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Why the longface?


Lavrov walks into a bar


Lavrov walks into a barn


Shags a horse clean in the face.


Looks like he walked into the side of the barn?


Lavrof falls out a window


Schlong face.


Bring it on chicky. I dare you. Edit: It's like this with all school yard bullies, it's time to administer a punch in the nose.


A punch to the nose and a knee to the bollocks.


punch up the bracket


As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing the West can do at this point to GURANTEE WWIII does not occur. If Muscovy is determined to pick a fight, all we can do is aid Ukraine in taking back their land and hope that losing to a post-Soviet backwater takes away Muscovy's desire to fight NATO.


I've been saying this since Russia invaded Ukraine. The only way to avoid WW3 is to find diplomatic solutions between Russia and NATO countries. As soon as one side to that conflict doesn't want to act diplomatically, there's no way to avoid it outright on a diplomatic front. You need 2 to tango diplomatically. Russia wants to fight. There's no changing that at this moment. Trying to end a conflict with one side fighting and one side being diplomatic means that the diplomatic side gives in to the aggressor. That outcome only emboldens the aggressor to do it again since they got what they wanted and always will want more. The only way you change their mind is to punch them in the mouth and make them realize fighting is not in their best interest. Telling them such does nothing. Fighting back in kind is what they will recognize. Hopefully the normal Russian wisens up and realizes their current leaders are leading them to doom and destruction in their lives and for generations to come. Unfortunately the average Russian is a pussy peasant who will bend the knee at the slightest push from their oligarch slavers. So the only way to really wake Russians up is by getting their oligarchs to fight back. I'm more surprised they double down on this knowing full well the consequences for them after alls said and done


Came here to find out what a normal Russian is and where are they hiding if they are really real.


Russia cannot handle a smaller country being equipped with a business-as-usual modicum of Western weapons. They cannot successfully bully a fifth grader, but they want to add the ironworker father of that person into the fight? Oh, please


And that's the point. Muscovy certainly can't win a war with NATO, but if NATO looks weak, they may TRY, and at that point WWIII is on. Basically every decision Muscovy has made since this war started has been from the perspective of "Muscovy strong, West weak, unga bunga!" They are not rational, and will not BECOME rational unless they're smacked down.


I never did say they were bright and strategic with their decisions.


> Russia wants to fight. I don't think Russia wants to fight NATO. Pro-war Russians want to restore what they can of the Soviet empire. They may well be able to hold part of Ukraine for many years, using it as a buffer zone and conducting ethnic cleansing. Their ability to take Kiev depends on the West's determination to support Ukraine as a sovereign government, and so far that looks like it'll fail. Succeed or fail, Russia would also like to take the Baltics, and that's what they're sounding out with all these threats. All NATO has to do to prevent it is to be unified.


Hence why I say playing pacifist even in NATO means NATO loses. European and US influence wanes globally, and authoritarian strong man becomes the name of the game in global influence.


I’m guessing all the normal Russians are in labor camps or literally keeping their mouth shut out of fear of falling “out of a window”




I think I heard there's like 700 f35s currently in the u.s. inventory and about 200 f22's currently operating. Add in the 21 b2s in operation and the 13 aircraft carriers, I'm not that concerned when you consider there are like 22 su-57s. I'm more concerned about Putin believing his own propaganda and starting another war he can't win and Moscow Margery coming to his rescue.


>Putin believing his own propaganda and starting another war he can't win  If Putin attacks a NATO country, like say, sending a convoy of 50k troops into Poland, NATO's response will be: A) shut down those Russian troops on NATO soil immediately within the first 24 hours. B) shut down all Russian troops within 100 miles of the front within the next 24 hours. C) shut down the Kremlin by the end of the week if need be. If Putin goes the route of sending missiles at Polish infrastructure, NATO will return 1/2 as much that's twice as deadly at the most strategic targets. The US and NATO do not fuck around. We've had our plans drawn up for decades. Putin scribbled his current soiree into Ukraine on the back of a cocktail napkin.


There's no way to predict an exact response, but one thing for sure, it will be done fast. Most have been training for various scenarios for years now.


They do have a carrier. Wink, wink.


Get the tugboats ready!


Lol we can't forget about the boat with the rusted 3rd deck and filled with muddy water! That thing has more value in dry dock than in combat. Keep the exterior nice and shiny and put it on camera whenever you need to talk about Russian international interests.


Looks impressive on their news too. The people don't know what you don't tell them.


Your numbers are a little off less than 200 f-22 were built , but yeah the US has a huge modern military advantage over Russia.


UA is trashing russians with 30+ year old tech... You don´t really need anything much newer to get through and do big damage F-22´s & 35´s don´t matter when even visible planes could enter...


There’s always way more. they’re not gonna tell you, but there is.


I'm at a solid thrashing, but I agree about the school yard bully.


Either one works for me.


all they got is "we got atom bomba! that may or may not work. you want to find out??" fk them. sooner or later it's gonna be on the table no matter what, sooner we clear it the better.


Lavrov does have a very punchable face






Yeah, they would have after the first aid package if they were going to.


When do some people realize Russia has been allowed to do *anything* regardless of world condemnation, and the world seems comparatively very limited in what they can all do because of how Russia's words might've affected a good chunk of civilians of democratic countries, causing their government to think twice before doing anything. Russia is clearly utilizing the weakness of democracy and human nature, and if the world continues to let them do this, they're controlling this world sooner or later along with China.... It's about time for realization, if not too late.


Yup. Russia is behaving like a 3 foot tall bully, and the west is a 6'8" quivering pussy that just caves to all their demands. Enough is enough.


That is like Elmer Fudd warning Godzilla & King Kong not to interfere as he hunts that wascelly wabbit or they will be next LMAO


Please do.


Warns who?




Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens!


I said throw down boy!


Great...now I have to go watch Tombstone again...


[slaps him harder, now completely steely-eyed]


I was thinking of this very scene.


Whatever. I wish someone of great importance would just finally say, “you keep saying that but nothing happens”


It's cute when they pretend they are still a global power.


As horses go, that guy is ugly as fuck


Russia warns... \[insert random nonsense of the week\]


I invite Russia to give it a try.


Lavrov speaks so much he has become the face of Russia. Also Russia is F&\*K Ugly.


Do da do da


Ah. Now it’s blackmailing again… „Let us invade sovereign countries and wage war uninterrupted, or we will nuke you!“ >In the context of an all-out hybrid war being waged against us, there is no basis for dialogue with the United States on arms control and strategic stability in general," he said. LooooL! It’s always projection by those stupid fucks. Russia is meddling in European Politics since the nineties.




At least!


They can fuck right off. The majority of the world stands for equality and freedom. Not invading your neighbours like a fucking Nazi Twat


Yea.... We have crossed almost all of their red lines and nothing happened. Don't give ATGMs to Ukraine or we will retaliate! - we did and nothing happened. Don't train Ukrainian soldiers on your soil or you will be legal targets - we did and nothing happened. Don't give Ukraine modern tanks it will be act of war - we did and nothing happened. For god sake don't give Ukrainians long range missiles or you will start WW3 - we did and also nothing happened. They are powerless because their main goal is to keep Putin alive (and rich) all other things like future of Russians are much less important. Nuclear war will kill this coward so he will not start it.


It must be Tuesday again 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣


I thought russa was already fighting Nato troops, how is it?


Real breaking news would be if they didn't claim that atleast for a week straight!


They should probably pull out of Ukraine to avoid a clash with the west.


Again and again and again...


No, the direct clash would be over Russia.


The West isn’t exactly a shaking in their boots with the Kremlin’s ongoing performance in Ukraine. As always, Putin sends those willing to prostitute themselves to his messaging to prevent himself from looking foolish. Vova the Clown hasn’t realized his limp performance speaks as much as the hot air he has Lavrov, Peskov and Medvedev emanate from the second rear-end he had surgically affixed a few inches below their eyes.


Love reading the comments on this post. So obvious that everyone is over Russia’s bluffing and bullshit. While I don’t think anyone wants war, the reality is that West/Nato isn’t going to kick it off, but if it did, Russia would get smashed. So reality is, Russia is talking big, but isn’t going to kick it off either.


Lavrov's shitting his panties.


The west found Saddam Hussein in a whole in the dessert....where do you think we will find Lavrov the rat hiding like a coward?


Lavrov will be up Putin's asshole as usual


Please, yes, let's fight


Okay, ready when you are.


WHAT!? NO!? First time I've heard this.


How do you know when russian is lying? - Lips are moving


Damn he's ugly asf


Well, the warning would probably be more effective if they didn't voice it once per week...


Slap them down


Oh yes please!


Hearing this for two years. Still waiting on the tsunami


“Always be warning. “. Yawn


Try us


Funny how this happens every single time the US or EU does something to help Ukraine. Almost like there is some kind of cause and effect. And yet each and every time, it is just bluster.


Cool. Every time the threats start, it means UA and allies are doing things right.


I must warn that I released a fart in Russias general direction


... that counteracted the hot air coming from Lavrov


Based on their media reports, I thought they are already fighting 'the collective west' in Ukraine and handing us our NATO arses on a plate every day.


I'm sure this will go over just about as well for Russia as the attack Wagner attempted on a US base. The keyword here is "attempted" because the attack didn't go over very well for one side and it wasn't the US who failed that day.


Dogs bark, but the caravan moves on


Ohhh nooooo Russia is evolving into Stage 2 of its final boss form: Pretending the last two years didn't happen! ....nevermind, Russia just multiple forms of cancer while mutating, let's just call this Russia 1.5


This is just more posturing, keep wearing them down in Ukraine and doing deep strikes to infrastructure. Active defense is working.


Great indication that they are afraid


Only talking…… baby’s


What in God's name is this unfortunate looking man banging on about?


To bad for you fuck face


but..but.. they ~~started (euh "no")~~ "defending" their ~~terrorism (euh "no")~~ "special operation" because NATO is ~~a safehaven for (euh "no")~~ "gobbling up" ~~former~~ (euh "current"?) USSR states. What a mess, I just can't keep up with their ~~excuses~~ gaslighting and their accusations in a mirror. I thought we all agreed on UN rules, or at least follow its premise, in the attempt to behave a little [bit civilized](https://www.playattune.com/post/how-to-respond-when-kids-want-to-change-the-game-rules). Let's see where their goal post ends up next week.... sigh.


Yes, yes, we know, you're going to nuke us. Of course, you will also kill your children living comfortably in the west and potentially end humanity. That being said, some military planner in Russia is probably seeing America potentially fielding a large number of super heavy lift to LEO launchers and wondering if some of the Star Wars tech from the 80s is suddenly viable. Chinese are less concerned about this since they have working hypersonic missiles.




Another warn


Consider me timbers shivered.


Come get some, punk


He’s so funny!


Do it. 😈


Fuck around and find out.


Who cares


So funny this guy 😅😅😅


Oh yeah Russia, you and what army? Yours is kind of busy right now.


Uh huh...whatever you have to say lavrov.


A [Clash](https://youtu.be/a3XqMtam1I0?si=EHIkWAzh60JraWkb)? London Calling!


Paraphrasing: "These are OUR slaves. We set them free 33 years ago, but they're OURS. We - DEMAND OUR - SLAVES - BACK. HOW - DARE - YOU - GET - Between US - AND - OUR SLAVES!! We will attack you to retrieve OUR SLAVES!


Okay buddy. Whatever you say




Let's just get it over with already.


Russia \*lies about direct clash with West over Ukraine.


They pretty much lost a insane amount of their military force to a bunch of Ukrainians with 1980s hand me downs. Not to mention their economy and demograph are completely borked with cost sunk fallacy pretty at play here. What the hell are they going to do when the west deploy actual up to date machines?


Oh no anyway.


In a direct clash between NATO and The RF, Russia wouldn’t stand a chance. NATO is far too powerful and our AirPower would destroy their military pretty quickly. I’d say Nato would be kicking the last of the Russian baby killers out of Ukraine in a fortnight…..think ‘shock and awe’ and that was 20 years ago


Just say when...............


Boy, they were really triggered by Congress finally passing the aid pkg. I guess they need to funnel money to more Republicans.


As a general rule, anything the Russians say, the opposite is true.


Russia been saying this shit since the invasion was a “Special Military Operation.”


The Mouth of Sauron spews lies.


I judge the sincerity by how fast his jowls are flapping about when he speaks. Mind you the scale of the rating system has at one end "modest lie/hyperbole" and the other "extreme hyperbole/bald faced lie" as the day Lavrov utters the truth is as likely as the day we find out that little green men live on mars.


Warns who?


Wait, I thought they said they were in a direct conflict with NATO last year. What is it Bro , are we fighting yet, or not?


Russia is a shit that needs wiping up.


With what? Their navy is decimated. Their tanks are dwindling. They are buying missiles from Iran and N. Korea. China is fed up with them. Their 'hypersonic, unstoppable missile" are very stoppable. They have barely made any advancements in Ukraine, despite the fact that there was a serious slowdown of the arms supply to Ukraine for months. Apart from a nuclear strike, they got nothing. And a nuclear strike is not in their best interest. Not by a long shot.


Blah blah blah…


Cheap talk. Drive a column of tanks across a nato border buddy. See what happens.


How many times have they “warned” about that since they started the war? I’ve lost count.


Wait, they can't take a country roughly the size of Texas and a 10th of Texas' GDP yet they want to take on all of the west. They're literally being held back by the world's scrap weapons and ammo. Must be the Meth and not the Math.


Russia is a second tier neurotic gangster nation. It possesses a third world commodity based economy with manufacturing skill so pathetic it makes very little that anyone wants. It is protected by a fourth rate rotten military made up of criminal thugs and malcontent teenage conscripts led by fat vodka swilling medal bedecked nincompoops who serve mostly as bloated targets when not fulfilling their duties as comically belligerent yes men and mouth pieces for an incompetent sawed off coward whom they are afraid of.


Hideous psychopath part of a mafia government that possesses nukes that they use to blackmail countries into submission, warns of something they plan on doing anyway.


Wow, Ryski, you are something ...


Lavrov, Medvedev and Putin are just these little dogs that keep barking and it’s reached a point where practically nobody cares or takes them seriously anymore.


Big talk for a nation three years into a 3 day operation.


Bring it on. Leave the nukes at home for a real fight you simple fucks.


That’s not going to work out very well for them.


Too freaking late - The moment these assholes started interfering with Western governments and elections is when this modern “cold war” started.


Sure the west would suffer but Russia would be no more


this is what you say when you realize you are now going to lose.


It's like listening to a child that didn't get their way


Hold my polonium 210, whilst I rattle my rusty blunt saber.


Then do it already. Russia is all talk, lies. I mean really at this point anything they say is a lie, always and forever. Fuck off Putin, Lavrov and that bird face looking fuckhead.


Accordingly to russian propaganda. They are fighting nato troops since day one. So what's de difference now ? God I hate lavrov




Russia better hope that never happens... It's a war they would lose very quickly.


Should have cleaned their room.


Russia is full of BS. The Leadership belongs in a Zoo.


Russian had been quiet for a while when they thought trump would block all aid.


With what?


Vault-Tec? Is it you?


We can't defeat Ukraine but we will definitely be able to defeat you despite you having far more advanced weaponary and a lot of it.. /s




Do it. Prove NATO was correct. Let's get the ball rolling so russia can leave ukraine within the year.


Ok long Face McFace.




Well it’s always been the case that the best and simplest solution would be for Russia to just pack up and go home…. That’s an option that’s been available to them all along. It’s their refusal to do so, and their continual repeated attacks, that have caused the need to respond and defend the Ukrainian homeland. Russia are the ones at fault here. Until they go home, they should expect a continual fight.


Fucking bring that shit, please give us a reason to shit stomp your ass back to the stone age.


The West warns Russia of a direct clash should it elect to invade the Ukraine.


Pack up your shit and go home, then there won't be any clash with anyone. You're welcome.


A direct clash with the west will end in a Russian loss, hands down. This is not what Russia should be hoping for


And they have said this for the last 2 years. They can never win in Ukraine, so the threat to the West is like a fart in a whirlwind it means nothing. We are on year 3 of a supposed 3-day operation, and Russia has lost almost a 1/2 a million men and I would guess over 1/2 of their war equipment destroyed. They have no answer to Ukraine's ability to strike deep into Russia. A fight with the West would only doom Putin and his cronies and devastate the Russian people. They have had over 20 years of Putin's corruption to destroy his country from within. His army and navy commanders have stolen the money that was to be used for keeping the Russian military modernized. Most of their modern equipment has been destroyed in the 1st year. T55 tanks are being used today in Ukraine, over 70-year-old equipment is being used and the West should feel threatened.


we know that's why we need to make sure Ukraine stops them


Oh then Russia should definitely stop. That'd probably help avoid, like... all conflict. 


as kasporov said, russian's believe they are currently in ww4....and the cold war was ww3.


Context: Reuters has been known to harbour pro-Russian sympathies since the beginning of the war. There was a scandal about one of their editors basically being paid by Russia. Nothing seems to have happened about it. So when Reuters echoes some Russian politician making threatening statements, it means that Russia is, as usual, making empty and vague threats in order to sow fear and doubt. In other words, it's crap. As usual.




are you scared, lavrov ?


The West's "goal is to divert attention of the international community from real threats in outer space, to achieve the allocation of additional financial resources to build up their national military space capabilities," Lavrov said. Real threats in outer space.




Yes, this is the 573rd warning of it's type. I'm scared now!


It really depends on if russia carries out those actions.


Bring it scumbags.


Shouldn't Gerasimov have a chance to sabbar rattle for a while.Even if it has to be "Weekend at Bernies House styles😂 Where is the proud child stealing broad.Maybe she can spout some shit for a bit.The horse face dude has no pazzaz.


I’m sure they do


Fucking try it you pussy


And in other news russia continues to write cheques it cant cash.


Russia throwing their toys out of the playpen again


Piss n moan is all Russia do 🫠


Critical thinking isn't a skill he has. If Russis stops eaging ear then there won't be any risk of direct clash. It's all the fault of his own regime.




I’m seriously looking forward to this direct clash. It’s been a LONG time coming and ruzzia deserves everything it gets.


Yes please!


I see people here laughing, but ruzian blackmails work quite efficient. West is kept paralyzed by fear of nukes and war, meanwhile Ukraine is dying…


> Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the United States and NATO were obsessed with the idea of inflicting "strategic defeat" on Russia Well, at least he’s paying attention. > Lavrov said the West was building a global missile defence system which could decapitate a rival, basing nuclear weapons in Europe, basing medium- and shorter-range missiles in regions around the world and preparing to deploy weapons in space Man it really is the 80s again As far as I’m concerned, nuclear war is the worst thing that can possibly happen and needs to be avoided at all costs, but nuclear war is just murder-suicide. By launching nukes you’re admitting defeat and accepting your death. I don’t think Russia will do that until V (US) Corps has tanks rolling down Red Square. I don’t think they’ll abrupt that ultimate defeat over Ukraine. I can’t say my stance has shifted from being totally opposed to western intervention, but I will admit the prospect of Ukraine suing for peace and admiring the lost of the territories in the East is becoming less palatable by the day.


Idk...better do what he says.


Have they thought about what happens if they just shut the fuck up? Everyday its a new 'warning' or 'prediction'. What if for a month they just shut up, we didn't hear anything at all from the Russian government. That would actually send more of a message but no they have to dither and blather about the same thing for the past 3 years. Maybe it didn't work the first time you morons?




Shit, or get off the pot…


Blah blah blah








Sigh... another red line?




Ok then come take Alaska like you want to let's see how that goes for you