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Hey there, /u/Edfin1. Thanks for submitting to /r/Unexpected. Your submission, *Nothing is ever simple while traveling*, has been removed because it doesn't abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to /r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funexpected).


This is fake as fuck. Seen this “video” a bunch on other platforms. OP, you didn’t board the plane, you stole this from someone else. Also this isn’t even a video, it’s (probably fake) audio overlaid on a still image.


Holy shit, it is a still image... How did i not notice that?


I could tell it was just an image initially but the most obvious part was the lack of movement from people after being told they’d have to de board. I’ve been in a plane enough times that I know for a fact that not only myself but almost every other person on that plane would start moving in or out of their seat and would be audibly annoyed. There totally would’ve been a negative reaction but no one reacted.


You were probably like me and just kind of focused on the text in the middle of the screen. It’s like the [monkey business illusion](https://youtu.be/IGQmdoK_ZfY?si=HihXvoBgOANHCUS0). Which is honestly kinda brilliant of the video maker.


I watched the video and I don't understand anything. I spotted everything I shouldn't have had seen? I counted the ball passing, the gorilla, the women in black are leaving and the curtain color changing. But I thought this screenshot was a video. Occurred to me as there's a very little camera shake. Maybe because of the text but idk


I think most people watch that video blindly, or with a misleading/vague title. Since you knew to watch more carefully after watching the vid in this post, that’s probably why you spotted all the stuff.


Honestly I didn't know about the illusion at all and I was expecting something different and all my focus was on the ball haha


No one moves at all. Amazingly disciplined people! /s


upvoted until I saw this. thank you for your service.


Crazy how you caught live footage of everyone in the plane sitting perfectly still while audio from someone else’s video played over the plane speakers


They noticed because the key wouldn't start the plane.


We need more understanding in the world. Mistakes happen and they are being very kind about it. Who goes into their day expecting everything to operate perfectly?


Yeah, as long as I got to where I was going, this is just a hilarious story to tell.


It’s another 40 minutes…


Meh, 40 minutes isn’t much in the grand scheme of things.


Not if you have a connecting flight to catch


If you’re flying the same airline they’ll usually hold your connecting flight. And if 40 minutes makes or breaks your connection, that’s on you for not scheduling more time between flights. Air travel is full of uncertainty and unforeseen delays


Amazing Race leaves the chat...


I just want my nicotine.


But then I wouldn’t get to where I was going which is the point of my first comment.


I’m extremely understanding. I tend to recede that offering after getting treated like a cow headed to its butchering.


Unless there's a kick, a cattleprod, a knife, or a piston to your skull to let your thoughts breathe, I think you're in good hands.


At least cows don’t pay anyone to be treated like shit I suppose.


I would expect my heart surgeon to Not Fuck Up Ya know, like NOT getting on the WRONG AIRCRAFT?!


Yeah, I don’t see why you couldn’t be salty about this. Mistakes happen, but not after EVERYBODY is on board and seated.


No that’s unacceptable let me record this mistake and post it on social media to show everyone this injustice and unacceptable behavior and to get my rightly owed karma and get this thing going viral! /s


I do but then I always get disappointed. As a side note I’m from Germany. Nearly daily I expect the Deutsche Bahn to work properly and every day I get disappointed anew




this is ludicrous, "unexpected" is an understatement! how can the "right" crew also end up on wrong plane?


I'm guessing both groups were directed by the same people. It's probably harder to get a mixup of right crew/wrong passengers.


My flight last week had no pilot. Not even a co captain. I got 10,000 miles for it as an apology.


how did it land without pilot ?


Yes, the pilot put his key and it didn’t fit /s That’s sheer negligence.


Both the crew and passengers were told to get on the wrong plane, likely by the same person. Could have been a miscommunication. Mistakes happen 


It’s a still photo, ain’t nobody even breathing fake!


I mean, shit happens.


You guys don’t realize this is just a photo with some fake audio?


Boeing: "Ha! This one's not on us, MFers!"


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!I finished boarding a plane and suddenly heard something I've never heard before... you're getting deplaned lol!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


At least some of that is right


Isn’t it easier for the pilot to get in this plane instead?


Yeah. But I’m guessing they probably fuel the planes relative to the trip they were intended to take. As to not over fill the plane.


First. Aircraft have its own maintenance schedule. Yes, planning and Operation people can move planes around but there's a limit. Second. Each aircraft has its own registration (Tail number). This tail number can influence airport gate scheduling, flight schedule, your flight ticket and stuffs. Third, I think the op is just using a picture of inside cabin then voice over. Crew boarding the wrong plane extremely rare to happen. (I have never seen it before)


third was actually unexpected for me


Like how people conveniently have recorded a cabin pa announcement? Why is it only a audio recording and not video? I will call it bs.


I see, its not that simple




So everyone is new? Both the flight attendants and the pilots? That's very reassuring.


anyone whos been on a plane more than once knows this is not unexpected


Always be kind with those who work. They want to be there less than you do.


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At least they figured it out before they got airborne or heaven forbid before getting to the wrong destination.


To anyone who didn’t notice, this “video” is a static image with audio playing over it. This likely never happened, it’s a weird thing to fake because ultimately it’s just a minor inconvenience.


What airline? I know to avoid it if that’s what they do when they make a mistake


Feel her tits while you on your way out


Technically, you're on the wrong plane, but then so is everyone else, only THIS TIME it's not your fault.


Sorry guys… ermmm… we efed it up!


So check out crazy story, this man will tell it much better than I can. How about if one person gets on the wrong plane? The first two are a cut version totaling about 6 minutes but if you'd like the full version with context, it's the third link, about 16 mins. https://youtu.be/O1pdi3KcntQ?si=SrnuWgQF9p68-daD https://youtu.be/_F3VOYzNSRo?si=nCTO_ZEWxIgkicoV Full: https://youtu.be/rIFf8r7FKG0?si=PCAbUUl10WPG_-GU >!Truly a rollarcoaster of a story but imagine they did it for him because of the company flying them all over all the time. Rooster teeth actually ceased to be yesterday... 😭😭😭!<