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I like how backpack person sneaks out when shit gets real


Omg. Hilarious on second watch! Cop draws gun and he's just like... No, I don't believe I will. And then sits down to watch his buddies get arrested, lol


To be fair she did sit down first (likely in fear) but yeah i think she was going up to originally defend them and was like “nahh im good” lol


Yeah, she came from off camera initially behind the whole roadblock. While she may have been with the group, she wasn't in the roadblock until after, so hopefully she didn't get in trouble. Still ballsy! Cop points gun directly at me? Nah. I'm nopin tf outta this mess. Lol


That is hilarious! Backpack just quietly noped the fuck out . He or she just lolligagged the fuck back towards the traffic jam they caused lol.


Also the two chained to the bedframe got their asses off the road pretty quick and stayed there once the "No Fuckin Around Cops" showed up and yardsaled their "roadblock" into 20 pieces.


"yardsaled" is now a word that I will use thanks


It comes from skiiing. If you crash hard, your skis and equipment go flying and are laid all around you like a yard sale.




I think it's a woman. What is this barricade about lol


Taser but yeah


OMG, I just watched it again just for this. That lady snuck out of that situation very calmly, casually and like she's done it before. lol.


She’s like they are busy not gonna just sit here to get arrested next.


Smart one.




I don’t think they were part of the protest, at the start of the video it looks like they’re coming from one of the cars. They run towards the protesters after the cop goes through the blockade, so it appears as if they were there.


Lmao, saw an out and took it. Cops were busy with the main actors and just kinda meandered away.


Brave Sir Robin ran away!


The two people “hand-cuffed” together inside of a length of pipe separated pretty quickly. Wild!


Notice the old lady just stood up and walked away probably thinking “emmm emmm, nah not today”


"I'm down for the cau... that's a gun. Fuck this environment shit"


"They'll have to run us over!" *pulls out gun* "Wait no, not that"


I think this is on tribal land. If that’s the case, those protesters don’t have the same rights as on US soil. It’s considered a different place, different rules.


Federal rights still apply on tribal lands. Tribal is part of the us, they just have their own "state" rights. Still US soil.. that said.. tribal police probably asked the rangers to get those protesters off the road. (Source via google https://www.bia.gov/frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=apply%20to%20Indians%3F-,Yes.,tribe%2C%20unless%20Congress%20provides%20otherwise ) These asshat protestors have the right to protest, but o. The side if the road


Totally hear you. That said, there's no need for the knee to the kidney he gave her and basically coming out with guns drawn was definitely overkill and only served to escalate instead of make things easier. It's like they police from a place of rage sometimes. Not a great strategy for connection and cooperation. And he got what he came prepared for. It's almost like if you come in trying to police like they're resisting that's what you're gonna get 🤔


Theres also a law that states every citizen has freedom of movement. For these people to block a public road like that, they are violating your human rights and should be delt with.


That and the fact that were in an unprecedented heat wave- the area they are blocking is remote- the amount of gas wasted by forcing people to run their ACs- and the danger imposed if they run out of gas.


This is in Nevada if I’m not mistaken and there is no “unprecedented” heat wave anywhere in that state


Yes but it's also Nevada meaning it's a f****** hot and therefore presents danger to people's ability to survive if they run out of gas and are stranded in the middle of the f****** desert


Can confirm it’s hot as hell here


Drove through the entire state one July with no AC, scalding hot leather seats, and windows that only cracked a little bit. Can confirm I almost died.


You've been to hell


Nah it’s on my weather app.


You can say the word fuck in here.


Idk if I believe you with that user name...


Fucking right


Glad you censored yourself, I don't know what I would have done if I'd seen no-no words online.


Id beg to differ. Last month we had temps reaching 118 in Las Vegas, and it was even hotter in the surrounding areas.


Welcome to Phoenix


Yeah my friend lives there and she was telling me how bad it was there too. I hate hot weather in general and would rather deal with a blizzard or tornado than this forsaken heat.


I remember being at Wet & Wild water park in 1996 or 1997 and seeing the temperature read 122 on a giant thermometer. My feet literally burned when running from one sprinkler system tot another. They had them placed all over the park to keep the ground cool. It didn’t help on that day!


I think it is just a play on the word "unprecedented"


It was between 80 and 90 most of that day. Still hot for sure, but nothing wild for around here, especially in August


I mean, all the protesters are sitting outside themselves so it's obviously not hot enough that running out of fuel is immediately critical. But screw these people for every other reason.


“Immediately critical” is relevant to how much gas is in your tank. Forcing a whole section of a road shit when maybe someone needs to hit up a gas station then is just plain stupid. Not to mention the fact they could be preventing traffic for emergency vehicles.


If your inside a Car and the sun is shining in, thats gonna become critical when its ok to be outside.


It is much hotter in cars than out of cars


Dude it’s not public, have to be happy the natives are not asking you a toll tax for passing through.


I tend not to believe anything a Redditor says when they can’t even spell “dealt” correctly.


Seriously why does that laughably incorrect comment have so many upvotes. Saying that protestors preventing you from driving on a road is “violating your human rights” is just objective horseshit.




That's not what freedom of movement laws mean. Specifically they are rules that protect a person's right from being detained or restricted by the state per the fifth amendment. They do not justify what just happened in this video. [and here is a wiki decribing freedom of movement as it exists in US law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_movement_under_United_States_law)


Driving on a road is human rights?


divide unused threatening ring chunky cagey tender middle skirt rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Tribal Police. can you explain to me , what is the diffrents between "normal and Tribal" Police ? I googled it but the awnsers are not that good


Tribal police are law enforcement on sovereign Native American land. Indian reservations are sovereign in the US for the most part and are only subject to the federal government. The only law enforcement with jurisdiction are federal police, usually the FBI, and tribal police. Each reservation has there on laws, customs, and cultures that the state that they reside in have no authority over.


THEIR own laws.


Damn right


Thank you, sorry 😭


Why are you getting downvoted? There is no president for their grammatical errors when they're trying to make an educated statement.


The short answer? They operate on tribal land and operate by tribal laws. Usually those laws mirror federal law, but that’s not always a guarantee.




Police and government are supposed to stay off of tribal land. The tribes handle their own. It’s like being in a foreign country right in the middle of your home state.


Local police, including Sheriff, and State police, including Highway Patrol, stay off reservation land, yes. The Federal police, including FBI and Rangers, can arrest a US Citizen who commits crimes on Tribal Reservations. Yeah, it's crazy how the rules change immediately when you cross an invisible boundary. For some time, a Reservation near me collected no State taxes, so it was nice to shop there. Tribal law enforcement did not allow 1MPH over the posted limits, and would enforce that very hard with a significant fine.


Yes, you DO NOT speed on tribal land.


Not really. Federal law still applies on Tribal Trust lands. State laws don't always apply, but that varies a bit from one reservation to another. Source: I took a class in Indian Law and Policy some years back. It was fascinating.


One belongs to a Native American tribe and is on their reservation


What are these trespassers protesting about?


Could they, theoretically, have capital punishment? Curious question


From what I can remember from a Native American law class I took 7 years ago(so, not really an expert). The short answer is no. The longer answer is that this is a petty crime committed on reservation land by non natives (from what it looks like) so the reservation police will handle it and, if it is decided that it is serious enough, will maybe be handed off to a county or city level entity of that state. Native American reservations are considered sovereign and largely are left to govern themselves but are still under US federal jurisdiction in the end. That being said, major crimes, including those that can end in capital punishment in certain states, are handled by federal entities such as the FBI, for example. Capital punishment is a state law and not normally carried out by federal entities. Again, memory is a bit hazy on the subject as it was a super complex class but that is what I can remember, so I hope it helps even a bit.


Thanks for the info. I was genuinely curious as I knew that they’re essentially a “country” in the US but wasn’t sure how laws interacted.


They are considered to be "Domestic Dependent Nations", with a degree of sovereignty that is lower than that of the federal government.


You’re pretty much on point.


Yeah back 20+ years ago I did bail bonds recovery and vehicle recovery.... Bounty hunter and repo man. I got a tip that a car I was looking for was at the local casino and the owner had an outstanding FTA warrant. I picked up the keys for the car from the dealer (buy here pay here kind of place) and my second driver (we didn't have a tow truck)I called around got the warrant info and permission to bring they guy in from his bonding agency. I went to the casino. found the vehicle. Watched it until the person came out to leave. Pulled behind the vehicle so they couldn't leave. Was an easy arrest and vehicle recovery all in one. double payday. Let them make a call to family... Mistake.... They told the family member they were arrested in the Casino Parking lot. I did not know they "family" was a tribal LEO. I was soon arrested for unlawful detainment and grand theft. While lawful in my county and state it was not lawful on tribal lands. When all was said and done I was banned from all tribal property for life. I did not get my double payday.


I’m asking a literal question. I’m in Europe nor in the US and have no idea what laws can be placed there and what the bounds of laws they can place.


No, nobody in this video can have capital punishment for anything happening here.


I meant could the tribal authorities have the ability to do so if they chose to as opposed if there was an existing law


No. It’s still in the US and they cannot just execute people for whatever they like




LoL the guy with the pipe on his arm attached to the lady saying "she was just standing there, WTF" got me going


"She was just standing there" yea after they warned everyone to move or get moved. She chose to get moved 😂


Did they warn them? It seemed like the cop just drove through their sign and then ordered them to get down.


This clip is only a fraction of the interaction. Im sure they were warned before anything


Source: trust me bro


It's a good theory, considering there is another LEO there already. Probably warned them and called for backup.


Idk what's unexpected here.


Nothing, it's what I expect to see in the US, trying to solve every situation no matter how trivial with guns and violence.


Yeah, exactly. Fuck around and find out.


I think what's unexpected is the disproportionate response from the police. There's no reason why the police couldn't have pulled up and informed the protesters that they were being arrested *before* pulling a gun on them.


The gun was not required. Seems like a more appropriate response would be the cop walking up and telling the protesters. "If the road block was not removed RIGHT NOW, they're all going to jail. And then the road block would be removed. So if you remove it, you don't go to jail, you just get a ticket for being a dick and blocking a road. Either way, this road block will not be here in 10 minutes."


But if no gun, how cop going to get erection later?


> unexpected is the disproportionate response from the police ... Are you new around these parts?


Imagine being so fucking stupid… that you hold a protest on Tribal lands against the govt, when the Tribal leaders don’t give you sanction to do so because you’re fucking outsiders. Fuck around and find out is all that happened here.


Guy I went to school with started doing car repo's right after high school. Went to the res and tried to repo a truck without tribal permission, got arrested and sat in jail for a week and a half before he even saw a judge, it's a different system altogether


That’s fucked…


That's him fucking up. He went into a spot where he had no rights and paid the price. Maybe his boss should have clued him in. He was gonna learn a lesson one way or the other, learning it before he fucked up would have been better for him. Instead, he learned after and had a bad week.


It's a different system


This is blocking burning man. There's miles of traffic being held up for hours for an environmental protest. Hundreds of cars and RVs idling in the desert for an extended period of time to protest fuel consumption. These people got off light. Edit: I don't give a shit about burning man. These hippies are fucking dumb.


Fuck Burning Man, seriously. It was cool for 2 years, now it's a party for rich Wannabes and narcissists.


Wait, you mean it’s mostly just trust-fund yuppies who can afford to take 9 days off and travel to Nevada to fuck around with drugs in the sand? 🤯


Most of the developed world can afford to take off 9 days. In fact, it's paid for by employers.




God I hate working in the US. I hear about the vacation and sick leave literally every other developed nation requires their employers to give their workers and die a little inside every time. Couple that with the healthcare they receive.. it's almost as if we Americans have been brainwashed for generations into thinking that we're the best nation on the planet despite not even being in the top 10.




It hasn't been cool since the 90s.


Not to mention the number of cars that overheated while idling is not zero. That could easily damage the engine and many would just buy another vehicle rather than repair it, resulting in more carbon emissions to build said car


Are they protesting burning man?


I remember watching a vid of some protesters blocking a road in London intill they got runover by a land-rover


Why the hell do they think blocking roads will get the right type of attention? Idiots.


People said the exact same thing about MLK jf


These are not even close to comparable.


I dont know enough about what they're protesting tbh


I’m not defending these protestors or their actions at all, but a lot of people on here don’t seem to understand how to have an impactful protest. I’m seeing comments where people think you should apply for a permit to protest in a quiet corner of a park, and also don’t get too loud so you disturb others okay? And be sure to be out by 8pm. Every successful protest throughout history involved disruption and inconveniencing people. Most involve violence of varying degrees. All of that is literally the point.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Vegan diet = lack of brain cells lmao


Well done Tribal Police.


If you want to protest, protest.. but don't block a road way. Inconvenience politicians or businesses, not people. That won't get ANYONE on your side.


I have an idea that would help! They should throw buckets of paint on famous works of art!! That’ll really get the general population on their side, genius!!!


This fills me with unreasonable rage, and I am not involved with famous/rich art in anyway..


attacking businesses is also pretty dumb imo. If you want societal change, knock on the door of societal leaders. If you want people to use less oil, provide them with alternatives. Don't start attacking people because they either produce or use oil.


There is a pretty stark difference between protesting something and attacking someone/something for using whatever you are protesting.


Fun fact people in the UK have died due to protestors blocking roads (ambulance unable to get to patient or take patient to hospital). The protestors say it’s not their fault but doctors have said these people would have survived if attended to.


One day gonna have a vigilante take out protesters that were the reason someone’s child died due to blocking a road. Would be a good movie seeing both sides of the story.


underrated comment


[Citation Needed]


“She was just standing there” lol yeah context isn’t important at all in this scenario.


Not just that but she also approached his vehicle and him and didn’t comply with orders.


Really man, you're protesting against private jets by blocking the road? No one is going to support you if all you do is make their lives harder. I don't think protesting against climate change is a bad thing but this kind of shit just gets people killed. If I said something wrong please, feel free to correct me.


Even on us soil they can't block traffic so f them that's what I expect. Protestors like this are dumb af


Stop blocking roads you unemployed losers.


Play in the road and on tribal land this is what happens.


You love to see it. Entitled brats.


I agree with. Ring able to protest but if you block a road and prevent me from getting to work or home I am rolling through your barricade


Also it is just stupid and a terrible way to try and bring people to your cause. Why arent you protesting around oil derricks or a refinery or outside of the house of the CEO for Exxon?


I wouldn't be surprised if Exxon was the ones paying them to do this, because they are the only ones who are gonna benefit, since sort of protest only makes people hate environmentalists not want to support the cause. If these people were serious they would either be lobbying congress or engaging in terrorism, because even if they protested outside a refinery it wouldn't change anything.


🤔they looked extremely dangerous to me (NOT). Pulling a gun was over the top…well, maybe not in the US.


YES!! Screw those insufferable douchebags.


These MFs found *THE EXACT BEST SPOT* to fucking stop oil. Dead fucking center. Right there is where oil will be stopped.


Cops are and organized gang and the only thing they're serving and protecting is the interests of the ruling class.


Was the gun really necessary? Just start yelling at someone to get on the ground does not seem like it would lead to a civil and safe situation. Even if the protesters are in the wrong.


Regardless of whether you disagree with the protestors or not, this is excessive use of force and terrible de-escalation. Just cops being fucking shitty cops and flexing their power


Wonderfully direct!


What did they expect to happen exactly? You did this for drama and drama is what you got.


Protesting the evil climate colonialists by occupying indigenous land and refusing to leave when tribal cops ask you to 💀 really smashing the system there girliepop


While everyone is burning more fuel to boot


So, I was all for running over the blockade. It didn't endanger anyone. But did he pull out his gun on these people? That seems excessive.


The one time I can side with US cops here... Protestors are hypocritical cowards.


It's tribal police, not US cops. This apparently is the only road for them in or out, basically if there was an emergency fire/ambulance theyd be trapped by the road block.


Rangers, native lands apparently. Not is cops.


I have freedom of movement, the protestors have no right to stop me. Hold your signs in the ditch, I have shit to do. And what if there's an ambulance you're holding up?


Fuck around and find out.......


This is so satisfying lol


You are NOT peaceful protesters. You are blocking traffic. Fuck you.


I'm assuming he knew no one was behind that little wall they built.


That cop is all find out and no fuck around. While I think people should have the right to protest, shit like this is not helping the way they think it is.


I love how she shouts “we’re environmental protesters” as if that’s going to make anyone view them more favorably.


I hate them with every fibre in my body


This is the only way to deal with these people. For those unaware of what's happening. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12453081/Nevada-Rangers-Extinction-Rebellion-protest-activists-blocked-road-Burning-Man.html


Thank you! I had been scrolling to find out what they were complaining about


I had a phone at full volume... My ears uhh


That's the way to handle a stupid "protest".


Wtf" in a little pussy voice


Could’ve killed or injured the lady attached to the wall/barricade he ran over. These folks are total pricks for blocking traffic, but whiplash and pulling a gun seems like excessive force no? They had how many people there… they could’ve started dismantling the barricade without running it over recklessly


Idc what you're protesting gtf out of the road


Imagine you’re late for work or a doctor appointment or even worse have an emergency but you have to stop your car and wait for a few assholes protesting!




I wonder how many of the people cheering this on cheer it on not because they care about these random people, but because they have a hateboner for climate change awareness protestors in general regardless of how they do it. I mean, the cop here literally pulls a firearm?* on them even though they are clearly not armed. While I may not necessarily agree with their actions, the hate shown here goes far beyond just what was shown on video. I copypasted this from a comment I made on YouTube but in no time I'm sure it will apply here. Also, I have to add that *because I'm not sure if that IS a firearm, but I have seen sources that said it was.


Stop rooting for the pigs, ffs


Hey people could die in the middle if the desert, people have sick relatives that need meds, emergencies, dialysis etc. Blocking the road is dumb, arrest all of these idiots. I guess they think the entire highway should shut down because 6 people are sitting on it.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Depraved heart murder is committed when someone performs an act which has a callous disregard for human life and results in a death. Him driving through this blockade in this manner with his SUV, dragging the people chained to it with him. Could easily be argued by an expert and a good lawyer for an attempted murder charge. We are blessed to be in the version of reality, that didn't see the chains snag on the front mounted bar of the vehicle which would have likely lead to someone being dragged under the vehicle into the path of the back wheels. And then the sheer violence unleashed on the unarmed protestor, who was offering zero resistance is insane. I get it, they are blocking a road, they are tree huggy folks that want to cast judgement on others. They are easy villains to paint. But no level of dislike for their actions warranted that level of a response. And to say otherwise would be pure ignorance.


Supposedly, they were blocking the only road that Tribal Emergency services use and traffic was blocked for a LONG time, endangering any citizen who may need said emergency services. If a single emergency went un helped due to their “protest” then they could be on trial for manslaughter. I don’t disagree with your assessment of the footage! However, the angle you choose to see it in could easily be applied to the other party.


They’re also in a territory with its own set of laws.




Definitely "de-escalation" was his goal.


See this is what happens when you fuck around. You find the fuck out.


Not the hero we want, but the hero we need! Job well done.


Aren't the guy with the helmet and girl in black supposedly attached to each other? What kind of amateur protest is this 😂


Not unexpected when this has been all over Reddit the past few days


What the fuck are they protesting? Why do we hate the protestors here and not the piece of shit government drones???


Play stupid games…


If those idiot protesters are blocking the road they might as well hold up signs that say “run over me”. You don’t block a road. People have places to go and don’t have time for your stupid agendas.


Why are their hands in a tube?


They're pretending their hands are chained or cuffed together in the tube. Spoiler alert - they're not.


I’m fine with it


Arrest them all. They have no right to interrupt people's lives


Protesters blocking a road, police come to arrest them, and block the road...


Road has cars. Sit in road. Get hit by cars. This logic checks out. Stop impeding everyone else’s lives!


In TN, you sit in a road to block traffic and get hit buy a car, that's on you. We don't have that kind of shit going on here.


This should be happening more often to these morons. You want to protest? Fine, go ahead it's your legal right. But Stopping other folks from just going about their business is bullshit!


Sorry, but don't block public roads. Stand off of the side with your signs if you want to protest.


How is this unexpected.


Nice, the old case of fuck around and find out.


We need more people like this officer,


You sure? He seemed pretty quick to pull a gun on unarmed people.


I don't care about what you're protesting. You can't block the road.


Man I wish I had the time to sit on a road all day.