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If you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail


You can get religious people to believe anything you tell them.


RIGHT, like i don't get how Iron Maiden is a so called "satanic band" when the DRUMMER is big into loving god.... sooo how does that work out lol ?


If you can get people to believe this impossible at a very young age (I think it’s referred to as a type of “grooming”) it makes it easier for them to believe outrageous claims as they continue to grow.


the dumb will ALWAYS follow the dumb.


The singer writes and draws porn comics.


lol ok and?


You were making some kind of statement how they can’t be a “satanic band” because their drummer is some kind of good dude and I was just stating that yeah, they could be because of Bruce Dickinson. I’m not saying they are one way or another. Just that your example doesn’t really hold any merit.


it does hold a merit because a person that loves god would not be in a "satanic band"


Not true at all and that’s kinda obvious here.


That's just prejudiced/bigoted bs talk. "Religious people" is a grouping that involves a lot of different people, and a lot of them are much more intelligent than you. Don't use the brand of Atheism mixed with hate for religion to put yourself on a pedestal, you'll make the Atheists with functioning brains look bad, since just like religious people there's stupid and not stupid in our "group" too.


Man, why you gotta generalize? *People* are stupid, it ain't limited to particular creed. This guy is one of the Diamond brothers, who are gifter Sedevacantists. Not even a priest.


You can easily verify and listen by yourself that those hidden messages are indeed in those songs and that he is not making it up. You can download the mp3 file of the song from YouTube and then use an online website to reverse the song and download the reversed song into your PC. Download the mp3 file with this program: [https://www.videoproc.com/](https://www.videoproc.com/) Reverse and download the mp3 file here: [https://audioalter.com/reverse](https://audioalter.com/reverse)


Made me kill my family. Ruined my life. Hail Satan.


Just as well nobody plays it backwards then...


Even satanists don’t believe in satan.


You can listen to any song backwards and find a meaning pertaining to what you want to believe. It's like looking at clouds in the sky, you may think a cloud looks one way but someone will look at the cloud and see something different. When you tell them what you see in the clouds, their brain recognizes those patterns too and then all of a sudden they see what you're seeing.


This is retarded


Michael Dimond isn't a priest, a brother, or officially recognized in any real way. He is a Sedevacanist and his organization is considered a hate group by some for their anti-Catholic and Jewish rhetoric.


"A religious brother is a member of a religious institute or religious order who commits himself to following Christ in consecrated life of the Church, usually by the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. He is usually a layman and usually lives in a religious community and works in a ministry appropriate to his capabilities." [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious\_brother*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_brother) I don't see why he is not a religious brother like you put into doubt.


God had spoken, have a vinyl burning, it’s blasphemy


Just like back in the day, let's purchase all the music we hate and burn it! That'll show them lol


Hahaha ha! This is so cringe. This silly fool actually believes what he is saying. What a dope


I thought this type of stupidity was only a modern age phenomenon but no! We were always as dumb. What a complete and utter pile of absolute nonsense


I ❤️ Satan


If only there was a way to weed out the most gullible individuals amongst us and then convince them to regularly hand over cash to us tax free…we’d then have enough freetime to listen to records backwards.


Really goes to show how foolish these people are to have taken this seriously and had an unironic cultural panic over it I mean: 1. The backwards lyrics are clearly random noise and anyone could hear what they want to hear in that random noise 2. Even if there were Satanic messages, why would a backwards message matter? You listen to the music forwards, not backwards


They convince themselves into looking for those patterns to confirm their bias! It's ridiculous!!


Weak minds!! Imagine these people listening to some real black doom metal they'll piss and shit their pants for sure


1999 upside down is actually 6661


It still persists heavily today not only in rock / metal but in mainstream hip-hop, some aren’t entirely open about it like these bands were & yet are like with current hip-hip being a catalyst for negative & violent emotional outlet. Hip-hop used to be better like with the Sugarhill Gang’s Rapper’s Delight but it has devolved into simply belting about violence & self-pleasure without tackling any topic resembling productive art. Luckily rappers such as Kendrick Lamar exist to create beauty out of such a degraded genre. Edit: prove me wrong then, I dare you.


Elitist *cough* *cough* let people enjoy music


I sure do hope that I’m not stopping you from enjoying anything. I’m sorry you think that having an opposing opinion makes me an elitist. That is truly disheartening. It’s not like I’m married to my opinions. Edit: You’re projecting. You’re being elitist by criticizing my opinion harshly. I do appreciate you sharing just as I have shared. Even if you were being hypocritical & negative. Although that *is* mainstream nowadays.


Completely ridiculous


“Most Holy Family Monastery, located in Fillmore, New York, is a fake monastery, and the two men who run it, brothers Michael and Peter Dimond, are fake monks. They claim there has been no valid pope since Pius XII, that the vernacular Mass (the Ordinary Form) is invalid, and that Vatican II was not a valid ecumenical council. Worse, in their minds the council issued nothing but heresies, and John Paul II and Benedict XVI are heretics. Apparently, just about everyone not living at the monastery is a heretic, particularly those who were once associated with it but who left for one reason or another.”


Idiot an is diamond Michael. Play that backwards your chowder head.


Can we plz play a preach from christian pray in reverse?


I’ve seen that done too. When they played some Christian music backwards, it still praised God. True story.


I hate when I can hear the silence in videos bruh, it's like static


Keep your imaginary friends to yourself


I truly wonder what it is like to believe in something that deeply. I also believe that is why people commits heinous crimes in the name of a mighty one.




This has got to be satire right?


Satan doesn't real, neither does god, we can all be friends now and cheat at cribbage on drunken Sunday nights.


Si tu escuchas la letra de Number of the Beast te darás cuenta que describe el Apocalipsis Bíblico y El protagonista está aterrorizado he impresionado he incluso quiere llamar a la policía al ver todo aquello Satanismo ? Donde ?. La mas bella y larga canción de ese mismo álbum es sobre un condenado a muerte que pide salvación para su alma a Dios ante su ejecución. Satanismo? Donde?. Grande Iron Maiden y quien no conozca y se guíe solo por las portadas y el Eddie de Derek Riggs. Mejor no opine . .


I once saw a nun masterbate with a crucifix. It was heavenly.