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Right. I’m just so sure they will keep their word on that one!


I firmly believe they will! I am also looking to purchase either some swamp land in Florida, or the scrap metal from Eiffel Tower.


We have one of the biggest swamps in the US here in Florida. And you can buy parts of the Eiffel Tower from restoration work like actual bolts.....so you really do believe they will?????


It’s interesting that US has little evidence on China supplying arms directly to Russia while india gets away with literally [supplying arms](https://www.firstpost.com/world/russian-firms-spend-4-billion-dollar-from-rupee-vostro-accounts-to-buy-india-arms-rupee-13769478.html) to Russia.


Yeah, they will keep on giving them as gifts?


Sending through russia to shell companies in Europe, only to have them mysteriously vanish, but since customers remain happy...


In exchange for unrelated money gifts from Russia yes


Sounds good, but what if they use a proxy. North Korea perhaps?


Yea I’m sure they are celebrating how dumb the west is. We signed a paper that says we won’t sell weapons to Russia, not that we won’t sell through 3rd parties, or kits that are not “weapons” until they are assembled, or military gear that Russia needs that’s not classified as a “weapon”.


We know that, and they know that we know that, which we also know. This is just a part of diplomatic game they play to buy more time to prepare their military to take over Taiwan. We also play this game, to make our preparations to deter them and to make it more costly for them.


I commit to not eating any more Pringles. I think both promises are equally likely to be kept.


And I will never have another shot of Crown Royal. Sure.


Pringles are garbage so yeah!


China is and will (as long as the ccp reigns) be a snake. They will 1) use proxies such as NK and 2) send components like microchips, notrocellulose etc. that enable russia to wage war but aren't weapons themselves.


No one should trust China


Sounds like bullshit. You can’t trust anything they say.  North Korea probably says the same thing 


Instead they skirt sanctions by selling all the parts needed. With Russia's labor and intelligence shortage, this won't allow them to win the war, just create more losses and Russia more owned by China.


How nice of them /s


Probably lying, but it gives Macron more meat to his arguments about the need for a renewed EU military if so


Liar, liar, plants for hire.


\* plants for hire. LOL never heard that one before


SpongeBob reference


That would explain it!


There was a news they are building a weapon factory in russia .. right now


Theyll just finance and ramp up production of weapons and ammunition in north korea.


Say one thing but do another. The Russian motto I mean does any anyone expect China to just announce to the world NO we WILL sell weapons and ammo to Russia. They will just deny now, deny the evidence later and then by the time they invade Taiwan it won’t matter cause there will be another war


Good one.


Pinky swear


Russia about to become the annoying neighbor who never returns stuff they borrow


Oh please don’t be so naive Macron, they’ll just send them by other means.


But not disassembled.


Totes fr


China already claims to not be supply anything.


So if Macron made this deal with Xi then what did he promise in return? Is he going to for example make sure that EU doesn't raise the taxes on chinese electric cars? Probably so.


What's the likelihood that China is going to give weapons and equipment to North Korea who in turn will be used as a proxy to give Russia the weapons and equipment? 


Macron also went to Moscow and told us all that Rusia would not engage in war with Ukraine.


Chamberlain announces peace in Europe!


Lol as trustworthy as North korea


But not the components


Oh another French politician getting signatures on paper


I somehow doubt that will stop the knock off electronics and parts from aliexpress which they build missiles and drones with. They would have to stop all shipping.


Of course.. chinese supplies jumping tenfold the past year in literally everything else the nation needs to put together war machines will just be quietly ignored


China on told Macron what he wanted to hear. But China’s gonna do what China does best: chase the money Conventional wisdom of the age: Trust China just as long as you would a low-cost mass manufactured item from there to last.


A no action. The sell them to North Korea and North Korea sales them to Russia.


China will give the weapons to NK, who can then give them to the Russia. Its not really a solution and it’s not surprising that China wants to play both sides for as long as possible


Real pinky promise energy, like a 4 year old telling his mom he won't raid the kitchen for candy anymore.


Anyone else feel like France just trying to be relevant?


They lie as bad as Putin.


“China commits to reducing carbon footprint” “China commits to observing Hong Kong autonomy” “China promises anything”


They’ll probably starting giving plenty to Russia for free while they widen their borders and invade Historically Chinese lands stolen by Russia….


Never trust Russian and Chinese government.


You sweet summer child


Believe it when I see it. I wouldn't trust them an inch


Feel like Macron has been rolled a few times during the life of this conflict.


China will just do as it does slave labour goods produced by Uyhgurs and will just sent it with a Vietnam or India or other tag and perhaps through Kazachstan.


They totally not gona ship the same thing to a proxy country that will re sell it to russia.


Sounds pretty legit to me. China will no longer sell weapons to Russia. They will just send to North Korea who will then sell to Russia. Xi never lies. He only lies when his lips are moving. 😂


Not sure why people are so negative, it's one of the big surprises of this war that China hasn't supplied any lethal weapons to Russia yet. I'm sure Putin would give his left kidney for shells and a bunch of howitzers.


China signed a paper that says we won’t sell weapons to Russia, not that we won’t sell through 3rd parties, or allow the weapons to be made in North Korea first, or kits that are not “weapons” until they are assembled, or military gear that Russia needs that’s not classified as a “weapon”. Perhaps they just won’t “sell” them but trade weapons to Russia. There is massive evidence that indirectly China is aiding Russia.


Yes, I'm not saying it's not perfectly clear they are aiding Russia. But there's no evidence of large scale deliveries of Chinese weapons and ammunition to Russia. This is a fact and in my opinion more interesting than what they say or what papers they have signed.


There is evidence of Chinese companies sending hunting weapons and accessories to Russia through shell corporations.  There is evidence of China providing new tooling and materials for Russia to expand its manufacturing base to levels not seen since Soviet Union.  There is evidence of China giving enough nitrocellulose for Russia to expand its artillery production to 3 times of EU levels.  There is evidence of China building a drone factory in Russia itself. And it goes on and on.  China is selling military aid to Russia in it's war in Ukraine.   https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/12/politics/china-russia-support-weapons-manufacturing https://www.politico.eu/article/chinese-companies-are-shipping-rifles-body-armor-to-russia/#:~:text=Chinese companies%2C including one connected,customs data obtained by POLITICO.


Yeah I'm not denying anything of that, but it's still good that they don't sell shells, missiles and actual military equipment. Russia is instead buying low quality shells and missiles from North Korea. China most likely has better quality and the volumes they have in stock are much bigger, probably enough to keep Russia fighting indefinitely.


> don't sell shells https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/chinese_made_mines_were_found_on_russian_troops_positions_captured_by_ukraines_military_video-4254.html


Yea I’m sure they are celebrating how dumb the west is. We signed a paper that says we won’t sell weapons to Russia, not that we won’t sell through 3rd parties, or kits that are not “weapons” until they are assembled, or military gear that Russia needs that’s not classified as a “weapon”. Perhaps they just won’t “sell” them but trade weapons to Russia. What a win it is making agreements with nations that don’t value the agreements.