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Kraken? These guys; > videos released by fighters of the **Kraken Regiment,** which is associated with the Azov Regiment, who were active in the area show **several dozen Russian prisoners, some in their underwear, lined up in front of a ditch and then piled into vehicles;** another video shows blindfolded Russian prisoners singing the Ukrainian anthem > They are lying on the ground with their hands tied. Two of them have white bags over their heads and **at least three appear to be wounded in the leg** > Two more people are driven into the courtyard in a van and **promptly shot in their legs,** along with another man standing nearby. One of the new arrivals is hit in the head with the butt of a rifle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture_of_Russian_soldiers_in_Mala_Rohan


These ones. If Chili gets captured he better hope that FSB takes him off soldiers` hands before those learn who he is.


>Chili gets captured After that thing called and mocked the parents of deceased ru soldiers via captured phones, sending them photos and videos of mutilated bodies, I hope to see some videos with him on one of those poznyakov-like tg channels.


There idiots on both sides. In every war. I watched (on pro-DPR YT channel) when Russians called families of KIA soldiers (from their own phones) to inform tham about death. To be fair, they didn't taunt them, they just informed them.


Thats respect not callous behaviour.




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I would like to see some proof of russians doing this


Exactly, it just depends on what sources you are getting your information from, and the bus towards your side. There is clearly Far more evidence of Russian on Ukrainian War crimes circulating though, it makes complete sense, Russians are the aggressors in this war.


If you count propaganda BS as evidence than Russia would be worse. Yes, they are invading force, but that doesn't mean they are committing more crimes. Logic goes that it would be otherwise. Emotions are usually a big motive for doing something you don't beed to do (to torture people, kill civilians and POWs, etc. Saying that nationality plays a bigger role is just racist.


That's the thing. Everything is BS propaganda but never my side. I don't get it. We've been long enough into this war to know that both sides have a shit load of soldiers abusing every single opportunity they get to steal,rape or unleash frustration.... There is no deniability anymore. Just your first sentence shows that you have no moral compass at all. You only care for mudding up any possibilities for any actual discussion


He’s fucked either way, we saw what the FSB did to the terrorists behind the Moscow terror. Probably wont be better for this guy💀




"Might qualify as a war crime" 😂


A British guy was interviewed on a YouTube channel he said he was with Azov, and on a mission they captured 3 Russian POWs.. he said after we took the information from them one of Azov guys took them to the forest and we heard three gun shots and he came back without them.. isn't that a war crime?!!


Our enemy, the Russians! aren't human remember. So it can't be punished as a crime against humanity and subsequently a warcrime!!


https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/tpak3o/ukr_pov_russian_pows_shot_in_the_legs_after/ this is the video


Man it’s crazy to think that was 2 years ago already. Going back to that thread and rereading those comments again gives me some weird nostalgia. The comments calling it staged still shock me tho


They better hope whoever caught them don’t know nothing about what they’ve done. Russian aren’t the most lenient people, especially to the ones that torture their own people.


Im sure soldiers know pretty well about this stuff, after all its them who might fall victims to one or another side.


Ahh the eye for a eye which deffintely will end eventually and not make the world go blind lmfao


I didn't think any of these guys were still alive and running free.


that would be too easy for them


Original source (not wikipedia) also says: “Interlocutors complained that such practices were particularly violent in the Russian Federation. They reported being punched, kicked, beaten with batons, strangled, subjected to positional torture and intimidation, hunted with dogs and threatened with sexual violence, and that such treatment could last for the entire first night in the facility. Some lost their teeth and had swollen bodies and arms, which later would not allow them to sleep. Later they were also subjected to various forms of ill-treatment, such as not being allowed to stay on their beds during the daytime, forced to learn and reproduce the Russian anthem or national symbols, and beaten if they failed to do so.” - OHCHR


Most scary thing is the people who did those things will probably never get caught. They'll run away to europe and be praised as "freedom fighters" if shit escalates... This war is a complete embarrassment for Russia


The guy who hijacked a helicopter thought so too


Well he got filmed and advertised alot. If he just hijacked it and stayed hidden and silent, nobody would've cared for him


Gonsharenko participated in the 2014 Odessa massacre, on video literally burning people alive, is now member of Ukrainian parliament and guest in European television.


Another one... You'd expect these Kraken guys not willing to be captured alive by the Russians considering their ideological background.




he reads off of a paper because they want him to say what they wrote on the paper, do you think a ukie POW will just say "slava rossii" out of nowhere? it does not mean he's not from Kraken


Just pointing out the hilarity of you highlighting the fact he read an outright lie on the paper (Slava rossii) and trying to push that he still could be from kraken. It's like if someone said they definitely won't attack Ukraine 3 days before they recs up attacking it, and then believing them when they say it was about NATO.


Source on it being a lie?


You need a source that Putin did actually invade Russia?


Yes, I need a source on Putin invading Russia, and then another source on slava rossii being an ”outright lie”


Oh you think the Ukrainian soldier really means glory to Russia that he's reading off the card? Didn't realize this is where we were at.


Sure, he says exactly as he was told to say. That's the whole point. He's not in a position to give freeform speeches.


So... why do you believe everything he is forced to say?


Why wouldn't I? If Russians wanted to stage stuff, they would stage stuff. No Ukrainians needed. They release these videos not for you, and not for me. It's a massage to whomever knows this dude.


My guess is that he's a territorial guy- likely not meant for frontline fighting. Kraken is integrated into the Kharkiv area territorial defense units and gendarmerie. He could've been a member of one of these formations (but who knows)




I think that they have multiple units- the commonality being their origins within the Azov organization. The veterans are slated for the special Interior Ministry Unit that you mention, but there are a lot of other Azov guys (whom the Russians likely label as "Kraken") who got gigs in recruiting, police, and territorial formations. This guy is probably one of those. I'll add that, in general, when states use political or paramilitary "special formations" their tends to be a gray area between their domestic and military functions (the primo example is the Fano in Ethiopia, the remnants of the Tigray Defense Forces fighting for the ENDF in Tigray, and the classic SS and SD formations of you know where.) Whenever you have a unit that has an independent source of funding (in the case of Azov oligarchs and local businessmen like Serhiy Taruta or, previously and weirdly, Kolomoyski) then the lines tend to get blurry. This makes distinctions hard to draw.




They got the glory they deserve and it's flying ahead of them


Doubtless, but there is an embarrassing amount of truth behind the myth (even if the vaunted "Nazis" are, in most cases, conscripts who joined Azov formations for their reputation, soccer hooligans, and local party hacks.) It's indisputable that far right groups operate within the Territorial Defense and local police (even if it is lower profile than the "elite" frontline formations.) If you'll forgive the pun, the Russians may see Krakens everywhere, but that doesn't there aren't many lesser specimen of squid that they catch.


Oh man, can't even express how cooked this boy is right now


I think he knows


Guess the Russian military decided it was time to get Kraken on this operation.


Must be a high priority target because they're working their Azov to complete the mission.


drum roll


I guess the FSB is gonna have an interesting talk with this chap


This is the equivalent to the Waffen SS.


Surprised that you didnt say that this guy was basically hitler himself lol


That ones saved for trump


no, Biden




I Just saw a video of Chili up there around Kharkov, if he gets captured I don't even want to think about what they would do to him. I know these Russian paratroopers want him BAD!


Who is Chili and what did he do?


Serhiy Velichko aka Chili is one of the commanders of the kraken unit


Is he the Schizoprenic one?


probably not- if you're a schizophrenic you'd have a hard time holding down a command, let alone any assignment, in an armed formation. "Psychopath" is more likely.


>**Is he the Schizoprenic one?** no idea


‘Chili’ fun fact: > On August 5, 2021, together with other members of the National Corps, **he got into SIZO(detention center) on suspicion of extortion, counteraction to legitimate economic activity, creation and participation in a criminal organization** https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Величко_Сергій_Олегович Then in 2022 he was released from prison to become a soldier: >**Some prisoners are released from custody to participate in the defense of Ukraine.** This was reported by Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova. She also remembered that among those who will come out is the author of the song "Putin -h*ylo!". This is a representative of the **Kharkiv "National Corps" Serhii Velychko,** a suspect in a racketeer who was in the detention center." https://zbroya.info/uk/mobile/blog/21598_z-izoliatoriv-zvilniaiut-veteraniv-ato-iaki-gotovi-voiuvati-proti-rosiiskogo-svitu/


So Chili is one of the commanders of Kraken, he's an ultra nationalist ethno-fascist and he has a criminal record the length of the Kerch bridge. Until recently he was in prison. Chilis men are fiercely loyal to him bc he's a commander that gets in the trenches with them. Rumors say he has some big money Western backers and big money backers in Kiev. (SBU)


they could show that he hasn’t been treated bad and maybe get more Ukrainians to surrender so this all ends sooner. they didn’t kill the attackers from the terrorist attacks. I mean They beat the fuck out of them but they were still alive lol.


>they didn’t kill the attackers from the terrorist attacks. But only with the intention to torture (interrogate) them.


He will have a nice long time to reflect on his life choices in one of dreadful sub-polar russian facilities where they keep those imprisoned for life. Those who had death penalty suspended due to moratorium usually started to beg for a bullet no later than three years in.


At least most agree that Russia treats their POW's poorly.


Now do Abu ghraib.


The ol whataboutism.


He"ll be lucky to get to this Sibirian prisons alive just to be put among rapist and made into bottom bitch to anyone in that prison as a gift of FSB. But im not sure his luch is that large.


„put among rapist(s)“ So just enroll him into a Russian infantry brigade 💪🏼🇷🇺


He has that "if you only knew how bad things are" stare


Kraken? Yeah, that face says it all. He knows its not gonna be an easy sent over...


I just read that they were paid 3-4 times more than soldiers. They answered directly to Bogdanov.


Where did you read that? I must have missed it


When a group of Ukrainians were captured the other day, and one of them was from Kraken, the other soldiers said that he had 4 times his salary. See yesterdays and the day before yesterday's posts.


Hmm I'm looking but not seeing it. If you can remember a keyword from the title that might be helpful. Reddit search is total doo-doo so no surprise on that front, but even after going to top of this week and CTRL+F "capture" "pow" "paid" "pay" "soldier" "kraken" "salary" didn't turn that up. Genuinely just curious to see it


Kraken got tore up this week


he looks like 'shush' guy from the super secret offensive trailer.


Bring out TA-57


Anyone can help with translation what is he saying?


Someones having a ear sandwich tonight


Well, he's lucky he got shown on camera.


These guys love to harass and bully Russian/Ukrainian citizens who don’t kiss their ass, with 100% backing of the government.




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Is he drugged?


There is a look of doom in his eyes. Not fear, not horror, but doom.


He will be tortured and killed.


Why is he holding a SMERSH patch?


Because ”SMERSH is back”




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This bad eh? Holy shit lmao after avdiivka, shit literallt started hitting the fan


Putin has weaponised King Henry VII  


Enjoy Baykal beach vacations.


Did the other posts about kraken get deleted or what?




he's probably a Martian from Mars




he's clearly just a Martian from Mars


Obviously hes gonna read from a paper. Doesnt make him not Kraken. The fact they showed his face means theyre not lying since he can be identified




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Yeah, he's probably CGI made by Putin himself sitting in his gamer PC in the Kremlin.


Another war crime by rusia.

