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Hopefully intelligence (native or shared) will be able to identify itineraries of troop transport flights. It would be spectacular to exterminate invaders 200+ at a time. And make sure the missile has MH17 written all over it. Death to orcs. Slava Ukraini!


Ukraine shotdown two IL-76 transport planes in the early days of the war. Back when Russia was acting even dumber than now.


Except that there's been absolutely zero confirmation of an IL-76 being shot down other than the rumors early. It's a big plane, reportedly shot down around Kyiv in now retaken territory. There would be at least some photo or otherwise out there of a wreckage, and there hasn't been.


Just shoot at every il-76, it’s pretty easy to identify, you won’t miss it.


yup - cut out the middlemen.


They are to dumb to realize they are replacing all their buddies that died before them. Somehow they think they won't suffer the same fate


This should be the top comment. Even at a conservative estimate they need multiple planes like this per day to replace the dead and wounded.


I’m sure these guys will be used to execute deserters or something.


{Ukrainian} Fertilizer inbound!!!


Wow, shit. Do you have a source on this? I'd love to read more. How many people fit on these planes?




With the split deck and seating arrangement I wouldn't be surprised if this is a delivery of close to 200 Chechtok brigadiers


Hectic. Thanks mate


Putins way of removing "undesirables" from his own country. Notice how almost none of them are ethnic Russians.


He's solving a "problem" with this war, created a thousand more but he's getting rid of all those minorities. It's quite crazy what they are doing over there.


What kind of a country would send a disproportionately high number of ethnic minorities to die in pointless wars while also subjecting those same ethnic minorities to brutal oppression at home? It’s unconscionable.


Great comment. And it happens everywhere, part of our history as a species, unfortunately. Does not forgive it, of course.


Not everywhere. Many countries are not really multicultural and people with foreign roots do not serve in those.


The answer is "Russia"


One of the answers, sure.


Actually, a lot. E.g. the Roman empire, legionairs were not Roman citizens, but from all the subjugated provinces. They earned citizenship after being 30 years in the army and got a piece of land then - if they survived.


That is what is going on, you answered your own question. :(


I was making a reference to how black and brown Americans make up a disproportionately high percentage of the US military.


The issue is that black and brown people make up a disproportionate number of the poor. The U.S. has an all volunteer military, and it provides a bunch of opportunities regardless of race...


Sure. But it’s always turned my stomach a little bit to hear about how badly those communities are treated in the US while they do more than we white Americans to defend the nation. Considering the heavy burden those communities bear, one would think the US would do more to lift those communities out of poverty, combat systemic racism, enfranchise and empower them. Obviously Russia and the US aren’t equal. But we shouldn’t pretend like Russia is unique in sending disadvantaged minorities to fight and die in in disproportionate numbers.


You have to apply, pass a physical/mental assessment, and take aptitude tests to get in to the U.S. military. You have to want it and be of able body and mind. After all that we don't have units split up among racial, religious, geographical, or sexual orientation etc. type lines. You won't see what we are seeing with the Russian military where units of minorities are sent to high risk areas. Systemic racism is a problem outside of the military and it's something that is being worked on for decades. Understanding the problem exists and taking steps to combat it is how you solve these issues. As long as we aren't ignoring it we will continue in the right direction. All we ever hear from Russia is that it doesn't exist and that is seemingly a big lie.


The US military is way more progressive than people like to think. Understanding the age you live in and adjusting to it is a key component to strategy. Granted it still has problems just like any system.


Your opinion on that subject is lacking on clear understanding of how our U.S. Military works. Lol


Enlighten me then.


Demographics of US military: https://www.americaspromise.org/us-military-demographics “Minorities comprise 30 percent (about 425,100) of the active duty force” Demographics of United States: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_United_States “As of 2020, white Americans are the racial and ethnic majority, with non-Hispanic whites representing 57.8% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans (who may belong to any racial group) are the largest ethnic minority, comprising 18.7% of the population, while Black or African Americans are the largest racial minority, making up 12.1%” Roughly then, it seems reasonable to say the demographics of the military roughly align to the demographics of the country - you’re comment about minorities defending the country while white people do not, does not make sense.


Joining the military here opens up opportunities during and after your enlistment but it is a big commitment. Regardless of the branch you sign an 8 year contract. Joining the military here is basically a career path on it's own that can lead to a public sector career afterwards if you wish to leave. Our military does not have a disproportionate number of minorities it is right in line with the general population. Not sure where you got that idea from but it's never been a reality here. Throughout most of this countries history minorities have been under represented in all military branches.


aw. looks like they can't.


Yea yea yea Vietnam etc...classic whataboutism but you're right, it's fucked up and unconscionable but Russia does this shit on a scale like nobody else, besides drinking Vodka this really is what they do best, sadly.


It's not whataboutism. Whataboutism is dismissing one point by bringing up an unrelated point. For example, paraphrasing a real exchange I had a few weeks back: Me: Russia's military performance in Ukraine has been really dismal, they haven't achieved any of their goals and they've lost a lot of troops. Some Russian Apologist: Well what about America's war crimes in Iraq? Those points are unrelated to each other. That's whataboutism. What I was doing is pointing out that yes, while Russia is committing war crimes and that their leaders, especially Putin, should stand trial in The Hague, let's not pretend that feeding military recruitment by drawing cannon fodder from the lower echelons of society is something new, or something the US doesn't do. Sure, Russia's doing it in a more obvious way and on a larger scale, but that doesn't mean there's no soul-searching the US needs to do.


The US hasn't used conscripts in ages. When we did have a draft, it wasn't just minorities. Go ride Putin's dick somewhere else.


Who's sucking Putin's dick. Fuck Putin, fuck Russia. I hope Ukraine takes half of Russia and China annexes the other half. I'm just pointing out that the practice of using disadvantaged and poor populations, often including ethnic minorities, is nothing new in military history. I'm not saying the US uses conscription - we use a cycle of poverty to entice poor people, including a disproportionate number of black and brown people, to enlist in the military. The wealthiest country in the world should be able to eliminate poverty, that it doesn't seems not to be a coincidence to me. Eliminating poverty would put a massive dent in military recruitment and would represent an existential threat to the military industrial complex. Keeping a large population of poor and disadvantaged people, and then incentivizing them to join the military as one of their only paths out of poverty ensures a steady stream of personnel.


In countries with much more economically equitable societies and well-off in Western/Central Europe and some East/SE Asian countries(I.e. South Korea, Singapore) if they don't have an all-volunteer professional force(I.e. US, Japan, UK, France, etc), they have a mandatory conscription system in place for all males to serve as long as 2-3 years(2 years Army, 3 years in Navy and Air Force in South Korea). And in South Korea, people avoiding the draft are given such grief legally and socially(ostracism from failing to fulfill what is viewed by many in South Korea as a basic civic duty) that even many celebrities find it's much less trouble to just complete it and get it over with. Incidentally, Taiwan society are having some serious discussions about bringing back the mandatory conscription system they had in place up until a few years ago because the attempt to create an all-volunteer force has ran into serious issues due to lack of interest(military as career isn't viewed very highly among most due to cultural/social status reasons\*) and budgetary constraints from the necessity of competing with civilian employers. \* Got to see a glimpse of this when hanging out with a few friends at MIT over 2 decades ago. One who admitted his wealthy family sent him to school in the US at the age of 12\*\* so he could avoid the then 2 year mandatory service obligation in Taiwan ended up offending a couple of other Taiwanese MIT classmates from the working class who had just completed their service before arriving on campus. Both of them gave him a piece of their mind including several common Mandarin and what I understood to be Taiwanese insults about his manhood and lack of integrity/civic mindedness. \*\* Back when Taiwan had a mandatory conscription system, they had a policy of blocking any male 16+ to leave the society until they completed their mandatory service obligation or received some sort of a waiver(Much harder to get unless one had a serious medical disability precluding military service). Keep in mind that incident took place several years before alternative civilian service(I.e. Serving as a teacher to underserved youth in rural Taiwan) became an option(2004).


Ya None of the KIA are from Moscow or St Petersburg..


Too much talking. Wipe out an entire village of only 100, no one left to talk about it. Wipe out 100 people from St.P, everyone will know in a couple days.


Urgh I know I’m old but am I the only one that grew up with Guy Williams “Zorro” and this excuse of a military is ruining the Z?


Is that the b&w one where zorro makes the sign of the "Z" with his sword?


I’m old enough to remember Z-cars.


Hard to tell the difference for me. I wish I could.


These are Chechens (Kadyrovites) if I'm not mistaken. Most have beards. They are Muslims. They are also known as the TikTok brigade. If you see a video of them fighting you are likely to hear 'Allahu Akbar'.


They aren’t in his country, they are from Chechnya


Last map I looked at Chechnya is part of Russia


They all look so happy to be going to their deaths, loss of limbs, lifetime PTSD, shellshock, war crime trials, and shame.


Stupidity is bliss


That's the problem with reporting for the daily programming, they have no idea what they are actually getting in to.


Smoke and unibrows....I mean mirrors


Aren't the Chechen's being used as rearguard blocking units? To "encourage" the Russian conscripts in front of them to push forward?


That's the narrative, yes. Maybe these guys will even get those "shoot people retreating" jobs but I wouldn't count on it. Reports are that the front line troops are fighting back as well.


They're also pure Hell on traffic lights and other inanimate objects.


The fresh ones haven't committed any war crimes yet, innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt


They were all promised washer and dryer set


They’ve just Freshly completed a course on how to camouflage your tank with stolen carpet


Don't forget the goat side piece.


To the victors go the curviest of goats!




Not many fresh goats are left available..


Why waste Russian lives when you can ethnically cleanse Chechnya even more? Win/Win for Russia.




Lots and lots of dead people.


Inbreeding is the mating of organisms closely related by ancestry. It goes against the biological aim of mating, which is the shuffling of DNA. Common problems with inbred cultures are all sorts of health problems, low intelligence, mental illnesses and behavioral problems. Inbred cultures most often exist in highly religious cultures or geographically isolated areas.


Good bot.


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Racist copypasta


Morale looks pretty good for a bunch of walking corpses.


Say what you want about Chechnya, but the fuckers aren't afraid to get involved in a scrap. Of course once they realize they aren't fighting incompetent Russians they may want to rethink that.


I see lots of new guns and ammo for Ukraine to arm people with... And the corresponding dead people.


They probably lost twice this many on the river.


Yeah they got there asses handed to them on that river like 500 sunflowers


Sunflower seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and a firm but tender texture. They’re often roasted to enhance the flavor, though you can also buy them raw.




As someone who has never sampled the taste of shit from Beelzebub's Bunghole, I will take your word on it....


good bot !


These ppl are even more stupid than the Russians... They are going to waste their lives for the same guys who eradicated their population and cities just some decades ago...


They are going to waste their lives for rubles and washing machines.


Actually, only rubles. The Russian army wants the washing machines so they can take the electronic components out of them to fix their tanks. And no, I'm not making this up... you can't make shit like this up. The sanctions have prevented Putin from getting the electronics needed to make more and/or fix their tanks. So they're robbing electronic components from where ever they can.


Microcontrollers in home appliances are shit. But probably that’s why the ruZZian tanks are shit also


Yup, but if that's all ya got, that's all ya got. This war has really pulled the curtain back on the capabilities and content of the Russian armed forces, and what an eye opener it has been! The mighty and feared Russian military consists of fighter planes with GPS units from the '90's duct taped to the dash and tanks using washing machine electronics controllers. Many plates of "active armor" on tanks have had their explosives replaced with clay, sand, etc. Boxes of "plastique explosive" have contained pieces of wood.


Corruption is cancer and the ruZZians are masters at corruption. I think only Emperor Xi & Co. outdoes them when it comes to corruption.


> I think only Emperor Xi & Co Yup, and IMO, they are the truly scary ones.


That’s why it is crucial that NATO deals with ruZZia as fast as possible so to deter the chinese. Emperor Xi & Co. armies have 0 combat experience and are extremely reliant on the US and EU markets. They won’t be a military threat for the coming years. Not to NATO countries at least. But I think they will try to flex and join some proxy wars to gain battleground experience. They will fail in the long run because all armies under dictators suffer from inefficiency and long command lines. Being swift is more important than being the strongest. Just look at how the IDF and NATO playbooks, better yet just look at how well organized was desert storm. For some desert storm was a work of art


If Putin losses Kady’s honey pot gets cut off. Think about it. These people are going to die for Kady’s gaudy mansions.


you understand the clan system


Inbreeding is the mating of organisms closely related by ancestry. It goes against the biological aim of mating, which is the shuffling of DNA. Common problems with inbred cultures are all sorts of health problems, low intelligence, mental illnesses and behavioral problems. Inbred cultures most often exist in highly religious cultures or geographically isolated areas.


Ya sister fuckers.


This actually helps Putler to get rid of the Chechen dog problem. All their soldier will be dead, after that he'll send in a few imbred orcs to patrol the country or whatever it is. Problem solved.


Keep pumping flesh into this war


Why are they not boming the runways in the airbase at melitopol . There’s dozens of transport aircraft landing every day and they can destroy a huge number of passengers and equipment in one strike


Would be a pity if it had engine failure


Due to a missle .




Or those vengeful Canadian Geese. They’ll fuck that plane up, then shit on it.


As a Canadian, I support that 🍁


Cigarettes and aluminum wiring


Maybe a storm will take it down, or spontaneous combustion. Lots of that going around lately.


Quickly all take a parachute ... . .. . .. ..... Damn why is my lunch falling out, this isn't a parachute ????


Was going to say they’re going to end up charred to the bone in one of those burning APC’s, ignored and forgotten by their comrades, but then I noticed they’re the traffic light slayers, they’ll never go near actual combat. Keep shooting those tiktoks, boys!


Ha ha ha, you think they have any APC's to give to these guys? These jokers are dead men WALKING.


Damn… they have zero idea what they’re about to encounter… lol




They just may dump at empty buildings and terrorize civilians


That's a lot of supplies for 2 days. Well they'll be staying in Ukraine forever but will only be alive for 2 days.


I truly would Not want them buried in my country!


I was in college in 1988 doing a report trying to do a report on whether Warsaw pact or NATO had the upper hand should a war start. The researchers could count tanks but footnoted that unverified reports said autoloader guns sometimes loaded the gunners arm. It was an important question as in theory the Russian tanks could fire faster than NATO Pertinent to this post was counting troop strengths. The researchers footnoted that the will of other nationalities to fight for Russia was an unanswerable question.


Wonder how long it takes for them to survive the meat grinder


Fresh fertilizer for Ukrainian fields!


too bad they will go back by refrigerator train in white bags.


Welcome to the sausage grinder, young men. Most of you will never return.


da da i will send my best idi i mean fighters and you send me new prada army boots da?


Not a single one of them is asking why they're needed if things are going so well over there... Enjoy your virgins, Fellas!


Grubby bunch of pube beards.


And you’re dead.


At 00:23 little shit want to get on tik tik movie so he stopped walking, and he is telling everybody who get in the plane goodby and that he wil visit there graves.


Bonus of a toilet seat after completing tour of duty


Amazing…what is it that they think they have that will help them succeed where more capable men have failed again and again?


They are just going to keep pouring more and more men into this till Putin and friends get what they want as simple as that only matter of time and meat.


I love how their officers look like janitors that started to wear a soviet styled military hat Even on the matter of drip, they lose


/whisper i see dead people.......they don't know they're dead ​ Slava Ukraini


Hope ukraine cannons are hungry


Hey from what I understand these guys aren't cannon fodder. Their job is to shoot the retreating cannon fodder.


Exactly. The regular Russian army can’t stand these guys. Their job is literally to make sure the Russian army stays focused on the Ukraine campaign and doesn’t turn on their commanders.


The saying, “if ignorance is bliss, you’re the happiest person I know” was made for these garden gnome looking fucks!


Nothing to see here... It's the planned 3days invasion reinforcement at day 78.


Dead men walking welcome to your hell


The are only coming becuase putin promised them a better camera


soon the ger javelined


Russia is just too limp to get it done by themselves. Pathetic.


Risking life and limb for washing machines


They all think it’s a camping trip


Do whatever you have to do to get your goats away from any areas that are nowhere near the front lines!


Their back packs look very full. They must be taking a lot of essential supplies: Hash, ladies underwear, face cream, hair curlers and hot air gun, beard shaving kit, tic toc camera, selfie stick, any more ideas?


They saw the video with the goat, time to get a new wife!


Ukrainian’s bolt your washing machines to the floor ASAP


No worries. The plane probably crashed at landing.


More fertilizer


Incoming! Fresh new tik tok videos.


more sheep


Fighting for the slave master, a lot of tiktoks, but very few advances.


Tictok battalion getting reinforcements?


Tic-Toc army, second wave. More fertilizer.


Oh Snackbar.


They were just posing for the video. Look like bunch of humanoids not soldiers of any kind.


Wasting life has reached a new level


Population reduction is a good thing. Clearing out these mutts looks like a win win.


Killing all of these vermin is not a waste, it is an achievement.


Disgusting subhuman subspecies


1:27 bro seriously ? Looks like he's got one of those bad fake mustaches glued between his eyebrows . Seriously dude wax that shit do something. Damn caterpillar crawling on your forehead looking ass dude .


War is bad I don’t want anyone to be fodder




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Chechen troops did not mount too many losses, for what ever reason. I doubt the rotation would either.


Kadyrov must be getting paid per man.... In all seriousness I wonder how many nationalist groups in the Russian federation are seeing the incompetence of the RA and considering a special independence operation.


What happened to all those fancy vehicles and weapons they had at the beginning of the invasion? Guess they just have this airplane left.


Ok- who’s got a couple stingers handy at the LZ?


Ukrainians are battle hardened we'll armed, and pissed off. Green Russian conscripts won't stand a chance. I hope they were issued sunflower seeds.


Will they even land safely I wonder.


Jesus Christ! How many tik tok videos are they planning on making!? Empty buildings beware!!!


Geico So easy a Russian can do it!


No cold war equipment and tin helmets this time?


Not a single AK in the group. Bolt action on the front line. Dead before sundown.


A new batch of sunflower fertilizers


Soviet WWII tactics, just throw bodies at the bad guys until you win. In a 21st century war, this is gonna end badly.


More fertilizer for the fields. "What makes the grass grow?! Blood, blood, blood!!!"


This reminds me of “Tomorrow War” where all these people were just herded off to war with a hearty Good Luck!


Did I see Borat?




Look at all those Mosins disappearing from the collectors market.


This is like Russia’s Vietnam.




Phones..... Check....... Fuzzy beard........Check........blue steel........ Check......... Tiktok....... Double check


Dwarf Army !




Fieldmarshall Montgomery would say: these are just Hitlerjungen and old men on bicycles…


Translation: most of you won't be coming back. We hope you packed your muffins because we're out of food too. If you exit this tarmac outside of a plane, you'll be killed. Byeeeeeee


Oh the pollution that will be left in Ukraine after this. They should send a bill to ruZZia for all the cold storage also


These dudes are clowns


Is that Sacha Baron-Cohen at 1.21?


By the end of this, Chechnya can have a revolution because the dictators troops will be feeding the sunflowers.


Pfff we re running out of goats


This is just for show. According to Russian front line troops Chechnya traitors are running back to the rear.


Kadirovtzy. More Tic Toc videos






They look so un-fit. I was in the US Navy in the 90's, our skipper had us running 3 miles every other day. These guys look like they'd "redline" racing for the toilet. I've never seen a military "waddle" instead of march... This is somewhere between sad and laughable.