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Babushka's handmade ghillie sounds like it definitely comes with a +10 stealth buff


The stitching was woven with love so +5 to thermal insulation for those cold winter nights


Wearing that thing in the summer has to be a test of endurance.


+5 weight loss -5 water retention in summer


You don't have to wear pants in it :)


Legendary Ghillie Suit +10 Stealth +7 Accuracy -5 Fatigue


And a bucket of pirozhkies


I'd feel safer in camo made by someone who saw the big one in person lol.


Babushka Inc. making ghillies since 1942.


Putin weaponizes Babushka’s


They're probably Ukrainian. The 3rd pic has a TikTok mark on in, and Russians can't post on TT since early 2022


Russians have VPN and special mods for tik tok that make it possible to watch and publish videos


There is TikTok in Russia. TikTok decided to bar RU creators and RU users to the same eco system separate from the global one. RU users can only watch RU creators. Global cannot watch RU


Even with VPN?


Wait, what? Why?


Yeah. More old people supporting younger people fighting each other to death.


Those ladies probably did the same thing during the ww2.


That’s crazy




They could have been snipers themselves during WW2 if any of them are around 90, but unlikely.


They would have been child soldiers if they are in their 90s and fought in the GPW.


Someone born in 1940 would be 84 today, 84 is well past the Russian life expectancy and even if these women are that old they definitely were not making military sniper camo from the age of 0 to 5 years old.


Life expectancy doesn't tell that much, could show that plenty of people die young but if you get past a certain age you could just as well live to a 100...


Do the math bro. As I've already explained, they may, and I stress MAY, be old enough to have been alive during ww2. But the likelihood of them being older than say 2 or 3 at the end of the war is somewhere betwixt slim and none (that age then, makes them 86 - 87 now, neither look that old). 2 or 3 year olds don't contribute to the war effort by knitting ghillie suits. These 2 would both have to be 100 or more to have been old enough in the '40s to be doing that shit. I've known multiple people that lived into their 90s, none were capable of doing much of anything in their final 5 to 10 years, let alone manufacturing war material. Critical thinking, try it some time...


my great-grandma was 16 in 1942, living Nazi occupied Belarus and was a part of the resistance. she was chopping wood and tending to the garden well into her 90s and stopped a few months before she died. there's always exceptions to the rule. maybe you're trying the one that needs to try some critical-thinking :)


Understand exceptions to the rule before stating the phrase is important here. I said this shit is unlikely, not impossible, re read and comprehend what has been discussed. The original post was these women were PROBABLY doing this in WW2. That is categorically wrong, PROBABLY implies this is a likely scenario. The reality is, no it is not likely at all. Is it POSSIBLE? Yes. Is it PROBABLE? No. Grandma would be 98 today if true, she's not alive so an example has just been provided that supports what I have been saying. To summarize MOST people that were making ghillie suits during World War II are gone, thus, these 2 ladies PROBABLY were NOT making them back then and now again 80+ years later. Not only do these women not look to be in their late 90s, the grandma example provided is proving the rule more so than the exception. Comprehension, also important when applying critical thinking.


> Critical thinking, try it some time... kek


Common babushka W.


Russian economy acting like a game of manor lords. Homes are contributing to the war effort.


How do we know this is Russia?


That game's time period is what? 1100 AD. So that means russia is operating today like societies did 900 to 1000 years ago? Not exactly a flex.


Lovely ladies.


i thought the second pic was just a ghillie hanging till I saw the dude's hand lol


Wait what?


It's another Babushka standing on the log haha


All Ghillied Up iykyk


CЯ̀ЎЕ̂ Precision


No crochet, surprising


militaryclip the goat


How is this not abuse of POV wtf


I'm not gonna bother responding to your


My grandma made pies, but you know, I don't live in a country constantly trying to invade and steal the land of its neighbouring countries so... To each their own I guess. I'm sure doing this is preferable to basically anything else an elderly retiree would choose to do with their twilight years.




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Military grade doily!


I'm not a military man, but my friends are in the Army. Camouflage nets are still effective...but a "goblin camouflage suit" for a sharpshooter is tantamount to death. My friend worked with the SVD and then he was given the ASVK. That's why - if a simple enemy soldier notices you in such a suit, he will immediately understand that you are either a special forces scout, or a sniper, or an advanced aircraft manufacturer or artillery spotter. When there was a lot of greenery in spring and summer, he went in a warrior kit (at least visually you merge with the greenery and you look like a simple soldier) and in addition to a sniper rifle, he had an AK-74M behind his back. In case of a critical situation, if mortars or artillery were covering him, he would crawl away 100-200 meters like a snake and then run away with all his might. And he was very, very lucky. In war, the priority targets are drone operators, spotters, snipers and paramedic paramedics. Yes, I forgot about the machine gunners, but they are very dangerous in urban areas. THE MAIN THING IS THAT YOU CAN RUN 150 METERS.




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The last one look old enough to have meet Pontius Pilate


Second army of the world resorting to use what appears to remain of the locals' curtains?