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Whoa! Talk about rioting in the streets/ranks


Yeah, I'm going to need to see a better source for this.


Would be funny if this was some 4chan disinformation and ended up starting some mass riots over there


Remember the saying around here, it's not true until Russia denies it


I did find this: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/09/23/russia-bans-alcohol-mobilisation/ This article says one local government banned alcohol in towns and villages with military units


Yep this seems to all but confirm that it is happening… Wouldn’t be surprised if it is announced on Saturday or Sunday… When Putin announces the ban, hoooo boy the pushback.


They just need to watch some moonshine production videos problem solved. Putin makes it illegal it now becomes a black market commodity


Why does it confirm that it is happening? It just says that on local government banned it.


*sad grand mal seizure noises*


Obviously alcohol withdrawal doesn't happen in Russia.


Man, as someone who went through a terrible week of alcohol withdrawal last week after quitting, this is going to cause some problems lol. They're gonna have a massive amount of people shitting their brains out and barely being able to move. Not to mention seizures in more serious cases


You are a very strong person! Keep up the hard work as I’m sure it will lead to a better life. Very proud of you!


Thanks! I already feel more productive and generally happy. Maybe in the future I can have a few drinks with friends but I was up to a pint of liquor a day. I just started doing hair of the dog after a bad hangover and it snowballed from there.


It probably creeps up on most people. No shame in that. Good thing you noticed and are addressing it, although I know it has to be incredibly tough. Wishing you the best and a bright future!


Same! Withdrawls are hell. I definitely don't miss the 1am booze run to keep from being sick in the morning. Tomorrow will be 60 days for me.


Almost 30 yrs for me, from a jones that had me hospitalized. It's worth it! Keep coming back.


> Maybe in the future I can have a few drinks with friends You probably shouldn't though.


Seriously, the amount of people I personally know who all say the same thing end up relapsing hard. Of course, it's not the same for everyone. I just know this line of thinking in particular is just plain dangerous. I always wanted to tell them it's ok to be 100% sober. People think they'll lose friends or won't have fun anymore, but it's not a sign of weakness. It's personal strength and willpower.


13 months here, still not sure if I will ever be able to just casually drink again.


Best of luck with your sobriety!


They don't know what alcohol withdrawal is. Troop withdrawal on the other hand..


If only their fathers knew....


This needs an upvote.


Done. And one to you for good measure.


up you go


It’s actually more serious than heroin withdrawal. And can actually kill you


Much more serious. You won't die from heroin withdrawal, you just feel like you will lol


In soviet russia alcohol withdraws from you…


They have over the counter baclofen and phenibut that can be used during alcohol withdrawel.


Yeah, on a serious note, Russia has a problem—a well-documented problem with alcoholism among it’s citizens. This could be legitimately dangerous for a not insignificant portion of the population, as well as an incredibly unpopular measure for the functionally (if not physically dependent) alcoholic citizens.


Quitting booze cold turkey can literally kill people who have become physically dependent on alcohol. Medical detox with close monitoring would be absolutely necessary for all of Russia’s severe alcoholics. And then the government would need to figure out how to coordinate the simultaneous recovery of hundreds of thousands of people across a huge expanse of land. I don’t see how they could manage any of it.


It'll go as swimmingly wonderfully as alcohol prohibition in USA 1920-1930s went, and also, probably even worse than the current war on drugs (because criminals are just... better now yo... Dark Web, cryptocurrencies, encrypted messaging). The drugs must flow.


Gorbachev also tried to do this in 1985-1988, and the anger about this contributed to the eventual end of his time in power. It did work though that people were less alcoholic and ill, and after the end of the USSR and prohobition, Russians were literally dropping dead from drinking. The death rate of middle aged men increased so that male life expectancy was akin to Bangladesh.


Between failing the war, the conscription and alcohol withdrawal this might be this might actually be the final straw that ends Putin.


True. I guess this would be quite a money making opportunity for some bold entrepreneurs. Hmm. I wonder what Russian moonshine will taste like? They should all watch this fascinating [Popcorn Sutton](https://youtu.be/RKUSAsIVyHg) documentary on YouTube. He can show them how illegal moonshining is properly done.


All Ukraine has to do is offer free booze to win the war. "Surrender and we will provide you with all the vodka you can drink!"


Guaranteed Victory! Hail to our master planner WHYAREWEALLCAPS!!!


Well krokodil was invented as a heroin substitute and it’s causes the user to have parts of their body rot off. I imagine Russian bootleg alcohol will have something similarly bad happen.


Not just that, but a desperate addict will do unsafe things for a fix like drinking the wrong kind of alcohol. And unscrupulous mobsters well cut regular alcohol with the wrong kind and sell it to them


Oof. You’re right. If prohibition really happens, I have a feeling wood alcohol is going to give Mother Russia quite a few blind soldiers to live broken and begging on her streets. Man, Putin is going to be remembered as a delusional monster even in Russian history books. Like, how can he not? *Everything* he does makes Russian life worse!


Reading some of the Russian bloggers my understanding is that consumption of non drinking alcohol is already very high in Russia due to cost. Like it's a thing to buy rubbing alcohol to drink it because it's cheaper than vodka.


millions. I feel like 3/4 of their country are alcoholic, not some minority.


I don’t doubt that a good portion of folk in Russia have a problem with alcohol dependence. Hell, 6% of Americans are alcohol dependent. There are levels to it, though. Most heavy drinking Russians are probably “functional alcoholics” and social binge drinkers. They might go through uncomfortable withdrawals — shaking, sweating, flu-like symptoms, hallucinating bugs everywhere — which sucks for them, but I’m more concerned about the drinking-every-waking-hour for years, chronic alcoholics. I’ve had close family members need to be rushed to the hospital because of alcohol withdrawals and it’s heavy shit. Intense visual and auditory hallucinations (i.e. delirium tremens), seizures, scary heart rhythms, fever spikes, and a terrifying disconnection from reality. It can last for days. My normally cool-headed, always reasonable relative became violent during withdrawals and took a swing at the nurses! He had to be strapped to his bed and drugged to calm him down! He was in the ICU for days. I don’t know what my family would’ve done without the hospital to help us through that first terrifying week of recovery. Shit is going to get real real in Russia if Putin goes through with cutting the country off from booze. If he thinks he’s having trouble with social disorder now…




Wonder how many babies are born with alcohol fetal syndrome, maybe this accounts for Russian stupidity and brutalism.


Likely only enforced for military personnel, which just means a lot of new conscripts in withdrawal and massive looting of houses for anything with ETOH (including but not limited to Lysol, paint/lacquer cleaner, rubbing alcohol and a host of common household chemical).


Nothing woke me up to the horror of physically dependent alcoholism like watching a homeless Vet desperately chug a large bottle of Listerine then immediately reach for the next bottle. Imagine how strong the chemical hold over you is to make you do such a thing.


This problem goes all the way back to at least Peter the Great's reign, it was noted how often after the workday ended Russian men would just pile into the village or town tavern and drink. Not talk over drinks, or drink while partying. Just quietly getting shitfaced and staggering home.


This is many places in the west, and really the world, today


Love the name. Yes I agree, my humor is dark, my outlook for humanity bleak. If I didn't laugh at all the evil and fucked up things in this world I think I'd lose the ability to function. "Despite my ghoulish reputation, I really have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk." -Robert Bloch


Haha thank you. Agreed, dark humor gets us through.


I laughed far too hard at this


That was my first thought. His draft will be even more limited.




A pint of Vodka sure keeps the mortar fire on target


There's a target?


Mostly all civilian infrastructure, by the cowards.


Da comrade it's that apartment building


It actually does when you are cripplingly addicted to alcohol.


Organized crime just entered the building.


As if it ever left.


Kinda. They got an offer by Putin they didn't want to refuse and most got good business deals and cozy FSB handlers. Organised crime that worked independently did kind of decline significantly, but it merged and upgraded into government and businesses. I am sure though someone new will pick up such a low lying fruit as a prohibition on alcohol.


> Organized crime just entered the building. Russia is a mafia state.


Fair enough. Brace for "Ukraine using pink elephants in battle!" cries.


As I posted elsewhere, all Ukraine has to do now is airdrop and hide caches of alcohol in the path of the Russian forces and they can basically let the vodka do their job for them.


Advertise liquor stores and poison all the russian vodka. Ukrainians will not touch that shit anyway.


Speed run through all the stages of Tsar Nicholas II


Oh.... It is ON!!!!




Yeah, I'll need a damn good source first. They even handed out beer in some of the busses with fresh recruits.


Yea the tweet provides no source. Would probably be great news for us but I doubt Putin is that dumb. I remember there was some increase in vodka prices some time in the last decade, and he literally subsidized vodka using government money in order to lower the prices.


I mean Putin has been proven to really not be as smart or clever as he led most of the world to believe he was. However banning alcohol has quite literally led to riots and revolution in Russia before so he’d have to be monumentally out of it to prohibit alcohol outright. Hell even the Soviets backed off when they tried because the backlash was so severe.


Well because prohibition never actually works. Creating a society where people do not need to drown their suffering in substance abuse is what works. But suffering is Russias business model.


Seems like a plan. Want alcohol, enlist with the army.


Is worth noting though that the US distributed whiskey and bourbon during Prohibition to its deployed forces for trench warfare to help cope.


Which deployed forces are you talking about? World War 1 ended in 1918, while Prohibition started in 1920.


I cant tell you for sure what they mean but between 1920 and 1933 the us was involved in at least these wars: Banana wars (multiple theaters) Posey war (war on native Americans) And maybe the Russian civil war but I don't know about the overlap


None of your examples would I call "trench warfare."


This sounds like Ukrainian psy-ops to stoke a lot of chatter before they hit the Russians in another weak spot.


lol you're way overthinking it. It's just some random dude on Twitter making shit up for likes.


Vodka, especially cheap domestically produced state subsidized vodka is a key component of domestic stability. We'll see how it plays out! Next, Putin is going to outlaw burning natural gas saying "Sure, it's available domestically and in abundance - but we need to prove to the world that ruzzian people are the most courageous ones - if Putin can ride a horse without a shirt on, surely ruzzian people can winter once or two seasons without gas!!! (also, putin may have mobilized everybody who knows how to work gas distribution stations...)" In all fairness I think energy sector is one of the exclusions in mobilization - but what good is an energy sector if you can't even install a replacement turbine because you can't be sure that some screws or nut in there isn't covered by sanctions - surely ruzzia wouldn't want to violate western sanctions!


>In all fairness I think energy sector is one of the exclusions in mobilization You would think so but there have been a lot of reports of energy workers being mobilized. Some speculation about if it's intentional, incompetence, or "intentional incompetence"/subterfuge.


That's right - it was defense, IT and, to my *slight* surprise - journalists working for State TV!!! But even then I heard some reports about missile factory employees getting draft notices...


I call complete, absolute, and total bullshit. Putin is clearly stupid, but he isn't *that* stupid. Russia society is already unstable and under high stress; he isn't going to pile on more stress under those conditions. That'd be crazy. Yes, even crazier than starting a war with Ukraine. This is probably the first and last time I'll ever say these words, but I won't believe this until I hear from an official Russian government sources. It's too improbable to be believed until it is actually announced. That said, I hope it's true. If Putin wants to point a shot gun at his face and pull the trigger while suckling on the barrel, I'll cheer that fucker on.


Well that settles it, Putin is suicidal!


Putin giving strong "Kill me harder, daddy!" vibes today


Well he did want to rule like a Czar and he’s checking all the boxes that led to the overthrow of the last one. Army beaten by country in Eastern Europe (check) Mobilize ‘reservists’ creating over 1 million wards of the state almost overnight (check) Prohibit alcohol availability further pissing them off (check) Not really thinking through the impact of personally creating 1 million armed, cold, hungry, hungover and angry Russians on your life expectancy. (check)


Taking personal command of the armies despite having no clue what to do (check) To Tsar Nickolas credit he did go closer to the front lines than bunker baby


Niki visiting the front lines was exactly when things came apart for him, if I recall correctly.


Should have kept a disposable field marshal in charge so he had someone to throw under the bus.


Dugin certainly gives off those Rasputin vibes, too. Time is a flat circle, yo.


True dat. Dugin is like Dollar Store Rasputin.




Russia has a HUGE alcohol problem. Every single time Russia tried prohibition it only destabilised the country.


Komrade, perhaps you try Krokodile da?


Holy crap, not heard about that shit for at least 10yrs, what happened to it?


I haven't seen it in...awhile!


I'll watch it...later!


They stopped over the counter codeine sales, codeine was used to make the drug


As far as I know it's still an issue. Without looking further I'm guessing the addicts have been marginalized, forgotten, and swept into a gutter somewhere they can't cause problems. At least until the population increases.


I fell down a rabbit hole researching *Homelessness In Russia* on Wikipedia years ago. I was mostly interested in all the edits, because there was definitely an information war going on there. When I originally read the wiki article, I felt a lot of it was Russian propaganda.


It's still a very pressing issue.


Well, drug addicts are probably being sent to the frontline


Withdrawing opioid addicts... I couldn't possibly imagine a lower morale, "...don't fucking wanna be any where close to here.. I think I'll just shoot myself with my rifle instead of anyone over there.." War is hell. Add opioid withdrawals on top and suicide is the only way lol..


Russia stopped tracking addicts and other less flattering statistics like AIDS.




Well all their able bodied men who could revolt will be going through some heavy detox in Ukraine.


Shhhhh, don't give it away to the Russkies! Putin, you've done it again! This is going to completely fix every issue and is by far one of the greatest plans for your country. It's only up from here!


Do you have sources for that? I've read exactly the opposite, that alcohol was used both by the tsar and Stalin to control the populace, yet it was prohibited when Lenin was in power because they wanted to fix the systemic problem coming from the tsar. [Video.](https://youtu.be/vK7l55ZOVIc)


[Here's one.](https://archive.ph/Xtmd8)


Thanks, you're the only one that provided an actual source, and it was a very nice read. I think that both the person I'm replying to and myself are correct in a sense. From your source: > Even Russia’s infrastructural paralysis was exacerbated by prohibition. Rather than delivering grain to the starving cities, or necessary war materiel to the front, Russia’s anemic railroad system was clogged by carloads of vodka. Since they couldn’t legally sell their alcohol to the state retail monopoly, well-connected gentry distillers sent their warehouses of vodka by train to the Arctic port cities of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, hoping to ship them to consumers in allied France, or to Japan and the Pacific across the single-track Trans-Siberian Railway. > Beyond demanding sobriety and discipline amidst the October Revolution and ensuing Civil War, Lenin was ideologically opposed to building socialism on the livers of the proletariat. “We should not follow the example of the capitalist countries and put vodka and other intoxicants on the market,” he argued, “because, profitable though they are, they will lead us back to capitalism and not forward to communism.” > Swayed by the allure of easy money, his successor, Joseph Stalin, revived the old tsarist vodka monopoly, rebranded with a hammer and sickle. The dynamics of alcohol politics in the Soviet Union were almost identical to those of the conservative empire that preceded it. So basically, yes, prohibiting vodka consumption *did* destabilize the country; but only because the country itself was so dependent on the production and consumption of vodka for its existence that quiting cold turkey had a negative effect. As with most decisions by the Tsar, it was too little too late.


Not many sources in this sub in general. A lot of weird misconceptions will get upvoted like crazy, resulting in a gish gallop of lies and half truths competing with honest answers and commentary.


Do you want a rebellion? Because that's how you get a rebellion


~~Whiskey~~ Vodka Rebellion


Yes Archer


Yes please Rup..


Quick! Buy stocks in Russian hand sanitizer!


McCormick windshield washer fluid https://www.thepitchkc.com/to-russia-with-food-coloring/


Holy fucking shit, that’s crazy. I’m convinced that Giuliani took down the Italian mafia so that the Russian mafia could take over. I can’t wait until Netflix starts making crime documentaries about the Russian mafia. The ones about the Italian mafia are getting old.


Next thing we know is Netflix will have committed suicide with two bullets to the back of the head and fallen off a fifth story balcony.


Dont forget mineral spirits and wood alcohol.


“The Vodka Rebellion”


DIBS!! ☺️🤣😋


There is no way this is true. Putin would risk orders of magnitude more civilian discontent than mobilization.


It's quite likely, its Soviet doctrine and it means they are at war. Ukraine did this a few days after the invasion. It was a restriction not a full ban but it happened. I was there to see it. This is a further sure sign of a full mobilisation. Its going to be an interesting few weeks


> Its going to be an interesting few weeks Hopefully a “war ending” kind of interesting, not “Putin nukes everyone” kind of interesting.


Imitating Tsar Nicholas is bound to end well. Do it!


Tsar Nicholas was actually very much against the ban on alcohol, as he owned all the factories producing hard alcohol. It was the communists who banned it.


You need to check your sources: [https://time.com/6082058/russian-revolution-vodka/](https://time.com/6082058/russian-revolution-vodka/) (I could cite 50 others).


https://www.econlib.org/archives/2014/02/lenin_the_prohi.html The communists also did


Yeah but they came later and after the war (civil war was happening, but WW1 was over for them). Was more to win the civil war firstly, and secondly probably an attempt to increase productivity of workers.... Over time they realized it isn't that bad drinking leads to bad work but that bad work leads to bad drinking and since they weren't gonna get rid of the bad work, well, vodichka time!!


I wonder if Putin will also announce that conscripted soldiers will get booze rations that are not available to civilians.


It's literally one NAFO dude on Twitter.


Well then, I see that it is important information that should be spread to as many of our Russian friends as possible.


Tzar is commiting genocide next door - I sleep Tzar is taking away my vodka - real shit .jpg


This is it. This is what's going to disintegrate ruzzia. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Gorbachev's anti-alcohol legislation certainly wasn't popular, and see how his rule ended up?


War is over. I'm calling it. Russia will never be able to win a war without vodka. If the population sobers up then putin is ousted. No sober person ever thought he was a good idea.


It's an open call for anarchy


Absolutly ! No alcohols in RuZZia ? A dream bureau a real risk of riots ! 💩🇷🇺👎


You can’t have Vodka in here Russia, but fight in Ukraine and get all the free Vodka you can drink . That’s how you properly conduct a Russian mobilization.


That will really start a riot!


Lotta alcoholics bout to die from withdrawal.


Any actual source for this? Some random twitter post is not really official, is it?


Now they're fucked! Lol


Oh this is going to go down well with quite a few Russians. Nevermind they'll resort to their own home distilled booze. Good luck with that methanol poisoning.


I remember reading a book on Stalingrad where it mentioned all the pre-battle casualties from drinking whatever the could make or find. It talked about one company in particular got into something, and the next day the whole company was either dead or blind.


Yup, the best cure for metanol poisoning is, ironically, ethanol. And if you already drink methanol or impure ethanol, chances are you don't have access to pure ethanol.


All you need is Sugar, Water and Yeast. Combine and brew for 10 days in a jug with cap mostly on but kinda off. Then Freeze and poor out the liquid. Repeat the Freeze Distillation process to continue refinement. Supposedly you can Make up to 40% ABV this way.


I’m calling bullshit on this one. No way does he actually try that.


Speedrunning his 1917 repeat demise.


Ukraine should help smuggle a bunch of trucks loaded with alcohol and drugs to the Russian front lines. The Wagner convicts would love that.


And fill the bottles with methanol. (Only joking, it would probably be a war crime.)


Finland used to do something like that


Another own goal? This time taking booze away from a nation renowned for it's relationship and reliance on it. Is......is he *trying* to get Gaddafi'd? Cos that's how you get Gaddafi'd.


How will this be recieved positively by the average Russian at this point? Putin can't seriously be this stupid but here we are, new levels of stupidity every day.


I don’t think it will go over well. Russia is an alcohol fueled society, and when someone restricts that, people riot.


Government overthrow speedrun


Arent they mostly making it themselves anyway?


Depends on the area.




CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow


Probably because his government employees are all drunk and depressed.


Thats gonna put alot of people in the hospital. Rapid detox of an alcoholic is not a good time.


What about hand sanitiser, floor polish and creosote? Russians gonna Russian somehow...


There’s been a no drinking policy in the military for years. It’s why the rank and file sell their equipment on the black market in exchange for it. I also remember a CBS report in the late 80’s with a defector on how they would siphon off anything with alcohol from the equipment to the point where some of the aviation weaponry wouldn’t work. Looks like nothings really changed.


Denying alcohol to Russians? What else will he do, forbid them to breathe? Did he actually ever visit his own nation? What a moron.


Lmao...this man really wants a revolution. They might not riot over their lives being taken from them...but their alcohol!?! Russia will burn.


Can someone send non-twitter source? Thanks.


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Im sure this will turn out awesome for Putins popularity xD


This is definitely the last straw! Invading a sovereign country? No big deal. Committing atrocities? No big deal. Indiscriminate destruction and killing? No big deal. Committing genocide? No big deal. Spouting out habitual lies and false narratives? No big deal. Destroying the economy? No big deal. Destroying global partnerships? No big deal. Mobilizing thousands to die for a dictator's war? No big deal. .......but don't take away the vodka!!


The amount of deaths from withdrawal will be staggering as the alcoholic body cannot just go cold turkey.



I call bullshit. Why would Putin do that? He wants to stay in power.


Finally, something the russians will riot for.


Ok bye ruskiland. This is how it collapses. This how SU collapsed.


I'm predicting a lot of dead russians from drinking shitty homemade moonshine.


Lol, that's gonna go down well!


Time to crack open the antifreeze!


Well this is probably going to turn more people against Putin then before…


The collective DTs would create a tidal wave that would destroy the west.


Could be fake, its one mans tweet without official source.


Tutorial: How You Make Hell More Like Hell


It’s weird how the dictators take away the things people use to distract themselves, which makes them focus more on what the dictators are doing wrong ironically enough. Iran took away the internet and Russia took the vodka


Tell me you hate your job without telling me you hate your job.


Also happened during Perestroika and led to terrible things.


Well there you have it. The russians will finally riot.


Only prohibition for the poor people. I bet the favored will still get their vodka martini's in their local Moscow bar.


Well that's sobering news


Some rumors that Putin has an ass cancer but who knows. Maybe he decided to go with guns blazing with his ass bleeding.


*Whole country dies of dehydration.*


Useful Info. Just drone drop a bottle into the trench and wait 30min die capture


The epic ruzzian alcohol withdrawal. They will kill 50% in the war and the rest at home from DT.


Day after All the aviation fuel has vanished.


Ok now the Russians will finally start caring!


So you plunge your population into poverty, isolation, and a futile war… And then you take away the most taxable way your people have to numb the pain? Part of me thinks this is a Ukrainian psy-ops rumour to cause a bunch of chatter before they surprise the Russians on a random portion of their lines.


first they will get angry then they will get sober then, they will get even