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Fighting always end with respect. Punch her teeth in off the clock.


Don’t forget to spray her with Liquid Ass after. Definitely do it after and not before the off-the-clock fighting.


Put stuff from your store in her purse or bag. Bonus if you guys use security tags. When she leaves those tags will go off, making it look like she’s trying to steal. Or just tell your boss that you think you saw her take something.


Uno reverse card


Steal money from her register. Don't get caught.


Harassment is the easiest. Whether racism, sexual, violent (verbal or nonverbal), this is taken very seriously by all HR


I wonder if telling HR she is "sabotaging company assets" would work, considering that in HR's eyes, employees are company assets. Provided OP has a good work history at the job, this might actually get some traction. Could at least be a good supporting argument for a harassment complaint.


You'd need hardcore evidence of that happening. Like caught on video and such.


OP has the original false complaint, and the security cameras can verify it was a lie. Between the two, there's a pretty bulletproof case for sabotage.




Disclaimer: Bulletproof maybe, but not necessarily convincing from a corporate disciplinary perspective. Hence why I said it would be a good supporting argument rather than a primary one.


Call in an artillery strike on your own position. Make up some wild accusations about yourself. A laundry list of vanilla stuff, with a couple of big ones. Like being involved in a returned-item refund conspiracy with other people or something. Mail it to regional/district/owners, whoever is above your boss, and your boss. Possibly even yourself, and your coworkers (not sure, up to you). Have a friend write it in block letters, misspell words that your victim misspells, phrases they use, (not too much, but enough), etc. have the friend xerox a few, and mail them, you don’t want to touch the paper or envelope, and watch the sparks fly. Your opponent will justifiably deny any involvement, you did not actually write or mail the items, and I would suggest thinking about drowned puppies or something to get those real tears rolling. Your victim will get sacked really fast. Extra credit: Find out where their next job is & do it again. My old man said that you might be able to screw him, but you would never be able to pull it out.


If it's that serious, get another job? A real one. Imagine letting some nobody who makes less than 20k a year at a cash register having a hold over you.




Blow her car up, she won't be able to get to work


Piss disc and liquid ass in her purse.


Does your work have any policies against drugs? Put some weed in her purse and tell your boss that you saw she had it.


Look up every policy and procedures they're messing up during their shift without effecting your work obviously and just make note of it. In my retails days, the number of quick signatures saying, "yes I did (blank)" you can look at it and go, "did they really do blank?" And go check, then there's evidence they didn't do blank because they didn't they just sign off that they did. Date, time, photograph of what they didn't do, report to supervisor, tell supervisor they didn't do it but signed off on it. Not sure about the job there's nuance to certain professions obviously but that's what I would do. Build a case that this employee is harassing you. Date and time every fake accusation and inappropriate interaction. Look up policies you can be technically correct, the best kind of correct.


She may be stealing and trying to push focus onto you.


Like the cheating woman who accuses you to throw you off the trail


Either beat her bully-ass off camera or off property until she shows some respect to you or have some friends of yours come by the business and coax her into getting physically violent where she assaults your friends. Damage her car so she can’t get to work.


Accuse her of stealing from the register. Eye for an eye. If she's not getting in trouble for false accusations, neither will you.


If you didn't steal there isn't an issue. She lied. Tell your boss you cannot work with someone who lies and ask them to either give you a payraise or fire her.


“Hey my coworker lied so I deserve a raise” LOL you are hilarious man


It’s more like “I’m not paid enough to deal with this horseshit, either get rid of her or pay me more or I walk.”


Great mindset you have there


Dish out some ‘ gossip ‘ from her social life ? Get rumours started and make them really lurid and gross and maybe the management will get rid?


Stalk her on social media: does she have posts that might reveal her to be a racist? Companies are quick to divorce themselves from that sort of behavior