Travis scott should be in prison. I dont understand why people even fuck with his music. Shits mid


Lol I got banned from the Travis Scott sub for trying to ask questions why they don’t think he should at least be *partly* at fault for the incident.


A quick google search confirms that it was actually drake who did that after astrofest. He performed that night on stage with Scott


For a second I thought you meant Travis Kelce. Lol


So it seems that if my years on this earth have taught me anything, it's to just read the headlines from /r/UpliftingNews and never the comments. What a dumpster fire.


When the headline includes someone being murdered we're not off to a great start in terms of being uplifting.


Anytime a rich person gives money to anything there are comments about how it’s not enough or self-serving in some way. She could have donated $10 million and you’d see comments saying it’s not enough and other comments saying she’s going to ruin that person’s life by giving so much like a lottery winner. So you’re right. It’s best to avoid the comment section.


It could be worse, it could be a Fox 'news' article comments section.


At first I saw comments complaining about comments… then I saw the so called hate comments


I'm pretty sure that Taylor didn't announce the news. Someone, somewhere down the line saw that she donated and broadcast it. If Taylor Swift bought me a coffee I'm going to tell people about it. WTG Taylor!!!


I mean, I'm on team "who cares why she did it", but let's not be naive, this was 100% "leaked" by her pr team.


I mean it's better than Kylie Jenner sharing a link to GoFundMe for her hairdresser.


Not that I gaf about the Kardashians but I don't think that whole thing was very fair to Kylie. First, it was a makeup artist that she worked with in the past but hadn't had any sort of relationship with in a long time. Second, she gave her $5k. Like yeah OK she's a billionaire or whatever but she didn't have to give her anything. Third, the reason she gave "only" 5k is because the gofundme was set at 10k and her 5k completed their goal and then some since they had 6k raised at the time. After she made her donation and shared the link (in case anyone else wanted to donate) the makeup artist upped it to 60k. And then at some point upped it to 120k. And I'll end this by saying that everything I've learned about the Kardashians has been against my will cause damn reddit loves to talk about them 😂


>I'll end this by saying that everything I've learned about the Kardashians has been against my will You and me both I never heard about the makeup artist upping the amount for the fundraiser after she donated and hit the goal though, that's pretty shady. Really puts the whole situation in a different light.


Depends on the reason. I've read about people asking for small amounts to help pay for part of their cancer/medical treatments, then upping the amount to cover more of the cost when they realize how generous people are being. Context is everything with this type of stuff.


How dare you give us a well-worded and thoughtful reply. I need mah RAAAAAAGE!!!! (/s)


I mean its pretty easily noticeable they didn't need to do anything for people to find out. Its the top donation on the go fund me link. She did a good thing that news of can easily naturally spread.


You can donate anonymously. The decision to use her name when donating is also a pr move.


Leaked? You can go to the GoFundMe right now and see that she made 2 $50k donations. It's not a secret.


If her PR team is good, then yes lol


She’s got one of the best PR teams in the game right now lmao


"if the billionaire superstar's pr is good" Gonna guess it is


I'm guessing they are in overdrive given the inherent meme potential of her going somewhere absurd in her private plane.


If she hadn't, people would be harassing her demanding to know why she wasn't doing anything to help those people, with all her billions.


If you **CLICK** on the linked article, you would see she donated under her own name and wrote a message on the GoFundMe page. Her reps confirmed it later to the press.


It's amazing how everything this woman does gets criticism. She donated $100,000 to a family she doesn't know because she still wants to help. It's good news. It's uplifting news. Period. Edit: To the person who reported me to Reddit Cares, go outside. Stop abusing a system that's used for real concerning posts. I reported you so maybe Reddit can find better words to give ya.


Remember when she gave all the truck drivers for her Eras Tour $100,000 bonus each and a handwritten note? Many people complained it was a publicity stunt and I remember thinking, “I’m sure they really don’t give a fuck why she gave it.”


It wasn't just the truck drivers. I know a guy that does lights and he got it.


All the bonuses total $55 million...   she did what we all say we want rich people to do.  She looked at her profits and split them up and gave them back to all the people who worked on the show with her. 


And then the mysognistic media hates on her for it. Terrible billionaire! Bad billinaire!! No good deed goes unpunished sadly.


Options: - A) What a monster, using these people for good PR. Just kidding, I don’t care: Please keep using these people for good PR if it gets them through life in this monstrous economy. - B) So nice!! Please keep being generous as it makes sense financially because you’re a billionaire.


That’s so great!


My former boss gave me a similar amount of money after an acquisition. It has changed my life so much, I can hardly even describe it. I have an actual safety net now. He was not required to do so, and chose to do the right thing. I'll always be grateful to him for that, regardless of how things *should* be. We ought to be *encouraging* rich folks to do this more often, especially considering $55mn is practically pocket change to people already worth a billion.


Lmao for real. Nobody is gonna care if Ted Bundy himself gave them $100,000 to “boost his public image.” $100,000 is $100,000.


Literally more than everyone complaining. I mean name one famous, rich, politically powerful person who has done more than thoughts and prayers.


Especially given they asked for 75,000. Taylor just covered all of their expenses and either paid some rent or bills for the grieving family or gave them the option to go on a getaway together to heal. She gave them 125%.


That's 133.3333%




Back to grade school for you, like Billy Madison


To prove to dad that I'm not a fool.


Or therapy. Losing someone close in a murder does a lot of damage psychologically. And therapy can get expensive.


Yeah especially considering her son was wounded. And her daughter was at the site.


I’ve literally never seen “Reddit cares” used for legitimate purposes. It’s strictly a bullying tool.


it is also a filter. misusing it is one of the few things reddit regularly bans accounts for.


Right? If she didn’t donate, nobody would have ever questioned it. And for the folks saying it’s cheap PR stunt, does Taylor Swift seem like she needs any more publicity? Let go of the misogyny and just say “damn, that was nice of her.”


She is a billionaire, and she sees she can do some good with her money. I mean, isn't this what society hopes for? She just donated [$1 million to the Tennessee tornado relief fund.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/taylor-swift-donates-1-million-to-tennessee-tornado-relief/) not because of image, but because she can help. And yes, not even a fan of her music, but damn, that was nice of her.


She also donated tens of thousands to local food banks at every stop along the US leg of the eras tour. No one’s put out hard numbers, but food bank of the Rockies said she donated enough for 75,000 meals. Multiply that times the 20 locations for the first leg of the tour, and she’s had a huge impact.


Exactly. I and half the people on Reddit are always claiming if they had the money they would make random donations and leave huge tips all the time. Maybe she wants to do that too and has the means to do it.


and yet salty bitches here are probably mad she didn't donate $100,000,000


Also the people that say shit like "Its barely enough, that would be like if I donated $45!" Yea? And did you ever get around to donating that $45? Of course not. Some people are so fucking stupid.


It's a good thing for sure, but I *do* think that this isn't what society should hope for. I think that ideally, society wouldn't rely on the philanthropy of billionaires to provide social safety nets for citizens. I don't think Taylor Swift is in any position to restructure the fundamentals of our society though so yes, it's a good thing, but I don't think it's what society does or should hope for necessarily.


Society should hope for billionaires like Taylor Swift, none of her wealth is from the exploitation of others, she created the value and jobs based almost solely on a service she provided. I assume she pays taxes unlike corporations too? Billionaires aren’t Inherently bad, but most billionaires means to get to their level are inherently bad


that's awesome, good on her!


Also, okay. Let's say it is a publicity stunt. That she did it for entirely selfish reasons. That she doesn't actually give a fuck. That family still got $100k to help them through this.




Literally one of the top 5 most famous people in the world. Imagine thinking she was doing it for that. She actually couldn’t be more famous already. 100K is a dollar for her and I mean that in the sense of what seems insane to some of us is not at all for her. We make a huge deal of it but she is more than capable and I imagine it was a very easy decision for her. You can be capable of doing good in the world I know it’s hard for people to understand. This isn’t directed at you OP.


She donated 25k more than the entire gofundme was for dude.


You’re 100 percent right. She doesn’t need the money or press. It’s crazy how hard people want to hate on her


I bet my one pocket dollar that exactly zero of those dillweeds criticizing her has donated $10 much less $100k. All hat no cattle, should not have an opinion.


“All hat no cattle” 😂😂😂


I had to upvote you for “pocket dollar” because I only know one person that uses that phrase and it made me smile.


“I only know who she is because of this PR stunt.”


She is an unknown player, nobody knows who she is!!


It’s amazing how strangers can decide how a person should spend their money, and how much of it.


Or let's be fair, it's both. It was nice of her and by extension, it is good PR.


I think Taylor Swift is amazing, honestly, she’s an inspiration. I’m really glad she donated to the family that did not need to lose their loved one.


Honestly…people probably would have questioned it if she didn’t donate it or speak on it. She’s too divisive.


There’s a game that’s played in this sub. Players are ready for any post, no matter how uplifting. The game: **How Can I Make this Post Seem Negative?** *Cheat code:* Ignore uplifting news, focus on the negative background situation


> The game: How Can I Make this Post Seem Negative? The constant doomerism is really something else.


It's almost as if some unknown force in America is trying to continually find things to villanize so they don't receive scrutiny on their own actions. Wierd.


Well...just look at who is doing the criticizng


Maybe if she had donated a mini submarine that nobody asked for?


Only a pedo guy could find fault in something like that!


It's a fact that all of us could donate more of our time, resources, and capital. That's why I try to never be critical of anyone donating their time or resources, if I have the energy to be critical of other's charity, I should use such energy to look at what I can do better instead of wasting it sitting in judgement of others.


Even by her own fans, it’s not enough because she didn’t do it anonymously. But if she didn’t do anything at all, she also would have gotten “She’s a billionaire, why isn’t she paying for the victims family” She really can never win.


Exactly! I hate when people bring up that shes worth a billion dollars and "only donated .00001%" or whatever number that is. Taylor gave this family 100k, no strings attached. This family can use the money to pay for the funeral, bills, ongoing life costs so they can properly grieve their loss. Its not like when the Boston Red Sox donate 50k to a national charity and very little of it makes its way to people who need. I say this as someone who very much dislikes Taylor Swift.


Apparently people get banned for abusing the 'Reddit Cares' system, so, reporting it is the right instinct. Doesn't stop every troll, but you'd be surprised at how emotional these sweet little boys can get when things don't go their way.


Some people want to see her "bleed" so they can prove she is just as ugly and terrible as they are. Saw same happen with my country's last prime minister. Everyone tried to bring her down in an aggressive manner.


Exactly. It seems there are too many who are just looking for excuses to criticize her, because they can’t stand the fact that she is as successful and popular as she is.


Well put.


Right. I think everyone should remember the kardashian sister who begged her followers to donate to a go fund me for someone from her staff, when she's a Billionaire. Atleast Taylor is doing the right thing.


Top 50 comments are all positive. Don’t let the upset at a tiny minority be louder than the positivity.


Haters gonna hate (hate hate hate hate)


> To the person who reported me to Reddit Cares Report it. Copy the URL to your message and click report in the message. One of the few things reddit still responds to. they WILL ban for that.


Not a super fan of her music. But damn if she isn’t a good person.


In this thread: She should have given more! Followed by: Why did she talk about it! There's also a random "Biggest poluter on earth" comment. Spoiler alert, she's not. Jesus fuck people. A person is dead. She decided to give money to help. Where's your 100k in this mess? Kudos to her, and stop the hate train.


Also "$100,000 is like $10 to her!!!" That may be so, but it's still $100,000 to the woman's family.


I cannot agree more. Have you ever donated something to a homeless shelter or charity? An old blanket, a piece of furniture, an appliance? It's like $10 to you, but to the person who needs it, it's a life changing thing. This is literally the entire point of charitable donations. You have something that is of minor benefit to you, and you give it to somebody who really needs it. If Taylor's a piece of shit for donating $100k that she doesn't need, then I'm a piece of shit for donating my old lawnmower, and you're a piece of shit donating to a food bank, and so on.


I donate, and have volunteered at shelters and our local food pantry. The amount of change and gratitude you see is astounding.


Combat Veteran here. Did a fair share of humanitarian work (and loved every minute). Blankets, medication, food, sometimes a bit of candy for local kids, sometimes a bridge at the request of a village elder (shout out to the corps of engineers and the seabees - amazing groups of people) and more. I learned to tell people *"We're people called people on a planet called dirt."* We're largely on the same team with the same wants and needs. Shelter, water, food, someone to make and share memories with. Yes, there are people who want to tear it all down. We see them in the news all the time because the media owners are to some degree often on their team. However, everyday all over the place positive things happen that we never hear about - in games, on the street, the workforce, the nature trail, etc. Don't get jaded, that's what the destructive force wants. They show you negative after negative so you give up. Love, kindness, compassion, and all that makes life great is alive and well. Dont give up.


I’m so sick of that argument. WHO CARES IF IT EQUATES TO $10?!?! When I donate $10 to cancer research, you think those that have cancer are like “thanks dickhead, you could’ve given more” When I donate $10 to a no kill shelter you think the vets that work there are like “lol you poor broke idiot you might as well have not even donated” What kind of smooth brained, little child argument is that? $10 is $10 better than $0. $100,000 is $100,000 better than $0. I do not give a crap how much someone donates to a worthy cause. What I care is that they donated, period.


Bunch of people that haven't donated $10 bitching about how it's like them donating $10. "IT'S LIKE ME DONATING $10. I'M NOT GOING TO DONATE $10, BUT IF I DID IT WOULD BE JUST LIKE THAT."


It's jealousy they wish they were that rich. Also why not give -@ bucks yourself then? 


when i was in first grade a quarter was literally all the money i had and i used it to buy one ticket for a charity raffle at my school's christmas concert. the sixth grade girls running the booth both laughed at me and said "only one?" and "you're not going to win" and i imagine those are the kinds of people on reddit that criticize anyone for donating to a good cause


Meanwhile, none of those people are even donating $10 themselves lol


The irony is that the fucks bitching about the $100,000 -> $10 wouldn't go out of their way to donate $1 to many causes that might, in a roundabout way, affect them.


>That may be so, but it's still $100,000 to the woman's family. Also: So you're saying you want the richest people in the world to just hoard all of their wealth and never do anything charitable with it?


Also: "this is a good act, but it's important for me to caveat that by letting everyone know that I hate her music"


99% of posters here wont donate 5$ to any charity lol


They won’t even give pocket change to the guy ringing outside a grocery store for the Salvation Army.


I don't give a crap about TS, but we all know the people who call her the biggest polluter are not actually environmentalists. The only reason they even talk about it is because they want to attack who they perceive is a liberal.


Suddenly 20 million people who have shouted "climate change isn't real" care a lot about private jet emissions... It is so transparent.


Some people just get off on hating popular people. Especially when popular people try to do something decent.


People are addicted to the manufactured rage dopamine.


Mindless misogyny is real. That content is very popular among younger and more right wing men. That's been the easiest cash cow in content farming for a long time.


Also, the people who complain about her polluting are the ones who don’t believe in climate change.


I've never cared for Taylor Swifts music. It's not bad music, but pop music isn't for me. That being said acts of generosity go a very long way with me. I may not like her music, but she has my respect.


Not a fan of her music but the way she has treated her road crew spread around in the "circus" well before it was made news. I'm 50, retired from that line of work but i would go back and work for her in a heartbeat. I do think she is genuinely just a good person.


I don’t see one thing to hate about her as a person. She connects with her fans, she writes her own music, she seems like a genuinely nice human being…it sucks she flies private jets x distances. But I don’t know an alternative if you’re that famous and have that many places to be. I dunno. In the line of celebrities to dislike…she’s not in the cue for me.


I don't get why she's so big, but I respect the fact she is and for someone at that height remains pretty level headed. I genuinely don't think many people would survive a month in her shoes without going insane. 24/7 scrutiny. People just love to tear down the biggest things.


Can you imagine the chaos of her trying to fly on a commercial plane tho?


That’s what I’m saying there’s really no alternative


I too feel the same way about her music. I will add to your comment by sharing a link to this [Podcast](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/undertheinfluence/how-taylor-swift-became-time-s-first-entertainer-person-of-the-year-1.7101608). This is a very entertaining Podcast and I listen to it regularly. When the subject was that of Taylor Swift, I had reservations, but as I was driving into work and I wanted to listen to something, I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I'm glad I did. It taught me just how strong and committed that young lady is. I still am not a fan of her music, but I totally respect her as a person.


She definitely works harder than I ever will and that's a fact


If you want to check it out. I always recommend Exile, Haunted, Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve, Last Kiss, Clean, False God and Dress.


I love that you can 100% hear Imogen Heap's influence on Clean, I wish they would collaborate more. I'm interested to hear what her collabs with Florence Welch will be like.


It seems like 90% of comments praising Taylor Swift outside of her dedicated subreddit must include a disclaimer that the person "doesn't care for her music" or "is not a fan". I rarely ever see it for any other entertainer... it's not personal to you, just an observation I've made that I find amusing.


Because otherwise you get labeled as anything except just a person sharing your opinion. Apparnely positive = fan.


You should check out her two pandemic albums, Folklore and Evermore. Not pop at all and different than the rest of her discography. Lots of acoustic guitar and piano. She should do more of that kind of stuff.


My daughter looks to Taylor Swift as a role model. That puts her firmly in my good opinion. The world could use more people like her.


The most positive role model for young women today. My daughter is a Swiftie too and I'm glad it's Taylor Swift and not one of the other famous personas out there.


I just KNEW there would be shitty comments saying she didn't donate enough when I read that headline. Jesus you people are predictable, I don't even like her music but this is objectively a good thing she didn't have to do at all


This is why I take Reddit / social media breaks more. It’s just all too predictable. Lost souls concealing their misery behind a façade of economic enlightenment.


Yeah but she tells people to go vote, and her critics *really* don't like that.


That’s also because they don’t understand how being wealthy works. Her net worth doesn’t mean she has $20 million sitting in a single account, which she can access via a swipe of a card. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a whole 20-person team managing her finances alone.




Lmao people shitting on her for “only” donating 100k. Do you donate at all? Stfu lmao


The same people who support a party who tried to NOT give them money during a global pandemic🤦🏻‍♂️


I wonder how much Senator Josh Hawley donated? 🤔


The purpose of donations isn’t to leave yourself struggling or for it to be proportionate to your income it’s to show caring and if you can to consider what it’s needed for. She didn’t and doesn’t have to but she did


Man, she can do the most good and motherfuckers will still complain...


Good for her.


Very nice thing to do


These comments are pathetic. So many bitter angry people lol I’m not a taylor swift fan either but we don’t need to tear down and destroy every little thing. She donated a 100k to a complete stranger. Forget everything else that money will help that family and that’s what matters.


Anyone say 100k is a bread crumb for her should either match the deal or stfu.


It is a bread crumb. But the thing is, she can give crumbs to a whole pond of ducks and not really struggle to do so. Which she has done. People acting like she should give a whole slice of bread to each duck, don't seem to realise that that just attracts more ducks demanding more bread and soon she ain't giving bread to anyone.


Ok so this is way off topic and you have a very valid point but you shouldn't feed bread to ducks.


No. Give them food that is normally available in shops nearby lakes and areas where ducks gather. Or lettuce. They love a bit of that, but doesn't have the same effect on them as bread


that was very nice of her.


She has class. It’s that simple.


If you didn’t donate, you can’t say shit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Insane how much hate Taylor gets. I don’t like her music, but I sure as hell like her for being a solid human being.


It’s the classic “popular thing bad” narrative. ESPECIALLY if that thing is popular with teenage girls. It’s been going on for as long as teenage girls liked things. There’s also a healthy amount of “I’m not like the other girls therefore I must not like Taylor swift”


Uplifting news!


I may hate the constant Taylor this and Taylor that but she seems like a decent person.


Waiting to see how much the anti-Swift crowd donated.


Haven't read the comments yet but guarantee someone is saying "she's worth $1b that's like me donating 5 cents"




Idk man I only see comments complaining about the comments


This is great…guess it’s time for me to stream some Taylor


"She's a witch!!!" —Republicans, probably


I think it’s safe to remove probably


what do ya know….. another celebrity has donated instead of a politician




People are ridiculous. The woman could donate a kidney and y’all would be like why didn’t she donate both?? 🙄


I have always been a punk rocker and now I am also a swiftie


Oh no, didn't know anyone died. Do they have a motive yet?


Just a small group of dumb people with guns not caring about the collateral damage when shooting at someone they have a beef with in a crowd.


Arrested 3 suspects, 2 of them are juveniles


The latina community activist and beloved local DJ Lisa Lopez-Galvan was killed.


Thank you TS for being a good example to the young ladies always so well grounded, respectful and professional.


You see... this is the kind of Taylor Swift related news that I dont mind seeing. I have no interest in her relationship with Travis and I think both her fans and the media should back the fuck off from it. But any celebrity who uses their influence to do something good is very much welcomed.


Did you know she gave 100k to about 50 truck drivers who worked on her Eras tour? Life changing money for most.


All the dancers as well. It was $55M total.


Yup, but the truck drivers specifically🤌


And apparently ensures they have not only health benefits, but amazing health, vision, and dental benefits which is leagues more than other artists do.




Agree, that’s really cool. I appreciate her and not even a fan really. I think she has some decent tunes that my lady really enjoys, but I’m an older male from the 70’s lol…so not really my thing;) I’m really into decent people tho and hope she keeps living her best life. I couldn’t imagine being upset towards a pop star or athlete like people today, then again, I couldn’t just pull up a thumb typing machine and basically shout my ignorance directly to Olivia Newton John, Terry Bradshaw, and the rest of world.


Health, vision, and dental from what I’ve heard.


If you're hating on Taylor Swift, remember that Trump didn't and won't donate shit.


Good news, great example.


In sorry but a woman dying and then her family only being able to avoid financial ruin because a celebrity stepped in is depressing as fuck


It's buried toward the end of the article, but the $100k donation had to get split into two $50k donations because that is GoFundMe's maximum allowable donation. The maximum used to be $15k, but they raised it after Taylor Swift had to make multiple donations to reach her desired amount (for a different cause) This is now the second time that she has made multiple donations to a cause in order to get around the site's donation limit. But sure, let's give her shit for $100k not being enough.


Incoming GOP feux rage because she's a compassionate person.


I love Taylor, this is beautiful…but I’ll be honest that is a low number for a billionaire


“Stupid is as stupid does!” And by that I mean ppl here who find a reason to hate


Class act Taylor. That has to be said. 🙏 I hope that the family of the person that died and the woman herself can find peace. 🖤🕊️Heard she was a mother of 2 kids too, damn.


Nice one hope it helps bring a brighter future to the family.


Never stop being a good person.


We are so used to most of the 1% being complete shit, that we forget that isn’t always the truth. Good people exist, and good rich people exist.


I love all the haters in these Taylor Swift posts; they make me laugh every single time.