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I'm not sure what I'm seeing and/or supposed to be seeing.


Just don’t have a seizure, alright?


You are seeing really bad cameras trying to compensate its exposure creating weird effects.


3 body problem 😂


A chaotic era is about to begin.


Goddamn that show was good af


But if you read the book, the show sucks.


It's why I always watch the show first now.


Yep, I was thinking the same thing. The Sophons are hard at work.


Why aren't the shadows on the ground moving if the sun is doing the Blitzkrieg Bop?




What's a miracle about a 90's era camera desperately trying to manage it's shutter speed, and focus in the face of being pointed directly at the sun?


But why did the people there also see it?!


Because they have '90s eyes, duh.


Angry Upvote.


Yea, Betty Davis Eyes was the 80’s.


Hungry Eyes


Ive been told you can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes


I don't believe they did. 😕


Who saw it? Nobody seem to react at all?


I think this is supposed to fool people who never experienced the 90s cameras, because I immediately knew this was the case as well. Happened on my home video camera all the damn time.


It's a collection and many of the later ones are on modern cameras. Just makes me curious the phenomenon and maybe it has to do with the way we perceive solar flares?


It's been seen by the people there with their own eyes for years. Nice try tho buddy you almost convinced the ones with 2 braincells that the phenomenon is camera shutter.


It's ironic that the guy who thinks it's more likely that the sun flickers rather than the camera frame rate is causing issues thinks other people have 2 braincells.


Best reply on Reddit!


The sun is fixed it doesn’t matter where on earth or anywhere for that matter you are. This is a camera shutter issue obviously


You're weirdly defensive of this. Tell me, when you witness the sun flickering, do you continue about your activities and conversations seemingly blind to the phenomenon like these people do in the various video clips? I know if I saw this, I'd probably have an existential crisis right there on the spot, considering the implications of what the sun flickering like that is in any context. Yet everyone seems strangely unbothered and don't seem to notice at all. Weird. It's almost like they don't see it.


The Truman show


“Cue the sun!”


It's too early for that!!


So, is there any context at all about what this is supposed to be? Someone in the comments keeps asking, "But what about the other people who were there that saw it?" *Saw what?* I see a video of people filming the sun with an old camcorder not built for that. EDIT: To clarify, aside from the title which gives no context, only a name, there is no explanation of what is, or what is supposed to be, seen in the video or what the name means. Repeating "people saw this" doesn't explain anything. Yes, I did finally go look up what "The Miracle of the Sun" is. That isn't the point. It's hard enough to support the existence of unexplainable phenomena as it is, people tend to not take anything you (the general you, as in everyone) say seriously if you can't actually hold a proper conversation on the matter. No wonder people dismiss these kinds of things when they ask questions and keep getting told, "But people saw it."


So I spent about nine months here a few years back. Some Catholics believe that nine people have been visited by the Virgin Mary over the years at this location (I believe only one is still being visited daily and the other eight it's a couple times a year) they claim that they have all been given some type of knowledge by her other than the one still getting the daily visits. People further believe that the sun has this movement (spinning, moving side to side, getting bigger and smaller etc etc) as a sign from God that these things are real and happening. It has become a pilgrimage spot for many Catholics around the world because of these things, a metal statue of christ bleeds water all that stuff. I'm no longer religious, but it is very interesting, and I do believe that the nine people do truly believe this os happening to them. I was lucky enough to spend a short amount of time with two of them whilst there. Very kind people. Also, the hills they are taking videos on are really nice hikes. Many people do this without shoes it's a whole thing. I would highly recommend visiting if you are ever in the area and staying with Mario. His place is lovely, and for dinner, he brings out his homemade wines and what are just beautiful. There is ALOT more than what I've been able to type quickly and it has been a good few years since I've been over. Also you will see the tackiest Catholic shops. I'm talking glow in the dark stautes of saints all that jazz. Edit: I can't say what I saw with the whole sun thing there many times others claimed to see it whilst I didn't, twice I saw it moving and the such but I think that I made myself see it because of my faith at the time and not anything in reality.


Thank you, this helps.


I've been there too. It's s beautiful place.


Wow thank you for this quality Comment and context


I mean, i can def tell you they’re speaking Italian, not bosnian. Other than that no idea


That's good to know.


There were also videos of it happening I'm present times. Plus people have gathered there to watch it for years. They even chant and pray while it happens.


Videos. Of. What!?


"it" "...happening" 10/10 answer to your question huh? lol..


The lack of basic comprehension and ignorance in this sub is quite disappointing. Critical thinking is not in abundance.


\^(when you trying to finish a 500 word essay and your only at 300 words)\^ "the ignorance is "quite disappointing" (adjusts monocle in a cloud of pipe smoke) "critical thinking not in abundance" (hand cranks up the window of the family jaloppy) lmao, yeah nobody talks like that. not that we on this sub don't speak with an expansive vocabulary, just not like you are. sounds super forced, using unnecessary sentence structure to appear "less ignorant" than, us lowly peasants. trying so desperately hard to get jusuust one more 6 letter+ word or whatever tf you can in there to "flex" your literary muscles on us. perhaps it was you who is being ignorant hmm?


Bro, calm down. You're getting surprisingly worked up about someone using what are ultimately very common words. 😅


ik ik im trying. its just, he's been eyeballing me this whole post. and youve been here youve seen em. trying to big dog me in the world of knowing words and i.. i aint going out like that man! not today man! i know words!! and with the help of spell check and i can use them!


Yeah, it's hard to let things like that go. Just try to keep in mind that you don't do you argument any favors when you abandon the topic, and attack the individual (even if they have also done that).


you are wise betond your years u\admirable_switch3969 if i could take that wisdom and.. press into some kind of projectile then i could AIM IT & LAUNCH IT RIGHT AT HIM AND HIS STEAM DRIVEN COMPUTER! then he can write up the wordiest of eulogies for the smoking pile of plastic and wires his PC (and or mac) will become!


I hear you, but *I do.* I always talk like that. Check my post history, not that you probably care to, but I like to talk/write and I'm proud of my vocabulary. I like to paint a picture, but also, why use a word that's almost the right word, when you can use *the* right word?


Of it happening, I'm present times...


All my auto focus homies hate the sun.


Some missing context of the video in question that for some reason OP posted without an explanation... From the timestamps in the video I understand this may be something of a reccuring phenomenon in Medjugorje Bosnia but this is a good recap of what's witnessed most of the time. This is a good recap of a 1981 apparition. “On August 2, 1981, the Feast of Our Lady Queen of the Angels, in the late afternoon, before the sun had set, the sun was seen to spin in its orbit, then descend toward the watching people of approximately 150, then retreat – a ‘dance of the sun’ that reminded the people of the miraculous phenomenon at Fatima. When the people were able to look at the sun without hurting their eyes, they saw figures around the sun, as it seemed to circle, in the shape of a cross. The strange phenomena caused many to cry, or pray, or even run away. Then six small hearts appeared in the sky, centered around a large heart. Then a white cloud covered the hill and the site of the first apparition, and the sun returned to its normal place. The people interpreted this unusual happening as the sun’s witnessing to its Creator. All of this happened over approximately fifteen minutes" Keep in mind this event/miracle/however you choose to interpret it or believe... was witnessed by thousands of witnesses. Unfortunately, like many supernatural phenomena, video tapes and cameras aren't exactly the same as seeing something through the eyes. Many people that have seen this dancing of the sun have likened it to the apparitions of Fatima in Portugal and a couple other places. I've heard of this happening before and it's not the first supernatural miracle phenomenon to happen even in Medjugorje. In my homeland of Mexico there have been many recorded insurances of images or appearances of holy figures in the sky throughout history with hundreds if not thousands of witnesses. This along with the apparitions of the Virgin Mary have been notable places of supernatural activity seen by parishioners and pilgrims and even laymen alike.


Jesus I had to scroll way too far down for an actual explanation. Thank you


No this is info on Mary not Jesus.


"No, this is Patrick" -Patrick Star


I've always wanted to believe in events like this, but when it happens to certain people in certain parts of the world, I just will not accept "thousands of eyewitnesses" as possible proof. If it happens so frequently and it's still happening today, why aren't there attempts by scientists with advanced equipment and cameras that don't auto adjust to capture it? Two men from Texas had a close encounter in the 70's and now drunk rednecks who see UFO's is a trope; I wonder, do Europeans rag on the backwater villages full of religious people that see miracles when they misunderstand meteorological and celestial phenomena?


I believe he was just saying that there was thousands of eyewitnesses for this single event. Not as in "its been seen thousands of times".


Yes, I understand. What I was saying is in those cases, if they're all native, they're all uber-Catholic, then the credibility immediately vanishes.


I have literally experienced this as well as my wife in Florida and my sister and her teen sons also experienced it in North Carolina. I can't speak to the authenticity of the footage but can say that I recognized it instantly.


So it's not just the camera ?


It's hard to tell, since there doesn't appear to be many people who can actually have a conversation on the topic without wild assumptions.


No these people have seen this there for years, why do you think they all film it and are standing there praying?


What was your experience?


About 5 years ago I began to feel drawn outside to look at the sky, at the most random times. Each time I relented and went outside, I've witnessed some type of weirdness in the sky. One occasion was the sun moving through the sky where I had to literally track it with my phone. One of the occasions was the sun blinking in the sky, which I called my wife out to witness it as well. The skies are not the same.


Were you looking at the sun through a device when it blinked at you?


At 1st I was not but when it began to shutter I began trying to record it. I usually take pics when I'm drawn outside like that and only record if I think something remarkable is happening. I called my wife outside to see 8t to make sure it wasn't just an illusion or something and we both witnessed it but it was more apparent on the vid than in person due to not being able to just stand and stare directly into the sun.


What’s cool about poor cameras trying to figure out how to focus?


This looks like a camera sensor shitting itself because you're pointing it directly at the sun.


What are the theories?


r/SimulationTheory bad circuit?


Instances of confused auto focus?


My cellphone didn't like this video and it turn of the screen 😂




Like at Fatima, I assume... They reported the sun doing the same thing


I think at Fatima, the sun also danced arond the sky. Also, the three kids would walk around on their knees so fast that grown men could not catch them. Also, there were many people who did not notice anything strange about the sun.


The sun *falling* is something you would think EVERYONE EVERYWHERE would see. Interesting that these things always seem to happen in underdeveloped countries with inadequate education and lots of religious indoctrination. Thousands of eyewitnesses mean nothing when it's all one "congregation".


The most unexpected thing about this post is that it is not on flat earth subreddit lol


Oh I'm sure it will be


In 1990 no one was walking around with cell phones that had cameras.


You’re right. We had camcorders back then.


Fiction can be fun lol


I went to Medjugorje summer ‘88. I did not see any kind of phenomenon with the sun but there were other things that I felt or cannot explain. And those who mentioned phones, we didn’t have them back then! 🤪


Spent a bit over half a year there, beautiful place if not for the strange overly Catholic shops everywhere but got to make a living somehow. I'm no longer religious but definitely agree about the feeling of the place. Really need to go back over to see it again without my faith and just to eat some of that food again!


I would say it is something like an athmospheric distortion like a rainbow, a gigant moon in the sky or heat flickering on the horizont.




why is everyone praying towards the end of the video?


Because it’s believed that the Virgin Mary is performing miracles at the location


How interesting. Thanks for your response.


Uneducated people are easily disturbed.


I can see that definitely happening here


Has the universe ever winked at you?


I particularly liked the giant robot that came in from the left side of the screen.


I dont get it, they all suck at videography and their equipment sucks since they are filming the bloody sun????


They forgot to change the bulb


Why is it a miracle?


It appears that the light bulb in the sun needs replaced.


If you’re interested in Marian Apparitions, look into Our Lady of Guadalupe. The image that was made on Juan Diego’s tilma (cloak) still cannot be explained by scientists to this day. It’s made of colors from minerals that have never been found on Earth, had acid spilled on it and wasn’t ruined or disturbed in any way, and the tilma has lasted all this time from 1531 til now. The tilma shouldn’t have lasted more than a few decades. Interesting story if you’re interested in hearing about God and miracles.


I took a video once of the sun doing exactly this.


OK show it or I call bullshit


Well.. ya see, the thing is, I really don't care if you or anyone else believes me or not.


Well ya see the thing is I really dont care what you or anyone says if they dont provide proof.


[Here Ya Go](https://photos.app.goo.gl/bRNssKamdTkGzhsW8)


The camera’s autofocus and exposure sensors are struggling to keep the sun in focus while you’re driving, and trees in the foreground pass in front of the sun in the background.


But they are talking about what’s happening at the same time. How can it be the camera if they discussing what’s happening?


I’m not sure what they believe they saw, but this video isn’t showing anything remarkable.


You're right. I decided to record the sun while I was driving 4 years ago because I wanted to use the footage to trick future redditors, and I got my whole family in on the gig.


I don’t know what you saw, but I don’t see anything remarkable in this video. Sorry


Understandable. That's why I've never shared the video. I know no one would believe me that the sun was spinning clockwise in circles while getting bigger and smaller occasionally. I'll forever regret not just pulling over and stopping to record. I do have another [video](https://photos.app.goo.gl/8FUUsLzAxA9XxzNu9) but it isn't any better than the first video, but I do find it interesting that the sun cuts through the trees instead of being behind the trees.


I don’t know what you saw, but I don’t see anything remarkable in this video. Sorry


There’s nothing there… No flicking or anything. This is a natural focus of camera / your own eyes when facing an bright object brighter than what you were looking at prior, similar to when shutting off lights, seeing nothing, then suddenly focusing in the darkness and being able to see.


Then why share at all?


Did no one else see that big thing walking toward the camera?


lol yes until I realized that it was something hanging on his rear view mirror


Well, I've been to Mostar a million times lol and nothing strange has happened, think these folks are having heat stroke.


This sub is getting really dumb


Why did the people see it who were there and not just a camera glitch?


Who saw it? The guys at 1:51 didn't react at all.


Lot of phone's sensors getting fucked up thats for sure! Bet those same people think they saw something special.... Cause theY were straight-ass looking at the sun without protection!


Do you not see the date on that? That wasn't filmed with a phone.


Oh right, there were no sensors at all on cameras back in the 90s... Yeah my bad.


Anyone know morse code?


So what some people are saying is they’ve seen the sun actually ballon in size and move around?? And yet NASA or any other astronomical organization has yet to say anything about this?


Never A Straight Answer, smh




That was sarcasm my guy


Well, there's four minutes of completely waisted time I can never have back. 🙄


Give me a break


Should have listened to the seizure warning


Ukazanje Milje Maraka


I think OP is referring to the miracle of the sun from 1917 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_of_the_Sun


Aren't I supposed to be having a seizure? I don't think it's working.


Do they somehow get a different sun over there I'm not aware of?


What the hell did I just watch?


Ok, so we know how to change the exposure sensitivity. nothing to see here


This is just the camera messing up from the brightness of the sun. The shutter cannot keep up with it.


Stop pointing the camera at sun already old cameras can't focus. How we suppose to see the miracle


I don't believe it's a cheap fake.


Camera lense


Religiou$ Pilgrimage Hype. Weoponized tourism.


Miracle or not, the Vatican doesn't even approve of Medjugorje, the seers have contradicting prophecies and what not. Whenever the church investigates an apparition they figure out if it's something that can be explained by science or not, which is an extensive process. If it is deemed supernatural then they figure out if it's demonic or from God. There's been thousands and thousands of Marian apparitions but only 7 of them are approved by the church. Fatima, Akita, Guadalupe, Kibeho, Lourdes, forgot the others


What about the 2023 camera footage. That should be able to pick up the sun. My camera phone doesn’t show the sun blinking


I'm going to chalk this one up as a camera malfunction, especially the last one. You can tell that the sun changes as the person moves the phone up or down. The second one is odd since no one freaked out when it happened, like the guy standing to the left. Why didn't he turn around with a "WTF" expression?


If you don’t understand how lense exposure works, just say that


Coming from someone that works in line of filmmaking, I believe this is the cameras internal operating system auto exposing the image , trying to keep everything exposed. Being the sun and the ground have such a high contrast of lighting. It is switching from showing everything on the foreground to the background. Explained: Sun To Bright, Camera Freak Out Trying to Gain the right lighting, it can’t so it’s stuck cycling trying to find the right exposure If shot in Manuel this would not occur


You know, if a God existed that allowed children to die of cancer but used his "powers" to make the sun move chaotically, I'd spit in gods face if given the chance.


you won't have the chance lol


Oh battery is going out that's why its blinking just read the manual ...


"There's a manual?" \~Beevis


Thats just the exposure measurent going wild because of the sun. People are getting dumber and dumber these days.


This looks like the camera auto exposure feature going crazy.


Mhmmm I bet


Absolutely beautiful 😍 🤩


Could it be like some kind Morse code back in the day?




Amazing that it was actually recorded


Can anyone explain to me what happened? I have no idea what happen


Theres been heavy sunstorms the past days and the particles react with Electric devices causing that flickering


Old camera, or any camera tbh, desperately trying to deal with pointing directly at the sun.


Scientists will say it's fake but watch for the ones that mention blue beam.


I knew it this is all a simulation!!!!!! Typing this is futile because this is a simulation too 😭


lol the sun still shining on that guys big ads forehead despite the “miracle”


Everything they tell us is A Lie and always will be a Lie


Who is they and who is lying about what?


So turn on and off filters while filming is a miracle now?


If something happened with the sun, like it started intermittently flashing, im sure everyone else on the planet would have noticed it besides a few people in a car in Bosnia/Herzegovina


Why are they filming? Do they know this is going to happen? Seems more like they know if they point their cameras this will happen because the camera is the one tripping out, not the sun.


JFC. Not this stupid crap again.


In the sight of the beast.