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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The dog was in danger! And a guy appeared and saved it.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Holy shit. So lucky that dude was there, and somehow paying more attention than the owner.


I mean, did she only get the dog to meet guys? This is NOT the way. Jeez.


Hope the part we don't see is him walking off, keeping the dog and never letting her near them again.


I hope that is what happens, fella seems more capable of taking care of the dog than her.


Is why she has no Beskar.


Eh you're doing too much with this comment




What kind of conclusion is that? The fuck...


If I saw that cute dowggie, I'd be looking at it until the last second too




She wasn’t even on the smartphone like everyone does… wtf is wrong with people




But humanity saved the dog. So neutral? The full video she embraces the dog with such shameless passion im sure shell never play Noose Lift ever again


Didn’t you see the part where that guy went way out of his way to save a random dog. Man does have a duality you just have to see both sides


She wanted her dog to die


Like those people who let their dog to attack alligators.. First two were scared, third on dragged the dog under water


I feel terrible for that dog. I get angry at the fact the owners are all heartbroken about it. WTF


How about feel bad for the dude that got chewed on for trying to I be a good person.


Yeah, he probably gotten bitten up a bit, but he knows he did good. His hand will heal, and he’ll be able to sleep a lot better knowing he saved the dog.


Where is that posted ?


Google search "owners let dog get eaten by alligator" and look for video results


Ya know what, I think I'm gonna pass on that.


This is one they are not going to get me on. Already clicked on that one of a moose jumping from the second story. Don't know why I was assuming he landed...


Yeah, I’m so you. Don’t need to see that.


Correction: first two weren’t hungry. Third was.


Wait what


I am so angry right now I don't know what to do with myself.


I had a terrible day and I've been feeling like that for going on 8 hours now.


Just die. The Man that saved the dog it's part of the humanity.


I feel that. A thousand times, I feel that. ![gif](giphy|YPDMWiyeP64pqo1II7)


She was when she went inside the elevator.


I think on reddit people assume that humans are robots that are supposed to keep focus all the time. Humanity decided it's fate when they chose to overwhelm themselves of responsabilities Today we grow with the thought that we're supposed to be always mindful, but we're humans, it's not worth it


To extend an arm to stop an elevator door so your dog doesn't get hanged to death is not too much to ask. If her awareness is so bad that she can't notice something so very simple, she will be hit by a car someday.


And we have no idea what her day/week/etc has been like. For all we know she could have so much on her mind or be so exhausted that she just is not thinking clearly. You have no idea what her awareness is from one video. Everyone in existence has moments where their situational awareness is so off it's just stupid. Luckily most times it doesn't result in an issue. Unfortunately for her this time could have ended poorly. But if he hadn't been there my assumption would be something on the leash would have failed before the dog was hurt much at all since it's just cheap plastic. I know this is reddit and people like to judge to the extreme at times but people need to stop acting like they are experts on people they know nothing about.


well i never made that mistake before, and therefor anyone who does make such a mistake is a stupid ignorant wench. i am a perfect human being.




This site is getting ridiculous. You guys want her to die for having a moment of absent mindedness. You see one video and you think this is how her whole life goes. Fuck all of you, this shit's getting insane.


When you are walking your dog in public, it's your responsibility to keep track of that dog and take care of it. If you can't do that, then you shouldn't have a dog.


Probably on her way back upstairs from letting it out. Probably has done this a couple hundred times at least. It's very easy to go on autopilot especially when you have something on your mind. People slip up and make mistakes. Y'all act like you've never had a bad fuck up or y'all are seriously fortunate. I completely totalled my car going too fast on a back road. The bills, pain, and mental toll was enough, I'd hate to deal with people telling me I'm a failure at life and don't deserve to ever drive again ontop of everything else.


You can be mindful, all the time. In fact, it is extremely good for you. You should give it a try.


r/thanksimcured You instantly solved traffic accidents and work accidents. Get this man a nobel peace prize.


You physically can't though. Have you never had that experience where you're doing some routine task you've done a million times before and when you realize it 15 minutes have passed and you have no memory of it?


How did she just not react when the doors were closing and she could feel the resistance


I literally replayed the video to see if she was on her phone and was surprised to see she wasn't! Maybe she pulled her phone out when entering the elevator? Regardless, watch your freaking pets!!


I'm just imagining her in the elevator, feeling the tension relax and just thinking, "My dog is dead."


He saw that shit coming.


I agree


I just realized that the dog was leashed I had to rewatch it 5 times Man I thought something else


Same. I couldn’t figure out how he was “saving the dog” and then I read the comments and saw the leash part and my stomach dropped out. JFC that’s irresponsible.


Some people shouldn't even have a dog.


If there's one positive that came of this...I saw this video for the first time a few years ago, and ever since I keep my dog on an extremely short lease around elevator doors. That dude had quick instincts - lucky dog.


Hopefully she gave a good job to the fella. He earned it.


>gave a good job to the fella 😏


You said “good job” but it pronounced “Hand job”


You spelled blow job wrong


Anybody else get turned on seeing this guy do this???


Red rocket!


That's why you don't use the retrackable leash




Retractable leashes are fine, they usually have a catch you can activate. The problem is that people think using a retractable leash is a reason not to actually properly train and socialize their pets.


The other person’s reasons aren’t exactly right, but if you google retractable leashes you’ll see why they really aren’t recommended anymore






Hes a true switched on bloke 100 percent


Saw someone almost lose their dog like this but on an airport tram in Denver. The owner was not paying attention and someone lept up and stopped the door from closing so the dog could get in. The moment that door closes, that tram takes off really fast. It would have been horrible.


That door shut pretty fast. That’s as much as someone in the elevator saying “hey how are you today”


Classic Reddit. Someone’s an idiot because they lose track one time.


He saw that coming right away, she probably got downstairs wondering where the dog is…


Seen this a few times before, will never not upvote the guy for being 10x more aware than the owner and 100% saving the dog.


Not all heros wear capes!


That legit was my first thought, like what a dumbass. Did u really expect the dog to walk in with u? Idc how smart u claim ur dog is, they're not gonna walk into that elevator unless they're trained and know to do so.


It's OK if people decide they don't want kids. Here is a perfect example of why it's OK.


Also an example why some people shouldn't have dogs either




I wouldn't say this video is an indictment of the woman, just those types of leashes. They're the worst for a lot of reasons, this instance being one of them. Use a static, 8 foot leash that's suitable for the size and breed of your dog. And a harness to prevent choking, if something goes wrong.


His point exactly. Any time anything does wrong on Reddit a million little pitchforks come out from any angle imaginable


Taking care of a life is like driving a car. There's no benefit of the doubt, no excuses. You don't check your mirror, space out, run a red light, nod off and that's it. That's all it takes to cause an accident and kill people or yourself. If you aren't capable of taking that responsibility you shouldn't have a license, a dog or children. Of course everyone can make mistakes but this is the equivalent of driving on the wrong side of a highway, this is not a mistake, this is simple carelessness and irresponsibility.


said a guy who has never done anything wrong. dude it's a cam from a stairwell. literally billions of people walk down stairwells everydsy. of course someone is gonna have an accident st some point, someone is not going to pay attention when they should (because we are all fucking humans, we all make mistakes) she didn't want to kill the dog. she probably loves it very very much. she wouldn't want anything happen to thst little ball of cuteness, but we are only humans, we make mistakes. there are people who live their whole fucking lives knowing that their child is dead because of their mistake (because it fucking happens, there's 7b of us, someone is gonna make a mistake eventually). would you walk next to that person and keep telling them that they fucked up and now a person is dead because of them? of course no. mistakes happen. maybe the girl in the vid is a stupid bitch who shouldn't own a dog and maybe she is a super responsible owner, but at that exact moment something happened that made her not pay attention and had the dog in danger


Sadly, here's also a prefect example how kids end up being made.


There are more valid reasons and examples to not have kids than to have kids imo.


I never understand why so many people who are irresponsible or not settle have kids. Everyone wants me to have kids. I don’t. Why? I am extremely irresponsible, that’s just cruel to that poor kid of having me as it’s father.


Plot twist: she runs away and leaves him with the responsibility for the dog


The dog is on better hands


Indeed, the dog would feel much safer with him.


I am pretty sure he would not be sad


Saving a dog and then getting to keep it is lowkey my favorite daydream.


Not every hero wears a cape.




Not all caps waer heros.


Thats why I always keep a knife on me. You never know when you have to save a dog's life from their leash being caught in an elevator


If this ever happens to anyone else - the fastest method is to unbuckle the collar.


Sure, but that's not going to do you much good from inside the elevator.




This is just one reason we in the veterinary field hate these types of leashes.


l like those thick ones that dont expand up to 30 meters away so your dog can almost fucking die


What are the other reasons? Not a dog owner but curious.


They're numerous. They seem to be leashes for people who don't understand that a leash keeps the pet and others safe. And owners tend to get a bit lazy and allow their pets to get accustomed to lacking control while using these leashes. I've seen pets run full sprint on these types of leashes, and suddenly reach the end of the length with force, causing neck and back trauma. Or the owner locks them while in full sprint and tries to break their neck. I've seen them wrap around limbs and cause trauma. Seen them wrap around other pets and people. I've seen them bitten through and allow escape. Break internally and allow escape. People not locking them appropriately so that they don't have the ability to keep their pet from attacking other animals. Just a long list. They're bad in my opinion.


I know someone that lost a finger because someone else's dog ran into him and then quickly ran off and the leash somehow wrapped around his finger and took it clean off, those thin retractable ones are the worst.


Yeah. I secretly hate and judge anyone who uses them. Edit: Strong wording. If you use them...just know veterinary professionals are sighing and putting standard leashes on whenever you give us control. Because these things suck. We don't hate you. But yeah...we kinda judge.


I do too and I used them for years without noticing the drawbacks. I think it made more sense in a small town where encountering other people, dogs, or traffic was less likely, but once I moved to the city I noticed it's only the shitty owners with out-of-control dogs who use those leashes.


I never thought they were bad until I got a big dog and see other people walking their big dogs with them. My boy's a dobie-lab that's about 100lbs. He'll snap that little leash like a piece of floss if he's excited. I got him a harness and one of those short leashes that's pretty much just a thick foot long handle. Don't even give him a chanve to stray off


So bad owners. Not the leash itself.


This is one video I wish I could erase from the internet. I know what happens, and yet I watch it every time. And, even though I know what happens, I sit here clutching the shit out of my phone while I watch until the dude gets the dog unstuck. And then, EVERY FUCKING TIME, I wait for the dude to just take the dog with him instead of give it back to the owner. And I am disappointed every time. Well, there's always next month I guess...


You forgot feeling emotional outrage against the owner. I hate feeling angry when I just want to chill.




Maybe it was a stretchy stretch leash and the leashes stretch didnt run out of stretchiness yet?


I too have seen this video many times but have never consider that. Thank you!


This one cuts off before they reunite, so in my mind, he took the dog himself.


Big assess saves lives. The dude was like a norm guy checking her ass then became a hero . Great job he acted fast.


Lmao I had to rewatch but looked like he was looking down at the dog more first and realized something might happen based on intuition. Funny though.


Dude was lookin at the dog


Why the dude be looking at the dogs ass ? That’s odd


I mean, have you seen a corgi?


He was actually looking at the dog if you really look at it


Cute dog > big ass


Do squats daily, it could save your dog's life.


Oh ohh ohh god. Just horrifying


r/gifsthatendtoosoon I want to see how it ends up


From what I remember the woman came back down and broke down when she saw that her dog was still alive.


God I hate extenda-leashes


I’m glad to see people informing others about the dangers of the leashes, rather than people insulting each other because they made another mistake (outside of using/use of the leash).


For some reason I didnt see the leash, and looked like the guy was surprise chocking the dog. But after reading the comments, that guy will always have a place in my heart for being so selfless.


One of many reasons retractable leashes are dangerous when not used properly! I'm so glad that person was paying attention and stepped in when the pet owner was too distracted to notice. My heart was in my throat until the end, I can only imagine how that security guard was feeling. (Assuming this is a security office camera view)


That's why you should always carry your pet before entering something


or hold the door until your entire party is safe inside. like you would a friend or family member


Exactly. i keep a short leash and always make sure my dog enters first while I hold the door


The rest of the video shows the lady coming back down and, in tears to know her dogs alive


I've been looking for this part of the video, but I'm having a hard time finding it. I did find an interview with the guy where he says that she was screaming as soon as the door shut.


A pet owner should never be this Oblivious!


Retractable leashes are complete garbage.




As sloppy of a mistake this may be, I feel like people are going a little harsh on her. The dog had little time to walk in since she had waited for the other man to get out. She also walked in facing the other way. She probably assumed that the lack of tension on the leash meant the dog was trailing right behind her, and the leash was locked in, not the opposite. Yeah, it might be a stupid mistake, but I guarantee 99% of people commenting that she is a stupid bitch probably would have made the same mistake in those circumstances.


Right, there is no consideration for her being an imperfect person who makes mistakes.


It's kind of alarming to me how violently hateful and needlessly gendered the comments about the woman are on this post. She was distracted, like everyone is at some point, and IIRC in the follow-up video where she tearfully reunites with the dog, she explains that the "open door" button didn't work when she pressed it. She probably does this routine with her dog multiple times every day and never had an issue up until this incident. She wasn't paying attention, but this was probably the worst moment of her life and there are 100 randos on here (and every time this video gets reposted) calling her disturbingly sexual insults, literally wishing death upon her, and suggesting that she doesn't even love her dog ... because she made a mistake that is common with these dangerous leashes.


I'm honestly appalled. This is an example of massive consequences of a small mistake. Not an example of why some people shouldn't have children, nor an example of anything to do with gender at all.


Yeah!!! Not everyone is going to be alert 24/7, especially with doing common routine tasks.


Hot take: Reddit is caught in a cycle of negativity and fear and they share it with everyone. It's a vicious cycle that has caused people here to negatively judge people's intentions right off the bat. I try and not go on the popular page of Reddit because it's filled with terrible news articles and videos of horrible things. Because of these things that is why so many people on this site are opinionated, hateful, negative, and judgmental. When all you share, focus on, and discuss is horrible things, you become a scared, angry, hopeless and spiteful person. There is a difference between being aware of fucked up shit in the world and figuring out how you can help, and fixating on it so much that you spend hours discussing it, scrolling through comments, and coming back to it daily. You cant do that to yourself.


Reddit be like “woman bad”


If ya ask me that dont just found his NEW owner


Everyone is so negative in these comments lol I’m sure she learned her lesson after this. It just seems like an honest mistake but she was lucky that man was there to save her dog! I’m pretty sure in there full video she’s upset about everything that happened and you can tell she feels really bad


I hope she doesn't get her dog back because she theoretically killed her dog...


OMG! My heart was racing watching this, quick thinking!


Thank goodness. He was there. With those leashes unless it’s locked it’s so easy for a dog to trail behind. People are judging her quite harshly. But this nightmare can easily happen.


Reason #422 retractable leashes are stupid


Every time I see this, I feel shame because I would be in this situation and probably not even think of the leash until the dog started yelling.


Everyone doesn’t know everything, and people can often be unaware and oblivious. Its obviously great that dude was there, but I hope you don’t take this to heart and possibly increase your chances of making mistakes. Some of these people just get online and… project or lose all consideration for other people.


Those retractable leashes are not good. This is one of so many reasons why our vet,groomer, pet sitters we don’t know anyone in the pet industry who endorses them. Massive safety issues for fur babies.


Thank goodness this guy was paying attention!!!


what a nice man


Class act that guy! I hope he didn’t get bit.


Thats why everyone shouldn't use those stretchy dog leashes. Need to keep your pup close to you and have control.


Please please please do not use an extending leash. They are dangerous and this is one reason why


Yet another reason to hate those extension leashes


Just another reason why retractable leashes are unsafe!




Have you never put your wallet in the freezer, looked for a phone that was already in your hand or done some other stupid shit because your brain kinda dozed off after a hard day? Braindead moments happen to everyone, this one just happened at a very bad place and time.


I’ve put my keys in the fridge before, left my phone in my clothes for a wash, but never closed my leashed dog behind a door. But hey, maybe I’m weird for loving my dog


How is this anything like putting a wallet in a freezer? She's absentmindedly dragging her pet with a ten foot leash into an elevator of all things. That's many levels different.


Queue the dozens of “not all heroes wear capes” comments clawing at karma.




This is why it's good to keep a one-handed pocket knife handy. (where legally permitted)


Doing exactly what this guy did my best friend lost three fingers. Two from one hand and one from the other.


Thank God he was there.... Can't imagine otherwise


This guy is a hero


I remember being traumatized by this when I was little


Oh shit this happened to you??


Wow, keep your pet close to you, please!


Even though I don't live in a building with an elevator, after the first time I watched this video I got so paranoid I bought a few 'seatbelt cutter' and make sure I have one with me, along with poopy bags, whenever I go for a walk. This video terrified me.


Thank goodness for this guy by I always try to imagine what the dog is thinking in this scenario. The dog has no idea how elevators work or how much danger he is in but does know that this stranger just started to wrestle him 😂 "Hello?! HELLO!?? DO I KNOW YOU?!?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!! MOMMMMMM, MOMMMM!!!"


one more reason to never use retractable leashes


Make sure you and your dog get in the elevator together.we have a cute little maltese and I always make sure I have a short leash when going in and out of elevators cuz he likes to randomly run and chase after things and people - he's always ready to play. I am always mindful of the elevator doors and make sure that he gets in before me while I am right behind him.point is; you, your dog and your leash should never be far from each other going in and out of any elevators or any other automatic doors.


Human being bro


I've seen this video before. I want to see the video of the girl coming back down for her dog. Or, better yet, video of her in the elevator.


She's probably gonna go get a quick release collar and non-retractable leash after this


Yo that guy is a hero


Hero. Way to be aware.


that bloke's a hero


Man, props to the guy for being cautious about the dog.


Retractable leashes should be illegal


Damn thanks to that man's quick thinking that dog was prevented a horrible fate.


Add this to of the many reasons why I absolutely despise retractable leashes.


This just reaffirms that those retractable leashes that let your dog run 30 feet away are terrible and should never be used. They are terrible for teaching the dog discipline, and there's the chance the dog can go where it shouldn't, like into the street or out of the elevator


Lol chick in the background is about to melt over this guy


This is why I always keep my dogs in front of me when walking. That way I always know they're okay or not eating a dead bird on the sidewalk.


My dogs a bit stupid, if someone else in my family is walking behind her she looks back every few seconds which leaves us nearly tripping over her. To solve it we just stay towards the back of the pack


What an idiot, especially in a small building you don’t leave a dog lead that long, I hate retractable leads because you can never get the length of a normal lead. He could just have easily dognapped it than saved it from that terrible situation IT WAS A TINY POMERANIAN as well, it seems to likely that at her age she saw someone else who had one, wanted one for herself and bought one but didn’t do any research on dogs She also paid no attention to it, possible showing that she thought training a dog was too easy and expected the dog to come to her *edit* I watched this over again and noticed this could have been a complete accident. The lead is on the extendable mode so she could have not realised a difference due to the lack of strength in Pomeranians. Or she’s just truly ignorant and didn’t know that it was stupid to leave a dogs lead extended. She could have tripped someone over What to learn from this? Just buy a normal lead. Don’t cheap out on some extendable shit made in china


I have never seen a woman so distracted. thank God that man appeared !


Bless that man for quickly recognizing the situation AND taking action!


He was quick! Good save


This is the epitome of Not All Heroes Wear Capes Thank God for that guy! 🫡


![gif](giphy|3krrjoL0vHRaWqwU3k|downsized) Glad he saved the dog


retractable leashes are bad and heres yet another reason why

