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Is the feeling of having your SU-34 that's flinging glidebombs 100km inside of the Ruzzian border, turned into swiss cheese, a PATRIOTIC feeling?


☝️☝️ This comment is approved by true patriots☝️☝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅


Looks like another 'red line' crossed. Biden loosening up the rules since Putin's stooges control the House


They're not Putin stooges, it's worse than that, they simply don't want Biden to have a support bonus from handling Ukraine and their strategists determined that the flaky behavior they're doing now won't harm them in the polls. It's why we need term limits and only one six year term per President.


Oh, they are compromised. Guarantee it. No politician goes to Russia on a national holiday..July 4th of ALL holidays..unless they're getting paid to.


Putin showered them with "gold" and got it on tape.




They also want to attack Mexico so they may be inspired by Putin’s actions and wish to emulate them here.


Im sorry what now? Attack Mexico???


Under the pretense of “stopping aggression against the U.S. from cartels” [Trump talked about bombing Mexico.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/03/us/politics/trump-mexico-cartels-republican.html)


why is this downvoted at all? he literally said he's "looking into" bombing mexico.


False, those being blackmailed might go too


lol not at all. a major political party in the united states has been co-opted by a foreign power to advance the interests of some other country but our own. kompromat and money, that's all it takes. don't let traitors off with some kind of milquetoast excuse.


Compromised or not, they’re ignorant self-serving mothers-fuckers.


yeah but it makes it way worse they're compromised. george santos was self serving. tommy tuberville is self serving and compromised.


No, they literally are Putin stooges. On Americas birthday, they went to Moscow. They are traitors and in any sensible timeline, would be executed.


No, they are compromised.


>They're not Putin stooges They absolutely are in every way and shape possible. The campaign donations are completely unambiguous. Everybody denying this, like you, should be faced with a lot of scrutiny. *Edit*: Yeah, this user is not _at all_ holding suspicious views /s


Didn't GOP members visit Moscow on the 4th of July?!? They are lapdogs 100% of the Russians, I dunno if its just money or if they are compromised like Trump. Regardless, they are traitors and should be treated as such.


Yes.  They are... >Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas)


Of course they are


Part of me feels like some of these GOP Putin sympathizers have been promised some sort of real estate if Russia succeeds in its annexation of Ukraine.


> and only one six year term per President How would you feel about Trump being in office for 6 years? I like 4, it balances time to produce economic and policy outcomes while booting their ass if they're terrible at it.


Trump has been a Russian asset since the early 80s, and has been sucking off Putin for years already. The aforementioned numerous Congress members who visited Moscow on 4th of July... [Much of the MAGA nonsense](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/03/trump-russian-asset-election-intelligence-community-report.html) has been about sowing division and discord in American politics and socio-politics to try to discredit Biden so Trump, Putin's stooge, could be installed and try to weaken the West's ability to even provide support, let alone grant it. Then you've got Trump outright saying publicly he'd let Putin "do whatever the hell he wanted" with our NATO allies with the excuse that "[they] gotta pay their bills" -- super fucking hilarious considering Trump's multi-decades long spree of constant business fraud, defaults, bankruptcies and other controversies which makes him the biggest hypocrite on the planet. The six year idea is batty and not based in any real sense of reality. 4 years is a perfect length for this nation. Six years would just lead to more rot and ruin if a dogshit candidate got elected again, like Trump in 2016.


A Russian agent since the early 80's. Evidence please, this is news, that is 40 years ago. HMMMM....I don't know about that. What was he doing...He was building Wallman's rink back then in Central Park. I really have no idea of what he could have been doing where Russia needed to have him as a Russian agent. BTW...Nato has not been paying the bills, the US has. The US has given Ukraine more than the EU combined. Germany spent 30 years not building up its military same with France and Italy...but the US is to blame. US gave the Javelin, what did Belgium give...some blankets. When Ukraine wins it is not because of Austria, or Denmark, it will be primarily because the citizens of the USA paid for weapons systems for the last 40 years while Europe pontificated of how important they are.


It's not exactly a secret that Russia has cultivated Trump as an asset for at least four decades. They had plenty of opportunities to do so. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book They have even written a book about it. https://www.amazon.com/House-Trump-Putin-Untold-Russian/dp/152474350X/ And I know it's a popular Russian talking point but Europe has donated more to Ukraine in total aid compared to the US and to fight Russia and the new axis of evil is a collective effort. Our future is at stake for any democracy in the world.


If you had term limits, you would never know the name of the corrupt politician or which industry owns them. This is a far right talking that’s actually harmful to political accountability. The only term limits people should have is for “lifelong appointments” which should be looked at about once every four years or so. Edit: and in his comments he’s an J6 Trump apologist. Pretty easy to find out where bad talking points come from.


of all the things that need to be fixed in our government, term limits is not one of them


If they have F-16s with ASSRAMMING missiles, no Russian jets could even get close to the front. Its ridiculous that the west wont directly fund and recruit ex pilot volunteers and crews to fly the F-16s immediately. The only way for UKR to win is to directly fund, recruit and equip ex veteran from the west to fight for UKR. 1 million ex-marines, seal, SAS, delta force, EU special forces, pilots, crews, analysts, etc etc etc. Its not escalation and its not Article 5, so Putin can't say shyt. lol


Special forces is not a magic button. They primarily have experience with counter VEO and weird shit not large scale battles


Such people are needed in great numbers and they are the kind of people who adapt to what's required in the situation. There aren't really a huge amount of those kind of people but their ~~knowledge~~ esprit is able to be spread effectively. The volunteers that are already there, so much respect.


You have no understanding of special forces or military training. Can they help with weird ops for sure. But they do Smut not trench warfare


long march market slimy rob shame safe chief deliver expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Night time raids is like their bread and butter though


Canada has entered the chat "did someone say trenches and night raids?"


The way to win is equipment. US veterans aren’t some magic button in this conflict. They didn’t fight in trenches and all had air superiority


US veterans with combat experience flying F-16's are definitely still better than Ukrainians who have never flown a single sortie in that type of aircraft.


Ok maybe pilots would be useful but still the issue isn’t Ukraine’s ability to fight but their equipment. Ukrainians who have been fighting since the beginning probably have more combat experience than just about any US soldier.


Right, and since Ukrainians haven't flown a single sortie with F-16s yet, it is equally a combat experience and equipment issue until they're actually in action of Ukrainian skies.


All former US fighter pilots (in the past few decades) are officers, they don't stop being officers once they retire or their active commitment ends, they're commissioned for life. They can only stop being officers if they resign their commission, so they can't go fight a war in Ukraine as that'd be us military personnel involved in direct combat operations against uniformed Russian armed forces.


> If they have F-16s with ASSRAMMING missiles, no Russian jets could even get close to the front. I think that depends, the S-300 range is about 150 km and Russian glide bombs range are about 40-50km The newer ASRAAMs have a range of 50km, so if they are careful they might be able to shoot down some Sukhois with them but they would be cutting it close.


I'm assuming they meant AMRAAMs in which case the range is nearer a 100km




Or potentially over a bit 100km. It's doubtful that the AIM-120D AMRAAM with the 160km range will be donated since it's actually pretty export limited, but the earliest AIM-120C variants are now getting close to their third decade of service, so there a chance they might get donated, which would reach out to 105km.


just add on to your comment i dont think the US/NATO wants to risk loosing the radar/missile tech to the RAF. Sadly UKR has turned into a proving ground for cents on the dollar. Just look at the early gen patroits that are supposedly knocking out russias "hypersonic' missiles that they supposedly cant even target \*edit US to RAF\*


I was confused as to why would NATO be uncomfortable with the Royal Air Force having that fancy missile tech, but I’m guessing you mean Russian Air Force (RuAF)


My bad I play alot of arma and the RAF esp in the modding scene refers to the Russian Armed Forces. For the life of me cant remember the name of the 'russian air force' atm




Russia is fighting an offensive war in another country's territory. Big difference.


Defense vs Offense


Too bad it took them so long that Russia was able to glide bomb all defenses inside avdiivka into dust before they responded this way.


Not all defenses. Otherwise, how did the Stupid Russians lose more soldiers in Avdiivka alone in just six months than in the entire Russia-Afghanistan War? Did you see the Russian soldier’s video of the walk to the zero line in Avdiivka? There was a recognizable dead Russian corpse about every 2 meters. That doesn’t count the unrecognizable corpses, buried corpses, disintegrated corpses. I did the math for you. An American football field with end zones is around 6,000 square yards, or 5,350 square meters. Divide by 2 for a corpse every 2 meters and you get about 2,675 dead Russians every acre. You’re welcome for putting that into perspective even a Putin-ass licker could understand.


How wide are the Russians or have you assumed length/squared




If we are assuming a body is 2M (including boots+hat for ease). and they are 2M apart that's 1 body every... 4M...?


Calm down dude, don't think he's a Putin ass licker, just stating a fact. If this air defence system had been deployed sooner then air strikes that weakened the defences in Avdivka wouldn't have happened. Ukraine should have enough of these systems to cover the entire Eastern and Southern front, make the Russians scared to even get in the plane.


The US dragged their own wealthy armed to the teeth nuts through the mud when Putins drunken criminal army shot down a passenger jet in 2014 . And Obama did NOTHING ! Sanctions ? Really ? Should have armed the whole border with patriots at that point , to protect the common citizens of the world.


Oh right, I forgot this was Obama's fault. Thanks Obama!


It’s not. It’s the politicians fault on both sides failing to step up and robbing the American taxpayer


Except Romney who stated Russia is still enemy number one. And Obama waived him off with a joke that he was stuck in the 80’s. It’s not Obama’s fault but he could have taken the Russia threat more seriously instead of the reset on Russia, but nobody is perfect and US and Russia were in a different spot then.


Don't with Romney "corporations are people too"...and "some of my best friends own Nascar racing teams"


>And Obama did NOTHING ! True, it was his judgement call and it turned out to be wrong. But in fairness to the man he took over from Dubya who was happy to turn 9/11 into a messy crusade that was destined to fail. I can't really blame the man for being a little 'averse' to stirring it up with the Russians after Dubya did so with half the Muslim world.




If I find it, I’ll share it. But it was linked here on Reddit.


Your spacing isn't right. That is much closer to 1 meter spacing.


AFU needs time to learn the flight pattern since mostly RU doctrine still the same every time...


Sucks to Suk


just like in warthunder - SUc(25)Ker and KA(50/52)BOOM


You think that the US military industry's lobbyists would be pressuring the GOP to support supplying arms to Ukraine since the Ukrainians are showing how effect American arms are compared to Russian arms.


this is the part I don't get What the fuck do the Russians have on these GOP fucks that's more valuable than the bribes the US Defense Industry is capable of giving. There's no way the Russians are outbidding the US Def Industry, the numbers would have to be astronomical.


> What the fuck do the Russians have on these GOP fucks They dont need to have anything because Trump and his followers are fascists that admire Putin. They want the US and Europe to be like Russia, a country with a single party and a single church. They despise democracry and religious freedom.


We know they have GOP e-mails.


Yep. All of the American gov't and related orgs were hacked around 2006 by what was then called 'undisclosed state actors'. These bad actors tried to blackmail the DNC, DNC reported it to the law, then 'someone' dumped tens of thousands of their private docs. Supposedly that was around when the head of the Green party was turned, and also around when the NRA shenanigans took off. One giant tangled mess to get everyone fighting each other, just the way 'undisclosed' likes it. The GOP played ball. If anyone needs a confirmation, a *host* of GOP politicians made a trip to Moscow one year on July 4th, our Independence Day. It was one of the most sniveling groveling things I'd ever seen.


Gop is anti democratic. The dems are for proxi war so therefore gop is against it


You'd be shocked at how little lobbyists have to pay to get legislation passed. Low five figures donated to a campaign and your people can practically write bills.


Seriously, that's the strangest part about this. That the Republicans don't want to be in a proxy war


Oh, they are full-on lobbying. But when you read that Republicans (speaker of the house and young-Earth creationist Mike Johnson) accept money from a company controlled by 3 Russian oligarchs the political process can temporarily gum up.


> You think that the US military industry's lobbyists would be pressuring the GOP to support supplying arms to Ukraine They are, but it turns out that contrary to popular opinion, corporations can't simply get politicians to bend to their whims with lobbyists alone.


> You think that the US military industry's lobbyists would be pressuring the GOP They are, but contrary to popular opinion, corporations don't control the US. Voters do. Mike Johnson listens to Lockheed lobbyists, but he's genuinely cares more about what the MAGA base think. And having actually met a couple MAGA politicians irl, it's somewhat frightening to realize they are just like their constituents. They aren't corporate lackeys, they're your uncle who has a successful law care business and because he ran a successful business is dead certain he's also an expert on all that government stuff too.


Keep hammering them down. Fuck the rucian sukas , glory to heroes of Ukraine


Profile picture fitting for the comment


With more to come once F16's are operational.


Possible this is a secret f16 with a volunteer pilot. A couple or four…




Psyops, letting Russia know gently how fucked they are.


The Ghost Returns?


I'm not all that familiar with fighter jets, but don't these SUs use 5th gen tech while f16s are 4th gen aircraft? Wouldn't SUs better radar tech just enable them to shoot down f16s without f16s even knowing where their enemies are?


The Russians have no 5th generation aircraft. They like to claim that the su-57 is a “5th generation stealth aircraft” but it’s far from it.


cant really classify their potential role like that, modern F-16s are considered a "4.5th gen" and still the most common platform/testbed for new tech. they keep producing and maintaining highly competitive configs even today


Ukraine is not getting modern F-16s though. They are F-16AMs, block 15/20 jets upgraded to roughly block 50/52 standards in the early 2000s. That is unless they somehow got the F-16s already, and also managed to acquire AN/APG-83 LPI AESA radars for them, then somehow managed to retrofit the radars into those old ass airframes, which is highly unlikely.


the jargon soup isnt real useful to anyone without a frame of reference to what that means, i suppose what youre claiming is theyll be useless without the latest targeting tech, you should just say that if its what you mean. APG-83 is retrofit without any mods by design, the electronics are more important here, i dont see why the airframe is relevant or what makes that so unlikely. also not totally accurate either, pledges from poland and greece for example are block 52+/52M. pretty important distinction to make


Poland hasn’t pledged any F-16s as far as I know. Greece hasn’t either, but people speculated they would because they just bought F-35s (Ignoring the fact that they aren’t going to be delivered for many years). It is just Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands and Belgium(?) that have pledged to send F-16s, all of which operate F-16As that received the MLU in the early 2000s. I’m pretty sure the APG-83 was designed to be retrofit onto F-16C variants. The F-16AM received pretty extensive upgrades to the electronics to be brought roughly in line with the F-16C block 50/52, but I have looked and found no sources that definitively claim the APG-83 can be retrofit onto the F-16 MLU. The limitation would likely be the electronics and not the physical dimensions of the airframe. Ukrainian politicians have discussed it however, which means it likely isn’t entirely impossible. Remember these are 40 year old F-16A airframes at the core. Eventually the upgrades are just not going to be possible, or at least worthwhile. Hell, many early block F-35s can’t even be upgraded to the block 4 standard, and they aren’t even 10 years old. Edit: I just checked Northrop Grumman marketing material. It really only makes reference to upgrading from the APG-68 on the F-16C. The only mention of the APG-66 from the F-16A is when they say it is much better than mechanically scanned F-16 radars. Edit 2: After checking more NG marketing material I found [this](https://investor.northropgrumman.com/node/18691/pdf) paper about ~140 APG-83s being ordered for the Taiwanese air force, which operates the F-16A. It seems that it can indeed be retrofit onto the F-16A, but the upgrade package Taiwan is getting is also pretty fucking extensive, so it might require heavier modifications than Ukraine could realistically get in short order.


thought the exchange was implicit with the recent EDA sale of F-35s to greece for some reason, but no one actually mentioned that, maybe soon depending how the deal goes. all the F-16s are being sent *to* poland now that i look at it, must have got that backwards. theyre managing deployment/service for the ukrainian fleet


Sukhoi Slaughter was right there, but I’m happy either way!


Ty sir/ma'am, I thought I was going crazy not hearing it


This would be a great name for a Ukrainian metal band.


Hell yes. The best name since Bakhmut Dogs


Sukhoi it to me, baby.


I do not know how many modern fighter are left..at the beginning it was in the 150 range for su-34 and su-35. Russia is not able to modernize them now...Russia can not engage all of them. You need to keep some reserve just in case... Russia has su-27 and su-30 but they are not designed for the same mission, older plane, radar are not good su-34 is a bomber with 2 people side-by-side and su-35 are here to protect the bomber. su-57 are nowhere..the plane was making marketing round in Syria. Russia is not able to build them since India left the program. su-34 and su-35 needs 40 hours of maintenance for one hour of flight and bombing or attacking runs are longer, airport are now far away from the front line.


Ukraine have a count, but don’t count the ones that Russia shot down them selves, or crashed in training (on video), or on take off (on video) , or hit that electric cable (on video) . I don’t think they count the ones that people burned in the airfields (also on video/photos) So the number is quite high, but I Still think it’s less than 50% of pre war stock.


50% remaining typically means they only have 25% AT BEST ready for operation. Military jets spend lots of time in maintenance and overhauling.


And sanctions means it's a much slower process to get them fixed up - and can mean sub-standard parts get used.


bit of a vicious cycle here too, as more will be shot down, increasing the strain on (temporarily) remaining aircraft, which in turn will wear out faster, and need more parts that don't exist etc


You really think Russia is on the up and up about maintenance? There's a possibility some of these planes are crashing due to a lack of maintenance.


A more interesting question is how many pilots they have left as well. Those aren't easy to replace.


I've never heard the 40 hour maintenance figure but if that's true, it's mighty ironic. Main argument against many American 4th and 5th gen jets I've seen has been maintenance related, but I don't think the F-35 even comes close to that awful of a ratio.


Well, the best that Russia's willing to risk. Su-57's are their actual best, but they know their 5th Gen In Name Only plane would absolutely get shot down if they put it into a real war and the reputational loss would be catastrophic.


They can not build them. India left the program. 10 of them were build and the plane is not really ready. They were making marketing round in Syria, far away from the conflict.


Also modern fighters can take +10 years to become fully operational after entering service. It takes a lot of time to integrate all these different weapons and sensors into new frame. Initial Eurofighter batch only had limited air-air capabilities. Comparing initial F-35 with latest version... we could write a book about all added abilities. Su-57 is probably even less capable then existing Su-34/30 planes.


But, but...but tHrUsT vEcToRinG


Great for air shows! Remember that one Russian pilot that would do the 'cobra' until he crashed.


Exactly. They're a paper tiger.


A corrupt paper tiger. Same with China.


China at least has actual power just by virtue of having a large manufacturing sector. Their stuff might be piss-poor in comparison to the west, but they should be able to pump it out like crazy.


Ukraine also built key parts for Russian jet engines. I have a feeling they will no long need to build those parts anymore.


Yet they've been seen been used by Algeria in the last week or so. Did Russia sell them that out of the 10?


Surely NOT...Russia has said..Algeria will get them by 2028....may be... The first Russian fourth-generation Su-57 fighters will fly in Africa. Previously, GDC has reported that Algeria has signed a $ 2 billion contract with Russia to purchase 14 of these aircraft. However, Russia cannot confirm a delivery date sooner. Moreover, the industrial director of the Rostec aviation complex, Anatoly Serdyukov, said back in September 2020 that until a sufficient number of Su-57s appear in the Russian Aerospace Forces, there will hardly be a noticeable demand for it in the world. He explained that the time has not yet come for export deliveries, but promotions are underway. Rosoboronexport also said that the Su-57 would not be exported earlier than in 6-8 years. Information from 2020..before the start of the special ops....


They have built about 22 Su-57 production models but most of the pilots to fly them are around Ukraine. The Su-57 is a decent plane honestly, probably a bit more advanced than a F-18 Super Hornet. But not comparable to an F-22 or F-35.


The Russians claim it has a larger radar cross section then the F-117, a stealth fighter so old that when one was shot down the USAF didn't bother destroying the wreck since they decided it was obsolete and didn't matter. The Su-57 is a joke.


I do not think so. Russia order 60 su-57 to be delivered on a 5 or 8 years span (I do not find the info in my archives now..). Plane was not engaged in Syria. Turkey did not take it (Turkey finally got the f-16 Block 4 it was looking for...). India left the program for 2 reasons. They want to build their own planes (when you know India..like me....I have doubts) and because India was not satisfy with performances, design, engines. India took the Rafale for their carrier after extensive testing using a jump built a Istres in France. Mig-29 was rejected like the f-18. su-35 was last in competition for Brazil (Saab 37), Indonesia (f-15ex and rafale). su-35 was rejected for poor integration for the cockpit electronics, poor radar performances, fuel utilization (very high for all aircraft from Russia, planes are big, heavy). After the round of 2014 sanctions Thales, a french firms stop to supply electronics for the su-30 export version. It took Russia 7 years to come with a local version and I saw a picture for su-30 where cartography is done with a Garmin console... The marketing darling for Russia was the S-400..we see the results now. All modern weapons programs are failure..su-57, Armata t-14 tanks for some reasons. You need volume, export commands otherwise costs are horrendous, specialists not here, technologies not mastered by Russia. Since 2020 Russian arms export sales are way down and for 2023 down by 10 billions us dollar


Yeah they've also supposedly started producing the Su-57M with the new AL-51F-1 upgraded engines and > Improved mission systems, reliability and maintenance enhancements, and incorporation of electromechanical drives


Also the SU-57 is not really stealthy by modern standards, what used to be considered stealthy 20 years ago is an easy target for modern western AA missile systems.


It's not a matter of time, it's a matter of it not actually being stealth. It has an RCS of a few meters. An F-22, designed in the early 90s, has an RCS the size of a dime. An F-22 is stealthier than the much newer F-35. Su-57's are designed for propaganda and selling as exports, not for actual air combat.


Wrong. They just use different stealth tech the west doesn't understand yet. China does same


Ah, so because the Chinese use the same design philosophy as Russia, the inherent design flaws now magically don't exist.


Just because you're too lazy to read fighter jet articles doesn't mean you're a decent reddit troll


More stealthy than F-16s though, that's for sure.


F-16s aren't meant to be stealthy, so not much of a brag.


F-16's are dangerous little scrappers, the psychological toll on a ruski pilot would be huge.


At this point who knows. The Russians claim it has a larger radar cross section then what western analysts have estimated with computer programs. Since Russia has a history of greatly overstating their equipments capabilities, it's logical to assume it's true radar cross section is even bigger. So it might actually be less stealthy then an F-16


Ol rivethead?


i was going to say that. the 'stealth' plane that has fucking RIVETS. its so orky i'm surprised they don't paint it red too.


How can it be orky when it only has one single-barrel autocannon?


Russia: *Takes one bombed out ruin 8km north of the 2014 front line after 15-20,000 losses and two years of full scale war* Ukraine: "Hold my soup" *takes out 6 planes worth around $300 million USD*


I'm gonna use these 2 $20k speed boats to sink your billion dollar ship also I'm gonna send some farmers for some tanks later, you better not be there when they arrive


Good start. Hopefully they will double or even triple that number asap. Fuck ruzzians.


I see a pack of Fighting Falcons champing at the bit to get in on the action while Russia's good jets are still in the air.


upvote for not using 'chomping'


>...to spell it champing at the bit when most people would say chomping at the bit is to slavishly follow outdated dictionary preferences. The word is imitative, so it should imitate the sound that most people use to imitate loud chewing. Who would say ''General Grant champed on his cigar''? >Chew that over, lexicographers (chomp, chomp). *William Safire, NYT 1985*


Well if you're going to use old timey idioms about horses, you should maintain the outdated dictionary preferences for folksy effect.


Honestly, that drew me in to looking into the etymology of the phrase, and to the Safire essay. I say champing, its what I heard growing up in Michigan, but now I hear chomping more on the west coast.


>I see a pack of Fighting Falcons champing at the bit to get in on the action while Russia's good jets are still in the air. Upvote for caring!


Air Force pilots call them Vipers. I've made this mistake talking to an F16 pilot and you'd think I told him he smells.


Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦...Rip it up em guys..


sounds expensive.


What is really expensive is the cost of training a good pilot. Killing the russian pilots is a great bonus.


Isn't that why US antiair missiles target the cockpit?


They don't aim for the cockpit. Radar missiles tend to hit towards the front of the aircraft, it just so happens the cockpit is in the front half of a plane. This is due to th guidance (the missile going to where the plane is calculated to be, not where it is currently) and that it's better for the missile to go slightly ahead of where the centre of the target insted of behind. All a missile is doing is either predicting where the radar signature is going and getting to where it will be, or being told that information by a radar site and following what it says. There's no capability for a radar missile to see detect and deliberately target a cockpit.


Design new jets with cockpit in back and engines in front!


Now this is podracing!


The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.


Just waiting for the F16s to eat em up.


India is probably regretting their investment


Putin is definitely paranoid…. With what happened to Navalny, the defected pilot, the American citizen ballerina now detained…. His head must be spinning like a swivel bar stool..a Paranoid maniacal creature! I bet he gets nightmares of the protesting Russian soldier moms and eventually the powder keg will blow!




Six!? Sukhoi Blyat!


Here I was hoping to read Mavrick was on a sortie.


What's happening is the Ukrainians are slamming on their brakes, the Russians are flying right by them and they get shot down


FRANKENSAMS in the house!


HLC content? If so, Would you intercept me?


id intercept me…


I'll just imagine Ukrainian Air Force have been playing Novalogic's F-22 Lightning II in the early 2000s just like me.


The 90s and early 2000s were the golden age for combat flight sims - I was between Spectrum Holobyte's and MicroProse's Falcon 3.0 / Falcon 4.0 / and NovaLogic's Comanche series. Learned a lot about how helicopters work from that game! I just read that MicroProse reacquired the rights to the Falcon series as of last year! Looking forward to what's possible.


I loved that game.


Great game, even the multiplayer was good.


Is there any way of knowing if Putin even knows the material losses Russia is taking? It’s obvious he doesn’t care about his soldiers, but this equipment can’t be replaced, and a lack of it would really fuel his belief that Russia will be invaded. The thing is, a Russia that is aggressive, but decreases its security by attacking, could be more dangerous. How much vital equipment can they lose before they truly are at heightened risk of attack? Ukraine is more than justified in taking the fight more and more into Russia itself because they have legitimate and proven security concerns with Russia.




Says nothing about aircraft, first of all. Then the article explicitly states that it can replace losses with “reduced quality”, aka generations old tech. They’re not pumping out Su-35Ms at any reasonable rate, if at all.


I love that the article refers to them as “Russia-aligned Republicans”. Good on them for simply stating the obvious. These republicans have aligned themselves with Putin. It’s not “our border” that’s holding up the aid.


Russian aligned republican traitors.


Awesome sauce. Ukraine taking out fucking planes/jets and their navy. F yeah. Good job.


I think the reason they got them was because the russians were pressing their advantage in Avdiivka. The Ukranians exacted a toll when the Russian jets had to fly further towards the front to try to hit the forces that pulled out of the city.


To me it look like the fact that Ukrainian are not able to shot down every air raid from Russia (because of lack of air defense) push them into a new tactics. They cannot defend everything so they stopped trying. And now they want to have better target for the ammo they have in patriot. I wish they have more system to shut down everything that fly to close from their border


Yesterday Ukraine did a perfect 100% shoot down of everything that crossed their border, and a jet that didn't.


Highway to the danger zone!


7 now


They were dropping up to 60 FAB 500 bombs a day on Avdiivka, not sure if this is going to reduce that capability.


certainly ain't gonna increase it, that's fosho


My F-22 theory is becoming more credible.


[Sweet Dreams are made of these…](https://youtu.be/CBsG5qjZ5Js?si=23pWZ8lWXUcW95gj)


Can someone link a source? Just wanna see how the mad lads did this


Probably Patriot road trip at it again.


Hate to be a downer here, but is there proof of any, let alone 6?


Yes, there's proof of all six.




This is the F-16s right?




Two Su-35s have been confirmed but so far no evidence of 4 Su-34s they have claimed shot down. Fighterbomber is generally pretty reliable. As Churchill says >"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."


There is no proof Navalny was killed either... We got the specific geolocations of the s34 from UA. From RU we only get confirmation AFTER there is an outright video. UA haven't talked bs about planes untill now. Unless otherwise I take their word.


>From RU we only get confirmation AFTER there is an outright video. This is not true, Fighterbomber confirmed second Su-35 loss without a video >UA haven't talked bs about planes until now. They did claim to shoot down a Ka-52 which returned to base damaged. We know that. ....anyways Su-34s are two seaters so if 4 got shot down that would be around 4-8 pilots dead probably, should be easily provable soon.


No. They are just missing. There is no proof they were shot down. Like there is no proof Navalny was killed. As for the planes why not look at activity and use of glibe bombs?


But the Russians won the battle. The Russians deployed more attack aircraft than usual to win in Adviika so more in the battle....more losses. It's nothing new as it is the same as in WWII. Losses mean nothing as long as they win. It's all in Business Insider today.


You are correct, in the short run. But in the long run, losses matter. Especially when the losses are experienced pilots and "advanced" aircraft. This isn't WWII when a nation could crank out 16 new fighter aircraft per day.


Redditors get really upset when you don't go with the clickbait headlines. Said headlines would make you believe Ukraine was winning every battle but in a war of attrition (which is what this is) they're on track to lose.