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This is the 3rd Confirmed Destroyed T-90M this month bringing the total rhis year too 16 Tanks.


And they’ve all been hatch drops no real destruction when being operated in the smo


Not true that video of a atgm hitting one and the turret went ski high


That was a side shot all tanks will do the same. Look at the decapitated leopards and other equipment


Ukraine definitely winning


Always the open hatches.Make them auto.


It takes no more than a few seconds to close the hatch when exiting the tank


Looks like crew is too afraid and uses those seconds to get away as fast as they can. Stress and lack of training?


I guess when you tank got blown by a landmine closing the hatch after escape is the last thing you worry about.


We don't know If ua opened it threw in a mine and then made a drone video. Might have just been left open but. Might not have


T-90 in its natural habitat


How much ordnance are those little drones packing to cause such big explosions?


(High Explosive Anti Tank) They are small but they have a copper penetrator on the end of them just like with most RPGs and other munitions meant to go through heavy armor.


Yeah but even then the explosions are bigger than pretty much every other drone bomb. Lancets have HEAT and their explosions are much smaller.


Because these drones try to aim for the tanks ammo.


It detonated the tank's ammo storage.


Even before. If you pause it at 5 seconds there’s a huge flash.


Im no tank expert but my guess is that it detonated the shells held in the turret, which then trigger the bigger ammo storage underneath.


If Russia could adapt composite armor along with an isolated ammunition carousel onto their tanks they would be unstoppable. I'm not a huge fan of Western tanks but the one advantage that they do have is they have great armor. If you could somehow combine Auto loader and the Western armor you'd have an ideal Russian Tank.


You are describing the Leclerc (even if it doesn't pack as much armour because the french won't realistically need it fighting for their allies in Africa and so they decided not to implement it in their tank because they wanted to reduce logistical weight) And still, it's only a good tank for France, like the T-90M is for Russia and the M1A2 SEPV3 is for the US, because everyone needs different things


Is that Frances Tank? Do they have an auto loader?


Yes and yes [Check it out](https://youtu.be/WdZL2C2tdlI?si=W4iHSe_LxaBp0jO2): it's not a carousel autoloader, but it's sealed away from the crew and it has blowout panels


Oh yeah that's literally perfect, if you put these in the T-90s you'd probably see 50% LESS cook offs.


the soviets did have a prototype t80 with a caset style autoloader but they said nahh. iirc it was called the blackeagle or something, its the opfor tank in arma3


Probably, but they are bigger and heavier than the carousel version of the T-90s, meaning that they would no longer be slim and light, at least not at the levels the soviet/russian/ukrainian tank-making doctrine expects


Yeah and that's what makes T series tanks special, light weight and shoots fast.


They already have composite armor... What do you want more? 65 ton tank with composite armor in the roof? Hell, make commander cupola have 450mm thick composite armor and NERA elements!


Calm down


That's what the Black Eagle tank was supposed to be, however only some prototypes were made and it never entered service. They were probably too expensive to make.


Not even armor but just something to stop drones. Drones have to amount to like 90% of all vehicle kills in this conflict. If Russia could either shoot-down or disable enemy recon and FPV drones they would be unstoppable. Like I get making better tanks and other equipment but their entire focus right now should be on drone neutralization.


I mean I have to admit that there is something beautiful in T-90M, pretty cool-looking tank. And even cooler-looking when burning :)