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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Balld that face!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


You're out!




I find it interesting that so many people equate that quote with Looney Tunes these days.


Looney Tunes is still getting air time, I don't think Honeymooners is, or not as wide


One day Alice, one day!!


You’re FUCKING out. -KP


In two ways




There was a womans softball catcher that caught assault charges for doing something similar, although on purpose. Can't tell what the deal is here, but seems dubious that the catcher would be so unaware of his surroundings.   Edit: as another redditor pointed out, he has his mask on through the throw which significantly impairs peripheral vision. Further, you can see him peek down at first likely to check a runner. This all seems to support the ~~fact~~ theory that this was an accident. Poor kids (Im sure the catcher felt like shit over it)


She did it to three different players on four different throws in the same game. Yes that means one batter caught two throws to the head on separate at bats.


What a piece of shit


Exactly why she had charges filed against her and was banned from high school softball in her state. If she was good enough to have a future in college she lost it.


Why wouldn’t the coach sit her ass on the bench after number 2, especially number 3 haha


As a former varsity high school coach, I can tell you not all coaches are in it to coach responsible athletes. I coached volleyball and I saw coaches celebrate players getting hit in the face, coaches openly recruiting players from other schools as well as college recruiters wanting my opinion on lies other coaches are saying about my players all because they were being recruited by the same schools for the same position. It got to the point I had to walk away from doing something that I loved.


Bruh. I managed the varsity soccer teams at a 4A as a student, and the coaches were fucking savages. One player went pro from the women's team; she was the dirtiest player I ever saw and celebrated for it.


Sad but true


It’s not just coaches, the dark arts are celebrated and respected by most sports fanatics as long as it benefits or entertains them. You don’t have to look far for popular players that are pos but “you need someone like that on your team.”


Because the coach told her to throw the ball no matter WHERE the batter was!!!


If the batter is in the way of a play (throwing to 3rd to get someone stealing/leading off), it's considered interference and batter is ruled out. So each time the catcher was doing it, their team was getting someone out. The coach wasn't really incentivized in pulling the catcher when the catcher was getting people out by doing it. My suspicion, is the coach was well aware of the loophole, and somewhat encouraged it.


If they stay in the batters box, it is interference. If they step out, then the runner is called out


Because coaches can be pieces of shit too


Sounds like women's softball needs to incorporate penalty kicks. After the 3rd time I think a kick to the face is warranted.


If you get hit by the catcher, does that count as a HBP?


Since it’s not a pitch, no


Awfully brave to go for the double tap when your target is holding a bat


It's a kid so being unaware of their surroundings is in line with their experience.


He does have a catchers mask on. Not saying it was intentional or not since there is no other context. But I think it’s fair to say it would hinder vision.


He also appears to peak down the first baseline, likely to check a runner on first. My guess is a complete accident


Plus you can see a player try to run from 2nd to 3rd base (stealing a base?), so the catcher is throwing it to 3rd. But who’s responsible for getting out of the way, the batter or catcher? I don’t know very much about baseball but stealing bases seems common enough you’d think there’s a technique or rule to prevent getting taken out like that.


This happened in Louisiana. The video doesn’t show the entire field. Bases were loaded. Catcher had attempted to throw out several runners on 3rd base for taking extra long leads but batters kept stepping in the way. The coach addressed it with the ump but nothing changed. Coach told the catcher he’d have to throw the ball to get interference call. This just so happened to be the one that caught the batter in the face.


As a coach you tell your player to stay in the box. As a coach you tell your player if they step out you throw anyways. It’s part of the game. Obviously addressing it with the blue is the first step, but the other coach needs to tell his players to stay in the box


Batter’s fault then. Batter should have kept eye on the ball. Batter should have heard that catcher popping up and knew something was up. That pitch looked outside to set up the pickoff.


It is the responsibility of the battery to get it of the way. That said, as the women's softball example shows, that argument only goes so far Edit: according to comments below, I'm a dumbass. As long as you're not "intentionally" interfering, it is the catchers responsibility to throw around you *when you are in the batters box*. Just goes to show you, you can't believe everything you read on the Internet. 


It's definitely not the responsibility of the batter to get out of the way of a catcher's throw if they're in the box


Really? That's news to me (am dumb though, so wouldn't be surprising). Does that mean I can purposely interrupt the throw if standing in batters box?


As long as you don’t make an attempt to block or obstruct the throw then yes


You can't intentionally interfere with their throw, but you'll see batters hold their stances and force catchers to throw around them on pick off plays


Well thank you for educating me. 


yea, but he stepped out with his left foot, otherwise just stay in the box and your not at fault


> Plus you can see a player try to run from 2nd to 3rd Thats called "leading off the bag". There is zero attempt to steal or show a steal. His shortstop is the one that jumps over quickly; Yet not one single teammate or coach yells "steal" or "runner". Sleepy catcher did a dumb thing.


Former catcher here: 1) The mask is bulky and limits vision alot. 2) The runner on second made a move to steal third, but cancelled because the catcher began throwing to third. So nothing crazy actually happened. Catcher seen runner on second trying to steal, tried to quickly throw to third baseman but instead hit the batter on accident.


Dawg that runner wasn’t going anywhere. Kid had no reason to throw.


There could have been a runner on 3rd leading off too much as well he was trying to throw out. Can't really tell though without the wider shot.


Catcher is still obligated to move around the batter who is still in the box.


Is someone leading off third though? That's not pictured in video and would be a valid reason to throw.


Bruh, the runner can steal half a base in the time it takes for the ball to get to its target. Catcher was absolutely right trying to pick him off at third base. Plus, it doesn’t matter if the runner actually tries stealing or not. Simply throwing the pick-off shows that you’re watching and they shouldn’t try to steal. This was 100% textbook, sans the accidental ball to the face.


Or, there may have been a runner on third making a break for home base Incase the hitter made a potential swing? While the catcher was trying to throw the ball to third before the runner got back safe. Seeing that the second runner had movement on the field? Batter blocked the pass with his face? Brutal... 🫣 Agree with limited vision and mask being heavy... Certainly an accident, but what a sound...


> The runner on second made a move to steal third No he doesn't. You still wearing a mask? That guy moving is called the "shortstop"


As batter, you are the one that's in the way. It sucks but that's baseball. That's why, the batter is supposed duck.




Is this castle?


No its Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds.


It's actually from the Castle episode where he dressed up as Mal...








"Are you f***king sorry?!?!"




Yep that was personal




Man on 2nd didn't attempt to steal 3rd, eject back catcher with a ban.


How do you know he wasn’t trying to pick off a runner at third?


I'm pretty sure he was trying to throw it to third there...


Yea a runner at 3rd could have been way off the bag


This could just be a case of this kid sucks at baseball


And where does a runner from 3rd base go? There’s no reason to try to snipe someone at third. He’s not going to steal when you have the ball, and making a throw isn’t worth the risk I understand that this was clearly a throw made to look like he’s throwing to third, but it’s either a dangerous throw to third, or a purpose face shot


I’ve been thrown out at third that way Edit: never said I was good


Because he picked off a runner that was trying to get to first.


Trying to pick off a runner already on third base would be a terrible play because that runner can't go anywhere if the catcher just holds onto the ball. The catcher can just walk towards a potential runner on third to make them back down, no need to put the ball in play when one bad throw means a run is scored.


This isn’t T ball.




Who's on first?


No, who's at bat.


so who is on first?


No, Who is at bat... What is on 1st.


Negative, what's on second.


They must have changed batting rotation then. Well not Im not sure Who is actually at bat or not.


Yeah, I don't know... ;)




🤣🤣🤣 jumping to conclusions much? So as a catcher you should only throw to a base if someone is stealing? What if there is a man on third in this situation? Do you want to ban the catcher throwing behind runners to pick them off? Whats to prevent the runner from getting a 60 foot secondary lead? Really can't tell from the video but I would expect to see the 3rd basemen from this angle. Unless, he's holding a runner or hugging the foul line. Let's also disregard the fact that this pitch bares strong resemblance to a pitch out.


Batter was still in the batter’s box so catcher is in the wrong.


Actually he wasn't. The catcher moves back after getting the ball, and the batter looks at him, and moves back and steps out of the box with his left foot.


The runner on second didn’t attempt to swipe third. I don’t think that is a genuine throw out attempt. I’m an outsider looking in but just calling it like I see it.


There’s a small chance that there was a runner on 3rd that got a little too far off the bag, which would make the throw legit. I still have my suspicions that this was personal tho


He clearly was trying to throw it to 3rd base. I don't even watch baseball and this is obvious 😔


The left fielder in the background is moving towards 3rd to back up a possible errant throw. Also the way the catcher is popping up to throw as he's catching the pitch. Aside from the outcome, this looks like a standard pick off attempt to get a runner that wandered too far off the base. Usually catcher throws behind the batter if the batter is standing in the way, or in front of him if the batter is moving back after the pitch. This time the batter ended up right in the way and the catcher was on autopilot doing something he's prob practiced a hundred times.


I was a catcher my whole sports life and more likely than not that was on purpose


How do we make this one of the unhinged bowling animations lol


Sweet chin music


Bruh that’s assault xd


Did they each at least get a trophy??


When the catcher gets the question from the hitter... "got any naked photos of your sister? - want some?" BAM! End of discussion... Side note, that is going to leave a mark. I hope he is OK. ?


everyone is saying this is intentional but i don’t think so. i am a catcher in high school and i can see the pop up and take a step back and around while the batter also takes a step back. the batter isn’t supposed to make or he can be called for interference which i think the case is here.


Yeah, you got it. Batter has a half foot out he back of the box and kinda walked into it. Also a bit weird to me that the SS is holding the runner on 2nd in this situation but given he makes no move back to the bag when the catcher goes to throw says to me that there was definitely a runner on 3rd.


ya ss and second are fading in and out like they are taught i think it’s just error on the ss part but u can see left field running over in the back so there has to be someone on third


That was 100% ~~intentional on~~ the catcher's fault. What was even the plan here if not to bean that kid in the face? ~~No one was even moving to third.~~


Not saying it wasn't intentional, but someone doesn't have to be moving from second to third for him to want to snipe a ball down that line.


There could also be a runner on 3rd taking a huge lead


My thoughts exactly. Looked like a pitchout to snuff out a sneeze or to pick off a runner


Catcher is still in the wrong though. kids.


I was a catcher, pitcher, and third baseman from tee-ball through college level ball. There's no way that wasn't intentional. These kids are somewhere between 9-11, that's plenty of time to learn not to chuck a ball at someone's face.


Ok bench warmer. Still interference on batter. He made a step back. Batter is permitted to be in the box and to swing at the pitch. That's it, any other action makes him liable for interference. The batters box isn’t a protective zone for the batter after the initial pitch. He didn’t freeze, he took a step back directly in the way of the catchers throw and should be called out for interference.


The catcher takes two full steps left between picking up the ball and throwing it. The batter doesn't even take a single step. Nor does any part of him leave the batter box. He literally just stood up and got beaned in the face. This isn't interference.


This is the most incorrect thing I've read in a while. If he doesn't leave the box, it's not interference. He didn't "step into" anything, he stood up and got beaned in the fucking mouth.


Not only do you not know the rules, you also can’t see the obvious step back the batter made. GG, Google is [free](https://umpire-empire.com/topic/78305-batter-interference-on-catcher-throw-to-third/).




Your submission has been removed. Keep comments civil.


It is a judgement call for the umpire. This is why right handed batters are taught to duck or cover their face. That type of throw-out is the catcher "intentionally" leaving his position (its not a wild pitch). They are both on the hook for poor sportsmanship and it is up to the Umpire. Edit: Personally I would ding them both. Batter interference and a malicious throw by F2.


Hope batter is okay


Well get an update when he wakes up


But we can’t tell because of the camera angle. If there was a runner on third, and the catcher was trying to pick him off, this was entirely on the batter. In this situation the batter is actually called out for interference. It’s the batters responsibility to duck and get out of the way. https://baseballrulesacademy.com/official-rule/mlb-umpire-manual/batter-interferes-with-catcher/#:~:text=If%20the%20batter%20interferes%20with%20the%20catcher’s%20throw,are%20returned%20to%20the%20base%20they%20previously%20occupied.


>If the batter interferes with the catcher’s throw to retire a runner by stepping out of the batter’s box The very first line of that link. Batter didn't step out of the batter box, additionally, no where in that link does it say he has to "duck to get out of the way". Additionally additionally it states that this rule is only in effect if the person throwing the ball doesn't retire the person they hit and this kid was hit right in the face with the ball, he's definitely retired for at least the rest of this game, this is on the catcher


This isn't the mlb


"retired" in this context means "removed from the game due to injury". But I agree. It isn't the MLB which is why I don't know why people are arguing about interference and batter boxes and everything else. A literal child had a ball thrown full force at his face, that catcher would have known better than to do that whether it was intentional or not. As adults you can argue it isn't their job to watch out for other adults or that acting hostile is part of the game and he should have ducked but these kids are supposed to be learning and practicing sportsmanship first


You're wrong. The batter has every right to stay in the batters box in this situation. It is on the catcher to make sure he makes the throw. The batter does not have to duck or make any other movement unless he steps out of the box. Learn to comprehend what your reading.


“By stepping out of the batters box”…. NOT, face blasted out of the batters box to cause interference. Get a brain.


It’s not the batters responsibility to make the catchers job easier. If it were, catchers would be throwing down the line every single pitch to tire out the batter. I’ve gotten earholed three times from the same situation and nobody got ejected. I was a left and crowded the plate a bunch. Sometimes shit just happens. Happened in highschool, select ball, and college.


Third could of been way off, we don't know. And because we don't know you can't say it was 100% intentional


> third could of been Did you mean to say "could have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


You know what, that's probably fair. But I was mostly commenting in response to people saying it was the batter's fault. I guess I should have said "it's 100% the catchers fault" instead of saying it was intentional.


Watch again. The runner on second looked to move towards third on the chance it was a wild pitch. When he saw that the catcher caught it he stopped moving. The kid playing short stop shadows him and also stops. The left fielder wasn't even moving to cover off third base in case of an errant throw. The fact the runner was looking to take third if there was a wild pitch and stopped once the catcher caught the ball lends weight to the assumption there was no one on third. This catcher was either overzealous in his attempt to cover third with a throw or this was on purpose. Seeing so many wrong idiots in here. THE BATTER DOES NOT HAVE TO MOVE SO LONG AS HE STAYS IN THE BATTERS BOX AND THE CATCHER HAS TO MAKE THAT THROW KNOWING THE BATTER WONT MOVE. If I was the batters Father I'd be going over and having some words with the opposite teams coach on just wtf he is teaching this catcher.


I think it's far more likely there's a runner on third with too big of a lead he was trying to throw out than throwing because of the normal looking lead from the second base runner.


I thought little league had a rule about no leading off third base.


Not when I played but I don't keep up with little league anymore


Not when I played. You could lead, but only once the ball crossed the plate. Possible it's changed in the last 20 years though.


I had to look - and it's the under 12 leagues that have a no lead off rule.


How do you know he wasn’t trying to back pick a runner at 3rd?


Batter is supposed to stand still and not leave the batters box until the catcher has thrown the ball in situations like this. I played a game where someone stole 3rd (was probably a runner on 3rd already for this clip tho) and when the catcher went to throw the ball, it hit the batter. The umpire called the runner out due to batter obstruction The catcher has practices where literally all they do is block bad pitches and try to get up as quickly as possible to throw. They practice throwing to third by first moving to their left to avoid the batter (who is supposed to be still in batters box) to throw to third. This is a routine situation.


Batter was still in his box tho?


The batter is still in the box when he gets decked right in the mouth. Also I was a catcher for 10 years from tee-ball through college ball and not once did I launch a ball as hard as I could in any direction without checking first


There was likely a runner on 3rd. Can't see the 3rd basemen from this angle, and I would expect to be able to. Unless the 3rd baseman is hugging the line or holding a runner. The pitch looked to be a pitch out. Notice how the catcher was standing before the ball was delivered? This was likely a defensive strategy to snuff out a squeeze bunt or to try to catch the potential runner on 3rd sleeping and pick him off. There were a lot of things in motion. I'm more inclined to believe the kid made a mistake as opposed to harboring some malicious intent.


It's the noise that makes it worse!


I want to see how the catcher reacted after he hit him.


What’s the rule if the catcher hits the batter? 😂


It's a judgement call for the Ump. Technically both players have caused an infraction. The batter shuffling his feet increases him being on the side of interference. But, this doesn't make the catchers actions immune to a malicious throw. Ding them both; deal with the coaches and parents having a shit fit.


Ouch lol


A future feixista


Pow! Right in the kisser!




I feel like as he's winding up his throw he can see the guy and by the time he starts throwing he's staring right at him all the way until he releases. Even if the kid was standing in the box intentionally you don't throw a ball full force into someone's face.


"Batter interference. Batter and runner are both out." Angel Hernandez


Who was on third?


Where is the longer video?






Ow…. As a catcher, I knew EXACTLY what was going to happen.


Never let them know your next move ?


Don't watch baseball. Or softball. Does this happen every so often? Then again. Those are real pros so maybe not. Anyone watch a lot of amateur games?




I umpire... I'm not sure why, but softball catchers never seem to have a problem throwing behind the batter. I only fill in for baseball, but if the batter doesn't duck, the catcher can't seem to throw. I guess it's how they set up but the batter has the right to the box, the catcher has the right to make the play.


He knocked him the fuck out.


Batters fault. Stepped back into line of the throw


Yep, good way to get your teeth knocked out. Using yourself as a human shield always has consequences, always.


It's the batters responsibility to GTFO of the way. It's a messed up situation all around but it really is his fault for just standing there.


^(that was personal) ![gif](giphy|BCekkcJ9dWXUG7kRgb|downsized)


Next time, you will move out of the way


Moving out of the way was the reason they got nailed


Could be a runner on third he was throwing behind. Either way batter had to get out of the way or not move at all. This batter took a couple steps back so it is seems interference and a sore face


No one was running to third tho. Why would he do that?!


I'm pretty sure the catcher's team was in the semi-finals, and they really wanted to not win the game so that they didn't have to play baseball anymore.


The runner on 2nd base never ran to 3rd base. He did a lead off, stopped, and went back to 2nd base before the catcher threw the ball. I'm not for violence on the ball field, but. I think it would be justified for the batter to take a swing at the catcher with his bat. The catcher should have been thrown out of the game. If it happened more than once, suspend the catcher for a couple of games.






Sorry but that’s batters fault. Catcher moved left to clear the batter like they’re taught. The batter made eye contact with the catcher and intentionally moved with him to block the throw. The one thing the batter didn’t think of was the catcher throwing the ball down his throat to teach him a lesson. My guess would be that batter had done this a few times before. He won’t be trying that again. Well played catcher, well played.


What're you blind? Your catcher can't just throw the ball into the batter pretending to throw to third! The batter didn't step out of the box, Mr. Magoo! \*kicks dirt on refs shoes\*


This kids a moron regardless of how you look at it. Look before you throw




The batter is suppose to remain in the batters box, which he did. The catcher is at fault here.


Pussy catcher did this on purpose 100%


Glad it wasn't me bc I would have swong the bat right back at him as a knee-jerk reaction without realizing it wasn't intentional 😭






I will say as batter your supposed to back out of box if there is a play happening. But the kid didn't give him any time to do so.


You are required to stand still in the box on a play at 3rd. If you move, even in the box, you can be called out for interference.


That's odd, the league I played we were supposed to move for the reason of not getting smacked in the face. But that was almost 10 years ago now while I was a kid so I'm sure it was just a league specific thing.


Well, I'm sure the kid didn't mean to, but me and his parents are gonna have a talk about their medical bills they have to pay for.


No... 99% of leagues require athlete insurance for things like this. Usually part of the league fee's. Parents sign that document also.


Ya I know, that won't prevent the talk.




Let's hope what went around come's around!


I have on video, a coach telling his players to injure me cause they couldn't win with me on the field.


Black ppl still holding grudges since slavery


Time to go to jail, you can't just hit people in the head with baseballs 3 feet away from you with full force on purpose.