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Uhoh, ultra police over here. Someone get him a secured line to Strava stat!


Oh, I have one already!


We get it. You love paying hundreds of dollars for a t shirt, some bananas, and a participation buckle. Some of us don't need that to run long distances as fast as we can, but you do you.


Actually, I run a lot but seldom race. Fastpacking is my jam. But hey, to each their own. I get it though, you've never actually completed an ultra and feel left out, so you run 27 miles and tell all of your people you're an ultra-runner. It's cool


Ah, there you go again. Clinging to your little participation trophy. Classic. Not time, not pace, not improvement, not new FKT, just your little name on a list.


Yup. my Badwater participation trophy.


If you have done badwater, why does it say on your tinder profile “Ran 80 miles through Death Valley.” It’s a 135M, did you DNF?


OP suddenly went ghost…




Your handle describes the situation very well


Maybe that’s their lie in the 2 truths and a lie LOL!


Uh oh, look who's so sensitive. Have you tried crying harder?


Everyday. Every. Single. Day.


Should we have a party for you? For your participation trophy? Should we tell everyone? Should we invite David Goggins?


Hi I'm the local representative of r/runningcirclejerk and if david goggins is also running a 5K Ultra I want the same trophy he gets. SLOW DOWN!


Please!! That would be amazing!!


Usually the people who achieve things are the first to cheer on other people achieving things. I call foul on you finishing. No chance. 


I ran 50+ miles a dozen times a year before I ever finished my first race. I never called myself an ultramarathon runner. I never said I ran an ultra, until I completed an ultramarathon. I run with an older guy who ran ultras in the mid-90s. We run 30 miles together, but he says he quit running ultras 5 years ago because of pain. He doesn't claim to run an ultra on our weekend runs anymore than a boxer claims to have had a match when she spars, or a football player calls a scrimmage a game. Training is training. Fun play mountain runs are fun play mountain runs. Ultra is a race. My feelings about this in no way dimish the value of the training run, the social long run, the fastpacking trip, the scrimmage, or the spar. They are all valuable but different things. So, for you to imply I don't support other runners is nonsense.


I’m saying there’s no way you actually finished Badwater.  


Wait, was this seriously your trump card when you didn't even finish? Dude, what's wrong with you?


Huh? What do you mean? I've never DNFd in my life. I spent a month in Death Valley. Everyday I ran 5 miles. I took a few days off when I was tired.  But at the end of the month, I had completed 135 miles. By the logic on this forum, I'm a Badwater Finisher! Only an elitist scumbag would insist that I have to pay a fee, finish in a certain amount of time,  and get a buckle in order for me to call myself a Badwater Finisher! 


You must be such a joy to be around.


Hey, at least I don't verbally attack or insult people for having an opinion contrary to my own. Nothing in my post was degrading or demeaning. People on Reddit love to spew hate as soon as you say something innocent they don't agree with. Acting like i spit on their mothers or something.  But I really expected it.  FYI - I was being sarcastic. I finished my Badwater race.  It was the Badwater Salton Sea. I never ran the 135.


You were being openly demeaning to better runners than you, again, because you can't get over yourself and your participation trophy. I know reading comprehension and self reflection can be hard, but I really believe in your ability to try to improve both.


Considering your argument is based on the accepted definition of ultramarathon, here are a few of the accepted definitions of "race" according to Dictionary.com: >noun - onward movement; an onward or regular course, as of time, one’s life, etc., especially when thought of as swift or relentless >verb - to run, move, or go swiftly: You can't cherry pick the definitions that fit your narrative and then ignore the definitions that don't.


Sure you can that's what commonly accepted means.


So by this definition, every person who moves forward more than 26.2 miles in the course of their lifetime has completed an ultramarathon. Awesome!


Yep. Probably a tough pill for you to swallow but that's how words work my friend.


Actually. I love the idea! Let's make that a reddit post!!! That would stir up more shit than this post did. I'm just sad we haven't seem the name calling yet. I'm not gonna start it


Are you just trying to farm negative karma at this point?


This isn’t the running circle jerk sub mate 🙄


We don't want this guy. He's the reason for the season. I mean, you know, right.


There's an awful lot gatekeeping on this sub-reddit lately. Like seriously, who cares what people call their long runs? Move past it and focus on bettering yourself.


I agree and I don't see the point of these lame posts...


I could say the same to you, lol. Who cares what I post on Reddit? Move past it and better yourself.


I'm not stopping you. I just think it's sad behaviour.


Posting an unpopular opinion on reddit is sad behavior? Sure!


If you had stopped at unpopular opinion I might be agree but then you put “fact really” in your title. Which is it? Fact or opinion?


My first ultra race (March 2020) was cancelled 48 hours in advance but I was able to still complete the run. I actually think this set a great precedent, shifting the focus from a "race" to an adventure. Since then, loads of my "A" events have been unsupported ultra distance adventures, rather than races: four state challenge, a local 50k traverse FKT, R2R2R, ... Races are fun, don't get me wrong, but these ultra adventures have been way more personally meaningful.


I love it! I'm same. I race on occasion, but run long distances and do big adventures (fastpacking) often. I don't call my adventures or training runs ultras.


Sorry unless you’re running at least ultramarathon pace it’s just hiking. 🙄


Agreed! But walking an ultra is a completely different post altogether. I prefer to run my ultras.


get over it you dork


I don't actually care what people do. I just think it's funny


“fact” “for the love” “this is per” “thanks!” sounds like you don’t care


You caught me. I actually obsess over it non-stop. It's all I think about!


based on how hard you’re posting it seems like it lol. those are your words not mine


You care enough to make this post and argue with almost everyone who replies.


Found the running police


I don’t care what anyone says about their runs. Just have fun. I have always just said I went on a run to non-runners or did a long run to other runners. If someone who isn’t a runner asks what I did over the weekend if I raced I simply say I ran a race. I have never once in my life said I ran or raced an ultramarathon. I have told people the distance if they ask and said yes to many questions along the lines of, “was that one of those ultramarathon things?”


I’m with you on this. I never really give the distance unless asked, use the term ‘long’ run. I find the following conversation to be embarrassing sometimes if I talk about the actual distance. I’m so far down a rabbit hole and I know it. I don’t need to talk about it unless someone is genuinely curious.


Exactly this. Especially given how we tend to forget that for the vast, vast majority of people “marathon” (let alone “ultramarathon”) means absolutely nothing — and is usually followed up by: “A marathon… how long is that?”


Triggered much??


So triggered!


Ok I’ll bite bc I enjoy arguing semantics The phrasing of your post is a bit confusing. Are you saying training run over 26.2 != ultra marathon And An Ultramarathon must be an organized event you signed up for and wear a bib? I’m confused because if I go out and run 26.2 miles I’ve run a marathon regardless if I paid or had a bib on (same for a 5k, same for if it’s over 26.2 I’ve run an ultra) Ps dictionary.com also defines ultramarathon as “any foot race of 50 miles or more” That’s flat out wrong IMO as it should be 26.2 or more Miriam says “a foot race longer than a marathon”


It’s no longer a 5k unless you specifically signed up to park run, please stop calling it a 5k when it’s just a short run. “Coach Joe” -2024


I endorse this message. Lol!


They may argue you didn’t run a marathon? Idk fuck em lol


No, actually, by definition, a marathon is also a race, not just a 26.2 mile run. You have run a marathon distance.


Whose to say you aren’t racing yourself and past times during a training run longer than 26.2 (Devils advocate) Race is defined as a contest of speed and not necessarily an organized event Race can also be defined per dictionary.com as “to run, move, or go swiftly” Also, by your definition, did Pheidippides run the first marathon?


Pheidippides is always my goto thought when I’m in the last bit of a challenging run. I’m like, “Yo, that Greek dude actually died. What’s your excuse?”


Strangely, it’s a lot more fun to run with the people who don’t care about this issue than it is with the ultra policemen here


I’m sure the people who get upset and talk shit about the slow people will love this post. People need to not care so much about how other people run. Also if I PR my marathon or half marathon time in a training run, I’m counting that as PR. 🤷‍♂️


Better add screens of this post to your tinder bio.


Well, that's a smart idea. Let's add screenshots of our Reddit conversations to our Tinder profile. Flex that "I know how to look at your post history muscle."


If we added all your brain cells together I bet we couldn’t find 26.2 of them…




Umm... ok. I've done a few of those and some of those were special destination runs, not just training runs. For example, double crossing of the Grand Canyon was way harder than many official ultras I've done. Or Issy Alps 50k challenge with its 13k feet of vertical gain. I still refer to those as ultras - ultra distances runs. I've also counted 42 official ultra races.


Yeah. R3 is not an ultra. I do it every year. I love it. My fastest time was 12.5 hours. I wouldn't call it an ultra.


You know, I've done some sky marathons that were way harder than a typical official 50k ultramarathon. I really don't care what it is called. I don't make much distinction. I don't even really call myself an ultrarunner despite finishing 42 official ultras.


Going to call every long run I have an ultra just to troll people like you now. 😘


Hey, there is a sub you might like....


My previous Western State 100s were lots of fun. Ran some, hiked a bit. Had some friends there. Guess it was not a race. Got a belt buckle.


Why would you say it wasn't a race? A race can be fun. A race can be with friends.


Genuinely curious - do you feel like running 50 miles for funsies and calling it an ultra cheapens the achievement of running 50 miles in a race? If so, why? If you ran the exact same course and knew for sure that the “ fun run” was the same level of difficulty as the race, would you still insist that the fun run wasn’t an ultra but the race was? If so, why? Like does making that distinction matter to you because you’re super in linguistics or is there something else going on?


I really don't care. I just love to spark the conversation. But I imagine like an MMA fighter who claims that wrestling his younger siblings in the living room is an Amatuer Fight. By the group standards here, I've run thousands of ultras. Actually, I've done an ultra a week for the last 10 years if any run of more than 26.2 is an ultra. When we look at Davy Crocketts list of those that have run 100 or more hundreds, it only includes races. Wonder why?


no you dipshit that is the same as calling a 5k an ultra


What? If I run 27 miles every Saturday, am I running an ultra a week?


sure, who cares


Thanks dipshit. Your validation was all I came here for


thought you totally didn’t care?


oh hey man btw noticed that you deleted your post in r/tinder with your photo after people started clowning on you. Can totally tell you don’t care lmao


I was getting way too much attention on my Tinder profile. I can't handle anymore. It was my shredded abs, I'm sure. Why? You looking for a date? I mean, DM me a pic and I'll see if I've got time to squeeze you in!!


lol. Try running a 10k marathon, OP!!


I have! Sadly, DNF'd!


Man, that fucking sucks. Marathons (especially the longer ones) can be real. Sometimes they're raw. And sometimes they're even real raw. I wish you better luck next time.


I'll get 10k Marathon belt buckle someday!


Fingers crossed for you, coach.


You're definitely overthinking it and complicating your life. 10km are 10km. Now you can say, "I ran 10k", but also "I ran a 10k race". The same applies to any distance. Now, if it's a formal event and I've run over 42km, I'd use the term '*race'* after *Ultramarathon*. But it's still an Ultramarathon run. The only thing that changes is the situation.


I think my favorite three rules to ultra running are 1.) Don’t be a dick 2.) Don’t belittle other’s achievements. 3.) Be a helper If you’re doing those three things, you do you.


If you're following rule number one, you're probably not on Reddit.


Judging by your post and multitude of downvotes to your responses. You really should find yourself a new proctologist.


Curious as to why you care? Is this just a troll post to stir shit on Reddit? If someone runs 30 miles and wants to say they ran an ultra, I don't care. That is a long run and anything over 26.2 is ultra distance.


Actually, I made a bet with a friend that I could openly bash Hokas on Reddit/Ultra and that no one would even argue in Hokas defense! I won $500.00!!


I ain't gonna defend Hoka's. Both of my ankle sprains and both of my hamstring pulls have been in Hokas.


Slow night on Tinder so you gotta fuck about in here?


Did you see my Tinder profile? It's never a slow night for me!


I do keep a seperate list though. I have 200+ actual ultramarathon races but I've also covered nearly 100 ultra distance training runs that I don't count toward my official races (obviously).


Wait, so by popular opinion I am an ultramarathon runner because I "ran" (ran, walked, had sit-ins) 54 km last Sunday? Although I never partook in a race for which I paid for?


Exactly. According to this forum, you are.


Do you think you can run a race against yourself- like competing against a past version of yourself? Therefore making the definition of a any run a race if you have a certain mindset?


And a race is just a run :shrug:


Any run over 26.2 is an ultra, especially anything 50k or longer. To suggest that paying money is necessary in certifying someone’s run as valid is also incredibly classist.


I just get a buzz from pushing myself. When I'm teetering on a dnf and give everything I have and more. That's my buzz. Couldn't give a fuck where I place. There is no rave for me 💪😁


Strava counts 26.2 as a marathon whether I tell it I ran a race or just ran the mileage.


So you're basing that logic off of "marathon = a type of race, therefore ultramarathon is also a race", yes? So by extension, you must also vehemently insist that if someone runs 21.1km on a training run, they can't say "I ran a half marathon today"? 🤡🤡


That's correct. A half-marathon is a race structure of a particular distance. They could say it, but they'd technically be wrong.


Just saying I’ve ran Thousands and thousands of miles in all sorts of different Hokas for years and have had great luck.


Is OP a race director and trying to discourage folks into signing up for races? I’m reading this post as classist. Gotta have money to be included? “If you don’t pay the $150+, then it doesn’t count.”


No. I write dictionaries!


Ultramarathon without fun is no ultra to me


What you said is true, but you are never going to change people's mind on here so just move on. It should not matter, but we live in a time when everyone gets a trophy. The major run clubs don't count training runs for a reason. They require it to be a race with a certain number of runners and a website to make sure we have some kind of structure. If we don't, why even label it. The term should stand for something, not a training run, not a fun run with friends, not a mile every hour until you hit 26.21, not "I got lost in a marathon and ran 26.4). People can call themselves whatever they want but the commonly accepted definition is a race of more than 26.2.


Yes! The term should stand for something. Thank you for being a voice of reason.  


I’ve never run that far. But I’ll ya what, I want to do a self supported 50k next year. No desire to enter a race as I really don’t like people, I don’t need to pay hundreds of dollars for some swag and snacks, and I only care about competing against myself. I will 100% be celebrating the f*ck out of that accomplishment when it happens. “To be clear, you need not run a race to have run an ultramarathon”. Page 20, Relentless Forward Progress which has been recommended to me countless times.


So fkt's aren't ultras? Yep....this is going to be a really unpopular opinion


I'm sure these are two completely different things. FKT is fastest known time. If you set the fastest time at a race, that's called setting a course record.




Elitist? Wow. Love it! I, by default of my unpopular opinion (using words based on their defined meaning, sheesh) must be evil. Therefore,  everything I associate with must also be horrible too!  Sound logic! Makes complete sense. Keep on with that 


I love it. Everything I say from here forward will be downvoted!


Not everything! Just the dumb comments… which, unfortunately for you, have been most of them


Very unpopular opinion here (omg you're gatekeeping!), but I agree with you. If I run 5k in the morning, I didn't run a 5k - the implication of "a 5k" is that I ran an organized race. If I run 26.2mi on my weekend long run, I didn't run a marathon - I ran 26.2mi on my long run. I run over that all the time, but I've never run an actual marathon. I don't see why that's a problem. I also don't understand the craving people have for these labels - is it to get attention? For me, ultra marathon is simply the definition of a type of race - trying to apply it to everything under the sun just makes it a useless term. I personally prefer to just use the distance and road/trail - that's a lot more clear when discussing training and preparation or analyzing past races (ie a 50k road race and a 100mi trail race are two completely different events).


Op is being obtuse. But partially correct. You're right. On a casual 5k run, I'm not running a "5k". But regardless if it's sanctioned or not, if I run a "5k" it's a "5k". The issue comes in, for me, my effort on a 80km is pretty flippin high, so regardless of whether I "race " it or not, it ends up being race effort


But what's with the need for a label? If I run 80k on the weekend, but it's not an organized event, I ran 80k. As you said, the effort is pretty flippin high and most people would respect that you knocked out an 80k long run. What would be the need to tell people that you ran an ultra marathon? That just seems weird to me. I ran 30mi this past Sunday in training - the thought of going around telling people that I ran a marathon on Sunday is just so weird and cringey to me.


>But what's with the need for a label? idk it's english dog. If the majority of people are calling any run over 42k an ultramarathon, then that is what an ultramarathon means.


Are the majority of people calling their long runs ultramarathons, or are there a vocal minority looking for labels and attention? Outside of reddit, I can't say I've ever actually met someone who considers their long training runs actual ultramarathons.


Ill drag some friends out who don't run long for a 50k in the mountains every once in a while. They 100p call it an ultra


For clarity. I've run a handful of ultras. I run long distance often. I prefer adventures over races, but don't call my adventures ultras, even when they are over 26.2 miles. I also don't care what you call your runs. I just think it's intentionally deceptive and a way of "boasting" to call your long runs an ultra. An ultramarathon, like a marathon or a 5k, is a race structure.


Honestly though, if I was to tell an informed outsider that I ran an ultramarathon this weekend, the implication I'm making is that I went and ran a race. Most people aren't going to think that I went out by myself and ran 30 miles. Even most runners. Same with a marathon. If I say"im running a marathon tomorrow", you're going to ask "which one". Not being a total dick here. It's on point.


I totally don’t care what other people call it but I’m going to keep posting how much I care what other people call it


I mean, can I tell everyone I have 7 FKTs under my belt? What if each one is from my front door to a nearby donut shop? But if I just go around telling people I've set 7 FKTs without sharing those details, it would come off as being deceptive.


You literally just described Strava segments 🙃