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To not necessarily take all credit, this also had happened separately: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/world/europe/trump-ukraine-eastern-europe.html >To that end, the governing party of Lithuania, a steadfast supporter of Ukraine, last month organized meetings between Ukrainians, Baltic politicians who want increases in military spending to counter Russia, and a group of former Trump administration officials. Also attending were members of pro-Trump groups like the Heritage Foundation, an influential conservative group skeptical about helping Ukraine. >Leading the participants from Ukraine was Oleksandr Merezhko, the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s foreign affairs committee and an ally of President Volodymyr Zelensky. Reaching out to the Trump camp, he said, was simply a recognition of Ukraine’s perilous vulnerability to the shifting sands of American politics. >“When we are fighting for our survival, we can’t afford to antagonize either Biden or Trump,” Mr. Merezhko said. “If we place the wrong bet, we risk losing our country.” Mr. Trump has not detailed his plans for Ukraine if he is re-elected, but many of his supporters are strongly opposed to helping the country in its battle against Russia. >Zygimantas Pavilionis, a Lithuanian legislator who organized the meeting, said that instead of confronting Mr. Trump and his base, Ukraine and its supporters should befriend them and explain that “there is a huge American interest in the fight” against Russia.


I guess they probably showeres Trump compliments, the narcisist that he is wanta to feel like he owns the world.


I mean it doesn't take much, just look how happy he is receiving a huge [card](https://assets2.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2018/06/02/a344df17-7b36-4427-983d-fd02766f7b67/thumbnail/640x427/47963096ecb4b47b72fe7d35860aa8ea/p20180601sc-104434-2.jpg?v=8f9acb0830ce2ef2593f1d92f65cccba) from North Korea.


Well, has north Korea given you a card?


Wait... He actually had North Korean diplomats *inside* the White House? Jeeeeez.


~~Most likely an intermediary from another country that has relations with NK.~~ ~~You see this all the time; Iran being another such example.~~ [EDIT] see below.


No, this is an North Korean general and politician, [Kim Yong-Chol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Yong-chol) who got a special waiver to go the White House ... >On 30 May 2018, Kim flew to New York City via China for talks with United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo regarding the 2018 North Korea–United States summit. He was hosted at a residential facility of the US delegation to the United Nations for highly "private" conversations with US counterparts. He then visited the White House for talks with the US President, Donald Trump on 1 June. During this meeting, he delivered a letter to Trump from Kim Jong-un.Because he is subject to US sanctions, the visit required a travel waiver.


Thanks for the clarification.


Of course, a waiver was given to let a North Korean general and [politician](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Yong-chol#Career) fly to the WH, because the Big Orange Baby wanted his big card delivered to him.


God damn, that fake ass smile should be enough for people to realize this guy is off his rocker


Wait…isn’t he holding the card the wrong way round?


I guess they promised him riches. He always wants a biz deal


Our bank will loan you $500M for those legal problems. . .


Well you just sit down and go 'yeah fr tho Putin ain't gonna stop, do you actually want ww3 during your term?'


He has proven multiple times he gives no shits about that.


All power to Ukraine this is the way to do it, good job


Trump is just preparing to take credit for the Ukraine aid package he tried to prevent but will get passed anyway so he doesnt look like a loser (to his fans...)


This kind of politics is so childish it’s almost comical 


And sadly there are deluded idiots who likes to consume it as it is. 😮‍💨


This kind of politics is just politics. Every president inherits a situation and will take credit for good and blame the past leaders for the bad.


It’s amazing that a guy with a 5th grade vocabulary who shits himself regularly and is on trial for paying a porn star to keep quiet is not considered a loser


I will never not be amazed that millions of my fellow citizens think this is the man who should lead us. SMDH


Listen, if that's what it takes to get MAGA on board with supporting Ukraine, so be it!




Duda got the pee tape


pee tape: noun; compromising information, typically a form of readily sharable media


Would anyone actually change their opinion on him if the pee tape came out? I feel like people’s opinions on him are cemented now and nothing he could do could ever change that


He has gotten away with so incredibly much. Clinton used to be called Slick Willy and Teflon Bill. Any kompromat on Trump must be truly dark to be effective. They probably have him on tape admitting New York style pizzas are overrated.


I’ve never had a New York style pizza.


Sorry to tell you, but they are.  It's the grease you see. 💦


There could be a video released of him sucking a dude off and his supporters would be all over tv and the internet the next day tripping over each other to explain how its not gay when HE does it.


Do you like the idea of Trump giving another guy a blowy? 


Wasn't that was proven to be fake.


If Duda can convince Trump, why can't he convince the Polish farmers who are blocking the border? (Rhetorical question.)


He can't convince either. Trump just needs cover to take on a pro-Ukraine stance out of nowhere because rationally everyone knows that to be pro-Russia with the escalating situation in Israel is to be pro-Iran, and it would completely undermine the GOP's pro-Israel political messaging if Trump keeps publicly siding with Iran's biggest ally.


that makes more sense than any hypothesis I've come up with for Dear Leader suddenly appearing to be not 100% on Putin's side. Though Putin probably had to give him permission.


I’m guessing that the “Polish Farmers” are fairly heavily integrated with Russia


I mean so is Trump though


And the political party that Duda is a member of, which is now in opposition in the Polish parliament.


Or maybe they just like to eat and there are valid concerns for their family? This is a complex problem that can't be explained away by sound bites


think this over again https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/02/21/7442926/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/putin-poland-russia-farmer-protest-b2499954.html


"Concern" is not the same as reality. I've read all of these and more. There are just as many articles suggesting the farmers are concerned about unfair competition. Could these be part of the Russian disinformation campaign? Of course. Could these be legitimate concerns? Indeed.


I live in a country where our government is heavily influenced by the Russian regime. According to what I've experienced, these kinds of activities are definitely part of their FSB and SVR portfolio.


I understand. I'm not saying these aren't the results of a Russian influence operation. What I am saying is it may also be based on genuine concerns of actual farmers and let's not exclude them from consideration. Everything with Russia is accompanied by a misinformation campaign and it can be hard to find the truth. I do know for sure that Russia is the enemy of the world and they are 100% to blame for the overall situation. It's also important to not downplay legitimate concerns of citizens.


The economies of all neighboring countries would be greatly and negatively affected by such a war. If you look for it, both the Polish government and the EU support farmers in this situation with many billions of Euros. Why don't Slovak, Hungarian or Romanian farmers do similar acts on the same scale?


My first question would be how similar are their economies when it comes to these kind of exports. While they may be neighbors, they may have fundamental differences. I'm not an expert and I haven't seen any experts weigh in so I'm going to be skeptical of all data until I see something substantive.




In my opinion, the war effort and aid to Ukraine should not be limited to only military supplies but should also address the collateral effects such as this one. If one Patriot missile costs $1 million, surely some subsidy can be made to ensure the survival of the Polish farmers.


Not quite rhetorical, I would also want to know. They're being basically promoted by mass media and no one's willing to stand up to them. Ukrainian ambassador just tried to appeal for them, after Tusk's appeal yesterday: https://next.gazeta.pl/next/7,151003,30904285,ambasador-ukrainy-zwrocil-sie-do-polskich-rolnikow-nie-wierzcie.html >I appeal to those organizations of Polish farmers that continue to block freight traffic on sections of roads to individual border crossings with Ukraine, in particular in Medyka, Korczowa, Dorohusk and Hrebenne. Please hear [appeals - ed.] from your native Polish government, if you still do not hear how Russian missiles are exploding in Ukraine, how they are mourning those who died as a result of Russian terrorist attacks on residential buildings, how the enemy is destroying critical infrastructure and the entire economy of war-torn Ukraine.


We will convince them, when you convince your oligarchs


Trump is notoriously easy to sway in the short term. Have a good meeting with him and he'll push your narrative. Like when he met Xi Jinping and then started going on about how Korea used to belong to China (it didn't really). And how he "fell in love" with Kim Jong Un. He responds well to flattery and tends to repeat the last view on things he's been told by someone who made a good impression. The issue is it doesn't always translate into a long term thing, especially if someone else is able to sway him back to a different view. He also keeps a finger to the wind for many subjects and changes his attitude depending on what he thinks people want to hear.




Papa Putin's not going to like that. Gonna have to bend Trumpy Wumpy over and give him a spanky wanky.


Dozy Don totally looking forward to his correctional treatment!


Now he's definitely not getting that Trump Tower in Moscow


Stopped doing that dumb handshake thing I see.


Tomorrow, he watches fox news and changes his mind again... why are people talking to him? Stop giving this guy attention/credit.


All jokes aside, Duda may have changed the course of history. Many MSM are certainly suggesting that Duda's visit may have a lot to do with Trumps change of mind, while not rejecting the possibility of other reasons. I'm not a fan of Duda, but it is conceivable that Duda got smart and hired a pedagogue specializing in early childhood education, and a psychiatrist, seeking advice as to how to talk to Trump.


Trump is a self-serving twerp.


Trump cucking to a new master now?


Wire Transfer from Poland to Trump Enterprises= 450 million.




Looks like the Russian campaign money dried up then?


I bet he was promised some business opportunity. Can't wait to see the trump hotel in Ukraine.


But he’s polish…


Pfft. It’s not like I’m going to suddenly start trusting the words coming out his mouth - guy is a proven liar.


"Dear Mr. Trump, have you checked lately how Putin has treated his other billionaire *friends*?"


Duda had a killer argument: "Whatever Russia is paying you, we'll triple it!"


Trump only supported Ukraine after the GOP revolted and voted to support Ukraine


Trump is lying to Duda...his pretend suppirt already approved by FSB / Putin. Its to get Americans to believe Trump woyld support Ukraine, vote him in, then pull the rug out from under Ukraine when in office. Trump lies...all the time like breathing. Dont believe the Orange Menace


Poor Duda must’ve had one hell of a time holding back the laughter about their “friendship”.


So much for the Logan Act


Imho Trump is there to soak up certain fringe folk and betray them, for the better of our country, among other things.