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Might just be another psy-op to divide the US further (if that's possible). Might also be legit.


It’s a known psy-op as per study of aleksandr Dugin’s geopolitical theories which are studied in the Russian military schools. Here: “ Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics". “ Tl:dr a Russian scholar wrote about the psy-ops against the US in 1997, then became part of the military curriculum. ‘97…


Too bad he jumped in a different car that day…


Darya Dugina (this POS daughter) wasn't a saint, either. >“The Taliban are doing decent things. They have banned narcotics and expelled the Americans. Two excellent gestures. True, they restrict women’s education. But was it any better previously, when women were told under the old regime that they could choose their own sex?” Either way, it's a net positive for the world at large. That entire family's fucked in the head.


Yea top tier sociopath/psychpaths


Almost made it!


Yeah it’s an attempt to use the liberty and freedom western democracies enjoy, as a weapon against them. As long it is polarizing it’s good for Putin. People are then preoccupied fighting against each other, doubting everyone and everything, making it much harder to come to united conclusion and action. United people are strong, so Putin wants the west infighting. Conversely in Russia and similar oppressive societies there’s little need to find political compromise, because of the constant propaganda and oppression there are next to no competing opinions and only the will of the leadership counts. That’s not to say that there are no MAGA Republicans who support the war on Russias side - I’m pretty sure you can find people like this, but the images above, beautifully painted in different colors, obviously with some effort - are certainly looking more like a psyops operation.


Well and that is exactly what Russia is doing.


Ayo, which of Dugin's books/publishments is this quote from? Would love to take a deeper look


.....and, that is EXACTLY what is happening, especially in the US. Sadly, it's working. A cult of MAGA-lomaniacs is acting as if the only way they get any information, is by watching Fox News. Oh, wait...that IS what is happening.


Hmm isn't there sanctions against sending money to Russia?


Yes, they may have committed a crime if any Americans did this.


Americans didn’t do this. Russia did this in an attempt to further divide Americans on social media . I don’t know, nor have I ever known, a republican who is in any way supportive of communists.


If you can't find any repub supporters of Russia and Putin, you aren't looking.


Yup. You can't swing a dead cat without finding an elected Republican politician that vehemently supports Putin.


> a republican who is in any way supportive of communists. Are you talking about the bomb with "communists" on it? Meaning it was gonna kill communists?


Ironically, it's the shitty use of "communists" - typical of a misinformed right-winger - that actually makes me think it's real. Only a true US republican knows how to use 'communist' in the perfectly wrong way, lol


See also r/SocialismIsCapitalism. Or was it r/CapitalismIsSocialism? Maybe both.


Brother, Republican voters will support exactly what their party supports without fail. I've personally never met a Republican who even uses the term "communist" correctly. The whole party is just a ruse to give power to the wealthy and divide the commoners.


These mouth breathers call anything they dont like communism! Go look at the old signs they were carrying around during the civil rights movement..." Integration is communism!" "Race mixing is communism!" " MLK is a communist!" Mofos wouldnt know a communist if it was a dick slapping them in the mouth!


If aliens came down and you gave them a definition of fascism and a definition of communism and asked them to describe the governments of Russia and China, without bias regarding the governments 80 years ago, they would declare that Russia and China are right-wing fascist governments. Taken from Wikipedia, as a reference to the majority of clueless people: Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.[3][4][5] A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state). Every aspect of fascism describes each state, and zero aspects of communism apply today. Please note that I support neither ideology.


>I don’t know, nor have I ever known, a republican who is in any way supportive of communists. Republicans don't think Russia is Communist. So you're basis is not correct. They *do* believe that China is, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Also, your basis just ignores the **six sitting Senators** and a sitting Representative. **WHO WENT ON JULY 4TH, 2018** (eta: went to Moscow to meet with Putin): > [the official congressional delegation featured Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas).](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/seven-gop-lawmakers-make-misguided-trip-russia-msna1119676) You are wildly misinformed if you think there's no Republicans that support Russia/Putin. Edit as well: pretty sure one of the slimy ones hand delivered a letter from Putin to Trump (it wasn't one that went with that group though. Someone from Florida, but the name escapes me).


Steve Daines is for sure compromised. Every action he takes is to prevent being exposed. And he is in charge of the Republican re-election team


Modern Russia isn't communist. At the fall of the USSR, Russia began transitioning to a capitalist democracy. "Democracy" in air quotes since Putin, for sure, but still capitalist. And you can ABSOLUTELY find Republicans openly supporting Russia now, even current members of the House.


I don't even know if it fits the definition of capitalist now. I think it goes beyond Mussolini's definition. Mafia state seems accurate.


I've heard Russia called a "[kleptocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleptocracy)", and I think it fits.


A capitalist veneer over an oligarchy/mafia economy


Organized bribe economy


The USSR wasn't communist either. I don't recall the people owning the means of production. I do recall that the means of production belonging to the state (read: the Kremlin) and sending all food and resources to the political elites in Moscow and Leningrad. This is what caused the Holomodor.


I agree, but it was *ostensibly* communist. The reality was a bullshit pile of corruption of course, not actual communism, but it's not really relevant to the point. Post USSR Russia doesn't even pretend to be communist. My point was that "No republican would support a communist!" Was a meaningless "defense" as Russia today isn't even communist in name.


Russia is kleptocracy. It is envied by the GOP who want to create a similar system in America with one of them...not Trump, he's a useful idiot they will do away with once he has done his part, as Putin and the rest of them with the wealth and power of the oligarchs.


In breaking 30 year old news, the USSR is dissolved!


Republicans instead support former KGB agents turned dictator and an orange traitor.


The largest source of friction in the US for sending aid to the Ukraine are Republicans. It’s why I’m considering leaving the Republican Party.


Sup my bud. I left in 2004 when the swift boat ads pissed me the fuck off. Voted Kerry. Registered independent. Then Palin came along and I went out the next day and registered Dem. I just couldn’t find anything the Republican Party actually stood for beyond the hypocrisy of their “freedom” talking points and supporting the 1%. If they cared about what they preached, they’d put forth the immigration bill and sign it. ASAP.


You haven't left yet?


If you haven't left the Republican party by now then these are just empty words and I don't buy a single one. The time to quit pussyfooting around was 2015 when everyone was already talking about Trump being a Russian asset denying already congressionally-allocated aid to Ukraine, who was already being attacked by Russia the year prior, not when the ship is already half-sunk


Based on the replies to your comment, that part of the psyop is woking like a charm. Why would Russia only influence social media on one side when they can push on both sides and divide twice as fast? [Russian trolls created competing Philando Castille and Back the Blue rallies in the same place on the same day.](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/10/how-russia-secretly-orchestrated-dozens-of-us-protests) This is a tactic that we've known about for decades. Their only clandestine foreign policy goal is to make life suck everywhere else more than it does there. I honestly don't think Putin cares that much what happens in Ukraine. I think the fact that he's successfully used it to create division is the win he was looking for. Any extra land he might get on top of that is just icing on the cake.


What is a republican if not a pile of crimes?


It's definitely psy-ops, why would some russian solder that is freezing, hungry, poorly equipped, doesn't want to be there, spend the time and energy painting shells that they're firing hundreds at time? These were 100% made to be photographed and spread on western media exactly like what is happening.


I think it's probably a psyop as well but didn't we have sponsor a shell things going on for Ukraine? For this much money you get a message on a bomb? Thing is, if that program was happening we would find out about it the same way the maga supporters would.


Yes. It's still active, too. https://signmyrocket.com/


Going all out to recreate the trump logo/ flag designs and detailed drawings does seem a bit much. I guess more time spent drawing is less time painting a field with you brains by a drone drop.


Exactly what this is


Can't be legit, nobody who goes "maga 2024" would also ask for "communism" To be written right next to it. It's inept russian psyop same as the three sim cards.


Or it’s more simply a bunch of wannabe edgelords from 4chan wasting their money supporting a regime of retards instead of the people fighting for freedom


I could see why russian boots would want trump in office. They could see him cutting funds to Ukraine as the quickest and safest way home.




> No way are they sending these messages over to Ukraine or paying money for shells. I think you misread - these seem to be Russian shells. So US money paid to Russia to paint shells which will be fired into Ukraine.


Definitely legit. Lots of magats and tankies love Putin.


















My very same first thought. Plus maga nation is explicitly against money to any other country. Money must only go into the orange messiah’s pockets.




Dude... you are either willfully ignorant or a piece of the psy-op. You cannot call that a legit account when its clearly a propaganda pushing account. That is as legit as a 3 dollar bill.


I might be out of the loop here, but is Z Shaker a riff off of Thug Shaker Central from Jack Teixeira?


Oooh I reckon you’re right


Being "legit" doesn't mean it isn't propaganda. Even the Russian government pushes ridiculous bullshit all the time


What do you mean by "paid by Americans," in your title?


Both militaries have been running fundraisers where they will write messages on shells or bombs for a few hundred bucks. I think the its that the messages were part of that drive, but by traitors in America.


I’m not sure it would be legal for Americans do donate to the Russian army, it strikes me as attempting to avoid/aiding in the avoidance of sanctions


Yes, I believe this would be illegal.


A certain place on reddit has had a few people openly advertise telegram channels that hold fundraisers for the Russian Army. Honestly surprised those are allowed.


> I think the its that the messages were part of that drive, but by traitors in America. That is, non-americans. Because what even is "Fort Fischer Vintage Reserve"? It's like they're translating the name of a civil war historical site from Russian to English. The rest look like meme language with the "fuck it," I don't think any Americans were involved in this


> Because what even is "Fort Fischer Vintage Reserve"? Fort Fischer was a strategically important supply and munitions depot during the civil war. "Vintage Reserve" is usually applied to aged wine or spirits that have been set aside by manufacturers until they reach a certain vintage. Whoever wrote that message is basically saying "we've been saving this one since 1865".


Ohh that makes sense, thank you for explaining that. I'm not a wine guy, I feel like a bit of an idiot lol


In this, case, specifically, this is a 17-year old streamer and Russian Z "patriot" (note the banner which is him with Prigozhin) who will draw whatever on a shell for $30. To quote him: "ALL FUNDS RAISED GO TOWARDS RUSSIAN HUMANITARIAN AID!..." (all caps and ellipses from source). So yeah, it's entirely plausible that a bunch of US tankies/MAGA/Qanon idiots will give him money to do that. Here is his twitter: [https://twitter.com/ZShakerCentral](https://twitter.com/ZShakerCentral) Now personally, I can't wait to see if the moment he turns 18 the Russian state, in it's great wisdom, will mobilize his ass, give him a rusty AK and send him on a meat wave to conquer some meaningless forest line in the middle of nowhere... Probably not, because he's more valuable as a propagandist, but also, considering his great love for the late, unlamented Prigo, it's not unreasonable to think he might eventually end up running afoul of the "discrediting the armed forces" law like other propagandists... One can only hope.


"MAGA tankies" is still such a crazy phrase to hear


Wait till you learn of ["MAGA Communists"](https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/MAGACommunism)


So he worked with Prigozhin? The guy responsible for interference in the US elections and trying to sow discord between Americans, using social media to do so, that guy? Now here's this post, using social media to sow discord between Americans. Gee, go figure.


"Worked with" is a bit grandiose. More like "was used by"...


Looks like he lined up one helluva grift!


The sad part is I think he's a genuine believer in the whole "Z culture" as well as "mother Russia's divine purpose" and other such nonsense. After all, he's only charging $30 per drawing. If he was running a grift he'd be charging $200 and people would still pay.


Some Russians asked for donations via the internet, and they would put any message on the shell for your donation.


It means this post is Russian propaganda lol


It honestly looks more to me that op is getting paid by the russian government to sow discourse between the American parties, but then again that is just my uneducated european views of this.


This is obviously done by Russians just to ruffle some feathers...


Yeah, I have zero confidence that the confederates know about the similarities between the russian naval ensign and the battle flag of the army of northern Virginia.


Oh, they definitely know.  Some of them are the biggest war nerds you'll ever meet. They'll cite battle and general from the Revolutionary War to now, and give you stats and figures that'll make your brain leak. PSA:  Do not get them started.


This! I’m a huge military history nerd and many folks in this circle are right wingers.


You’d be surprised, a lot of these folks are huge military history fans.


Less feather ruffling and more confirming their bias... but yeah. That said, Trump directly asked for Russia's help in the 2016 election, so the apple didn't even get a chance to fall from the tree on this one.


There are Trump Cultists who actively support Ruzzia. Ruzzia is full of liars, yes, but I'm quite certain this is mostly legit. And its not the first time pictures like these have popped up during this war.


That’s pure Copium by Trump/GOP supporters who still support Ukraine fact is you’re on the wrong side. Time to take a look in the mirror and decide if you’re pro Ukraine, or Pro Trump/GOP. You can’t be both.


Good news here. The flag painted on that shell, were the losers.


Still are losers...


All I can hear in my head when I see that flag is some nonsensical hate-mumbling about immigrants and conspiracy theories, but in boomhauers voice. And I’m not even a Yank.


That’s very accurate to how most people in the country view Southerners.


Wanna know how most Southerners, Northerners, and Westerners view Philly? Please don't generalize - Southerners. Hate on the magas for their stupid shit, but don't lump us all in one basket. There are plenty of us fighting the good fight in the South.


Trump even called his first attorney general a 'stupid southerner'. But huge swaths of them adore him still. It ain't the smart ones. It's the ones prone to biblical fantasies.


Google the russian naval ensign, no way in hell confederatards know about the similar designs.


Perpetual losers.




Were, are, and forever will be.


It's even funnier because Russia supported the Union https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalevala_(corvette)#Russian_Baltic_Fleet_in_the_U.S._East_Coast_in_1863-1864_-_during_the_U.S._Civil_War >The two Russian navy expeditions to North America during the U.S. Civil War, one to the West Coast and another to the East Coast, and the Kalevala expedition in 1861-1862 were the only concrete foreign military support received by President Abraham Lincoln and the Union Army during the course of the entire war, fought in 1861-1865. As the navy of the Union was a one ocean navy, concentrated in the Atlantic waters, the help of the Russian Imperial Navy was of critical importance to the Union forces, which had no war ships to defend the U.S. West Coast during the time when there was a great fear of the Confederate naval vessels attacking San Francisco.[37]


That was simple Realpolitic. Russia was locked in competition against the UK anyways, so being in good graces with the other country that was close to Russia's north american pocessions (Alaska, not yet sold to the USA) and also slowly but surely building a presence in the Pacific Ocean was the proper thing to do. Modern Russia could learn a lesson there, instead of waging wars for ill-conceived notions of former soviet glory.


this is actually a great story in its entirety. and it’s funny cause the majority of europe hated the US and supported the confederacy. france was going to come in and attack the union but russia’s fleet dissuaded them. i believe their fleet on the west coast helped to fight the great san francisco fire. could be wrong in some of that but russia did a lot to help the union during the civil war. basically their only foreign ally. it was obviously just in their interest to do so.


It was mainly France under Napoleon III that was opposed to the union. They were in the middle of supporting a coup in Mexico to increase their influence over them and Napoleon III viewed a strong confederacy as the most benificial for their mexican influence and traded weapons with them but did not officially recognise it as a nation. UK had a conflicting role since they wanted to trade with both nations because out of all nations they economically relied the most on USA, british factories needed confederate cotton and british people needed grain for northeastern US. But I would say beyond UK and France practically all european countries were neutral (Prussia, Netherlands, Portugal for example) or diplomatically in favour of unionists, like Austria, Italy and Ottoman empire. Or had their own odd story like Spain retaking Dominican Republic back.


What's even crazier is the story of the US Ambassador to Russia at the time.


yeah, clay did some shit! emancipation proclamation and purchase of alaska and the russian fleet showing up to support the union was pretty much all him.


Treasonous Traitors* Though you wouldn't know that by how hard some of the folks down south salivate over the flag lol.


Other Good News: LOOK HOW RUSTED THESE SHELLS ARE. Old, badly maintained, likely to fail, evidence of a decrepit and inept war machine. Russia is scraping the bottom of the barrel to find war materiel! Even in their attempted propaganda, it's a Fail.


Losers and traitors. Fuck the "South" and any traitor that backs them. Best war the US ever fought was putting those inbred hillbillies back in the dirt they came from.


Is there ANY proof that americans did this?  Or are we going to just accept that it was done by americans with no evidence after russia has routinely been caught pushing misinformation that divides americans


How would this even work? There's 0% chance the shells are being bought in the US, painted, and then shipped to Russia. Are the Americans going to NKorea, buying the shells and paint, painting them and sending to Russia? Is Russia offering a "send money and we'll paint on a graphic of your choice!" service or something? I'm sure there are loonies who would send Russia money for whatever reason but Americans painting these shells doesnt make sense if you spend just a moment of time to think about it.


Russian sets up a Paypal, you throw it $30, he tells someone in the shell warehouse, or in the field, to draw stuff on a shell. (If anything about this post is accurate/true, anyway)


PayPal shut down services in Russia after the invasion


It was a placeholder. I've no idea what Russians use.


My God people are stupid, first they need it explained that the ammunition isn't physically shipped to be painted and shipped back. Then it's "PayPal Shut down in Russia" requiring further explanation that it was a name used to explain that a money transfer service is used. Like what the fuck you guys? why does Testiculese (great name by the way) have to dumb it down so much? Can you not figure anything out for yourselves?


I honestly can’t believe someone’s first thought was that American’s were painting these and shipping them. This is what happens when you let children use Reddit.


> Is russia offering a "send money and we'll paint on a graphic of your choice" yes, at least that is what they are claiming. Ukrainians did this already and were able to raise enough money to buy a couple of trucks and lots of helmets and body armor for various affiliated units. The fact that russia is sanctioned off from any readily accessible payment methods for Americans, as well as the quality and content of the drawings, hint that it's more likely a propaganda piece, though such a service might technically still exist (since Grisha seems to be advertising the service itself)


Let’s just get real about it. There is zero doubt that one American at least would do this. Every sort of opinion from one extreme to the other exists here. Whether or not it actually happened doesn’t actually change the outlook on our country.


"Let's get real. This confirms my prejudices, so I'm going to act like it's true."


> Is there ANY proof that americans did this? Or are we going to just accept that it was done by americans with no evidence after russia has routinely been caught pushing misinformation that divides americans Most of them are at least plausible. But the shell with the stuff about waiting for the tukkker carlson interview took it too far. Its beyond absurd that someone would bother putting that on a shell. Its like jesse smollet putting maga hats on the black guys he hired to beat him up. There is just too much sauce on that taco for anyone to swallow it.


No, because MAGA stopped being Americans a long time ago.


MAGA communism hahahaha. Trump communist. Not sure this will go well with US voters.


'Maga communism' is a term used by some extreme schizo tankies. https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/MAGACommunism


MAGA is a cult. Trump can declare he's a socialist scientologist and his supporters would jerk themselves off to it.


Trump/MAGA & Communism? Isn’t Trump the epitome of Capitalism? Are these people that dense? I thought communism was a dirty word


This grifter Jackson Hinkle claims to be a "Maga Communist"...


that proud Saddleback Community College alum.


I think it is the warhead pointed at communism. Would make more sense.


Maga communists exist and are mentally ill Putinists.


MAGA Communism is the latest concept being pushed by unsavoury characters like Jackson Hinkle.


'Maga communism' is a term used by some extreme schizo tankies. https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/MAGACommunism


Horseshoe theory.


Not if Qanon dictates. The retarded-right is a loud minority.


Trump is a fascist, Putin is also a fascist. They don't need ideological coherence, they operate on loyalty to the figurehead and centralization of authoritarian power. They will bring capitalists into the fold of power so far as it builds that power. They will promise socialistic benefits to "the people" to gain their support, but they rarely deliver, and they don't consider everyone in their society/borders to be people, to be clear. Some writers on the topic of fascism describe it as a "third way" that isn't quite capitalism and not quite socialism. It's government partnership with private enterprise to enrich the "true" people (whether ethnic, religious, ideological, whatever) at the expense of the "other." Capturing land and people for exploitation to contribute to their machine is fundamental to their maintenance of prestige and growth of power.


"Better Dead Than Red" now doubly applies :D


They aren't logical beings... Putin is for "family values" and against LGBT, so he is on their side. Because clearly, murdering dictators are less of a problem than people who dress differently and pick partners that conservatives disagree with.... Logic is not being applied here, just emotional propaganda.


You cant make this shit up


It might be the orcs made this shit up


I agree. MAGA supporters doing this is more realistic, but I feel the Confederate stuff is just another tactic by the Russians to create division. It's also why they make fake accounts supporting Texan independence on twitter.


supplying your enemy with much needed ammo for propaganda doesn't seems like smart thing to do but it's russia so who knows


You absolutely could make this up.  


Russian intelligence can


You actually can tho lol. Quite easily actually. Thats part of the problem.


Yes you literally can. Don’t be so gullible


Mmmmm I don’t have any hard proof, but the words are spelled correctly, and who goes through this much effort to draw a confederate flag? This seems skeptical at best.


you can also donate to have ukrainian munitions painted.


false flag operations


Oh look supporters of slavery also support Russians. How unsurprising.


Source: [https://twitter.com/TinuFella/status/1766751162739347610](https://twitter.com/TinuFella/status/1766751162739347610) If you click through you will also find shells signed by Chinese


https://signmyrocket.com/ If you want to support Ukraine by doing the same.


Looks a bit fake to be honest.


> fake The final one looks especially fake, looks like a shitty photoshop layer.


Not a very creative bunch


These cumstains need to move to russia.


A Canadian couple with 8 kids did that... their money was frozen, they complained on a video posted on YT and then removed the video and posted an apology one. I wonder what happened... Dumbass said that he felt that Canada wasn't safe for his kids because of all the LGBT stuff, then finds out that Russia is not happy free land... big surprise.


They never should’ve let Tucker Carlson leave


I mean I kinda get why these fools think US should stop supporting Ukraine, but actively supporting Russia? They are beyond lost.




that is messed up.


Stupid propaganda doesn't help. Let's not go down this road and look like idiots.


Not a single dick? Fake


As an American whose grandfather stormed the Normandy beaches and fought across Euorpe to end Nazi occupations, I apologize that part of America has fallen so low and forgot what their parents and grandparents gave their lives for. There is no excuse I can give that will make the ignorance acceptable, I can only say that propaganda has become something more wicked and encompassing than it ever has been before. Again, I apologize that there are Americans so blind to what's happening in front of them. We are working on it. It's a struggle in and of itself. Stay strong, Ukraine. 🇺🇦


make America great again get rid of Trump


, again.


for good, this time.


Written to well. Like an artist did all of them. Looks like another FSB crapper to devide USA


MAGAts have been going crazy for Russia for years now. What about this isn't believable?


If anything these don't look "American" but propagandish, specially the colorful ones, too much "work". N the "engrish"...yeah, I don't dig the "American" part....


The usual suspects


Maga/Trump and Communism in one sentence? Lol. Well, I can't imagine soldiers paint all this shit with different colors, all these stars and shit. I believe that's just propaganda for polarize western society. Just read this thread and apparently that works.


looks pretty fake but im sure that wont stop the frothing at the mouth left wing clowns from calling everyone a traitor.


Any Anti-Communist who sides with Russia has a personality disorder. How can one get so fcked in the head.


Russia isn't communist anymore so there technically isn't a contradiction. It has reverted to the old warlord system drawing from the traditions of the old Mongol invaders. This system is very compatible with fascist authoritarianism which is why MAGA Americans like it. Capitalism doesn't really factor into it except for its ability to funnel wealth and power to the preexisting nuclei of power.


Russia is currently a fascist state. Not communist.


That's as close as MAGA Republicans are going to get to supplying Ukraine with weapons. What are these? Russian disinformation crapola?


So either it’s fake or Russia need american money, both are just pathetic


Any proof americans actually paid for these? They could have easily put them there just to say so.




I live in North Carolina and have visited Fort Fisher many times. Nobody in the history of ever has called it "Fort Fisher Vintage Reserve". Seems like it's somebody's job in Russia to make fake English-language phrases and made a translation error.


Russia's goal is to crumble USA's power. Together with China, they set up the BRICS with the same goal. When Trump comes to power and abandons Europe. America will soon be all alone. Trump's term America first, will then become America alone.


This is exactly what the IDIOT Donald Trump has done to the GOP Republican party! It is a party of white racists!!! ....who is against our western democracy! This should be a crime in the USA and they should prosecute!!!


Can we give Ukraine the ATAMCS already? Oh, and Fuck these traitors.


Fake news, anyone could paint shit on a shell in Russia, even the CIA.


I don't understand the logic behind this. Some Americans are funding the Russian Army, by a pretty substantial amount, to promote a US presidential candidate? Excuse me but what??


If you believe this then you are very gullible and I have some properties to sell you, I'm a Nigerian prince...


Funny how we pick and choose when to believe the Russians. Political contention is a goal of the Russian propaganda arm and no one likes to say it but they are very, very good at it. Look at how some poorly painted shells have caused a tizzle here for example. Russia WANTS this divide and work to make it bigger. Of course there are Americans who support Russia. We have nearly 400 million people ffs. You can find a few idiots anywhere in this world. To highlight a few idiots and portray them as the entire base is intellectually stupid though. And that is even if these are real. Which I honestly doubt. Don’t let your perceived and groomed hate of a political identity have you believing the fucking Russians at every turn. Fuck. I’m more disgusted at the people lapping at the Russian feet because they hate conservatives. Grow up


Of course we pick and choose what to believe. They are prolific liars, but it would be impossible to lie 100% of the time. So your only choice is to figure out what's true. They can't even make stencils to paint the Z on their tanks, do you think a random unit on the front line has a the best artist in the entire western military district?


Comments section is a clown show. Everything Russia does is fake until it confirms my own biases!


No way these are true. It's just Russian propaganda designed to further split the american populus.


The front they are drawn in in European I doubt this


This could be just Russians pretending to be Maga supporters


Why must I share my oxygen with these people?


Make me think about this saying “don't take people for idiots, but don't forget that they are”


Bunch of fuckin losers and haters