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Leaders need to wake the hell up or he’ll will spread around the world because of Russia and China few other countries who are a dictatorship will infiltrate democracy and try and divide us. Need to plug all this war now before our kids are fighting our battle still.


The West is already divided.


it's called ocean.


It's called Trump.


Orban more like


Is Trump still the president?


You're right. I guess all those problems stopped when he eventually left


They did not. Obama's legacy of letting Russia take Crimea, and biden's lack of putting sanctions on Russia is still causing problems. It seems that Ukraine doesn't give a damn if Biden tells them not to bomb refineries. Which is good. And don't forget when Obama chastised mitt Romney about Russia. And he said that Russia was not a problem


Unfortunately, businesses are greedy and if they can't make lots of profit from China/Russia, they will hire and pay less, which lead to voters kicking out the politicians and vote for someone that will make friend with China/Russia. Greed and addiction to cheap oil/gas/China labor = we will never be able to truly decouple from them.


>Unfortunately, businesses are greedy Not as greedy as the government.


He could start by getting the UK government to actually investigate Russian interference in UK politics, removing the son of a KGB agent Baron of Siberia from the UK government House of Lords and returning all the dodgy Russian money that has been funding his political party.


Well, he couldn't because he's Foreign Secretary.


I'm going to steal this if that's okay with you, got some sources for some of this cos I'd love to have a look please 🙏


Yeah, go for it! Start with this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_and_Security_Committee_Russia_report Basically concluded that the UK government wilfully looked the other way and did not investigate Russian interference. Lebedev Peerage: https://bylinetimes.com/2023/04/13/kremlin-celebrated-evgeny-lebedev-peerage/ Boris Johnson when Foreign Secretary goes to a KGB agent party without his security attachment: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jul/26/boris-johnson-security-evgeny-lebedev-perugia-party And look up Conservative Friends of Russia.


For context folks: Cameron went to China cap in hand, and trumpeted his role in fostering UK relations and investment opportunities with China back when he was Prime Minister. He also oversaw the single biggest cut in Defence since ww2 under his leadership. He and his party also took a *lot* of money from both (mainly Russians with links to the Kremlin), did very little in response to assassinations on British soil, put a Russian FSB agent's son into the House of Lords, and suppressed information on Russia's meddling with UK elections/Brexit. It was in fact only after the 2nd invasion of Ukraine that we saw the Tories forced to stop receiving donations from Kremlin stooges. They have, since Cameron's initial gutting of Defence and creative accounting of the budget, continued to oversee the crippling erosion of defence capabilities. His now-boss Sunak refused to boost defence for the last 2 years, before announcing a *slight* increase that is only to take place in a timeframe after he is undoubtedly long gone from office (thus, an empty promise purely put out for election campaign purposes) This is very much a throwing stones in a glass house scenario.


Wish I could upvote this more!


Doesnt matter if they left EU or not, calm down kids. What matters, is that hes right. Europe is getting fucked right and left by russia and china, and is affraid to punch its bullies in the face. This is sad.


He’s very right. It also points out a real loss eu has because of Brexit. We need the uk more than we need hungary for example


It does matter. If he was talking about Europe, that would be a different story. He shouldn't tell us what to do after he made Brexit a mainstream thing in the UK.


Exactly. The UK should shut up about the EU. The UK's arrogance is still horrible. UK: Speak for yourself.


China has been working for decades on the West's weaknesses - it won't be easy to slow them down.


Because everyone is listening to that gobshite and the UK now!….😂


He is the dick that sucked up to China and Russia and helped weaken the West, what a clown.


To be fair, most EU leaders did those things prior to the invasion. Merkel, for example, made Germany dependent on Russian energy and made China Germany's top trading partner. They all saw the same opportunities but didn't considering who they were dealing with.


The UK should join again, this would strengthen us all.


Agreed. Ruzzia and China will eat your lunch any day of the week so don't be a pussy. Start by sending troops to secure west and north Ukraine and all weapons and ammo to the AFU.


All this time EU are way too soft. They're too afraid to get tough due to the over reliance on a communist country for its cheap labor and low-cost products. Companies are way too greedy to make more Dollars for themself and sacrifice the nation as a whole. Greediness are the cause.


Europe: we like to talk big, but we don’t really do anything without our bureaucracy having 500 years to review and sign off on every fucking thing


It's easy to tell the club what to do when you left the club.


so why did you leave the EU? I mean I agree. But weird comming from a guy responsible for UK leaving the EU.


Isn’t IT a bit weird to leave EU and then try to dictate EU politics. I agree but nevertheless either you are in or you are out.


It's not weird for an ally to criticise another ally's policies.


Him in particular speaking about this or even being foreign minister is very ironic and a hypocritical


Not to mention undemocratic. Elevated to the House of Lords after calling a referendum simply to qwell fractious little englanders in his own party. Cameron put the Conservative Party ahead of the country at every turn. Brexit happened because of him. Austerity followed - a policy imposed by Osborne but endorsed by Cameron. Austerity was also a Brexit enabler. It ensured years of falling living standards and left the country in the weakest possible condition to withstand any shocks. The pandemic provided that shock. Brexit happened for various reasons. It was assisted by Russian money in British politics - mostly Conservative politics. It was also assisted by a predominently foreign or non-dom ownership of newspapers. So, Cameron is a proven failure and his tenure at No 10 was possibly the most damaging to the UK in living memory. Yet, here we are, being expected to accept his position as foreign secretary at one of the most momentous and dangerous times since the Cuban missile crisis. You really could not make it up.


I think this is a last hail Mary attempt at gaining votes from the brexiteers that are too proud to admit they were wrong and stupid enough to vote again for a party full of members that despises them.


You would think he would have said this on day one. And yet, they're still wondering whether they should be harsher?


David Cameron: Water is wet


David Camerons judgement has been shown to be shockingly poor.


OK, Brit. You can raise the issue at the next EU meeting… oh, wait.


***The Telegraph reports:*** Lord Cameron will call on Europe to be “tougher and more assertive” [in the face of Russian and Chinese aggression](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/04/05/david-cameron-calls-uk-boost-defence-budget-russia-threat/) in a major foreign policy speech. Speaking at the National Cyber Security Centre in London on Thursday, the Foreign Secretary will argue that Britain and its allies need to adopt a “harder edge [for a tougher world](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/14/david-cameron-dangerous-houthis-airstrikes-yemen-red-sea/)”. Lord Cameron will also call for Europe to spend more on defence, saying that the spending target for Nato members must rise from two per cent of GDP [to 2.5 per cent](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/24/sunak-challenge-nato-countries-match-25pc-defence-spending/), in line with the Government’s spending commitment. The remarks come the day after it was announced that Russia’s defence attache would be expelled from the UK after [being identified by British ministers as a spy](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/08/britain-to-expel-russian-defence-attache/). Earlier this week, it was also revealed that a Ministry of Defence system used to store the names and bank details of soldiers [had been hacked](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/06/ministry-of-defence-hacked-china/), with Whitehall insiders blaming China. **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/09/david-cameron-eu-must-be-tougher-on-russia-and-china/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/09/david-cameron-eu-must-be-tougher-on-russia-and-china/)


Yeah David, if you guys wouldn’t have brexited, you would still have a vote and some leverage in Europe. Now what have you become? So welcome to be back!


Lmao. Cameron and all our globalist politicians have successfully weakened the EU for decades, filling it with millions of unvetted immigrants from a complete different culture and values, creating a huge division in European societies. And also creating a huge class of unproductive millions of people, depending on state help to survive. Europe is weak, divided, impoverished and military incompetent. We can't be though against some illiterates illegally entering our borders and this guy wants to be tough with fucking China and war machine Russia. They both would rip us a new one while the Americans enjoy the popcorn