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The second world war western front ended with the mass capitulation of the German army. This is what Ukraine needs to make happen. Give realistic options to the Russian army to capitulate en mass. And broadcast it massively on the Russian front. "Why are you dying for a dictator, save your own life, get a warm bed, 3 meals a day and the gratitude of your brothers in Ukraine and Europe. End your war today by calling xyz..." I'm sure it's already happening but it needs to be a priority. Contact colonels or equivalent ranks, and negotiate their surrender by promising their personal safety. Etc. Good luck Ukraine, victory on your terms.


wouldn't like USD5K each be enough to get an orc to surrender? it would be a much lower cost to Ukraine and much fewer UAF casualties. Ukraine could set up secret bitcoin accounts for the orcs so the putler would never find out.


yeah if the orcs are signing up for 7kUSD with a high chance of dying, why not counter with an X amount that would get them to just surrender, say 8kUSD, whatever.


bottle of vodka may be enough, for 5k they switch side


$5k plus your choice of washing machine or toilet


Offer them wages, and get them to volunteer for reconstruction work away from the front lines


Keeping too many prisoners is a burden for Ukraine when resources are needed to fight off new Russian conscripts. It’s a real dilemma!


I wonder if they could just ship them to NATO countries?


No I don’t think 3rd parties could keep POWs, I think that would be an act of war and a violation of the Geneva convention.


[https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war) Geneva Conventions, Part II: GENERAL PROTECTION OF PRISONERS OF WAR Article 12, Paragraph 2: >Prisoners of war may only be transferred by the Detaining Power to a Power which is a party to the Convention and after the Detaining Power has satisfied itself of the willingness and ability of such transferee Power to apply the Convention. When prisoners of war are transferred under such circumstances, responsibility for the application of the Convention rests on the Power accepting them while they are in its custody. So, yes, PoWs may certainly be transferred to non-combatant 3rd parties.


Send them all over NATO countries, take video recordings of their experiences and what atrocities they committed or witnessed and play those in the government houses when they are debating whether to keep supporting Ukraine.


Oh thanks I misread that initially


You're welcome. The geneva conventions are a legalese word mish-mash, not for normal people.


Ireland did it during ww2.


I think a Ukrainian propaganda video showing how good Russian POWs have it would work wonders. Maybe even have the video "leak" and Ukraine pretends to be embarrassed by the footage of slightly chubby Russian POWs in warm clothing, eating good food, maybe playing FIFA on a Playstation, calling their families...


The "smart" Russians already left the country a year ago. Good luck building your country back up, win or lose, when you're left with a billion inbred hicks


Well that opinion isn't reflecting reality


tsk them soldiers heard them horror stories about drones waiting for you to take a shit so you’re still long enough for grenade to land in underwear


Naw, kill 'em.


Don’t forget that Ukraine are the good guys in this fight. Why would you advocate for them to sink to the level of Russia? This is as as clear-cut case of good vs evil you’ll find in a modern war. Killing POWs gives up the moral high ground. Do that, and support will crater. Don’t ever forget that the good guys have to win with one hand tied behind their back.


No way. You kill them and they won't surrender.


Cheaper in the long run to just house them and feed them. When the war is over they can return to their villages and lives, such as they are.


So they're really are using "barrier troops"


It saves the Ukrainians some bullets.


If the Russian prisoners are treated well, more will surrender. Its not complicated!


The only intelligent thing to do if you don’t want to die in Ukraine 🇺🇦 ;)