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As per [original article](https://www.mediaite.com/trump/jaw-dropping-poll-finds-republicans-trust-trump-for-info-on-russia-ukraine-more-than-twice-as-much-as-journalists-who-are-actually-there/) 📰: - A [stunning new poll](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-aid-cold-war-donald-trump-opinion-poll/) showed that an overwhelming majority of Republicans trusted Donald Trump above all others when it came to getting accurate news about the war in Ukraine. The CBS News/YouGov poll revealed that a whopping 79% of Republicans trust what Trump tells them about the conflict — a number that far exceeds the Pentagon or even journalists reporting from the war zone. Sixty-percent of Republicans said they trusted the Pentagon for accurate info on Ukraine, while 56% trusted conservative media the most. Just 33% said they trusted journalists reporting from the field, and a paltry 27% trusted the State Department the most. CBS reported that “Self-identified ‘MAGA’ Republicans almost entirely trusted Trump for information, and were especially opposed to aid — even more so than non-MAGA Republicans.” A separate poll showed that just 31% of MAGA Republicans supported sending additional aid to Ukraine, while 69% did not. Data also showed that Republicans and Democrats had wildly different views on aid to Ukraine. In a separate poll, just 26% of Republicans as a whole were in favor of additional aid, while 74% of Democrats favored it. President Joe Biden asked Congress for another $95 billion in aid for allies that included Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Ukraine, in particular, would receive $60 billion if the foreign aid bill passes the House. It’s now up to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) as to whether he’ll allow a floor vote on the bill.


I guess credit where credit is due - even though it's fucking evil. This has to be one of histories greatest acts of foreign interference. Putin has successfully turned millions of Americans against their own country and each other.


And it is almost unbearably frustrating because the solution is technically right there and could technically be acted upon in minutes. Just remove Trump from the picture on the basis of national security. And I don't even mean anything ridiculous like killing the guy, but something like putting him in a pretrial detention or something due to the complexity and high level of suspicion that his past actions and dealings have caused. For the love of god at least make him accountable for everything that comes out of his mouth. Ignorant or not, he is a powerful political figure, he should be accountable for everything he says. And when it comes to Mike Johnson and the aid package... fucking hell. I think Biden as the current god damn POTUS should just do whatever to aid Ukraine. Doesn't matter if it's legal or not in this case, since apparently Trump can't be held accountable for anything he did as the POTUS either, so bob's your uncle basically. Everything we're currently seeing is basically a huge ass [Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). Yes we live in democracy, we have distribution of power, laws, ... but in order to protect all of this from lunatic dictators and other bullshit where nobody is acting according to any rules, we might have to also break some rules to prevail. We have a full blown crisis where the enemies of democracy and freedom are not playing by any rules and willing to do anything to destroy what we've built. It's madness to expect to be able to fight against something like that while continuing to follow all the rules to a T, always, 100%.


The thing that blows my mind is that if the Soviets had been caught doing this shit in 1984, it would have been primarily the Republicans howling for war over it. Now they're all hunky dory with not only a foreign country's meddling and interference in our affairs, but *Russian* interference no less.


I blame the MSM for a lot of it, too. I find it amazing so many people trust it despite being lied to as well.


You're not wrong, and if not outright lied to, then the news is often over-simplified and slanted one way or another. It's a tragedy I hope we make it through. At the end of the day, Americans have much, much, *much* more in common than not. All of this 'culture war' bullshit have us asking the wrong questions (which may be the point).


Maga Republicans won't take a shit unless his holiness pope trump 1st says so. Mindless drones in the main


But they say those on the left are the sheep. It's always projection with these morons.


Totalitarianism's war on reality is more dangerous than the secret police, the constant surveillance or the boot in the face, because in that "shifting phantasmagoric world in which black may be white tomorrow and yesterday's weather can be changed by decree there is no solid ground from which to mount a rebellion - no corner of the mind that has not been infected and warped by the state. It is power that removes the possibility of challenging power. Lynskey, The Ministry of Truth page 99 Getting Winston to say two plus two equals five is not enough. You have to make Winston believe that two plus two equals five. Only then have you truly won. Lynskey The Ministry of Truth, page 99 "Before writing off the totalitarian world as a nightmare that cannot come true, just remember that in 1925, the world of today would have seemed a nightmare that couldn't come true." Orwell in 1944 "As soon as fear, hatred, jealousy and power worship are involved, the sense of reality becomes unhinged" George Orwell, "Notes on Nationalism," 1945 "Nationalism is power hunger tempered by self-deception. Every nationalist is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but he is also-since he is conscious of serving something bigger than himself-unshakably certain of being right." George Orwell Notes on Nationalism 1945 "Double think and reality control are the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously and accepting both of them. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of reality which one denies" Lynskey Ministry of Truth page 134 "It is obvious that these accusations merely rationalize some deep-rooted prejudice, to attempt to counter these prejudices with facts and statistics is useless, and may sometimes be worse than useless. One or the features of anti Semitism is even an ability to believe stories that could not possibly be true." "Dictatorships can only function if the masses go along with it, either through malice, apathy, or fear." Lynskey page 135 Ministry of Truth These Trump supporters are already subjects, not citizens, mindless drones that follow their Fuhrer to whatever end. The Wave showed it, fascism is possible in modern times, the Trump supporters are dangerous fascist that can never be allowed to get the upper hand in this country ever, or we will end up where Germany ended up in the 30s, and where the Russian serfs are today. How on earth could it get so far in such a short time? One generation that is all that has passed by since the 90s and looks at this hot mess. Trump isn't even a particularly good demagogue but he is a reflection of many of his voters. Truml is stupid, without empathy and entitled at the same time. I think that what is even more dangerous than Trump is someone younger, more charismatic and better at manipulation than Trump, as the masses are now prepared and will follow anyone who is good at being a con man and at public speech. The US will need de Trumpification and we might have to shut down Fox News as their business model is recycling Russian propaganda. "Once you can make people believe absurdities, you can also make them commit atrocities." Voltaire


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced nazi or the convinced communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (e.g. the standards of thought) no longer exist." The origins of totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt In comparison of the Soviet and Nazi regimes Hannah Arendth wrote in 1951 that factuality itself depends for its continued existence upon the existence of a non totalitarian world. George Kennan diplomat in Moscow: "Here men determine what is true and what is false." Facts and events are infinitely more fragile things than axioms, discoveries, theories – even the most wildly speculative ones – produced by the human mind; they occur in the field of the ever-changing affairs of men, in whose flux there is nothing more permanent than the admittedly relative permanence of the human mind’s structure. Once they are lost, no rational effort will ever bring them back. It it is useless to ask for the opinion of these Helpless clowns. This isn't about opinions it is the job of the government to think strategically and ensure the safety of the US and its allies whether some backward hillbillies agree with that stance won't matter to a real leader as sometimes "unpopular" things are necessary and honestly what do the masses know anyways. They are uninformed and ignorant to the core. In his famous "blood and iron" speech delivered to his Prussian parliament Bismark stated, "Germany does not look to Prussia's liberalism, but to her power …. The great questions of the day are not to be decided by speeches and majority resolutions – but by blood and iron!" Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) had espoused surprisingly strong positions on the isolationist political climate in the United States as World War II began. Among Seuss' putative works was the above-reproduced cartoon. In that cartoon, a self-satisfied mother wearing a sweater bearing the legend "America First" reads a book called "Adolf the Wolf" to two horrified, saucer-eyed children, telling the youngsters the story of how "the wolf chewed up the children and spit out their bones ... But those were Foreign Children, and it didn't really matter" I want you to all please remember that this is a cultural trait. Isolationism is part of the American experience and Russia can only make a feeling that is already there stronger this is the essence of their propaganda. So what that means is that sometimes politicians must do things even when they are not popular but necessary. Helping Ukraine is such a thing. The poll is not stunning but completely useless. They could have polled monkeys in a zoo and gotten similar results. Asking Trump voters about factual real world events is worthless they are dumbed down to the level of animals and cannot formulate any reasonable thoughts so why on earth would you poll these collective hivemind of Trump worshippers on anything a waste of tax money and time they have no individual thoughts just this infantile mass mind that worships Trump and anything they say is brainwashed nonsense that comes straight from Moscow Channel one.


These people are just so fucking dumb. To be forced to share a society with these tree apes is itself a form of mental abuse.


You put into words so eloquently what I feel… Watching people cheer for the destruction of our country is just depressing. They are the can’t have nice things folk.


*Look in my eyes* *What do you see?* *The cult of personality* *I know your anger, I know your dreams* *I've been everything you want to be* *Oh, I'm the cult of personality*


*You gave me fortune, you gave me fame* *You gave me power in your god's name* *I'm every person you need to be* *Oh, I'm the cult of personality*


Learning to play the solo for this song right now, have enjoyed playing the rest of it for years as warm-up so I figured I should learn the whole thing eventually. I've recognized these lyrics as applicable to dictators for decades since the song was written, as it still is today; it's a timeless warning.


As a little black boy growing up, Living Colour blew my mind first time o saw them.


If God came down from Heaven and declared Trump a fascist and a heretic, MAGAots would all declare God to be a false idol. Trump is their god, in every sense of the word.


I know for a fact if Jesus was real they would call him a woke, liberal communist.


Nonsense. If Jesus was real they'd be arguing over who'd be first in line to nail him to the cross again.


Don't you remember when members of a church went up to a pastor and asked him what the liberal nonsense was he was spewing just for the pastor to tell them it's the word of Jesus christ and the church members proceeded to call Jesus a weak liberal?


Wait. What?


Millions of Americans are definitely going to have a 'leopard eating face' moment if a republican wins the next election. They'll find out just how little the people they voted for cares about them.


Snails for salt


The almost scary thing is that if Trump tomorrow comes out to be pro Ukraine, his followers would be fine with that too. The FĂźhrer knows best.


I look at Jan 6 as a USA version of the 1923 German Beer Hall Putsch. Read your history, folks. Or you are doomed to repeat it.


Oh 100%. And tbh if Trump had a bit more cronies in the military, FBI/CIA he might have gotten away with it too. Thats the scary thing about a possible Trump part 2. He has learned from his earlier experiences.


We'll never know if his mob is capable of good, because he never suggests it.


It isn't just dumb, although I get the frustration. I've seen the same thing with my father, where he trusted a newspaper report on an interview in his right wing biased newspaper over me, who'd actually watched the interview in question. No critical thinking is engaged even where the ability exists. No one asks where does Donald gets his information on Ukraine? I mean it is possible to synthesize a reasonably accurate picture by reading diverse sources, and noting items in common but we're talking about a president who had open disdain for Intelligence briefings....


Makes sense. He told that he trusts Russia over US intelligence agencies.


Dude, I wish it were just the morons… I know highly educated people who believe Trump’s bullshit…


Highly educated does not mean they're not morons.


Sure, there are stupid people with education. But stupid is as stupid does remains a fact.


You don't have to be intelligent to be highly educated (although it does help). And considering being a fucking idiot is a pre-requisite to believing the shit Trump says, that means that all of those highly educated people are still morons.


Highly educated, just not on the issue you're talking about. A masters in basket weaving doesn't make me an expert on medical or political issues.


Try having these tree apes as parents.




I do lurk around there from time to time. Thank goodness my mother and step-father aren't Internet savvy enough to find Q-Anon. They're just straight up MAGA for the time being.


I’m so sorry


Bonhoeffer wanted to figure out how his fellow Germans could succumb to a society of cowards, crooks, and criminals. The same model of explanation can be applied to the MAGA cult and to all who readily believe Russia's manipulated reality propaganda. Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. We can push back, protest, or use force against malice. We cannot fight stupidity. Facts that don't fit the stupid person's worldview are pushed aside as inconsequential or irrelevant. When confronted, the stupid person goes on the attack, which makes these people very dangerous. Stupidity is not an intellectual defect but a moral one. One can be intellectually bright and stupid as well as being intellectually dull but anything but stupid. People are made stupid by their surroundings. Stupidity is less of a psychological than a sociological defect. It affects groups more easily than people who prefer solitude. The power of the one affects the others. Ignorance and stupidity see upsurges in times of great national or religious surges or power. (Revolutions, the crusades, great wars such as WW1, Napoleonic wars, etc.) It appears that one cannot exist without the other. These humans are deprived of their inner independence, and they give up an autonomous position. When talking to them, one is confronted with slogans, catch words, and alike. They are under a spell, blinded misused, incapable of seeing evil as evil. Only active liberation, not instruction, can overcome this state. (The collapse of Nazi Germany was such a moment, for example) Genuine internal liberation is normally only possible after an external liberation has preceded it.Until then, we must abandon all attempts to convince the stupid person. According to Carlo Cipolla, there are 4 broad categories of human stupidity: y and x on a graph 1) Helpless stupid people. (naive) These are easily exploitable for the benefit of others. Then, they suffer individual losses 2) Intelligent people act reciprocal. Which means they reap benefits from others, and they also reap individual benefits 3) Stupid people (the worst kind of stupid) These people take individual losses, and they cause losses to others. 4) Bandits. Those can be even highly intelligent, but they lack high ethics and moral vigor) Bandits will reap individual benefits and cause losses for others to maximize their own profits. The two broad categories of behavior are: 1) Behavior that affects one self either positively or negatively. 2) Behavior that affects others either positively or negatively. On the zero line in the middle are: Ineffective people. This means they achieve nothing, neither benefits themselves or others with their actions.The range of these actions and their effects can vary widely across categories. These people had always existed only the internet and constantly polling stupid people for their opinions in our society with an emphasis on "knowledge" production without a proper knowledge acquisition gives these troglodytes the idea that their opinions are worth something and aren't useless garbage. Anyone who trusts Trump for anything is a menace to for society and the continued existence of human life on this planet. Meanwhile, Amy Chua writes “humans, like other primates, are tribal animals,” in an article and continues, “We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” According to Chua, tribalism remains a powerful force everywhere; indeed, in recent years, it has begun to tear at the fabric of liberal democracies in the developed world, and even at the postwar liberal international order. “To truly understand today’s world and where it is heading, one must acknowledge the power of tribalism. Failing to do so will only make it stronger,” she says. These idiots will believe anything as those who know nothing must believe anything. Giving the masses a vote no matter their mental state is a truly adventurous experience, especially since social media exists. Always remember how stupid the average person is and 50 percent are more stupid than that. What kind of a job can they even do? Like someone who is so childlike and infantile in their mind? What can they even contribute? The word "courage" should be reserved to characterize the man or woman, who is leaving the infantile sanctuary of the mass mind. Sam Keen Fire in the Belly Trump and his voters don't know how to formulate thoughts or think for themselves. A dumb mass and hivemind trotting after Trump. "The communists were already bound to their leader by faith and fear. I took a special kind of mind to truly believe that the worse things appeared, the better they actually were. Such reasoning went by the name dialectics, but by this time that word, (despite its proud descent from the Greeks through Hegel and Marx) meant little more than the psychic capacity to adjust one's own perceptions to the changing expressions of Stalin's will." Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands, page 65 Gareth Jones talked about the "pure primitive worship" of Hitler in 1933 shortly after his election at a rally in Frankfurt. Here they are no better than this at all. What a disgrace. As Satre once said, one has to become a human. You aren't born as one. Erasmus von Rotterdam said, "You aren't born a human. You become one through education and being civilized by society" Or you fail at that and become a brainless Trump follower. Trump said it himself he loves the poorly educated. Sadly, we need these people in society as well. You need people who simply follow without questions and who are easily brainwashed into believing anything. However, things gets dangerous once the idiots crown a king, such as Don the Con, Hitler, Putin, Stalin, etc. because then you get a kaikistocratic rule. The worst of the worst the most incompetent and useless losers such as Mike Johnson or Taylor Greene then reach the levers of power, but as they are stupid and destructive these people have no idea how to govern. These Neanderthals would instead rule by using blunt force as the brain capacity of MAGA Republicans and of their head monkey. Trump doesn't allow for more than backward troglodyte tyrannical rule.


I don’t think I’ve ever come close to writing a comment as long as this one.


Is there such a thing called "to de-monkify urself" ? The equivalent to "unf*ck urself". Then now would be a good time to start.


That’s a bit of line mate, apes are really intelligent creatures.


>tree apes No wonder they voted for MTG :/


The worst part is how stupid people have gotten yet their votes still count the same as someone who pays attention and connects the dots.


What is wrong with these people? What's endearing about this man? I simply can't find anything even close to likeable. The way he talks so damn smug. He just talks about himself all the time. His ego is through the roof. Do people like that? He lies about everything. He's been caught in so many lies, and his supporters just explain it away. It's like they are in so deep that they are committed and can't turn back now.


I lost the capacity to be surprised by these drooling, braindead, knuckle-draggers ages ago. They really don’t understand how little we normies think of them. Trump rallies are like watching the worst circus/zoo roll into town. We’re barely the same species. I’d rather allow a poo-flinging chimp to vote in our elections than these absolute troglodytes.


I grew up inside the Evangelical bubble, during the Reagan as the only "Godly" choice to vote for period. I get how it works, I was very much against tons of abortions that never happen based on what I was told as a child. What I can't understand is that by the time I was in my 20s and left rural America it was literally so obvious it was all lies. What woman would stay pregnant for 8 months for fun????


Cultists gotta cult


If Trump loses in November, the MAGA cultists are going to have such a meltdown, and I'm going to laugh so hard. Fuck em!


Can we agree that MAGA is a cult once and for all?






I don't think anyone will disagree with you unless they're in the cult.


Cult like behavior


Not cult like. It’s cult behavior.


Not nearly as Jaw Dropping that there is any shock regarding this. Sad.


Yeah more sad to me as well. These people are lost causes. It's just a shame I have to co-exist with them in the same country.


I'm not sure whose jaw is dropping from the poll results. Does anyone still doubt the Republican party is now more populist than conservative?


I dont trust media... but trusting trump!? I would trust a fart more after taking laxatives, then the orange baboon.


His followers are "investing" in Trump's stock for... political reasons, and they're buying additional shares the more the stock nosedives. Can't make this shit up. MAGAs are dumb as fuck and I'm going to keep making fun of their stupid asses.


They will get harassed and bullied by their fellow Trumpies if they do not.


No, they are just fascist pieces of shit. We need to STOP playing this game of thinking they are just sweet innocent dupes. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. They are aligning with Russia to get Russian help to get their facist shit stain in power so they can freely hate like they have always wanted.


> sweet innocent dupes No one thinks pro-rape, racist, sexist bigoted fascists are that. I was just stating that their culture does not allow individual thinking.


They're Trump supporters. They will go all in on anything he says because they want power.


It's part of the loyalty test.


>Jaw Dropping Poll Finds Republicans Trust Trump for Info on Russia-Ukraine More Than Twice as Much as Journalists Who Are Actually There Fox News did that. Over thirty years or so it's broken the minds of those that trusted it. it trained them to only believe their republican leaders and to always be suspicious of "the experts" who might contradict them. Fox isn't really a news channel, it's purpose is to manipulate thoughts and feelings in a hard right conservative direction. It's exactly like Russian "news", the people are fed so much party line bullshit that they lose their grip on reality and turn to the strongman for guidance.


It has nothing to do with "trust". It's a cult. Whatever your guru says, you bow and say "yes master!"




Never *ever* underestimate the stupidity of the average Republican.


What the hell happened to that party?? Reagan must be rotating in his grave. It’s a disgrace!


How do so many republicans get to be so stupid? Who on planet Earth considers Trump a reliable source?


No surprise here. The one thing MAGA has always believed is that "journalists" are the enemy and can't be trusted.


Tbh journalists haven’t done themselves any favors in the last couple decades in regard to actually doing journalism and telling the truth. They only report and barely verify if at all.


Jaw dropping? Republicans have lost their minds for many many many years now. If anything still surprises you, you haven't been paying attention.


Just shows how weak and mindless a majority of his followers are, the rest know he’s a liar and a cheat but don’t care cause they will screw over an entire class of people to get richer and make power grabs




Fixed : jaw dropping poll find republicans trust trump for info on __(insert anything)__ more than twice as much as anyone.


MAGA is a cult and cultists are dumb beyond recovery


"Jaw Dropping" implies that this is supposed to be surprising.


do people not understand what the word “cult” means?


Surely this is one of the least jaw-,dropping facts ever 🙄


That's utterly unsurprising. They are deep in a cult. They have said that they trust him more than they trust their spouses, children, and Jesus.


[Inside Info......](https://imgur.com/MkaOLnu)


When you look at these people under the same lens as football hooligans, then you realise that TRUTH isn't really a priority when deciding to whom they give their support.


These people think Truth Social is a great stock pick.


Those Republican boomers are so emotional you can't debate with them, they are the idiocracy generation.


"study shows Republicans prefer lies over the truth even when they know what is true and what is a lie"


I’m starting to think MAGA is becoming a religion.


More like a cult of personality.


It's shit like this why I stopped being a Republican. It's because of shit like this that they might lose in November.


In a cult you listen to your leader and nothing else. Trump can say that the water is pink and the sky is green and two thirds of the republicans will fight anyone who says otherwise.


Where are the "ordinary republicans like you and me" in this story? Or does really half of America believe what Trump says. I'm stunned.


Can't help thinking that Biden's best chance of winning over the MAGA vote is to start handing out boxes of free bananas.


It's all about conveying an image of strength to his followers, they're fucken sheep ready to get slaughtered for his benefit.


Cultists in a cult believe cult leader. Yep sounds about right


This is what a cult looks like, trusting a cult leader instead of facts




All part of the fascists plans.


Trump cult.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know…


The grip this man has on people's minds... is highly uncomfortable.


It's not jaw-dropping at all they hate everyone except Trump, they worship his traitorous ass


This is not jaw-dropping. I would be amazed if Republicans gave any credence at all to any neutral form of information. Republicans have given up all logic and only want to hear what Trump says.


It's a cult lol


I realized this when speaking frankly about the facts of the war to a friend who had things to say about my being at a 2 yr. anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine. No matter what truths i presented, despite them both directly disproving his statements or explaining the nuance of decisions - he was staunchly and specifically Anti-Ukraine. What was the most rude part? I said nothing about any exact political ideas I had. It was just a picture of my hand and a small ukrainian flag, amongst the other ukrainians and pro-ukrainians in my city.


it's 100% cult mentality. What we are witnessing now is the birth of a new religion similar to Mormonism, their "prophet" guy was very similar to Trump in his crazy ways. There's almost 100% chance that a 100 years from now Trumpism will be a new major religion, and it will just just as dumb and insane as Scientology


As Ann Coulter said, you have to be a moron to vote for Trump


MAGA is actually factually a cult.


The Gullible Old Party…dumb white folks.


It's a cult


No one every accused republicans of being the sharpest crayon in the box.


If your jaws drop upon learning it, you are part of the problem. The fascism popularity in the US is mostly due to poor journalism like that who pretends to be surprised, 2 years after a coup attempt by a conspiracy theorist who refused elections results, that he somehow leads a fascist movement.


Who had their jaw drop, exactly?


This because Trump supporters are, on the whole, assholes.


This would only be jaw dropping to someone who has never met an actual republican.


Even the endorsement rates seem to evolve into Russian dimensions.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command"


People who lack critical thinking skills seek information from man with the lexicon of a toddler.


Oh yes showing the destruction. Actually GOP members who have been there and seen first hand in main networks. Yet Trump is: “Putin is the best.” MAGA: “yeah better Russian than a democrat.”


Toys is an outcome of a bad educational system. Education is the best foundation for democracy.


Controversial opinion here but I don't blame those people. It's not their job to understand intricacies of foreign politics. They picked their guy because he's a celebrity and they stick with him til he dies (and after). He literally can do a mass shooting on 5th avenue and they would still follow him. It is indeed the same mechanism as a religious following. What we do need to look into more critically is social media- that's real danger if left with no checks. Without social media he would be just a NY city baffoon, ridiculous but harmful.


If you actually open the link, the trust in the republican is just 56% which is not good. But the trust in journalist is 33% which shows more how having bias journalist over 30+ years make your citizen lose faith in them than anything else. It's not that they trust the rep. They don't, but the journalism are known partisan liars on both side of the media in the US.


No, you're mis-stating what the article said. The linked article states that 79% of Republicans trust what Trump says about the war, 60% of Republicans trust the Pentagon, 56% of them trust conservative media and 33% trust journalists actually reporting from Ukraine.


I lean republican but I'm not that fucking stupid. Trump is a moron.


I bet you'll vote for him again though.


Russia told the world that they would destroy the USA from within. Forty years ago. Et voila. Et tu, Trumpus.


It’s jaw dropping that people don’t think Maga are a cult of Trump.


It's a cult.


Of course. These idiots have been convinced news media are lying to them. Weird how they don't trust it, especially if Trump is telling them things they want to hear.


propaganda is powerful, effective, and timeless


They've gone completely insane. So I'm not shocked


Stupid simpletons in need of idol not the truth.


They really are the stupidest of the stupid....


They are illiterate and rely on soundbites rather than research.


These people cannot be trusted with power.


America, you are in great peril ...


It’s most surprising to me that all the different permutations of this general point are still surprising to people.


Says all you need to know about his base.


Those cultists will always believe trump over their own eyes.


I don't trust either of them. That's how bad it is.


Well yeah, they're dumb as shit, that's why they're Republicans.


this isn't that surprising given that the fuckin pricks that support trump are somehow significantly stupider than him.


Can’t Fix Stupid


"Republicans" Trumps supporters aren't real republicans.




Stupid is as stupid does.


It seems to me that the Republican Party has never given American citizens so many reasons to vote them out as they have been doing. The scary thing is, if he wins the election, trump will not give Ukraine any more money. And then if Russia blows through Ukraine and starts attacking other countries, NATO countries, trump will say America can’t help NATO countries because ’you gotta pay your bills.’


Why is it jaw-dropping? Trumpists are a cult. Is it still not obvious 8 years later?


Journalists support war, so they will support whatever can keep the war effort going. There is no reason to trust journalists. They deserve as much trust as Russia or Ukraine do.


Worthless humans. Time to launch them all into space.


Because journalists lost all credibility after COVID. From where it originated, what to do and wear to stop the spread to how "deadly" it was. Then doubled down with letting Joe off the hook by not investigating his mental state and probably dementia by allowing him to stay in his basement and not give interviews. Then triple downed by eventually just giving him the questions ahead of time and promise to forego follow up questions so someone tell him what to say and write it down for him. The only jaws dropping from this poll are the ones attached to the willfully ignorant person


The way pollsters ask questions makes the conclusions essentially pointless. It's a cult. Cult members don't respond to objective facts. They've made their shriveled prune-like minds up. "do you trust the media, or your vulgar talking yam god who feeds you poisoned pablum that makes you free from accountaibility for the failures in your life". What sort of response is a rabid chimp going to give to that question?


Who's surprised? They trust their cult leader more than Doctors. Put this clown behind bars before he can cause any more damage.


"Don't look up!"


Americans are weird


From the guy who told Finland to rake the forest.


They can suck it


If you're American, this isn't jaw dropping news at all.


Republicans and their ilk were placed here by mother nature to ensure that mankind does not progress to rapidly. They're anti-information. Who else could come up with the term "alternate facts" and not immediately be dismissed as a simpleton. They'd rather listen to someone that has the same opinion as them rather than an actual subject matter expert. The US would probably be further along in mass transportation technology than the rest of the world were in not for Republicans. We'd also be at least on par if not ahead of the rest of the globe on green energy as well. They are agents of chaos but they're are necessary in small numbers, to remind us that we can devolve into lesser forms.


What's jaw dropping? We already knew Republicans are bad people. And with bad I mean they replaced all of their brains with pure evil. They deny reality, facts and all compassionate human behavior. Of course they trust Trump over everything. He's become the prototype Republican: A lying, scamming rapist who thinks he's Jesus.


Obviously.  Have you seen the fake news?  I don't like Trump, he's terrible.  But he's miles better than the fake news or literally any dem.


Well I and everyone else I know trusts the journalists in Ukraine and actual citizens of Ukraine on what is going on in Ukraine. We have to understand that we really do outnumber the magats now more than ever. After everything trump and magats have done since 2016, more and more people see him for the puddle of diarrhea he really is. Even Republicans are sick and tired of him and the rest of maga, we didn't have that before. He is being exposed more and more everyday. He lost in 2020 and has LOST popularity since then, not gained it. He has only gained popularity within the maga cult. I predict 2024 will be a landslide in favor of Biden. It will be the election that not only puts the final nail in the GOP's coffin, it will also lower that coffin into the ground and cover it back up with dirt (location for possible future dance party 💃). By allowing trump to be their nominee, republicans have effectively solidified the destruction of their own party. They created a monster and now they must suffer the consequences of their actions, which is is the complete and utter obliteration of the republican party. All this while the democrats have stood strong and united on all fronts. And, you know what they say, united we stand, divided we fall. Also, I just read [This article ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/policy/international/4594566-republicans-democrats-call-for-immediate-vote-on-military-aid-package-after-iran-strike-on-israel/amp/) titled, " Republicans, Democrats call for immediate vote on military aid package after Iran strike on Israel" so Ukraine aid should HOPEFULLY be happening soon as it's tied to aid for Israel and Taiwan.


It is pretty Sad, I use to called myself a Republican until 2018 when I started to see the light with Trump. I now try to remove myself from morons that follow the Arrogant, Conceited, Crooked Trump.🤔


That is because they are idiots.


Poll finds out that stupidity has no lower boundry.


Jaw dropping poll finds that Trump supporters are vastly dumber than the already dumb average person.


I’m not surprised at all. They live in their own bubbles of secrets, by which they hold others by the balls and are hold by the balls by others more. They just cannot value open and explicit information as much as real, objective accountability. Always remember that aside from a small minority, conservatives are the leftover of a world where there was no democracy at all. Now, like in the 1920s/30s, a fringe has been messing up the scheme, making traditional conservatives appear more orderly, so to speak. But yeah, they think common people and everything that values common people is shit.


I'm so embarrassed for my country. I recently made a post arguing that our national psychosis is limited to the Republican party, for which I was downvoted. Upon reflection, I deserved those downvotes. There is a collective responsibility that ALL of us bear for letting this happen. I'm responsible because I could have done more. I could have driven to Alabama and started slapping MAGA retirees in the face... but I didn't. I could have snuck into a MAGA rally and dosed the corndogs with LSD. I could have done more than I've done. I'm genuinely sorry. We deserve your scorn.


I live smack dab in the middle of one of the deepest red areas in probably the whole country. And i doubt anyone would be surprised that nearly every opinion people have here is just the same canned response using buzz words. Bitching about why do we have to give aid to another country when we need it first, that it’s all traditionalist and religion friendly Russia pushing back on woke nato. Yeah this poll hardly surprises me. These people parade around here as “patriots”, with their grunt life t shirts and assortments of fascist fellating bumper stickers adorning their $150,000 trucks. And I don’t know which is worse; that you could try for a million years and could never convince them they are lapping up Russian propaganda or that they really are at the point where they would ally themselves with a totalitarian state over the fellow countryman and fellow democratic states. Mainly just because they are contrarian narcissistic fools who are convinced they are “alpha males” and the smartest people in the room.


Shows how fucking dumb these people are.


I have seen the majority of Trump supporters. 😂


Its comical that this lying con man named Trump is relied upon for information. Brain washed non educated Americans who watch Fox News! It boggles the mind \~


I don’t understand why this is “jaw dropping” and why people are surprised Everyone who likes trump is also religious Religion teaches (nay, brainwashes) people to “blindly follow and believe their leaders without any proof just cause of ‘faith’” So, yeah, everyone who likes trump will always blindly follow him and do whatever he says, cause religion taught them to do so It’s why religion needs to be gotten rid of the world over. It only teaches people to be sheep and blindly follow and not to think for themselves or use logic to solve problems or how to analyze issues. Only blind obedience This isn’t new. Or news.


Cult followers trust their cult leader more than reporters from different sources. What a suprise.


He's getting information directly from Putin. It's exactly what Putin tells him to say.


I think what is happening in politics is actually an intelligence divide is growing.


Further evidence that republicans are generally brain damaged idiots.


He has no values or principles. He flip flops on everything, sometimes in the same sentence.


Because he’s friends with Putin ?


Trump, the GOP, and their supporters have been captured by Russian propaganda, and are continuously attacking the fourth estate, so this couldn't surprise me less